Uploaded by Baskaran Manogaran

Belia di Alaf Malaysia Baru

Belia di Alaf Malaysia Baharu
We are approximately 30 months from the formation of new Malaysia. We needed a change. We
voted for a change. We succeeded in making a change. What else we need? Do we have everything
that takes to propel Malaysia?
Youth should understand that they are a silent political/social party with no ties to anyone. They don’t
have a national/state/district administrative structure, leader, headquarters, or even a symbol. The
common identity is youth fight for progress, development and rights. They come together when there
are wrongdoings. They don’t mind having anyone as a leader if the common goal is achieved. These
are the unique and distinctive power of the young people. These traits are not reflected in Malaysian
Malaysian youth must become independent. No affiliation with any parties. Come together when there
is injustice/problem/crisis and diminish in air if everything is alright. Ensure the check and balance of
the government/opposition/NGO/GLC and more independently. Till you reach 30, be independent. Do
not affiliate yourself in parties. Stand together as one. When you are independent, your voice will be
loud and clear. No strings attached. If this is possible, youth will bring down shiver under the spine for
government and even opposition.
Trust me 1000% when I utter this! If and only if the youth of the nation decides, every problem in
Malaysia could be solved in a snap. Political part
Kita hendak perubahan. Kita mengundi untuk perubahan. Kita berjaya menjadi pemangkin
perubahan. Apa lagi yang kita perlu? Adakah kita mempunyai segala-galanya yang diperlukan untuk
memacu Malaysia? Baru-baru ini, kerajaan melakar sejarah dengan menurunkan umur mengundi
kepada 18 dan mengubah umur minimum untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya ke 18. Kerajaan telah
memberi mandat kepada golongan belia.
Belia di alaf Malaysia Baharu perlu sedar bahawa mereka adalah parti politik semula jadi yang tidak
ada perhubungan dengan mana-mana pihak. Belia adalah parti politik yang tidak memiliki struktur
pentadbiran, ibu pejabat di setiap negeri atau simbol. Mereka hanya memperjuangkan kemajuan dan
pembangunan negara