PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION BSc Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology Core Programme Information and Award Details Programme Name Programme Code Programme designation Physics Single honours Joint Major/minor X Final award Award BSc (Hons) Title Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology Nested awards Award Title N/A Exit awards Award N/A Title Ordinary degree Credit Value 360 ECTS equivalent 180 Any special criteria Credit Value N/A ECTS equivalent N/A Any special criteria Credit Value 300 ECTS equivalent 150 Any special criteria 120 N/A 60 N/A Natural & Mathematical Sciences (Physics) UG Diploma Natural & 240 Mathematical Sciences (Physics) UG Certificate Natural & 120 Mathematical Sciences (Physics) Level in the qualifications framework Awarding institution/body Teaching institution Lead Faculty Lead Department Campus Programme organiser and contact details UCAS code (if appropriate) Date of production of specification Date of programme review N/A N/A N/A 6 King’s College London King’s College London Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences Physics Strand Professor Samjid Mannan Email: 020 7848 1780 FF35 Updated in August 2018 2021/22 Collaborative provision, partnerships and placements Is the programme involved in any collaborative activity? Does the collaboration involve one of: Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 No Joint Award within UoL Joint Award outwith UoL Multiple 1 Institution responsible for administration Institution awarding the degree Type of Collaboration Dual King's College London Partner institution Both institutions King's College London Partner institution Both institutions Programme has access/feeder programme entry into it Programme has an articulation/progression agreement for entry in it Franchised programme Partnership programme Placements Recognition for Study or Award of credit through off-campus study or placement Staff and Student exchange Provision of learning support, resources or specialist facilities Validation provision Distance learning and online delivery involving work with deliver organisations or support providers List of Partner Institutions Collaborating institution type Off-campus study or placement type No collaborating organisation Large private company Small or Medium (SME) Enterprise Overseas Education Provider Other UK Education Provider – private Other UK Education Provider – public sector NHS Other public sector organisation Charity Other Multiple collaborators of different types Year Abroad Year in Employment Internship Placement Other Nature of study of off-campus study or placement (how time is spent, length of time out and the number of times during the programme) Is the collaborative activity compulsory? Number of credits obtained Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 2 Year(s) in which the study or placement takes place (Full Time) Rationale for any time out of College, other than that which is a requirement of a PSRB Modes of Attendance and Length of Study Attendance Full-time Mode of Attendance Minimum length of programme Maximum length of programme X 3 years 10 years Part-time N/A N/A N/A Distance Learning N/A N/A N/A Educational aims To educate graduates so that they have an understanding of most fundamental laws and principles of physics, along with their application. To prepare students for a professional career either within or outside physics. To ensure that students can manage their own learning with the aid of suitable resources. To develop students’ ability to conduct experiments, analyse the results using various quantitative methods and draw valid conclusions. To provide a supportive environment, encouraging students to be critically receptive to new ideas and to attain their full academic potential. To introduce students to the application of the laws of physics to astrophysical and cosmological problems. The College standard learning aims and outcomes apply to the Exit Awards for this programme. Educational objectives The student should acquire: A sound knowledge and understanding in physics and related disciplines. Experience in the applications of physical principles in various branches of physics. The ability to analyse and solve problems in physics using a wide range of quantitative methods and procedures. The ability to carry out experiments/investigations, critically analyse results, draw valid conclusions and communicate findings orally and in writing. A wide range of transferable skills, including problem-solving, investigative, IT and personal skills. Knowledge and understanding The programme provides a knowledge and These are achieved through the following understanding of the following: teaching/learning methods and strategies: 1. General and fundamental concepts, principles, theories and results of physics. Various teaching/learning methods and 2. The use of mathematical principles and strategies, including lectures, problem procedures in exploring and describing sheets, tutorials, projects and practical the physical world. laboratory sessions. 3. The applications of fundamental physical laws and principles within major areas of Assessment: physics 3 Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 4. Ethical issues in physics, and professional integrity. 5. Astrophysical and cosmological models and how to use the ideas, instrumentation and computational modules of physics to understand planetary, stellar, galactic and cosmic structures and processes. Students are mainly assessed by means of formal examinations, as well as reports, poster and oral presentations. Skills and other attributes These are achieved through the following teaching/learning methods and strategies: Analyse and solve a variety of problems in physics by means of appropriate Intellectual skills are developed through applications of physical principles and formal lectures, problem sheets, tutorials, mathematical techniques. practical sessions, directed self-learning, Formulate theoretical and practical problem classes and projects. problems in physics. Analyse and compare experiment and Assessment: investigation results, test the strength and validity of numerical results and Students are mainly assessed by means of hypotheses. formal examinations, as well as reports, Illustrate a sound understanding of the poster and oral presentations. role of mathematical modelling, uncertainty and approximation in physics. Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data. Understand the principles and ethics of the scientific method. Intellectual skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Practical skills: 1. Conduct experiments in physics safely, using basic laboratory apparatus and techniques effectively. 2. Produce clear and accurate scientific reports and make technical presentations. 3. Make appropriate and effective use of scientific literature, including research articles. 4. Use computational tools and packages effectively in calculations and analysis. Generic/transferable skills: 1. Demonstrate effective problem-solving skills in both theoretical and practical contexts. Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 These are achieved through the following teaching/learning methods and strategies: Laboratory courses and projects, in which there is informal and formal help and feedback on reports and presentations. Assessment: Assessment of practical and scientific reporting skills is through marking of lab books, experimental write-ups, project reports and oral examinations. These are achieved through the following teaching/learning methods and strategies: 4 2. Work independently and effectively, managing self-learning/teaching and show self-reliance and personal responsibility. 3. Participate effectively and constructively as part of a team. 4. Demonstrate clear and effective oral and written communication skills. 5. Manage time, prioritise workloads and work to deadlines. 6. Evaluate and assess their own abilities, performance and understanding. Transferable skills are developed through various activities. Although they are not all explicitly taught, these skills are learnt throughout the programmes in a structured manner. The first skill is developed primarily through lectures, problem sheets, tutorials, laboratory and project units. Other skills are encouraged throughout the programmes, and are nurtured particularly within the context of small group tutorials and project work. QAA Benchmarking Relevant QAA subject benchmark/ professional and statutory body guidelines How the programme has been informed by the relevant subject benchmark statements(s) and/or professional and statutory body guidelines Programme accredited by PSRB? Date of PSRB accreditation Frequency of validation Date of next accreditation validation QAA benchmarks for Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Institute of Physics Institute of Physics 76 Portland Place London W1B 1NT 2017 5 years 2022 Department contribution to teaching Department Nature of the contribution of each Department Rationale for particular subject combination in the case of Joint Honour Programmes Department Physics Contribution (%) 100% N/A Programme Structure and Curriculum Credits taken in each year of the programme Year Full-time Part-time Year 1 120 N/A Year 2 120 Year 3 120 Pattern of Study numbers of compulsory and optional modules to be taken in each year of the programme Year 1: 30-credits core and 90-credits compulsory modules. Year 2: 105-credits compulsory and 15-credits optional modules. Year 3: 15-credit core, 90-credits compulsory and 15-credits optional modules. Exceptionally students may be permitted to take level 7 modules. Within the required 120 credits per year normally no more than 30 credits in optional modules may be taken outside the programme during the third year, including no more than 15 credits outside of the Department, and must be with prior approval of the Department. Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 5 Transfers between programmes Students who transfer between the programmes: BSc Physics, MSci Physics, BSc Physics with a Year Abroad, BSc Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology, MSci Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology can normally change programme without penalty, since the same modules are available. There may be some differences on the Cr/Cp/O designations for some modules, with which the students will normally be expected to conform. Students who transfer onto this programme from other Physics major/minor or Physics Joint honours degree programmes are normally permitted to have omitted: 4CCP1100: Physics Skills and Techniques (if transferring after the first year) 5CCP2100 Experimental Physics (if transferring after the second year) Modules taken in their minor or joint subject can substitute for optional modules (and 4CCP1100, and 5CCP2100) in all years for these transfer students. If a Master’s programme, are level 6 credits permitted within the N/A programme? Maximum credits for a condoned fail? 45 A maximum of 30 credits can be condoned at the top level. Condoned fails are permitted, at the discretion of the Assessment Board, for marks in the range of 33-39% for level 4 and compulsory level 5 and 6 modules, 1-39% for optional level 5 and 6 modules and 1-49% for level 7. For modules from departments without dispensation to condone down to 1%, the Assessment Board can decide to condone a failed module for marks in the range of 33-39% for levels 4, 5 and 6, and 40-49% for level 7. Students permitted to take additional credits? Yes Further optional modules with a credit value up to the maximum permitted by the CF regulations may be taken during the degree programme, subject to the approval of the Programme Board. Students permitted to take a substitute module? No Exceptions to the regulations regarding credits, progression or award No requirements? Progression To progress from Year 1 to Year 2 a student must have no mark lower than 33% in level 4 Physics modules and have obtained at least 120 credits. In exceptional cases these requirements may be suspended for students with mitigating circumstances at the discretion of the Department. Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 6 Module List Title Credit level Year One 4CCP1100 Physics Skills and Techniques 4CCP1300 Mathematics and Computation for Physics 4CCP1200 Classical Physics 4CCP1905 Introduction to Modern Physics 4CCP1987 Introduction to Astrophysics Year Two 5CCP2100 Experimental Physics 5CCP3000 Mathematical Methods for Physics 5CCP4000 Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter 5CCP2242 Quantum Mechanics I 5CCP2380 Electromagnetism 5CCP5000 Relativity and Sub-atomic Physics 5CCP9400 Stellar Structure and Evolution Students to select one of the following modules: 5CCP9200 Mathematical Methods for Theoretical Physics Galactic Dynamics and Interstellar Medium 5CCP9500 Year Three 3rd year Project in Physics (Astrophysics/Cosmology related) 6CCP3131 6CCP3212 Statistical Mechanics 6CCP3380 Optics 6CCP2000 Condensed Matter I 6CCP3221 Quantum Mechanics II 6CCP3241 Particle Physics 6CCP9400 Relativistic High Energy Astrophysics Students to select 15 credits from the following modules: Advanced Mathematical Methods for 6CCP9100 Theoretical Physics Credit value Status Pre-requisite / Co-requisite Assessment 4 4 4 4 4 30 30 30 15 15 Cr Cp Cp Cp Cp Coursework and oral Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Coursework and presentations Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework Exam and coursework 5 15 O Exam and coursework 5 15 O Exam and coursework 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Cr Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Report, presentation, poster Exam Exam Exam Exam Exam Exam 6 15 O Exam 7 Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 General Relativity and Cosmology 6CCP3630 Language module (beginners or more advanced) – subject to approval by the Department. Other modules approved by the Department Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 6 15 O 4, 5, 6 4, 5, 6 15 15 O O Exam Various Various 8 Examination Boards and Marking Marking Criteria Used Board of Examiners The marking scheme for this programme follows the College generic criteria and additionally those in the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences The Physics Sub-Board of Examiners reports to the Undergraduate Board for Natural and Mathematical Sciences Inclusivity Statement Features to reduce barriers experienced by disabled students and ensure that the programme is accessible to all: Admissions: All those in receipt of an offer receive a booklet on the support services offered. Those who have indicated they have a disability in their application receive a letter from the School Disability Adviser with contact details and offering the opportunity to discuss their requirements. Publicity and Course Booklets: These clearly communicate key skills that will be required, content of modules, teaching methods to be used and module status (core/compulsory/optional). Teaching Methods: A wide range of teaching methods are utilised. Assessment: Advice has been taken from the Equality and Diversity Department to ensure assessment methods do not discriminate against those with disabilities. The College’ Special Examination Assessment Committee (SEAC) considers requests for adjustments to assessment to take account of learning and/or physical disabilities. Module outlines specify the assessment methods and explain that SEAC will need to be notified about requests for alternative assessment. The form of alternative assessments is specified for each module in advance. Feedback: Feedback is regularly collected about students’ learning experience. This is used towards development and improvement of the programme. In particular, it has prompted closer working with ISS to ensure that subject resources are offered in a range of alternative formats wherever possible. Last update: August 2018 PAF checked for 2019/20: 28 Aug 2019 9