Uploaded by Amy Smith

ms smith i am poem

I am a caring, dependable lady, who always puts other people first
I wonder about my sons future
I hear the cries of our fallen ancestors
I see the clouds waving by
I want to make a difference
I am a caring, dependable lady, who always puts other people first
I pretend that I am singer
I feel the weight of friends and families struggles on my shoulder
I touch the sky when I am deep in my thoughts
I worry about everything around me
I cry when I see my son in pain
I am a caring, dependable lady, who always puts other people first
I understand that I will never be perfect, no matter how much I try
I say that our lives have already been planned out, we just need to be there for the ride
I dream of traveling far and wide
I try to make sure all my friends are emotionally, and mentally strong enough to push through their day
I hope I am my sons motivator
I am a caring, dependable lady, who always puts other people first
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