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Why did the Industrial Revolution take off in Britain?

Why did the Industrial Revolution take off in Britain?
Cut out each card. Divide them into the following groups: Technological factors, Policital factors, Geographical
factors, Economic factors
A) New agricultural methods meant fewer people
were needed in the countryside to farm.
I) The population of Britain grew thanks to an
increase in food production and that meant more
customers for manufactured goods.
B) James Watt invented the steam engine which
was used to fuel factories, trains, and steamships.
J) Coal, steel and iron were used to make railroad
tracks, machines, bridges and steamships.
C) Britain sold their manufactured products to their
K) Coal was used as fuel for steam engines.
D) There were many entrepreneurs in Britain. There
was no stigma for rich people to work or run
L) The government funded the building of canals
factories like there was in other countries like
all over Britain.
E) John Kay invented the flying shuttle which
allowed for faster weaving.
M) Since more food was produced it was cheaper.
This meant people had more money left to spend.
F) Britain’s American colonies produced cheap
cotton using slaver labour.
N) Britain had strong laws to protect private
G) London is connected to the sea by the Thames
O) The British Central Bank was interested in
making money so it granted many loans.
H) Fresh food could be transported to cities with
the railroads
P) Britain had a strong navy and merchant marine.