Uploaded by Sarah Thorne

Halloween Potential Energy Questions

1. Frankenstein is sitting on a ledge 36 m above a lake. If Frankenstein has 288 kg of mass, how
much gravitational potential energy does he have?
2. A black cat walks along a fence. The cat is 4.5 kg and is 240 cm above the ground. How much
gravitational potential energy does the cat have?
3. A trick or treater is carrying a 3 lbs candy bag at a height of 0.45 m above the ground. How
much gravitational potential energy does the candy bag have? (1 kg = 2.205 lbs)
4. A witch is flying on her broomstick. If she has 5.89 x 104 g of mass and 694,159.524 J of Eg, what
is her height from the ground? Would her cat riding behind her have MORE potential energy or
LESS potential energy?
5. How far would you have to lift a 1.2 kg pumpkin to give it 40 J of potential energy?
6. A 300 g Martian is frightened and jumps straight up into the air (on Mars). If the Martian has 12
J of 3.8 m/s2. How high does the Martian jump?
7. While a skeleton is sitting on a swing set, it reaches 2.8 m at its highest point. If it has 604 J of
gravitational potential energy at its highest point relative to the ground, what is its mass?