Assigned by: Sir Allah Wasaya Prepared by: Asif Ali Roll No. Sp16-BBA-003 Service quality delivery through Websites Valarie A Zeithaml; A Parasuraman; Arvind Malhotra Academy of Marketing Science. Journal; Fall 2002; 30, 4; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 362 Critical Review of the Introduction Does the introduction provide enough background information for readers not in the immediate field to understand the problem? Introduction of the observe offers a good, generalized historic past of the topic that rapid gives the reader records of what's intended. However, to make the creation greater wonderful, the author might also additionally want to provide numerous references to verify the declare made within the sentence (unsubstantiated statement, To deliver superior service quality, managers of companies with Web presences must first understand how customers perceive and evaluate online customer service. Information on this topic is beginning to emerge from both academic and practitioner sources, but this information has not yet been examined as a whole.). Are the reasons for performing the study clearly defined? I guess the motivation for this exam is pretty clean. I clearly understand that the author supports the interest of readers in the use of fear. However, to make the introduction more interesting and understandable, the author may also want to provide some information about customers on the site. In addition, the author can also provide some facts about the advantages and disadvantages of the website. Are the study objectives clearly defined? The objective is clearly defined. In article author tell about design gap and communication gap and also fulfillment gap. Meeting and exceeding clients' expectations. Skilled manpower. Punctual delivery. Sustainable growth and profit margins through website