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Chemistry & Scientific Method Worksheet

Assignment #2 – Chemistry and the Scientific Method
In this assignment you will be going to the Course Documents section of this website and opening up
the Units folder. In the Units folder you will find a link to Chemistry and Measurement. Click on
this link and you will find notes on what chemistry is. You will need to click on the content button and
the links for Chemistry and the Scientific Method will appear. Open up the documents on chemistry
and the scientific method and read through the notes (including going to the link at the end of the
scientific method page. Answer the questions below while you read through the notes. When you are
finished, turn in your worksheet to Mr. Meighan and then get the worksheet on the scientific method.
Use the remaining part of the hour to work on the worksheet. The worksheet will be due by the
beginning of the hour on Monday.
1. Who were the first chemists and what were they trying to find?
2. What are the 5 main branches of chemistry?
3. Which branch of chemistry would study the chemistry of humans?
4. Why is Antoine Lavoisier called the founder of modern chemistry?
5. What is the difference between pure and applied chemistry?
6. Would a chemist trying to develop a new cavity fighting toothpaste be doing pure
or applied chemistry?
7. What are the main steps to the scientific method?
8. How is a scientific law different than a theory?
9. How is the scientific method used differently in the physical sciences compared to descriptive
10. How is the scientific method used when doing an experimental science project?
11. What steps would you take next if your experiment proved your hypothesis to be wrong?
12. What is the difference between random and systematic errors?
13. If the results from your experiment are consistent, but not what they should be, would you suspect
that there are random or systematic errors occurring? Explain