Weekly Group Meeting November 14, 2019 Mostofa Kamal Ph.D. Candidate Supervisor: Dr. Yanping Li WRF Model Configurations • • • • dx = dy = 2km, Simulation length = 3 hour Number of Grid box along East-West direction: 162 x 162 Number of Vertical Layers : 36 Glenn Shutts 2017 Research Objective • Simulate 3D supercell thunderstorm using WRF-CTL and WRF-PGW sounding to investigate how MCS will evolve under warming climate conditions Simulated Reflectivity at 0.75 km height after 10 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 1.5 km height after 10 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 0.75 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 1.5 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 4 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 9 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Simulated Rain water mixing ratio at 1.5 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-PGW Simulated Rain water mixing ratio at 1.5 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-PGW Simulated Rain water mixing ratio at 1.5 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-CTL WRF-PGW Simulated Rain water mixing ratio at 1.5 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-PGW Simulated Reflectivity at 4 km height after 40 minutes WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-CTL WRF-PGW WRF-PGW Surface Temp. Maps Sounding Profile: Tropics vs Pole Source: Patrick T. Brown, Asst. Professor, Department of Meteorology & Climate Science SAN JOSÉ STATE UNIVERSITY