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Ginger Tea (Salabat) for Digestion & Sore Throat Relief in Older Men

Ginger (Zingeber offinale) is a tropical plant with long green leaves and back a thick
underground stem or rhizome. It has a potent spicy fragrance and 8flavor and is widely used to
add a piquant touch to curries, soups and beverages. It contains an oleosesin, which is rich in 115
bioactive components, such as [6]-gingerol, [4]-gingerol [8]-gingerol, [10]-gingerol, [6]-paradol,
several shogoal (in the dehydrated form) the ginger di /rones, hexahy drocucumin, tatrahy
These culinary applications ginger was exported as a medicinal herb from India to the
roman empire, more than 2000 years ago, It has been associated with a host of healthy effects on
the body, such as the treatment of stomach ache, diarrhea, nausea of gastric upset, pregnancy,
motion sickness or chemo therapy and inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatal arthritis and
osteoasthritis. It is used as dietary supplement in fresh or dried root form, pills, capsules, or
liquid extracts. Some of the most common uses of ginger include the treatment of digestion,
controlling nausea, and relief of flutike symptoms in common cold.
Matthew Lee (August 14, 2017) Ginger ale or eaten with food, ginger has been used to
treat nausea, indigestion and diarrhea for thousands of years. In addition to its traditional use as a
dugestive aid, ginger is a good source of some vitamins and minerals that are essential to men’s
health. Potentially helping to prevent colorectal cancer, heart disease and diabetes, ginger can
play a vital role in ensuring that mrn live long, healthy lives.
Ginger is used as an ingredient in cooking. It is also used for the treatment of diseases
such as loss of voice, it is a good remedy for the loss of voice, you can boiled a ginger and drink
it or chew the pilled ginger. Head ache, you can crushed a ginger and put it to the forehead of a
suffering person. Sore-throat or throat pain, you can drink a ginger tea or salabat to reduce or
lessen the pain on your throat. Difficulty in digestion, you can drink a ginger tea to relieve pain
and indigestion and to avoid diarrhea.
The purpose of this study is to explore and widen our knowledge about the use of ginger
and the healthy benefits of ginger to our body. Because of its use, we can save money by not
buying medicine at the pharmacy or at drugstores for our illnesses on our bodies. Herbs like
ginger are better for our illnesses than buying or purchase medicines in drugstores that contain
lot of chemicals.
We want to study this because many people now days get sore throats and indigestions in
the body. We would like to inform that ginger can also be used to heal illnesses like sore throat
and indigestion. We want to know how ginger herbs are more effective than buying medicines in
The objective of this study is to know the effectiveness of ginger tea or salabat among
1. To know the benefits of ginger.
2. To know the efficacy of ginger tea among men
3. To know the reaction of ginger tea in their body after taking it.
This study is intended to know the effectiveness of ginger tea or salabat among men of
Angang, Tuao, Cagayan. It also aims to help the other people to inform about the benefits of the
use of ginger in treating illnesses of the body.
1. What are the effects of drinking ginger tea or salabat in their body?
2. What are the benefits of drinking ginger tea?
3. Does it help them to heal their sore throat and health digestion?
The major framework of this study will focus on the effectiveness of ginger tea or salabat
on health digestion and sore-throat among men
Gathering data
Analyze data
salabat among men
An analysis of the
Angang, Tauo, Cagayan.
This study will be valuable and significant to men and readers and future researchers.
MEN-This will serve as their aid on treating their illnesses on their body.
READERS- This study will help the readers to have the understanding about the
effectiveness of ginger tea or salabat.
FUTURE RESEARCHERS- This may serve as a basis for those future
researchers that will conduct a study.
This study was mainly concerned and limited only with the effectiveness of drinking
ginger tea or salabat among men in Angang, Tuao, Cagayan.
This study will be conducted in Angang, Tuao, Cagayan.
There is no significant relationship of ginger tea or salabat among old men of barangay
Angang, Tuao, Cagayan.
For clearer understanding of the work, the following terms were defined:
POSITIVE- it is affordable, it can also easily find at our home gardens. It can cure many
illnesses of our body.
NEGATIVE- we don’t know the effects of it to our body. Too much usage of ginger can cause
some blood thinning. This blood thinning can be dangerous in patients who are already taking
According to Bindu Boldsky, ginger is the one of the oldest spices that is known for its
strong and spicy aroma and thus has secured is own place in the Indian Cuisine. Ginger is used
to treat innumerable ailments because of its powerful therapeutic and proxentive effects.
Ginger helps prevent constipation and improves overall digestion. It also alleviates
stomach and abdominal pain that’s caused by inflammation. Beyond its culinary uses, ginger has
also been popular for decade throughout the world thanks to its numerous medicinal properties
that help improve overall health in a variety of ways.
According to Brian Vinh Tien Trinh (The Huffington Post Canada) the holidays area time
when gingerbread men and houses reign supreme, but there are plenty of reasons to incorporate
ginger into a diet in all year round. When cold weather means more people stay indoors. Sharing
cozy couch with friends and family is great, but it’s also a good opportunity o spread viruses and
germs. Ginger can help sweat out that cold. In additional to detoxification, ginger-induced sweats
produce dermicidin. This germ fighting agen can offer protection against invading bacteria and
A 2013 study from American pain society found two grams of ginger take daily for 11 days
significantly reduced pin for people suffering exercise-induced muscle soreness. Add a slices of
ginger for good measure on a battle of water. For anyone who deals with indigestion, ginger can
help speed up the process it takes to empty your stomach. Ginger also does double duty if you
get bloated by functioning as a carminative. Carminatives help eliminate excess gas from the
intestinat tract, according to Examine.com.
According to Avinav Verma, ginger is a healthy herb, which provides many benefits for our
health, such as weight loss or anti-immune function. It accelerates the ability to break food in
stomach and relaxes the intestines, thereby improxing the efficiency of our digestive system. It is
also helpful to cure many health problems like cough ,cold an others. The ginger also helps in
weight loss, avoiding Alzheimer’s and improving the immune system of the human body. Ginger
improves digestion power by strengthening small and big intestines. Moreover, the ginger
escalates the process of breaking down of food. The regular consumption of ginger keeps many
stomach problems.
According to Alyssa Jung from the book foods that harm foods that heal, ginger is reveal for
its culinary and medicinal qualities, but the pungent spic can also pose some unexpected risks for
people with certain medicinal conditions. Ginger can reduce flatulence, sip or ginger tea or chew
some peeled raw ginger. Add slice or two to bean dishes, which may reduce your flatulence.
Studies suggest that taking ginger at the first sign of a migraine can help tamp down the pain as
the herb may help block inflammatory hormones.
According to Taylor Norris (Medical reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, LD) Ginger plant is
rich in natural chemicals that can promote health and wellness.
Ginger water, also known as ginger tea is one way to enjoy the benefits of ginger. Ginger is a
natural root, so drinking it will also give added nutrients, Fresh ginger is the best source of
making your own ginger water; A lot of products contain ginger or artificial ginger flavor, but
you’ll get the most benefits from ginger water make by yourself. Plus, it’s easy to prepare
Consuming ginger can support your health and may also help treat many health problems.
Drinking ginger water is also great way to stay hydrated, which is important for overall health.
According to Readers Digest Editors (from the book doctor’s favorite natural remedies)
This tasty spice has been used as both a condiment and a medicine for centuries. At was a staple
at Roman banquets to counter symptoms of overindulgence and was much favored in ancient
China and in India’s Ayurvedic Medicine as a remedy for indigestion and diarrhea. Ginger has
the important benefit of not causing undesirable side effects such as a dry mouth or sleepiness.
Ginger has been shown to alleviate symptoms of indigestion, including flatulence, bloating and
griping pain.
Ginger is often given as a tonic to fight colds and chills and improves circulation with
Taiwanese research confirming its benefits for circulatory health, as it does have mild blood
thinning properties. Ginger has also antimicrobial, carminative and diaphoretic (increases
sweating) properties and many help to boost the immune system. These qualities make it of some
benefit in treating coughs, cold, laryngitis, or a sore throat where it is often combined with honey
and lemon.
According to San Francisco Gate, many people associate ginger with holiday dishes
pumpkin pie spice, Asian cooking and potpourri, but this simple root is surprisingly beneficial to
the body in various ways. Aside from its helpfulness in the realm of health it also provides a
pleasing, spicy taste as it adds a sense of warmth to the body. Ginger ale is a go to drink for
many peoples digestive upsets but ginger tea is a healthier option that can be just as effective. It’s
a simple get soothing home remedy for nausea and other digestive symptoms, such as when your
digestive system just feels unsettled. Taking very small sips frequently can be more palatable to
someone with nausea than trying to drink a large mug of ginger tee too quickly. Even if you
don’t have digestive symptoms, drinking ginger tea along with or after a meal can help you
digest more efficiently.
According to Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti, This home remedy for dry cough works like a
charm. Ginger works wonders in dealing with indigestions and other stomach woes. Ginger with
salt can help you get rid of a cough at home. Ginger works by inhibiting the contraction of
respiratory airway. It helps in stimulating the secretion of mucus hereby helping you to deal with
a dry cough. It also contains antioxidants which help in clearing toxins from the throat and
respiratory tract, hereby relieving cough.
Chewing ginger with salt is the best way to deal with a cough. Peel a small piece of fresh
ginger and sprinkle some salt on it. Chew and swallow its juice. Another way to reap the
respiratory benefits of ginger is to drink a glass of ginger solution. Have a glass of boiling water,
add few ginger pieces and a pinch of salt and allow the water to half its initial volume.
According to Dominic Brooks (October 03, 2017), ginger is an herb that been used for
cooking and flavoring for thousands of years, however, ginger has also been used in
complementary medicine as a gastrointestinal aid. According to the University of Maryland
Medical Center website, one beverage that is made with ginger, ginger ale is a ginger flavored
carbonated soda and is one way for patients to get the benefits of ginger in a drink form. Ginger
have been helpful in managing nausea and in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Dave dalicon
Joyce narag
Jaybee trinidad