Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: Project SPARK (SPREADING PASSION AND ACTIVATING READING KNOWLEGE): An Innovative Work Plan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan SY 2017-2018 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: Proponent: School: Tuao Vocational and Technical School District: Tuao East District Title: Project SPARK (SPREADING PASSION AND ACTIVATING READING KNOWLEGE): I. RATIONALE Introduction Reading is essentially the most important subject in the school curriculum. Its importance is concretely seen in the result or achievement of a student in his individual subjects. For there are no other subject in the school’s program could be learned by students, if they weren’t taught to read effectively and efficiently, especially the comprehension part of it. Thus, the success or failure of the students depends very well on their mastery in reading. Since, reading is considered as the most important skill a student has to master so that his desired ambition and plans will be realized; thus, it is highly recommended that teachers (Language and non – language teachers)as well must also be developed as book lovers. It is because, this would definitely armed the teacher with the love, wisdom and understanding to be extended to the slow and non – readers, touching them to help the student read very well like they do. This was clearly affirmed by Strang and others when they said, “Reading is the most important subject to be learned by children: children will learn little in today’s world if they do not first learn to read properly. Surveys show that non – or poor readers become the delinquent, the unemployed, or the misfit in a society.” Further asserted by our very own Freddie Aguilar in his song Isang Kahig, Isang Tuka “I had only finished grade one and I am illiterate – can not read and cannot write, how I could go on with my life”. This has a stronger impact in our national language: “grade one lang ang inabot ko, no read, no write pa ako, paano na ngayon ang buhay ko”. Consequently, the inability to read is the fundamental cause of failure among students and the success in reading therefore, is the success in school and in future life. Ruth Strang in Problems in the Improvement of Reading says that the best possible way to attack these reading difficulties is by a remedial or developmental reading program. Of such programs, she says: “This reading program helps to build new interest as well as to use old ones. Reading opens doors, takes the Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: reader into new places, and brings him into contact with both real and imaginary characters that may or may not wish to adopt their interest or ideas. Strang goes on further to say that the primary goal of all remedial/developmental reading is to enable us to develop our hidden skills in effective reading. This greatly touched the proponent to propose the implementation of the Project SPARK (Spreading Passion and Activating Reading Knowledge) as a reading remediation program of Tuao Vocational and Technical School to its seven (7) identified slow and non-readers to give them corrective measures and be able to develop passion in reading and to activate their reading knowledge through enhancement activities that meet their reading level enjoyably and pleasurably learning. II. Objectives: GENERAL: To develop slow and non-readers’ passion in reading and activate their reading knowledge through enhancement activities. SPECIFIC: The year round remediation program seeks to: 1. Encourage non-readers to develop passion in reading; 2. Activate the knowledge, skills and values in reading; 3. Develop reading competencies through enhancement activities; 4. Transform non- readers to independent readers; 5. Strengthen reading experience of non-readers through a culmination of the program; III. Project Description Project Name: Project SPARK (SPREADING PASSION AND ACTIVATING READING KNOWLEGE Project Proponent: Project Duration: July 2018-March 2019 Project Beneficiaries: Learners and teachers Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: IV. Work Plan and Timeline The Proponent under the supervision of the School Head together with the support of the SDO, Teachers, shall pursue the activities of the culmination program for the School Year 2018-2019. Activities July Pre-Planning Preparation of the Work Plan Presentation of Project Proposal to PSDS Submission/Approval of the work plan Communicate the content of the approved proposal to the School Head, Teachers and concerned individuals for information & commitment of support for its implementation Launching of the Project SPARK Start of the Implementation of the Project SPARK Monitoring and Evaluation of the project Writing of Completion Report V. TIMETABLE/GANNT CHART Aug. Sept Oct Nov. Dec Jan Feb March Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: Strategies Programs Presentation of Identification of Project Proposal Tasks Resources Conduct Identified the general School head activities, and consultation and and specific assignment of planning meeting objectives of the responsibilities of with the school Project. reading teachers. head, proponent Prepare Activities and the reading Language 1 day Teachers All Language teachers Timeline 1 day Teachers Project Proposal for Approval Communicate the content of the approved proposal Identified vacant Distributed topics for All Teachers 3 days All language 8 months teachers during the teachers to craft non-reader’s worksheets English time. to the School Head, Language Teachers and concerned individuals for information & commitment of support for its implementation Monitor the Monitoring the daily different activities activities and for the non- teachers Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: Implementation 1.Developing readers every of the Project sufficient sight session and check Attendance SPARK vocabulary their daily a.blackboard Checking of attendance exercises b. Word games c. Word Bingo d. Climb the Ladder e. Dominoes with Words f. Old Maid g. Spin the Wheel h. Diorama 2. Workbook or Teacher – Made Exercises such as: a. finding the root words b. finding similar blends c. seeing similar word parts d. syllabication e. analyzing affixed words Implementing the Monitor Project SPARK accomplishments using the criteria and monitoring tool Non-Readers Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: 3. Exercises on (with the use of word wheels, word flips) a. initial consonant sounds b. initial blend consonants c. digraph sounds d. vowel sounds e. hard and soft sounds f. variant endings g. common word elements B. Treating Orientation Difficulties 1. Using a marker or the finger as a crutch 2. Typing 3. Choral Reading 4. Training in the use of Initial Consonants and Consonant Substitute 5. Alphabetizing and Dictionary Exercises Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: C. Developing Word Meanings 1. Use of context clues 2. Wide reading 3. Synonyms or Word Substitute 4. Classification 5. Pointing out differences/similaritie s 6. Associations 7. Systematic Study of Words 8. Use of Dictionary D. Sentence Comprehension 1. Flash phrases for word recognition 2. Sentence Structure 3. Pronouns and their referents 4. Punctuations 5. Figures of Speech, symbolic expressions Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: Improving Reading in the Content Areas Provided exercises that gave adequate practice on: 1. Application of proper comprehension abilities 2. Special vocabulary 3. Common words with special meanings in a content field 4. Concepts, symbols and abbreviations 5. use of pictures, graphs, maps and tables 6. differences in organization Submission of an Preparation of Prepare and Submission of Accomplishment Documents submit WRITE accomplishment Report UP. report Documentation Bond papers Ink Proponent 5 weeks Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: VI. Budget Estimates Expected number of Participants 7 (seven) students 7 Teachers Number of Days 240 days Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1. Bondpaper 5 reams 200 1000 2. Cartolina (Assorted) 50 pcs 6 300 3. Laminating film 3 reams 500 1, 500 4. INK 6 bottles 750 4,500 5. Illustration Board 30 18 540 6. Glue 1 pc 50 50 7. Tape 1 roll 100 100 8. Staple wire (gun tucker) 1 box 100 100 Materials Total Expenses: Charged to MOOE 8, 090.00 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Schools Division Office of Cagayan Tuao Vocational and Technical School Naruangan, Tuao, Cagayan Email: VII. Monitoring and Evaluation The project proponent, School Head and Language Teachers shall closely monitor and supervise the implementation of the Project SPARK. The following evaluation tool will be used to measure the success /effectiveness of the Reading Program. EVALUATION TOOL Project Title: _________________ Date Attended: _______________ Please select the rating for the each section based on the following criteria: 5=excellent 4=good 3=average 2=fair 1=poor Please rate the project on the following: 1. Relevance of the activities on the reading program. 5 4 3 2 1 2. Variety of the activities suitable to non-readers. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3. Effectiveness of the activities in engaging the non-readers. 4. Usefulness of the activities in evaluating student-learning. 5. Helpfulness of the activities in reinforcing student-learning. 5