767 Flight Deck and Avionics January 2002 767 Size Comparison 767-200ER/-300ER/-400ER 767-200ER 767-300ER 156 ft 1 in (47.57 m) 767-200ER 61 ft 1 in (18.60 m) 52 ft 0 in (15.8 m) 64 ft 7 in (19.6 m) 155 ft 0 in (47.2 m) 767-400ER 170 ft 4 in (51.92 m) 767-300ER 52 ft 0 in (15.8 m) 61 ft 1 in (18.60 m) 74 ft 8 in (22.76 m) 176 ft 1 in (53.67 m) 767-400ER 55 ft 4 in (16.8 m) 85 ft 10 in (26.1 m) 201 ft 4 in (61.37 m) 797-FD-0052C 1-18-2-MT/CF 767 Evolution 767-400ER 450,000 lb (204,120 kg) (767-400ER covered in separate book) 767-300ER 767-300 Freighter 412,000 lb (186,880 kg) 412,000 lb (186,880 kg) 767-300ER 387,000 lb (175,540 kg) 767-300* 351,000 lb (159,210 kg) 767-200* 767-200* 767-200ER 767-200ER 300,000 lb (136,080 kg) 315,000 lb (142,880 kg) 351,000 lb (159,210 kg) 395,000 lb (179,170 kg) *No longer offered. 797-FD-0053C 1-18-2-MT/CF BOEING PROPRIETARY 797-FD-0054C 11/27-0-MT Boeing Flight Deck Design Philosophy • The pilot is the final authority for safe airplane operation; the hierarchy of tasks is • Safety • Passenger comfort • Efficiency • Automation is applied as a tool to aid but not replace the pilot • New technology is used only when there is a clear advantage with no adverse impact on human-machine interface • System designs are error tolerant; the hierarchy of design alternatives is • Simplicity • Redundancy • Automation • Designs address fundamental human strengths, limitations, individual differences, and pilots’ past operational experience 797-FD-0055C 1-18-2-whp/CF 757/767 Commonality Design Features • Similar handling characteristics • Same crew procedures • Identical recall items • Identical aural warnings • Similar checklists • Similar visual alerts • Same flight deck arrangement • Windshield • Main instrument panel • Overhead panel • Aislestand • Glareshield panels • Panels/controls - Location - Arrangement - Nomenclature • Initial and recurring training will qualify crew for both airplanes Pilots’ main instrument panel No. 1 windshields Flt kit Captain’s seat First Officer’s seat Flt kit Aislestand Overhead panel • Same flight training simulator can be used for both airplanes 797-FD-0056C 1-18-2-whp/CF 767 Flight Deck - General Flight Deck and Forward Cabin 767-200ER/-300ER Passenger First Observer First Officer Galley Closet Galley Lavatory Captain Second Observer (optional) STA 239 797-FD-0058C 1-18-2-MT/CF Flight Deck and Forward Cabin 767-300 Freighter STA 273.5 Supernumerary seats First Observer (track mounted) Lavatory First Officer Rigid barrier Access door to cargo bay Captain Galley Entry door STA 360.7 797-FD-0059C 1-18-2-MT/CF Flight Deck Accommodations 767-200ER/-300ER Passenger • Emergency evacuation can be accomplished through the no. 2 side windows. Hat stowage Fire extinguisher, crash axe, and spare bulb stowage Coat stowage • Flight deck escape ropes are attached to the airplane structure above each sliding window. They are stowed in compartments in the overhead lining above the pilots’ seats. Portable light First Observer’s seat • Oxygen mask, smoke goggles, and life vest are located at each crewmember station. Suitcase stowage Coat stowage Second Observer’s seat (optional) Suitcase stowage Captain’s seat Flight kit stowage (2 places) 797-FD-0067C 1-18-2-whp/PW Flight Deck Accommodations 767-300 Freighter Overhead stowage Spare bulb stowage Coat and hat stowage Lavatory Supernumerary seats (3) Main deck cargo door control panel Galley First Officer’s seat Captain’s seat Life raft stowage Fire extinguisher Suitcase stowage (2) Illuminated step 797-FD-0068 1-18-2-whp/CF Pilots’ Main Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Standby magnetic compass Mode control panel VOR (2) Lighting controls (2) 15 12 E NS A/T ARM F R E Q WARNING C R S L NAV 3 3 0 VERT SPD HDG IAS/MACH F/D ON 1 2 6 A/P ENGAGE ALT 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L CMD B CRS C R CMD CMD CWS CWS F/D ON F R E Q OFF SEL EPR CAUTION Master caution and warning lights (2) 6 EW V NAV OFF 5 NORM AUTO MAN SPD FL CH SEL 25 BANK LIMIT DN CWS LOC V/S HOLD HOLD C R S AUTO MAN DISENGAGE UP VOR/DME WARNING CAUTION OFF APP VOR/DME CLOCK CLOCK PANEL PANEL OFF OFF CHART CHART FLOOD Miscellaneous warning, caution, and advisory lights OFF MAP PTT PTT 1 Instrument source select (2) HDG SEL LAND 3 FD BRAKE TEMP w CAUTION 1.63 2 a 1.8 1.47 1.4 TRUE 1.0 D O O R Sa TAIL SKID a NOSE g G E A R Altimeter (2) CLB CON CRZ 1 Marker beacon lights (2) 1 PRESS PSI X 1000 0 2 g TO GA AUTOLAND STATUS BRAKE 4 3 P/RST LAND 2 TEST a 1 THR HLD NO AUTOLND VNAV PTH HDG SEL FD 2 RIGHT LEFT 1.8 1.47 1.4 1.0 Thrust management g 2 EPR ILS OFF B/CRS MIDDLE 599 5 a 3 TRK DME-L OVSPD r 2 6 MA C H 583 LEADING TRAILING EDGE a EDGE a 140 KNOTS 160 180 200 N1 1114 . 650 EGT 650 UP FLAPS STW BWZ SBJ KILMR 12000 30 190K 1055 . AUTO CHR 7 V 10 40 IN. HG 5 a OUTER b INSTR SOURCE SEL FLT DIR R a 29 92 4 3 PRESS 118 OIL TEMP 13 4 4.4 NM 252 TRK M 0835.4 0 Z NAV FMC-L CDU-L 6 OFF DME-L ALTN GEAR EXTEND 250K-.75M 20 QTY .5 DME-R 4 1 KTEB OFF 2 JFK LGA KJFK KLGA 7.0 167 343 AMBO COL 25 30 7.0 LE SAX DN TE ALTN MMU KILMR 12000 40 FF GND PROX ALTN w w w w FLAP OVRD N1 0.5 VIB GEAR OVRD TERR OVRD STW BWZ SBJ CHR BLM ALTN w 60 EFI w 50 REV 10 GMT HARRY ET/CHR OVRD OVRD KTTN ARB 12000 KPNE MUI OVRD w w w w w w 40 ALTN 20 RUN 30 HLD w HLD SS FS 20 ADE ABE WARNT 12000 FS RESET AIR DATA w w IRS RUN HLD SS RESET ALTN FMC-R 1000 FPM ALTN FLAPS 5 15 NORM 13 OIL N2 0.5 RTO 1 UP N2 4 KEWP 118 MAX AUTO OFF BARO 95 232 OIL 2 VERTICAL SPEED .5 LOCK OVRD DN RUN 30 HLD MIDDLE 3 IN.HG 29 92 4 1 20 RUN ABE a AUTO BRAKES 2 3 1 DISARM ALT MB 1013 6 BRAKE SOURCE a ET/CHR T K w ADE R ENG OIL PRESS AUTO BRAKESa 95 232 L ENG OIL PRESS a 50 GMT WARNT 12000 2 8 VALVE 60 REV KTTN 20 1 w HARRY ARB 12000 KPNE MUI IRS 5 BARO 599 EXTEND OR EXTENDED 270K-.82M 162K N2 ON ON 259 40 EFI ALTN .730 C 195K 20 25 T 0 079 SAX ALTN 700 GS A S 15 L 1114 . 1055 . BLM COL 1013 6 KNOTS OFF 210K 5 120 9 167 343 AMBO INNER/ AIRWAYSw 2 MB ALT IN OP MO FLAP LIMIT IAS 220K EGT 1 RESERVE BKS & STRG KEWP MMU 1 NEG R 584 240K 4 2 8 EPR IAS 250 240 220 4 OFF 1 w 0 9 a PROX G/S INHB a 100 300 VERTICAL SPEED .5 JFK LGA KJFK KLGA KTEB ALT RETRACT 270K UP N1 r GND a FMC 80 1000 FPM DME-R w 88.3 a 60 0 FMC-R AUTO PILOT a 0 350 NAV FMC-L ALT ALERT a A/T DISC b 400 1 CABIN ALT OUTER 29 92 4 BARO .5 SPEED BRAKESa 259 2 MB ALT IN.HG 1013 6 700 GS .730 88.2 r MACH 8 NEG R IN OP AS r INNER/ AIRWAYSw 079 MA C H KNOTS TEMP SEL r A/P DISC PULL UP r 1 R w 1.63 CONFIG r WINDSHEAR w 0 C w CRZ CANCEL RECALL FIRE ALT FLT DIR L CDU-L WHL WELL FIRE r TAT - 46 C TEST g NO LAND 3 9 MACH MO INSTR SOURCE SEL VNAV PTH Electronic attitude director indicator (EADI) REG SELCAL HDG REF NORM AUTOLAND STATUS P/RST THR HLD Heading reference Engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS) Standby attitude indicator Autoland status (2) Mach/airspeed indicator (2) FLOOD OFF MAP AIR DATA ALTN w w w Radio distance magnetic indicator (RDMI) (2) Reserve brakes and steering Vertical speed indicator (2) Standby airspeed Standby altimeter Standby engine indicator Autobrakes Clock (2) Alternate gear Alternate flaps Flap position indicator Enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) override Electronic horizontal situation indicator (EHSI) 797-FD-0060C 1-18-2-whp/CF Overhead Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Emergency lights Miscellaneous annunciation Cargo heat Passenger oxygen* Engine start Window heat EMER DOORS CARGO DOORS ACCESS DOORS CAPT PITOT FO PITOT L AOA R AOA L AUX PITOT R AUX PITOT TAT ENTRY DOORS IRS MODE SEL W DSPL SEL PPOS WIND TK/GS Inertial reference 1 N 2 3 W 4 H 5 E 6 7 S 8 9 ENT 0 CLR HDG FWD Yaw damper STAB TRIM SPOILERS UNSCHED STAB TRIM RUDDER RATIO ARMED AUTO SPDBRK BULK ON ON OVHT OVHT ON ON WINDOW HEAT L R FWD FWD SIDE PRESS ON ON ON ON UNLKD INOP INOP INOP INOP INOP R ALIGN ALIGN ALIGN BOTH L ON DC ON DC ON DC DC FAIL DC FAIL VALVE C ALIGN NAV ATT OFF C W AUTO AUTO OFF OFF GND ON CONT CONT FLT FLT OFF ON ON INOP INOP FAULT ELEC ENG CONT ALTN ON D I S C H NORM ALTN SYS PRESS O F F QTY QTY L ENG APU GEN EXT PWR QTY R ENG C 1-ELEC-2 ON ON ON PRESS PRESS PRESS I A OVHT OVHT Y R PUMPS VALVE PRESS AIR ELEC PRESS PRESS PRESS BUS OFF R P R E S S R BUS R ON ON OFF OFF MANUAL ON BUS OFF P R E S S DESCEND 034 0 OVHT MODE SELECT AUTO 2 LB KG LB KG FUEL QTY X 1000 M AUTO AUTO A OFF ON OFF AUTO ON OFF O F F A ON N O F F ON DRIVE DRIVE TEMP LB CABIN WING ANTI-ICE ON START OFF FAULT 2 8 4 6 L R ON ON VALVE VALVE R VALVE VALVE PSI DIFF DUCT LEAK ERASE BLEED L ENG 1 2 FT X 1000 ALT Bleed air and pneumatic FPM X RATE 1000 O F F V A L V E OVHT ADP APU R ENG Fuel jettison O F F EQUIP COOLING VALVE AUTO PRESS DIFF LIMIT: T/O & LDG .125 PSI OFF Electrical V A L V E 1 2 0 CABIN ALTITUDE WIPER TEST VALVE DL UE CA TK OVHT 0 2 25 4 20 15 6 10 8 0 10 ENGINE ON L RUN R ISLN BLEED C ON 0 C ISLN KG TOTAL D APU 80 MAN AUTO 1 R DUCT LEAK GEN CONT R E OVHT OVHT GEN DRIVE DISC L C L R L GEN CONT 60 20 VALVE AUTO INOP R S T B Y W DUCT PRESS PSI L ISLN LDG ALT L C W MAX MIN ON S T B Y AUTO RATE CLIMB CL UTILITY BUS L VALVE OP FUEL CONFIG N OFF C PRESS C PUMPS M D M D VALVE PRESS PACK OFF AUTO N AFT FWD FWD INOP W MAN ON OFF OFF ON ON ISLN L BUS ON Y ELEC D N BUS TIE RESET C PACK OFF ON PRESS AVAIL AUTO A OVHT ON ISLN R PACK INOP SEATBELTS AUTO AUTO FUEL XFEED W AUTO L PACK CABIN ALTITUDE CONTROL AUTO R ON PRESS OVHT AFT P I E Passenger signs* C PASS SIGNS ON O F F BUS TIE PUMPS HYD R INOP RESET OFF L PUMPS GND CALL ALERT NO SMOKING AUTO OFF SYS PRESS AFT ALERT BAT OFF MID ON ON VALVE ON SYS PRESS FWD OFF ON VALVE STBY POWER AUTO R NORM M INOP INOP CABIN CALL FUEL JETTISON L Hydraulic ON R L–NOZZLE–R R ON FLT DK BAT P Air-conditioning W OFF L - RECIRC FAN - R YAW DAMPER Electronic engine control (EEC) C W OFF TRIM AIR OFF GND L Pilot’s call panel AFT CAB AUTO R 2 1 VALVE FAULT FAULT ALIGN NAV ATT INOP MID CAB AUTO ENG START DC FAIL OFF INOP FWD CAB AUTO C NAV ATT COMPT TEMP AIL LOCK ANTISKID Compartment temperature UNARMED RAM AIR TURB L FAULT ALIGN CARGO HEAT PASS OXY SIDE SYS DSPL C R L OFF EMER LIGHTS OFF N STBY LOW OVHT OVRD SMOKE NO COOLING HIGH COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER HEADPHONE CKT BKR OVHD PANEL DOME Cabin altitude PANEL/FLOOD APU GLARESHIELD LT OVRD ANTI COLLISION POSITION RED ON OFF Voice recorder AISLE STAND OFF ON WING OFF ON OFF FLT DK DOOR ON UNLKD UNLKD R Fuel Equipment cooling LANDING WING L NOSE GEAR R ON Miscellaneous lighting LOGO ON TAXI RUNWAY TURNOFF L OFF OFF WHITE ON OFF OFF ON ON IND LTS DIM TEST BRT Wing/engine anti-ice Windshield controls *Passenger airplanes only. 797-FD-0061C 12-5-1-whp Center Aislestand 767-200ER/-300ER EICAS control C VNAV C MM PROG C SP INIT REF RTE FIX LEGS MENU NAV RAD BRT EXEC E D H I J M N O R S T W X DEL / M S G D S P Y O F S T F A I L PREV PAGE DE AR NEXT PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 7 8 9 CLR . 0 +/- Fuel control RS MCDU (2) Throttle levers Stab trim switches Flap lever Speed brake lever TE EFIS control (2) Stab trim cutout 20 10 PLAN APL NOSE DN APL NOSE UP Stab trim indicator (2) ALTN STAB TRIM 0 APL NOSE ON S T A B ENG VALVE SPAR VALVE ENG VALVE SPAR VALVE 2 4 Parking brake L 6 FUEL CONTROL R RUN T R I M APL O NOSE F UP F 8 NORM CUT OFF 10 12 L O E F F 14 CUT OUT L Weather radar C STAB TRIM WX EST L ENG OVHT MAP ATC/TCAS +5 TILT +10 0 1 -15 -10 VE ENG BTL 2 DISCH DISCH -5 ILS ENG BTL 1 DISCH R ENG OVHT +15 ARMED FWD AFT 1 2 A C A R G O DISCH 2 F I R E DISCH Radio communications panel (3) STANDBY VHF C VHF R AM HF R R ACTIVE FLT VHF CAB L VHF L VHF C VHF R HF L AM HF R HF SOL PA L VHF BOOM R Engine, cargo, and APU fire control BTL DISCH R I G H T L E F T O F F ADF ARMED R C VHF R VHF FLT Audio selector (2) ALT OFF ALT ON SAT OXY VOR V B R APP C R L MKR ATC ATC 2 TA STBY TEST MIC TA/RA FAIL L 1 ATC 2 IDENT INT ATC VOR ADF R L R L R TONE L R L R HF SAT VOR V B R F. F R E Q C R S TEST ILS RUDDER TRIM Fire/overheat test 15 STANDBY VHF C VHF R AM HF R 10 NOSE LEFT 0 5 10 15 UNITS NOSE RIGHT AILERON NOSE LEFT FIRE/OVHT TEST ENG/APU CARGO 5 SYS FAIL LEFT WING DOWN RIGHT WING DOWN R U D D E R NOSE RIGHT Aileron/rudder trim FAIL P-RESET 797-FD-0062C 1-18-2-whp Right Side Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Gasper air Flight recorder and service interphone Avionics cooling monitor Data loader selector switch AIR DATA L COMPTR R TEST FLT REC CONFIG T/O Miscellaneous test SERV INTPH First Observer’s oxygen TEST OFF OFF WING ANTI ICE TO ON ON NORM TEST GND PROX LDG EADI DUCT LEAK VOR-L EHIS E1 / E2 FMCDU-L IRU-C IRU-R E5 IRU-L RESET TEST YAW DMPR L EQUIP COOL STRUT LEAK E / E COOLING MONITOR Squib test R WINDOW/ FUEL QTY PROBE HEAT SQUIB TEST TEST ENG R L Generator reset L 1 DATA LOAD SELECTOR 1 APU L (k / mgk (k / mgk EMER ESCAPE R TEST 1 SLIDE TEST 2 SPOILER CARGO 2 2A TEST 1 FWD TEST 2 AFT C (k / mgkcjcj fg C FIELD OFF Portable data loader connection (shown here) or airborne data loader R fhfdhfh (k / mgk (k / mgk Smoke goggles SYSTEM SELECT (k / mgkzz (k / mgkzz (k / mgkzz (k / mgkzz zzOzz zzOzz (zzhfh / C lknmv zzOzz l zzOzz zzOzz Flight control shutoff MO173 OXYGEN MASK 2 APU FIELD OFF l zzOzz zzOzz zzOzz zzOzz zzOzz GEN FIELD MAN RESET L N 100% PUSH HYD GEN FIELD OFF lCOC l zzOzz lFlS zzOzz zzOzz DATA TRANSFER UNIT RECEPTICAL MO173 FLT CONTROL SHUTOFF - GND USE ONLY L C T A I L ON OFF OFF W I N G ON OFF R T A I L ON ON OFF W I N G ON OFF ON OFF EICAS MAINT EVENT READ DISPLAY SELECT AUTO ECS ELEC PERF MSG HYD APU CONF ENG MCDP EXCD EEC maintenance TEST REC MAN ERASE EPCS Book stowage RESERVE BRAKES & STRG RESET/ DISABLE C HYD SYS ISLN NORM FLIGHT RECORDER SYS TEST PLUG Lighting control L VHF C VHF R VHF FLT CAB PA EICAS maintenance EEC MAINT L ENG POWER R ENG POWER MIC BOOM L TEST INT First Observer’s audio First Observer’s jack panel MAP R L HF VOR ADF R L R L NORM LIGHTING R SAT VOR V B R OXY APP C R L MKR PANEL BOOM MIC/HEADSET HEADPHONE HANDMIC Flight recorder system test plug OFF Reserve brakes and steering test Ashtray/cup holder 797-FD-0063C 2-27-2-whp/CF 767 Flight Deck - EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) 767-200ER/-300ER Captain’s instrument source select panel Left EADI Right EHSI Left EHSI Left EFIS control panel Left EFIS symbol generator • Thrust management system • ILS navigation system • Radio altimeter system • PWS system • VOR system • DME system Right EADI Right EFIS control panel Center EFIS symbol generator First Officer’s instrument source select panel Right EFIS symbol generator • Autopilot flight director system • Weather radar system • ADC system • ADF system • EGPWS • FMCS • TCAS • IRS 797-FD-0069C 2-26-2-whp/CF 797-FD-0071 1-18-2-PW/CF EFIS/IRS Switching 767-200ER/-300ER Captain’s instruments EADI - Electronic attitude director indicator EHSI - Electronic horizontal situation indicator EFI - Electronic flight instrument IRS - Inertial reference system RDMI - Radio distance magnetic indicator SG - EFIS symbol generator -Vertical speed indicator VSI First Officer’s instruments EADI EADI RDMI RDMI EHSI EHSI VSI VSI N Capt EFIS control panel Capt EFI switch ALTN Capt IRS switch ALTN A C-SG L-SG N R-SG 1 N N F/O EFIS control panel ALTN F/O EFI switch ALTN F/O IRS switch A A L-IRS 1 A A C-IRS N R-IRS This switch remains in the N position when the Capt EFI switch is selected to ALTN. 797-FD-0070 1-18-2-whp/CF Electronic Attitude Director Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER Attitude comparator annunciations Pitch limit indicator PITCH Ground speed GS250 20 ROLL DH100 2500 20 Selected decision height Radio altitude F 10 Speed deviation scale and pointer Autothrottle status Autothrottle mode AFDS pitch mode Localizer deviation scale and pointer Split axis flight director cue 10 Glideslope deviation scale and pointer 10 S A/T SPD G/S VNAV 10 WINDSHEAR 20 20 Windshear annunciation CMD AFDS status LOC LNAV AFDS roll mode Slip/skid indicator 797-FD-0073 2-26-2-whp/CF Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER—Expanded Map Mode • Map mode displays include reference data programmed in the FMC, such as • ETA, distance to go, range to altitude • Top-of-climb, step-climb, top-of-descent, and bottom-of-descent points • Holding pattern • Procedure turns Distance to active waypoint Magnetic (M) or true (T) reference L ADF (head) Track-up annunciation Aircraft track 18.3 NM TRK 252 M 0835.4z VAR/+TWX +12 Selected heading Aircraft heading ETA at active waypoint Waypoint not on flight plan (selectable) Weather radar mode, gain, and antenna tilt R ADF (head) Compass rose MLF Instantaneous track Airport (selectable) AST VORTAC (selectable) 40 STW Estimated time and altitude at waypoint (selectable) KILMR 12000 0841Z Active flight plan Range scale (number is half selected range) Range to selected altitude KTTN 0 32 Weather radar return (selectable) 0 14 WARNT 20 Wind speed and direction Vertical deviation scale and pointer Waypoint on flight plan Manually selected VOR course Airplane symbol Trend vector 797-FD-0074 2-26-2-whp Electrical Horizontal Situation Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER—Center Map Mode Current track Magnetic/true reference ETA at active waypoint Distance to active waypoint 25.5 TRK NM 138 1335.4z WX +12 M FGH I J 15 12 Weather radar mode, gain, and tilt Selected heading bug 9 18 Heading pointer 20 KLMNO 35000 1335Z Active route 6 21 NOP 3 24 Position trend vector Airplane symbol Vertical deviation scale and pointer 20 27 VWXYZ 0 30 33 20 797-FD-0075C 12-4-1-whp Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER—Expanded VOR/Approach Mode DME distance to VOR or LOC DME 140 HDG 262 M VAR/WX +T +12 Selected course (VOR mode) or runway heading (approach mode) Instantaneous track 20 Course deviation scale and pointer (VOR or approach mode) Glideslope deviation scale and pointer (approach mode only) To-from VOR station (VOR mode only) System source annunciation (VOR or approach mode) 20 TO VOR R 110.10 ILS frequency (approach mode only) 797-FD-0076C 1-19-2-whp Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER—Center VOR/Approach Mode Drift angle pointer DME 140 HDG 038 To-from VOR station (VOR mode only) M Airplane symbol Glideslope deviation (approach mode only) 20 VOR R TO 110.10 797-FD-0077C 1-19-2-whp Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER—Plan Mode ACT RTE 1 LEGS 1 / 9 250 • H D G ACY 028 • 158 / 530A 178 / FL560 .824 / FL340 .824 / FL340 4.4 NM TRK 252 M 0835.4 Z 2 NM WTP 08 322 • <CTR> 1 1 1 NM SBY 032 • 9 6 NM WPT 07 055 • 3 9 NM WPT 06 .824 / FL340 M AP C TR <RTE 2 LEGS STEP> WPT 10 INIT REF RTE CLB CRZ DES ACY BRT WPT 11 SBY WPT 08 FLY P1 HAR N Plan mode displays active flight plan referenced to true north. Pilots can step through flight plan on MCDU and EHSI by pushing “STEP” line select key. 797-FD-0078C 1-19-2-whp EFIS Control Panel 767-200ER/-300ER EHSI brightness control • Outer knob - EHSI display • Inner knob - weather radar return Decision height alert reset ADI RST BRT DH REF EADI brightness control 1 0 0 Terrain data displayed when in MAP, CENTER MAP, EXPANDED APPROACH, and EXPANDED VOR modes Decision height selector TERR WXR BRT EHSI range selection • Outer knob - selects desired nautical mile display range for MAP, CENTER MAP, EXPANDED APPROACH, and EXPANDED VOR modes • Center switch (TFC) - displays TCAS data when in MAP, CENTER MAP, EXPANDED APPROACH, and EXPANDED VOR modes NOTE: Terrain data and weather radar cannot be shown on the same EFIS display at the same time. Selection of the TERR switch turns off weather radar display if showing. Selection of the WXR switch turns off terrain display if showing. It is possible, and a common practice, to show weather radar on one pilot’s EFIS display and show terrain data on the other pilot’s EFIS display. 40 80 160 20 10 TFC 320 APP VOR ON PLAN CTR MAP NAVAID ARPT INOP MAP ON DATA WPT ON ON Weather radar return displayed when in MAP, CENTER MAP, EXPANDED APPROACH, and EXPANDED VOR modes EHSI mode selector • Outer knob - selects VOR, APPROACH, MAP, and PLAN display modes • Center switch (CTR) - alternates display modes between center and expanded formats for VOR, APPROACH, and MAP modes Map switches - select information to be displayed in MAP or CENTER MAP mode: • NAVAID - displays high altitude navigation aids in FMC database if selected range is 80 nmi or greater • ARPT - displays airports in FMC database • DATA - displays altitude and ETA for each waypoint on the active route • WPT - displays waypoints in the FMC database but not on the active route if selected range is 40 nmi or less 797-FD-0079C 1-19-2-whp Weather Radar 767-200ER/-300ER ADI RST BRT DH REF Brightness control (inner knob) • Adjusts brightness of WXR return on EHSI 1 0 0 18.3 NM TRK 252 M 0835.4z VAR/+TWX +12 Weather radar mode, gain, and antenna tilt data displayed on EHSI. MLF AST WXR TERR 40 BRT 40 10 160 TFC 320 APP VOR ON 0 32 MAP 0 14 WARNT PLAN CTR MAP NAVAID ARPT INOP KILMR 12000 0841Z KTTN 80 20 STW ON 20 DATA WPT ON ON Weather radar switch • Pushing the WXR switch displays returns on the MAP, EXPANDED MAP, EXPANDED APPROACH, and EXPANDED VOR modes of the EHSI. Weather radar returns • When the WXR switch is pushed on the EFIS control panel, the weather radar returns are displayed on the respective on-side EHSI. • The most intense areas of precipitation are displayed in red, less intense in amber, and least intense in green. • Detected turbulence is displayed in magenta. Aislestand WX Gain control • AUTO presents an optimum receiver sensitivity for best weather radar display. • Preset gain occurs automatically only in WX mode. • Rotate manually to set receiver gain. TEST MAP TILT +10 +5 +15 GAIN Radar mode selector • TEST – displays maintenance test pattern • WX – displays weather radar returns • MAP – displays ground returns 0 -5 AUTO MAX -15 -10 Antenna tilt control • Controls antenna tilt angle with reference to horizon Weather radar panel (representative) 797-FD-0080 C 1-19-2-whp Flight Instruments 767 ALT 9 MACH 604 8 0 1 3,6 9 5 MB ALT 6 245 4 1013 6 KNOTS Mach/airspeed indicator • Each Mach/airspeed indicator displays airspeed, Mach, and Vmo data from its on-side air data computer (ADC). • Each indicator displays data from the off-side ADC when the respective air data switch is selected to the ALTN position. • The command speed bug can be moved automatically from the FMC CDU or manually from the IAS/Mach selector on the MCP. 5 IN.HG 2 1 w 1 VERTICAL SPEED .5 2 4 0 3 29 92 4 6 1000 FPM .5 4 1 2 BARO Altimeter • Each primary altimeter displays altitude data from its on-side ADC. • Each indicator displays data from the off-side ADC when the respective air data switch is selected to the ALTN position. • An ALT light on each indicator provides visual indication of altitude alerting. Vertical speed indicator (VSI) • Each vertical speed indicator displays vertical speed data from its on-side inertial reference unit (IRU) and on-side ADC. • Each indicator displays data from the center IRU when the respective IRS switch is selected to the ALTN position and from the off-side ADC when the respective ADC switch is selected to the ALTN position. 0 3 6.0 0 9 5.7 DME-L DME-R CHR DATE 60 50 10 GMT ET/CHR 40 20 RUN RUN 30 HLD HLD SS FS RESET Radio distance magnetic indicator (RDMI) • Each indicator displays magnetic heading; VOR and/or ADF bearings; and VOR, ILS, DME, or VORTAC distance. • Each indicator displays magnetic heading data from its on-side IRU. • Each indicator displays magnetic heading data from the center IRU when the respective IRS switch is selected to the ALTN position. • Both indicators display magnetic heading when the HSI heading reference switch is in the NORM position and the airplane is between 73 N and 60 S latitude (with standard MAGVAR table) or 82 N and 82 S latitude (with extended MAGVAR table). The heading flag is displayed when the switch is in the TRUE position or the airplane is outside of these latitudes. Clock • Provides Greenwich mean time (GMT) in day, month, and year or hours and minutes on the GMT indicator. Provides elapsed time or chronograph on the ET/CHR indicator. • The chronograph is controlled by the pushbutton on the clock or the remote switch on the glareshield. 797-FD-0081 C 1-18-2-whp/CF Instrument Source Select Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Flight director selector • Selects the flight control computer (L, C, or R) for flight director command bar operation INSTR SOURCE SEL FLT DIR L C IRS switch (alternate action) BLANK - selects normal configuration: • L IRS supplies L and C EFIS SG, CAPT VSI, and F/O RDMI • R IRS supplies R and C EFIS SG, F/O VSI, and CAPT RDMI • C IRS is available as the alternate IRS source ALTN - selects center IRS for attitude, heading, and track data for the appropriate systems above Air data switch (alternate action) R NAV FMC-L CDU-L FMC-R ALTN w EFI w NAV instrument source selector • Selects source supplying FMS information to symbol generators and flight control computers Captain’s side: - FMC-L – supplies L and C EFIS SG, and L and C FCC - FMC-R – supplies L and C EFIS SG, and L and C FCC - CDU-L– supplies L and C EFIS SG First Officer’s side: - FMC-R – supplies R EFIS SG and R FCC - FMC-L – supplies R EFIS SG and R FCC - CDU-R – supplies R EFIS SG ALTN w IRS w BLANK - selects normal configuration: • L ADC supplies CAPT MACH/AIRSPEED and primary altimeter • R ADC supplies F/O MACH/AIRSPEED and primary altimeter ALTN - selects opposite air data computer to supply above instruments INSTR SWITCH EICAS advisory message • Indicates each pilot has selected ALTN with EFI switch ALTN w AIR DATA w INSTR SWITCH EFI switch (alternate action) BLANK - selects normal configuration: • L EFIS SG supplies CAPT ADI and HSI • R EFIS SG supplies F/O ADI and HSI • C EFIS SG is available as the alternate SG ALTN - selects center EFIS SG for ADI and HSI display • CAPT has display control if each pilot has selected ALTN (C-SG) • Causes EICAS message of INSTR SWITCH if each pilot has selected ALTN EICAS display 797-FD-0082C 1-19-2-whp/CF Standby Flight Instruments 767-200ER/-300ER 15 Standby attitude indicator • The self-contained standby attitude indicator incorporates an ILS display with backcourse capability. 12 NS OFF E 6 Standby magnetic compass • A direct reading compass is installed on the center window post. EW ILS B/CRS 0 Standby airspeed indicator • The standby airspeed indicator (pneumatic) receives input from the L AUX pitot and the alternate static system. 60 80 400 100 350 IAS 120 15 12 NS E 6 EW 300 250 240 220 140 KNOTS 200 160 180 0 Standby altimeter • The standby altimeter (pneumatic) receives input from the alternate static system. 1 9 8 7 03 ALT MB 1013 6 BARO 6 95 IN. HG 2 3 29 92 4 5 Pilots’ main panel 797-FD-0083C 1-19-2-whp/CF 767 Flight Deck - EICAS and Other Alerting Systems 797-FD-0085C 1-19-2-MT/CF Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 767-200ER/-300ER (EICAS) Engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS) features: • Operational displays: • Primary and secondary engine parameters • Crew alerting messages • Status page provides additional systems data for determining the readiness of the airplane for dispatch • Maintenance pages • Automatic and manual recording of maintenance data • Automatic display of in-flight start envelope Pilots’ main panel 797-FD-0084C 1-19-2-whp/CF EICAS Display Upper display Standby engine indicator EPR Lower display EICAS maintenance panel 104.7 N1 104.7 625 EGT 625 102 N2 102 AUTO ON Analog data Digital data Discrete inputs From airplane subsystems CAUTION CANCEL Warning electronic unit Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Dedicated caution and warning lights RECALL EICAS fail Left EICAS computer unit Right EICAS computer unit Engine sensors splay select pa WARNING WARNING CAUTION CAUTION Master caution/warning switches 797-FD-0086C 1-19-2-whp/CF EICAS Display Select Panel 767-200ER/-300ER EICAS display brightness control • Inner knob controls brightness of upper display unit • Outer knob controls brightness of lower display unit EICAS computer select knob AUTO Selects the left computer and automatically switches to the right computer upon detected failure L, R Manually selects the left or right computer DISPLAY COMPUTER ENGINE STATUS EVENT RECORD L AUTO R Aislestand Engine display switch • Pushing selects or deselects SECONDARY ENGINE display on lower CRT Status display switch • Pushing selects or deselects the STATUS display on lower CRT BRT THRUST REF SET L BOTH R MAX IND RESET PULL Event record switch • Records maintenance data into nonvolatile memory Maximum indication reset switch • Resets displayed overlimit readouts Manual thrust set knob • Inner knob • Push - reference thrust automatically set by TMC • Pull and rotate - manually sets reference thrust bug on PRIMARY ENGINE display • Outer knob • Rotate - selects engine(s) for manual thrust reference control 797-FD-0087C 1-19-2-whp/CF Typical Normal EICAS Formats 767-200ER/-300ER TAT -12o C TAT -12oC 1.63 2.0 1.63 CRZ 2.0 1.32 1.0 1.63 2.0 1.32 1.0 1.5 TAT -12oC 2.0 1.32 1.0 1.5 1.5 EPR 54.2 54.2 55.3 N1 70 OIL PRESSURE 105 OIL TEMP 428 441 1.32 1.0 1.5 N1 428 2.0 EPR 55.3 1.63 CRZ 1.32 1.0 1.5 EPR 54.2 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.63 1.63 CRZ 1.32 441 18 OIL QTY 3.1 VIS 55.3 N2 70 105 528 EGT 528 18 104 N2 104 3.1 15.3 FF 15.3 EGT EGT L 0.76 HYD QTY 92 70 OIL 105 OIL 18 OIL 0.6 94 APU R 0.25RF CABIN ALT AUTO1 CARGO FAN OXY PRESS 1750 35 PRESS N2 70 TEMP 12.4 12.6 12 RUD FF QTY 2.0 AIL DISPLAY ENGINE STATUS C 1.00 EGT 640 COMPUTER EVENT RECORD L AUTO R BRT THRUST REF SET L BOTH PULL R MAX IND RESET ELEV AIL DISPLAY ENGINE STATUS COMPUTER EVENT RECORD L AUTO R BRT THRUST REF SET L BOTH R MAX IND RESET PULL 797-FD-0088R1C 1-19-2-MT/CF 797-FD-0089C 1-19-2-MT/CF 797-FD-0090C 1-19-2-MT/CF 797-FD-0091C 2-19-2-MT/CF EICAS Maintenance Displays 767-200ER/-300ER Postflight • Logbook entry of status and maintenance messages and data • MCDP checkout PERF/APU ________ _______ ECS/MSG GROSS WT 227.5 CAS L 2 9 1 96 44 171 193 40 62 0.75 0.62 PACK OUT TURB IN SEC HX OUT COMPR OUT PRIM HX OUT PRIM HX IN PRECOOL OUT DUCT PRESS PACK FLOW TEMP VALVE RAM IN DOOR FLT DK TRIM VALVE 3 10 3 98 46 173 196 42 64 0.80 0.71 FWD 30 0.75 DUCT TEMP 28 0.80 R FWD EQ SUP FAN 1 TAT MACH ZONE TEMP BITE 95 130 12 OIL PRESS OIL TEMP OIL QTY ALT 95 130 12 1.008 1.008 VIB 0.7 0.5 18.8 0.3 0.9 N1 N2 428 APU: BULK CARGO TEMP AUX FWD 28 0.80 MID 17 0.00 AUX MID 17 0.00 25 AFT EGT 640 RPM 100 EPR CMD EPR ACT +15 21030 1.008 1.008 18.8 N1 428 EGT 60.4 N2 60.4 1.013 FF 1.010 86 FP 84 17 0.00 AFT CABIN TEMP APU OIL QTY ECS/status messages STATUS ELEC/HYD ________ A 21.3 TRA 54.2 LOAD 9.3 SVA 12.4 AC-V 12 BVA 102 FREQ 104.2 NC 2 T2 73.2 12 12 IDG OUT 10.5 PS 9.2 IDG RISE 12.3 P2 11.3 -0.2 RP -12.7 12 OIL T YEL SCAV HYD GEN STBY /BAT 0 0 120 400 +10 28 DC-A DC-V 0 L R 0.78 120 402 140 28 145 35 0.85 125 398 150 28 150 36 L RSVR PRESS 10 HYD QTY 79 P5 106 HYD PRESS 46 AOC 102 HYD TEMP 4 TCC 6 LOW 0.76 3230 50 C APU /BAT GND PWR 0.00 120 400 0 28 0.04 120 400 R RF Electrical/hydraulics :06 :12 STATUS N1 RED EGT START EGT RED 113.9 N2RED 649 NORM HIGH 1.29 OF 0.25 3210 2140 47 115 ENG EXCD ________ 116.7 649 MAX EGT RED Electronic propulsion control system EGT RED Performance APU PAGE 1 EPCS ____ B N1 RED :03 PART NO S242N701-603 ENGINE CONFIGURATION EICAS PW 4060 PW 4060 TMC FMC PW 4060 PW 4060 PW 4060 PW 4060 EPCS A PW 40603-B5 EPCS B PW 40603-B5 L EGT START 645 635 625 615 605 595 585 575 565 555 545 :02.7 :03.5 :04.4 :05.2 :06.3 :07.6 :08.5 :09.1 :10.4 :11.3 :12.2 PROG PINS 1 9C23 SUPL PINS 1 1000 EICAS ADC TMC R EGT REDLINE MAX MCDP 680 660 640 620 687 AVM 1:09.5 1:11.2 1:13.3 1:15.7 Engine exceedance PW 40603-B5 PW 40603-B5 6FE8 32 MCDP OFF 16 DSP ON TEST RA ON FMC OFF FUEL ON ON EPCS A ON ON EPCS B ON ON OFF ON ON Configuration MCDP 797-FD-0092R1C 1-19-2-MT/CF Non-Normal EICAS Operation 767-200ER/-300ER TAT -12oC TAT 1.50 1.50 2.0 2.0 1.28 1.0 1.28 1.0 1.5 DISPLAY ENGINE STATUS COMPUTER EVENT RECORD L AUTO R BRT -12o C 1.50 THRUST REF SET L BOTH R 2.0 MAX IND RESET 1.50 CRZ 2.0 1.28 1.0 1.5 1.28 1.0 1.5 1.5 EPR EPR PULL 54.2 54.2 54.2 N1 428 N1 428 428 EGT 70 25 OIL PRESS 70 OIL TEMP 18 12 OIL QTY 93 OIL 105 OIL 18 OIL 0.2 Low oil pressure, temperature, and quantity are displayed automatically 428 EGT 70 105 54.2 93 35 PRESS N2 70 TEMP 12.4 12.4 12 QTY FF 2.0 Secondary engine parameters selected 797-FD-0093R1C 1-19-2-whp/CF Standby Engine Indicator 767-200ER/-300ER The standby engine indicator (SEI) display is in view automatically if • AC power is lost • Either EICAS CRT fails and status is selected on the ground • Both EICAS CRTs fail EPR 104.7 N1 104.7 625 EGT 625 102 N2 102 AUTO ON The ON position manually activates the SEI 797-FD-0094C 1-19-2-whp/CF Crew Alerting Features 767-200ER/-300ER • Master warning and caution lights in Pilots’ primary field of view • Discrete alert lights repeated by EICAS messages • Consistent use of colors • Red for warnings • Amber for cautions and advisories • White for communications • Reduced number of aurals: bell, siren, beeper, voice, and chime • Sound intensity automatically adjusted to compensate for flight deck background noise • Predictive windshear and reactive windshear detection systems installed • Enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) installed • Traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) installed 797-FD-0095C 1-19-2-MT/CF Crew Warning and Alerting System 767-200ER/-300ER Captain’s warning speaker First Officer’s warning speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker CAUTION CANCEL RECALL CONFIG FIRE r r WINDSHEAR r PULL UP r WARNING SPEED BRAKES a CABIN ALT r ALT ALERT a AUTO PILOT a A/P DISC r OVSPD r GND a CAUTION Level B aural command Siren/owl modules (L and R) Master warning module Bell/chime module Warning electronic unit • • • • • Master warning module Bell/chime module Siren/owl module (left or right) Takeoff configuration module Landing configuration module EICAS computers (L and R) • • • • • A/T DISC Fire warnings Other warnings Communications system Ground proximity warning system Altitude alert module Takeoff configuration module PROX G/S INHB FMC a a a Landing configuration module Radio altitude Airplane configuration • Flaps position • Stabilizer position • Parking brake position • Speedbrake handle position • Air/ground Airplane configuration • Throttle position • Flaps position • Gear position • Speedbrake handle position 797-FD-0096C 1-19-2-whp/CF Crew Alerting System 767 Discrete alerting lights Warnings CAUTION TAT Advisories CANCEL RECALL Communication CONFIG FIRE r r WINDSHEAR r PULL UP r SPEED BRAKESa CABIN ALT r ALT ALERT a AUTO PILOT a A/P DISC r OVSPD r -15o C +46C 88.0 CABIN ALTITUDE OVERSPEED R ENG OVHT L FUEL SYS PRESS FMC MESSAGE PASS OXYGEN ON R ENG FUEL VAL AFT CARGO DOOR •SATVOICE AVAIL •PRINTER RECALL PAGE 1 D-TO 88.0 88.0 88.0 N1 760 760 EGT GND a a A/T DISC PROX G/S INHB FMC a a WARNING CAUTION Speaker Speaker Master warning and caution switch lights Aural speakers 797-FD-0028 2-26-2-whp/CF EICAS Message Definitions 767-200ER/-300ER Warning (red) An operational or aircraft system condition that requires immediate corrective or compensatory action by the crew • Associated with warning aural or fire bell and red master warning lights and dedicated system warning annunciators Caution (amber) An operational or aircraft system condition that requires immediate crew awareness and future compensatory action • Associated with master caution aural and amber master caution lights and dedicated system caution annunciators Advisory (amber) An operational or aircraft system condition that requires crew awareness • Associated with system alert annunciators Communication (white) A normal communications condition that may require crew attention • Associated with chime aural Status (white) An MEL-related aircraft system fault requiring crew awareness prior to dispatch • Displayed on status page 797-FD-0097C 1-19-2-MT/CF Alerting Inhibits During Takeoff 767-200ER/-300ER Master warning lights and aural alerts for takeoff configuration are inhibited Master warning lights and aural alerts for fire, cabin altitude, and overspeed are inhibited Master caution lights and aural alerts for all cautions are inhibited 80 knots V1 Air-ground transition 400-ft radio altitude or 20 seconds after air-ground transition 797-FD-0098C 1-19-2-MT/CF Altitude Alert System 767-200ER/-300ER +900 ft Visual and aural alerts Visual and aural alerts +300 ft Selected altitude (MCP) Visual and aural alerts -300 ft -900 ft No indications White light on primary altimeters illuminated EICAS caution message ALTITUDE ALERT Dedicated amber light ALT ALERT Caution aural Indications and aurals are inhibited when landing gear is down and locked 797-FD-0099C 1-19-02-MT/DD TCAS EADI Display 767-200ER/-300ER Resolution advisory (RA) • Displayed automatically when the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) calculates a collision threat with another aircraft • Provides vertical guidance for a pitch maneuver to ensure adequate vertical separation with the traffic airplane 797-FD-0100C 1-18-02-MT/DD TCAS EHSI Display 767-200ER/-300ER Aislestand 4.4nm TRK 140 M 0325.4z ADI RST 15 12 BRT DH REF 1 0 0 DADES 18 TCAS mode annunciation • TFC • TA only • TCAS fail • TCAS test • TCAS off 10 TFC BRT HOM +05 20 10 -11 TFC Other traffic symbol 160 320 APP VOR MAP PLAN CTR MAP NAVAID ARPT ON ON DATA WPT ON ON RA Definition of RA - Resolution advisory Other aircraft is 15 to 35 seconds from closest point of approach TA - Traffic advisory Other aircraft is 20 to 48 seconds from closest point of approach Proximate traffic - Other aircraft is less than 6 nmi away and within 앐 1,200 vertical feet from own aircraft and not currently a potential conflict Other traffic 40 80 INOP Proximate traffic WXR TERR TRAFFIC +06 -10 TA display annunciation TA or RA annunciation (red or amber) CAMPO - Other aircraft is more than 6 nmi away or greater than 앐 1,200 vertical feet from own aircraft and not currently a potential conflict Arrow - Indicates traffic climbing or descending at a rate greater than or equal to 500 fpm Altitude - Number and associated sign (+ or -) indicates altitude of traffic in hundreds of feet relative to the airplane. The number is below the traffic symbol when the traffic is below and above the traffic symbol when the traffic is above TCAS mode selector (TFC) • Push for TCAS display Traffic symbols are available in the EHSI modes: • Center map • Expanded map • Expanded VOR • Expanded approach 797-FD-0101C 1-19-2-whp Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) 767-200ER/-300ER The enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) is a basic installation on Boeing airplanes. EGPWS provides caution and warning level alerts to the flight crew about potential terrain conflicts. The alerts are based primarily on airplane position, flight path, and barometric altitude information in conjunction with the EGPWS self-contained worldwide airport and terrain databases. Master warning lights (2) ADI RST Terrain display select switch BRT DH REF 1 0 0 TERR WXR WARNING BRT 20 10 40 80 TFC 160 320 CAUTION APP VOR MAP PLAN CTR PU MAP NAVAID ARPT DATA WPT I Aislestand Terrain display on EHSI (2) EGPWS flap override switch EGPWS landing gear override switch EGPWS terrain override switch 797-FD-0103C 1-19-2-whp Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System 767-200ER/-300ER 25.5 Look-ahead distance Speaker Altitude offset NM TRK 136 M 1335.4z "CAUTION TERRAIN, CAUTION TERRAIN" Caution Warning 20 to 30 seconds 40 to 60 seconds 40 GND TERRAIN TERR PROX The enhanced ground proximity warning system computes two levels of terrain alerting envelopes: caution and warning. EHSI The enhanced ground proximity warning system look-ahead caution alert includes unique voice aural, terrain display, and map annunciations. Airplane altitude 25.5 NM TRK 136 M 1335.4z +2,000 ft 25.5 Speaker +1,000 ft TRK 136 M 1335.4z "TERRAIN TERRAIN, PULL UP!" 40 0 ft NM 40 TERRAIN -500 ft PULL UP -1,000 ft WARNING TERR TERR CAUTION -2,000 ft EHSI EGPWS display color coding EHSI Terrain display colors indicate the height of the terrain relative to the current airplane altitude. The enhanced ground proximity warning system lookahead warning alert aurals are nearly identical to those for the basic GPWS warnings in order to elicit the same pilot response. In addition, threatening terrain is presented on the map display. 797-FD-0102C 1-19-2-whp Reactive and Predictive Windshear Systems 767-200ER/-300ER Both a reactive windshear system (RWS) and a predictive windshear system (PWS) are basic equipment on Boeing airplanes. The systems provide windshear detection capability during all operations below 1,500 feet (460 m) above ground level. 1,500 AGL (RWS) RWS WARNING PWS WARNING CAUTION 1,200 AGL (PWS) Leading edge 0.5 nmi 1.5 nmi 3 nmi 797-FD-0104C 19-1-02-MT/DD Reactive and Predictive Windshear Systems 767-200ER/-300ER • Predictive windshear system • Provides aural and visual alerts of an impending windshear condition based on weather radar returns • Reactive windshear system • Provides recovery guidance and aural and visual alerts when the EGPWS detects the aircraft has entered a windshear condition • The AFDS provides windshear recovery guidance by means of the normal go-around pitch and roll modes when windshear is detected: – If an autopilot is engaged and the go-around mode is armed, the autopilot commands a pitch-up of 15 degrees or slightly below the pitch limit (whichever is lower) when a GA switch is actuated – If an autopilot is not engaged when the go-around is initiated, the pilot must fly the windshear recovery following the flight director commands. If the autothrottle is not armed or engaged, the pilot must advance the throttle levers manually 797-FD-0042 1-19-02-CF/DD Predictive Windshear System (PWS) 767-200ER/-300ER The predictive windshear system begins the windshear alerting sequence with a caution to the flight crew, including a voice aural alert and an amber WINDSHEAR message on the EHSI. The predictive windshear alerts are generated by the weather radar system. Speaker Speaker F “MONITOR "MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY" DISPLAY” S A/P ENGAGE L 0 0 B CRS LOC CMD CWS C R CMD CMD CWS CWS F/D ON F R E Q C R S OFF AUTO APP DISENGAGE MAN VOR/DME 25.5 NM TRK 136 M 1335.4z 15 12 40 797-FD-0105C 1-19-2-whp Predictive Windshear System (PWS) 767-200ER/-300ER The predictive windshear system next generates one of two warning voice aural alerts, as well as a red WINDSHEAR message on the EHSI and EADI, and illumination of the master warning lights. “WINDSHEAR AHEAD” voice aural alert is annunciated during takeoff phase of flight. “GO AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD” voice aural alert is annunciated during the approach phase of flight. Speaker Speaker F S “WINDSHEAR "WINDSHEAR AHEAD WINDSHEAR AHEAD” AHEAD" or “GO "GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD” AHEAD" WARNING WINDSHEAR A/P ENGAGE L B CRS LOC CMD CWS C R CMD CMD CWS CWS F/D ON F R E Q C R S OFF AUTO APP DISENGAGE MAN VOR/DME 25.5 NM TRK 136 M 1335.4z WINDSHEAR 15 12 40 WINDSHEAR 797-FD-0105 R1C 1-19-2-whp Reactive Windshear System (RWS) 767-200ER/-300ER The reactive windshear system warning provides a voice aural alert and a red WINDSHEAR message when the airplane enters a performance-decreasing windshear. The reactive windshear alert is generated by the EGPWS. Speaker Speaker F S “WINDSHEAR "WINDSHEAR WINDSHEAR WINDSHEAR" WINDSHEAR” WARNING WINDSHEAR A/P ENGAGE L 0 0 B CRS LOC CMD CWS C R CMD CMD CWS CWS F/D ON F R E Q C R S OFF AUTO APP DISENGAGE MAN VOR/DME 25.5 NM TRK 136 M 1335.4z 15 12 WINDSHEAR 40 797-FD-0106C 1-19-2-whp 767 Flight Deck - Autoflight Autopilot Flight Director System 767-200ER/-300ER (MCP) WARNING WARNING CAUTION CAUTION Electronic de director Engine Thrus mode selec utoland status (ASA The autopilot flight director system (AFDS) provides • Triple-redundant flight control computers (FCC), autopilot servos, multi-mode receivers (MMR), and radio altimeters • Autopilot available from 200 ft after takeoff through climb, cruise, descent, landing, and go-around • Category IIIb, 0 ft decision height and 300 ft RVR, approach, landing, and rollout capability Flight management computer Thrust management computer • Automatic thrust management through full-flight regime Flight control computer • Flap placard and alpha floor protection • Optimum vertical and lateral navigation capabilities when coupled to the flight management computer (FMC) Throttle quadrant Autopilot servo 797-FD-0108C 1-19-02-whp/DD Autopilot Flight Director System Diagram Flight management computer A/T ARM Flight director command bars L NAV F/D ON OFF SEL OFF VERT SPD HDG IAS/MACH V NAV Roll 1 2 6 Pitch 5 NORM 25 BANK LIMIT ALT C R CMD CMD CMD DN V/S FLT DIR L F/D ON F A I L RTE DEP ARR ATC VNAV FIX LEGS HOLD FMC COMM PROG NAV RAD PREV PAGE BRT EXEC A B F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 9 U V W X Y +/- Z SP DEL / CLR NEXT PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 0 C D E M S G O F S T OFF HOLD DISENGAGE UP INSTR SOURCE SEL D S P Y A/P ENGAGE L INIT REF MENU Multipurpose control display unit Left flight control computer C R NAV FMC-L CDU-L FMC-R Center flight control computer Right flight control computer Left hyd sys servo Center hyd sys servo Right hyd sys servo Autoland status annunciator Flight control actuators Flight controls 797-FD-0044C 1-19-02-whp/DD Mode Control Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Vertical navigation switch IAS/Mach window Autothrottle arm switch A/T ARM F/D ON Heading window Lateral navigation switch L NAV 3 3 0 Vertical speed window VERT SPD HDG IAS/MACH Altitude window 1 2 6 Backcourse switch A/P ENGAGE ALT 0 0 0 0 Autopilot engage switches 3 2 0 0 0 B CRS L C R CMD CMD CMD F/D ON OFF Thrust mode switch (EPR on PW and RR powered aircraft or N1 on GE powered aircraft) SEL OFF V NAV EPR Autothrottle speed mode Speed select switch • Alternates display between IAS and Mach 5 NORM FL CH SPD SEL 25 BANK LIMIT DN LOC V/S HOLD HOLD APP OFF DISENGAGE UP Flight level change switch Speed select knob Heading select knob Heading hold switch Bank-angle limit select knob Localizer mode select switch Altitude select knob Vertical speed switch Altitude hold switch Flight director on/off switches Autopilot disengage bar Approach mode select switch Vertical speed selector 797-FD-0109C 1-19-02-PW/DD Thrust Management System 767-200ER/-300ER Mode control panel * Thrust mode select panel Thrust management computer Autothrottle servo * Thrust mode select panel Thrust rating • Thrust limit computation • Thrust reduction • Fixed climb derates • Variable reduction by assumed temperature Autothrottle control • Controls to thrust limit • Controls to IAS/Mach or selected thrust setting • Speed protection Selector switches • TO/GA - Selects takeoff limit while on the ground and go-around limit while in flight • CLB - Selects maximum climb thrust • CON - Selects maximum continuous thrust • CRZ - Selects maximum cruise thrust TO GA CLB CON CRZ 1 2 Derate switches • Select fixed derate for climb TEMP SEL Temperature selector • Selects assumed temperature reduced thrust for takeoff • Reduced thrust assumed temperature shown in degrees Celsius on EICAS primary display • Maximum 25% assumed temperature reduced thrust 797-FD-0110C 1-19-02-MT/DD Maintenance Control and Display Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Collins GROUND TEST SEL UP • The maintenance control and display panel (MCDP) provides flight fault recording for the FCC, TMC, and FMC systems and ground test BITE for the flight control and thrust management systems. • The MCDP can store up to 350 faults for up to 99 flights. 01 R/P DISC ROC SYST L DOWN POWER OFF FLT FAULTS INSTRUCTIONS XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX GRD TEST NO/SKIP EICAS maintenance panel (P61) MCDP (located in E/E bay) GROUND TESTS XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX YES/ADV LRU XXXXXXX SUPPORT XXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX X XXXX XXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXX XXX SYSTEM XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX X XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXXXX EICAS computer XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX Flight management computers Thrust management computer Flight control computers • Central fault recording and fault isolation • Allow faster airplane turnaround • Ensure that the proper LRU is replaced • Help lower the cost of ownership Lower EICAS display STATUS PART NO S242N701-603 ENGINE CONFIGURATION EICAS PW 4060 TMC PW 4060 PW 4060 FMC PW 4060 PW 4060 PW 4060 EPCS A PW 40603-B5 EPCS B PW 40603-B5 PROG PINS 1 9C23 SUPL PINS 1 1000 EICAS ADC TMC MCDP AVM PW 40603-B5 PW 40603-B5 6FE8 32 MCDP OFF 16 ON DSP RA TEST ON FMC OFF FUEL ON ON EPCS A ON ON EPCS B ON ON OFF ON ON Configuration MCDP MCDP maintenance page Inertial reference unit • Faults and diagnostic data are displayed on the MCDP or on the EICAS maintenance page. Air data computer Clock VOR Airline warning annunciators Flap position Mode control panel EFIS CP Caution/warning system Instrument landing system Thrust mode select panel DME EICAS Flight management MCDU Servos Speed brake handle position Radio altimeter Stabilizer position 797-FD-0111C 1-19-02-MT/DD 767 Flight Deck - FMS and MCDU Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER LNAV and VNAV engage VOR/DME tuning FMC speed low ator speed mmand g nate FMC rce select switch EHSI D S P Y F A I L MCDU INIT REF RTE DEP ARR ATC FIX LEGS HOLD FMC COMM MENU NAV RAD PREV PAGE A NEXT PAGE F BRT VNAV EXEC PROG B C G H D E I J INIT REF RTE DEP ARR ATC FIX LEGS HOLD FMC COMM MENU NAV RAD PREV PAGE A NEXT PAGE BRT VNAV EXEC PROG B C D E F I J K G H L M N O L M N O 4 5 6 P Q R S T 4 5 6 P Q R S T 7 8 9 U V W X Y 7 8 9 U V W X Y . 0 +/- Z SP DEL / CLR . 0 +/- Z SP DEL / CLR 1 2 3 K M S G D S P Y O F S T F A I L M S G 1 2 3 O F S T Flight control computers Inertial reference units Left FMC Thrust management Right FMC Navigation and system sensors 797-FD-0112C 1-19-2-PW-whp Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Pegasus FMC is basic Pegasus FMC features: • FANS-1 capable • Performance management • Economically efficient flight profiles – Climb – Cruise – Descent – Holding – Nonprecision approach • Cost index selection • Speed schedules • Engine out performance • Clean or speedbrake descent distances displayed • En route winds • Step-climb planning improvements • Flight planning • Range/fuel data • Takeoff and landing • Top of descent • Optimum altitude and step-climb point • Alternate airports • Required navigation performance (RNP) • Route offsets available • Active waypoint distance and predicted fuel displayed • Navigation/guidance calculations • FMC calculates airplane position using navigation sensor data in the following priority: – GPS/LOC/INERTIAL – DME/DME/LOC/INERTIAL – DME/VOR/LOC/INERTIAL – LOC/INERTIAL – GPS/INERTIAL – DME/DME/INERTIAL – DME/VOR/INERTIAL – INERTIAL ONLY – GPS ONLY – All navigation sensors failed - none • Point-to-point great circle paths • Guidance commands (LNAV, VNAV, and autothrottle) • Auto tuning of DME and VOR for position updating • Database storage • Airplane and engine performance • Navigation data (VHF NAVAIDS, airports, SIDs, STARs, runways, airway approaches, and missed approaches) • Display data processing • Crew alertness monitor 797-FD-0113 1-19-02-MT/DD Multipurpose Control Display Unit (MCDU) 767-200ER/-300ER • Keyboard layout similar to 747-400 FANS CDU D S P Y F A I L INIT REF RTE DEP ARR ATC VNAV FIX LEGS HOLD FMC COMM PROG MENU NAV RAD A B C D E PREV PAGE NEXT PAGE F G H I J K L M N O 1 2 3 BRT EXEC 4 5 6 P Q R S T 7 8 9 U V W X Y . 0 +/- Z SP DEL / CLR M S G O F S T • NAV RAD key - access to NAV RADIO page – VOR radio tuning • ATC COMM key - access to ATC data link • FMC COMM key - access to ACARS FMC data link • VNAV key - access to active CLB, CRZ, DES page • Alternate navigation function - The MCDUs can be used as an alternate navigation system if both FMCs fail. The MCDUs perform lateral navigation computations. LNAV and VNAV are not available. Each MCDU can display route information on its on-side EHSI. 797-FD-0114C 1-19-02-PW/DD FMCS Position Updating 767-200ER/-300ER • The FMCS determines aircraft position using the available sources in this priority: 1. GPS/LOC/INERTIAL 2. DME/DME/LOC/INERTIAL 3. DME/VOR/LOC/INERTIAL 4. LOC/INERTIAL 5. GPS/INERTIAL 6. DME/DME/INERTIAL 7. DME/VOR/INERTIAL 8. INERTIAL ONLY 9. GPS ONLY Multi-mode receivers IRU VOR/DME receivers GPS position FCC airplane guidance FMC Radio updating (autotune) FMCS LNAV guidance • The FMCS automatically tunes VOR/DME radios. • If both VOR/DMEs are manually tuned, the FMC will use the range/bearing information as long as signal criteria are satisfied. F R E Q C R S AUTO Nav tuning panels (manual tuning) MAN • The frequency of a navigational aid on an active leg will be tuned if it is part of a published terminal area procedure. VOR/DME GPS satellites Waypoint Active leg VOR/DME VOR/DME 797-FD-0123C 1-19-02-whp/DD Global Positioning System 767-200ER/-300ER • Global positioning system (GPS) provides precision navigation for • FMC position • RNP operations • EGPWS • FANS operation • GPS supports required navigation performance (RNP) operations down to 0.2 nmi Onboard GPS • FMC automatically selects best sensors (GPS, DME, VOR, LOC) 797-FD-0115C 1-19-02-PW/DD Global Positioning System With Pegasus FMC 767-200ER/-300ER EHSI d splay GPS antenna POS REF FMC position FMC (GPS) N47 32.4 W 122 18.6 IN E R TIAL Nav sensor positions Multi-mode receiver left Multi-mode receiver right Nav performance 2/4 Nav mode N47 32.4 W 122 18.7 GP S N47 32.4 W 122 18.6 R AD IO N47 32.4 W 122 18.6 RNP/ACTUAL 2.00/0.30 NM <INDEX MCDU display FMC (L and R) EFIS SG (L, C, R) 797-FD-0116C 1-19-02-PW/DD Required Navigation Performance (RNP) 767-200ER/-300ER Default RNP Values En route domestic Oceanic remote area RNP = 2.0 nmi RNP = 12.0 nmi Terminal RNP = 1.0 nmi Takeoff Approach RNP = 1.0 nmi RNP = 0.5 nmi Note: RNP values shown here are default values and do not reflect the maximum capability of the airplane. 797-FD-0117C 1-19-02-MT/DD FMCS Databases 767-200ER/-300ER Performance database Basic • Engine data • Drag polars • Operational limits Customized • Airplane factors • Cost factors • Preflight startup • Navigation • Guidance Navigation database Operational program configuration (OPC) database Basic • VHF NAVAID data • Airport and runway data • Performance management • Map display processing Customized • Airway data • Terminal area procedures • ILS data • Airline-tailored data Basic • Default values Modified by Boeing Customized • Customer requested features Basic • Default values Airplane modifiable information (AMI) database Specified by customer Customized • Customer tailored parameters 797-FD-0120 1-19-02-whp/DD FMCS Databases - OPC and AMI 767-200ER/-300ER Operational program configuration (OPC) Airline modifiable information (AMI) file • The OPC is a loadable database used to selectively • The AMI is a loadable database that provides for enable those features requested by the customer software designation of various FMC parameters. within the operational program software (OPS). The Each airline has the ability to tailor their AMI to OPC can be changed only by Boeing. This is done suit their specific operations by selecting the AMI during aircraft configuration or with a service bulletin. parameters. In the event the AMI parameters are not modified by the customer or are not available, the • The OPC enables these following optional FMC FMC provides hard-coded default parameters in the features: basic software. • Runway distance and offset position shift in units of feet or meters (must enable either feet or meters) • Some AMI parameters may be viewed by the crew • Crew alertness monitor on the CDU airline policy page. • Non-directional beacon approaches • A summary of types of parameters that can be • Non-precision GPS approaches specified by the AMI are: • Display of vertical bearing, flight path angle (FPA) • Performance, guidance, and takeoff data and vertical speed • Crew alertness monitor configuration data • Scanning DME operations • Alternate function parameters • Altitude intervention • Data link request/report prompt inhibits • Airline operational communications data link • Data link Imbedded element identifier (IEI)/ (AOC DL) response/trigger enables • Air traffic services data link (ATS DL) • Down link trigger for position report enable • Takeoff data link • Down link trigger for progress report enable • Required time of arrival (RTA) • Request uplink Imbedded message identifiers (IMI) • FMC printer interface table • Down link address table 797-FD-0121 1-19-02-whp/DD Inertial Reference System 767-200ER/-300ER IRS features • Triple-redundant laser gyros • Certified for extended navigation over water • Maximum alignment time of 10 min • 30-sec quick alignment for through-stops • Initial position input through either the inertial reference mode panel or FMS MCDU • Flight crew selectable alternate data sources EADI Navigation systems • WXR • EGPWS • FMC • MMR (GPS) EADI EHSI EHSI VSI VSI Autopilot systems • FCC • TMC • Yaw damper IRS outputs • • • • • • • • • Antiskid/autobrake system • EICAS Magnetic/true heading Magnetic/true track Primary attitude Ground speed Wind velocity and direction Vertical speed Navigation position/drift angle Inertial velocity vectors Acceleration and angular rates Air data computers (2) jgiihc oijfod jgiihc oijfod EFIS symbol generator Left IRU Instrument source select switch Center IRU Instrument source select switch Right IRU Inertial reference mode panel IRS MODE SEL N W DSPL SEL PPOS WIND TK/GS HDG SYS DSPL C L R 1 N 2 3 W 4 H 5 E 6 7 S 8 9 ENT 0 CLR jgiihc oijfod L C ALIGN ALIGN OFF True airspeed Altitude Altitude rate R ALIGN ALIGN ON DC ON DC ON DC DC FAIL DC FAIL DC FAIL FAULT FAULT FAULT NAV ATT ALIGN OFF NAV ATT ALIGN NAV ATT OFF Initialization control display 797-FD-0122C 1-19-02-whp/DD 767 Flight Deck - Systems Air-Conditioning and Pneumatics 767-200ER/-300ER Passenger Air-conditioning system • Two independent packs with one-pack dispatch capability • Automatic temperature control for the flight deck, forward, mid, and aft passenger cabin zones CARGO HEAT FWD AFT ON ON OVHT OVHT Passenger compartment temperature COMPT TEMP INOP INOP FWD CAB AUTO Passenger compartment temperature control INOP AFT CAB AUTO MID CAB AUTO Trim air C OFF C W C W OFF W OFF TRIM AIR L - RECIRC FAN - R ON ON ON INOP INOP OFF Recirculation fan Flight deck trim air FLT DK INOP Pack reset C W AUTO R PACK L PACK Pack control RESET RESET INOP Pneumatic duct pressure C MAN PACK OFF INOP W PACK OFF AUTO AUTO N OFF N OFF S S Pneumatic system • Provides air for • Engine starting • Cabin air-conditioning • Pressurization • Wing and engine anti-icing • Potable water tank and hydraulic reservoir pressurization • TAT probe aspiration • Bleed air normally isolated to its associated pack C T C Flight deck compartment temperature T B B Y Y W W Isolation valve 60 80 20 0 DUCT PRESS PSI L ISLN R ISLN VALVE VALVE C ISLN APU bleed air V A L V E DUCT LEAK DUCT LEAK BLEED Engine bleed air OVHT BLEED DL UE CA TK L ENG O F F V A L V E OVHT ADP APU Duct leak Engine bleed valve Engine bleed overheat R ENG O F F Normal in-flight procedures: none 797-FD-0124C 1-19-02-whp/DD Air-Conditioning and Pneumatics 767-300 Freighter Air-conditioning system • Two independent packs with one-pack dispatch capability • Automatic temperature control for the flight deck, forward, and aft main deck cargo zones • Automatic temperature control for forward lower lobe cargo compartment (General Market Freighter) CARGO HEAT FWD AFT ON ON OVHT OVHT Flight deck temperature Main deck temperature COMPT TEMP AUTO Fwd Cargo Air Cond Flight deck trim air M1819 ON OVHT INOP INOP INOP C W OFF TEMP CONTROL Flight deck temperature control Main deck temperature control W C FLT DECK AUTO C FWD CAB AUTO AFT CAB AUTO C W MAN W OFF C Forward cargo air-conditioning panel (767 General Market Freighter Only) W OFF TRIM AIR ON Pack reset OFF Pneumatic duct pressure L PACK R PACK RESET RESET INOP INOP PACK OFF PACK OFF AUTO Pack control AUTO N OFF N OFF S C S T C B W Pneumatic system • Provides air for • Engine starting • Cabin air-conditioning • Pressurization • Wing and engine anti-icing • Potable water tank and hydraulic reservoir pressurization • TAT probe aspiration • Bleed air normally isolated to its associated pack T B Y W Y Isolation valve 60 80 20 0 DUCT PRESS PSI L ISLN R ISLN VALVE VALVE C ISLN APU bleed air V A L V E DUCT LEAK DUCT LEAK BLEED BLEED DL UE CA TK OVHT Engine bleed air L ENG O F F OVHT ADP APU V A L V E Duct leak Engine bleed valve Engine bleed overheat R ENG O F F Normal in-flight procedures: none 797-FD-0125C 1-19-02-whp/DD Cabin Pressure Control 767-200ER/-300ER Cabin altitude manual control • Controls outflow valve with mode selector in manual CABIN ALTITUDE CONTROL VALVE MANUAL AUTO RATE CLIMB OP MAX MIN CL DESCEND Cabin altitude auto rate control • Sets limit for cabin altitude rate of climb or descent during auto control • Establishes approximately 500 ft/min climb and 300 ft/min descent when set on index LDG ALT AUTO INOP 034 0 MODE SELECT AUTO 2 MAN AUTO 1 Landing altitude selector • Selects landing altitude from 1,000 ft below sea level up to 14,000 ft CABIN 0 2 25 4 20 15 6 10 8 0 10 2 8 4 6 DIFF PSI ALT FT X 1000 1 2 0 1 2 RATE FPM X 1000 Cabin pressurization mode control • Dual automatic system with auto switching in event of failure • Maintains sea level up to 22,500 ft and 8,000 ft up to maximum cruise • Maximum pressure differential 8.6 psi Cabin rate of climb indicator Differential pressure indicator Cabin altitude indicator 797-FD-0126C 1-19-2-whp/CF Cargo and APU Fire Protection 767-200ER/-300ER Passenger • Fire detection and extinguishing systems are installed for both engines, the APU, and cargo compartments. The main wheel wells have detection only. • Two fire extinguisher bottles are installed for engine fire control for General Electric and Pratt & Whitney engines. Four fire extinguishing bottles are installed for engine fire control for Rolls-Royce engines. • One fire extinguisher bottle is installed for APU fire control. • Three fire extinguishing bottles are installed for cargo fire control. Engine overheat light Engine fire bottle discharge light APU fire bottle discharged light L ENG OVHT ENG BTL 1 DISCH Fire warning light and engine fire switch ENG BTL 2 DISCH R ENG OVHT DISCH 1 L E F T 1 2 R ARMED FWD AFT FWD-ARM-AFT CARGO FIRE DISCH 2 ARMED 2 BTL DISCH F I R E I G H APU BTL DISCH C A R G O DISCH APU 1 DISCH T APU fire warning and APU fire switch Fire/overheat detection test panel FIRE/OVHT TEST WHL WELL ENG/APU CARGO SYS FAIL FAIL P-RESET Fire test switch for wheel wells System fail light System fail reset switch Fire override switch (under fire switch) Fire/overheat test switch for engines, APU, and cargo 797-FD-0127C 1-19-2-whp/CF Cargo and APU Fire Protection 767-300 Freighter • Fire detection and extinguishing systems are installed for both engines, the APU, and cargo compartments. The main wheel wells have detection only. • Two fire extinguisher bottles are installed for engine fire control for General Electric and Pratt & Whitney engines. Four fire extinguishing bottles are installed for engine fire control for Rolls-Royce engines. • One fire extinguisher bottle is installed for APU fire control. • Three fire extinguishing bottles are installed for cargo fire control. General Market Freighter Configuration Engine overheat light Engine fire bottle discharge light APU fire bottle discharged light CARGO FIRE L ENG OVHT ENG BTL 1 DISCH R ENG OVHT ARMED FWD A R M AFT FWD DISCH 1 Fire warning light and engine fire switch ENG BTL 2 DISCH 2 L E F T ARMED DISCH 1 R I G H T 2 A R M AFT ARMED MAIN APU BTL DISCH DEPR/ DISCH 2 DISCH APU DISCH DEPR 1 MAIN APU fire warning and APU fire switch Fire override switch (under fire switch) Package Freighter Configuration APU fire bottle discharged light DEPR/ DISCH APU BTL DISCH DEPR CARGO Fire/overheat detection test panel FIRE/OVHT TEST WHL WELL ENG/APU CARGO SYS FAIL FAIL P-RESET Fire test switch for wheel wells 2 System fail light System fail reset switch Fire/overheat test switch for engines, APU, and cargo DISCH MAIN FWD APU 1 AFT APU fire warning and APU fire switch 797-FD-0127R1C 1-19-2-whp Fire Protection 767-200ER/-300ER APU Ground Service Control Panel APU FIRE WARNING HORN APU fire warning horn APU fire bottle armed light APU FIRE Fwd FIRE BOTTLE ARMED APU fire bottle discharged light BOTTLE DISCHARGED APU bottle discharge switch APU fire light APU FIRE SHUTDOWN APU BOTTLE DISCHARGE APU shutdown switch APU ground control panel on nose landing gear strut 797-FD-0128C 1-19-2-whp/CF Equipment Cooling 767-200ER/-300ER Equipment cooling selector EQUIP COOLING CABIN ALTITUDE VALVE AUTO PRESS DIFF LIMIT: T/O & LDG .125 PSI STBY OVHT OVRD SMOKE NO COOLING No cooling light Conditioned pack air (3) (4) Flight deck panels Override valve ( p) Override valve ( p) (2) EE equipment Air cleaner Supply fan Manifold interconnect valve Flight deck panels Override valve ( p) EE equipment Check valves AUTO – Automatically controls equipment cooling system STBY – Positions equipment cooling system for inboard airflow OVRD – Positions equipment cooling system for reverse airflow Valve light Overheat light Smoke light Overboard exhaust valve (1) Inboard supply valve Check valves Supply fan EE equipment Air cleaner Air cleaner Exhaust fan (ON) Flight deck panels Exhaust fan Overboard exhaust valve Check valves Supply fan Exhaust fan Overboard exhaust valve Inboard supply valve Inboard supply valve (5) Bypass valve (1) Automatic (AUTO) mode Bypass valve Standby (STBY) mode (1) These valves reverse if OAT below 45oF/7oC or in flight or on ground with both engines running. (2) These valves reverse if cargo fire switch is in DEPR (Freighter only). Bypass valve (2) Override (OVRD) mode (3) This valve is open on the 767 Freighter only in flight or on the ground with both engines running. (4) This valve is open on the 767 Freighter. (5) This valve is closed during flight. 797-FD-0129C 1-19-2-whp/CF Auxiliary Power Unit 767-200ER/-300ER Auxiliary power unit (APU) • Installed in unpressurized tail cone • Ground or in-flight use • 90-kVA electrical generator • Generator power available to airplane’s maximum certified altitude • Bleed air for packs and engine start • Automatic start • Crew monitoring not required • Start up to 35,000 ft • Automatic cooldown on shutdown • Automatic shutdown for fault/fire • EGT readout on EICAS status page APU ON OFF START RUN FAULT 797-FD-0130C 1-19-2-whp/CF Fuel System 767-200ER/-300ER • Three-tank system • Independent fuel system for each engine with crossfeed capability • Two boost pumps in each wing tank • Two override pumps in center tank • Automatic scavenge system for center tank • APU supplied from the left fuel manifold • Normal fuel configuration is tank to engine • Solid-state fuel quantity and temperature indication • Fuel configuration alerts for • Fuel imbalance • Low fuel • Center tank pumps off with fuel in tank • Minimum crew workload • All pumps turned on before flight • Center tank pumps turned off when center tank is empty L PUMPS FUEL XFEED R PUMPS VALVE PRESS VALVE PRESS ON ON AFT AFT PRESS ON ON FWD FWD 767-200ER 138,037 lb (20,450 U.S. gal) 62,600 kg (77,410 liters) PRESS C PUMPS ON FUEL CONFIG P R E S S P R E S S R L C L LB TEMP ON KG C LB KG FUEL QTY X 1000 R LB KG TOTAL 767-200ER*, -300ER 161,700 lb (24,140 U.S. gal) 73,350 kg (91,380 liters) * Option 797-FD-0131C 1-19-2-whp/CF Fuel Jettison 767-200ER/-300ER • A fuel jettison system is installed on 767 airplanes with gross takeoff weights in excess of 360,000 lb. FUEL JETTISON FAULT L–NOZZLE–R • Fuel is pumped from the center auxiliary tank by dedicated jettison pumps through jettison transfer valves to the jettison nozzles located on the outboard trailing edges of the wings. OFF ON ON ON VALVE VALVE Center auxiliary tank Jettison and override pumps P P Jettison nozzle valve Jettison transfer valve Jettison nozzle Left wing shown, right wing identical Existing fuel system Fuel jettison system 797-FD-0132C 1-19-2-whp/CF Communication Radios and Equipment 767-200ER/-300ER Left RCP Right RCP ACTIVE STANDBY VHF L VHF C VHF R HF L AM HF R HF SENS O F F Radio communications panel (representative) Center RCP NOSE RIGHT • Three radio communications panels are each capable of tuning the VHF and HF radios. • Radio communications panels support VHF data link, HF data link, 8.33-kHz frequency spacing, VDL mode 2, and voice mode protection. Separate options are available to enable each of these functions. • Separate option is available, contingent on selection of compatible HF and VHF transceivers, to display transceiver fault status on the radio communications panel by monitoring the CMC output bus. BOEING PROPRIETARY 797-FD-0133C 2-26-2-CF Pilots’ Call Panel 767-200ER/-300ER CABIN CALL FWD MID AFT GND ALERT CALL ALERT SELCAL call lights/switches (blue) • Illuminate when attendant at respective station calls flight crew • Accompanied by flight deck high chime • Reset when call is answered or switch is pressed • Sound high-low chime and illuminate pink light at attendant station • Inhibited if handset at selected station is off hook Alert call light/switch (amber) • Illuminates when cabin attendant activates alert call • Accompanied by flight deck high chime • Resets when call is answered, the calling handset is reset, or when switch is pressed • Sounds high-low chime three times and flashes pink lights at all attendant stations when pressed Ground call light/switch (blue) • Illuminates when ground personnel at APU ground control panel call the flight crew • Accompanied by flight deck high chime • Press to reset • As long as the switch is held down, a horn sounds in the wheel well to call ground personnel 797-FD-0134C 1-19-2-whp/CF Audio Selector Panel 767-200ER/-300ER Microphone selector switches/lights (white) • Illuminate when selected • Select desired transmitting system • Interlocked to permit only one switch to be selected at a time • Automatically activate respective receiver Ground call light • Ground crew call to pilots • 30-sec reset MIC MIC MIC MIC MIC MIC CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL IN USE L VHF Receiver control • Push to select ON/OFF (alternate action) • Rotate for volume control C VHF MIC R VHF L CAB MIC MIC MIC MIC CALL CALL CALL R L VOR FLT CALL L HF INT Push-to-talk switch • Transmits on selected system with boom microphone or oxygen mask microphone • Resets SELCAL light for selected radio Call lights (9) • VHF, HF, and SATCOM • ACARS call on VHF-C • Flight attendant call on cabin interphone • Resets with transmit switch or PTT activation; SATCOM resets upon termination of call ADF R L R PA Receive light • Indicates respective receiver is selected BOOM R SAT OXY APP V B R L C R MKR Boom-oxygen switch • Selects either boom or oxygen mask microphone for use with selected system Filter selector • Filters audio from VOR, ADF, ILS, DME • VOICE – voice only • RANGE – range (code) only • BOTH – voice and range 797-FD-0135C 2-26-2-whp Antenna Locations 767-200ER/-300ER VOR (L, R) HF ATC (L) TCAS ATC (R) GPS (L, R) SATCOM 2 ADF (L) ADF (R) VHF (C) VHF (L) Weather radar Localizer (L, C, R) Glideslope (L, C, R) Airphone 1 TCAS ATC (L) ATC (R) VHF (R) Marker beacon DME-R Radio altimeter receiver (L, C, R) Radio altimeter transmitter (L, C, R) DME (L) 1 Structural provisions. 2 Optional installation. 797-FD-0136C 1-19-2-whp/CF Electrical System 767-200ER/-300ER 90-kVA engine-driven generators • Integrated drive generator (IDG) BAT STBY POWER AUTO ON 90-kVA APU generator • Automatic start/shutdown • Start with separate APU battery • Ground or in-flight use • APU generator allows for dispatch with one engine IDG inoperative D I S C H BAT OFF OFF O F F APU GEN EXT PWR ON O BUS TIE One generator can supply all loads except utility ON F BUS TIE AVAIL F AUTO AUTO ISLN Nonparallel system • Left and right sides powered by separate power sources ISLN UTILITY BUS R ON ON OFF OFF R BUS BUS BUS OFF Automatic load transfer Automatic load shed of utility buses • For generator loss • For overload • For engine start from APU L L BUS OFF R L GEN DRIVE DISC GEN CONT L R DRIVE DRIVE GEN CONT O Standby ac and dc buses • Powered by main battery • 30-min minimum F O ON F F APU ON OFF Flight instrument transfer bus • Automatic transfer • No normal in-flight procedures ON F START RUN FAULT 797-FD-0137C 1-19-2-whp/CF Electrical Power System 767-200ER/-300ER External ac power APU gen L IDG L GCB EPC APB R GCB R BTB L BTB Left main ac bus R IDG Right main ac bus AC tie bus Left utility bus Right utility bus F/O flight inst transfer bus Left TRU Right TRU Captain flight inst trans bus Left ac transfer bus AC gen Standby ac bus DC gen HMG Flight ac transfer bus Left dc bus DC tie bus Static inverter Center ac bus Right dc bus Ground service bus Center dc bus Standby dc bus Battery bus Hot battery bus Main batt chrgr APU batt chrgr APU battery bus Main battery Standby tie bus APU battery 797-FD-0043 1-21-2-whp/CF Hydraulic Motor-Driven Generator (HMG) 767-200ER/-300ER • Backup electrical power source for extended twin-engine operations • Additional generator to supply 5-kVA ac and 50-A dc power • Powered by center hydraulic system air-driven pump • Located in left-hand wheel well on keel beam • An independent power supply for the Captain’s flight instruments as well as selected navigation, communication, lighting, and anti-icing loads • Activated automatically when the airplane is airborne with loss of the engine-driven and APU generators 797-FD-0138C 1-19-2-whp/CF Hydraulic Motor Generator (HMG) 767-200ER/-300ER ENTRY EMER DOORS CARGO DOORS CAPT ACCESS DOORS DOORS FO L AOA L AUX PASS OXY EMER LIGHTS FWD R AUX BULK TAT PITOT PITOT OFF ON ARMED W STAB N 2 3 W 4 H 5 E 6 7 S 8 9 ENT 0 CLR 1 ON UNARMED AUTO SPOILERS ON SPDBRK OVHT COMPT TEMP AIL RUDDER UNSCHED OVHT ON TRIM DSPL SEL PPOS WIND CARGO HEAT R AOA PITOT PITOT IRS MODE SEL N ANTISKID STAB TRIM LOCK RATIO WINDOW HEAT TK/GS HDG L RAM AIR TURB R FWD FWD SIDE SYS DSPL C L R SIDE PRESS ON ON ON ON UNLKD INOP INOP INOP INOP INOP INOP FWD CAB L C ALIGN ON DC NAV OFF NAV ALIGN BOTH OFF ALIGN NAV INOP AUTO VALVE C FAULT ATT AFT CAB R 2 VALVE DC FAIL FAULT ATT 1 ON DC DC FAIL FAULT AUTO ENG START ALIGN L ON DC DC FAIL ALIGN MID CAB AUTO R ALIGN C W OFF ATT TRIM AIR OFF AUTO OFF GND ON CONT CONT FLT FLT OFF L FUEL JETTISON ON ON INOP INOP BAT L AUTO ON D NORM ON ON VALVE VALVE FUEL XFEED QTY QTY BUS TIE PUMPS HYD ENG ON ON ON PRESS PRESS PRESS OVHT OVHT OVHT OVHT I A Y AIR AUTO AUTO ISLN BUS A OFF R BUS R ON OFF L P R R E E S S S S DESCEND 00340 0 4 AUTO ON OFF F N VALVE C ISLN MAN AUTO 1 R V A L V E DUCT LEAK LB O ON F DRIVE F DRIVE ON KG LB KG FUEL QTY X 1000 LB KG WING BLEED DL UE CA T K OVHT ON START OFF L L RUN FAULT 2 8 ENGINE 4 VALVE 6 2 L ENG 1 2 R R VALVE 0 2 25 4 20 15 6 10 8 0 10 ANTI-ICE ON ON ON VALVE VALVE DIFF PSI ALT FT X F 1000 RATE O F F V A L V E OVHT R ENG O F F VALVE AUTO PRESS DIFF LIMIT: T/O & LDG .125 PSI WIPER OFF ERASE F FPM 1000 ADP APU EQUIP COOLING CABIN ALTITUDE TEST DUCT LEAK BLEED TOTAL C TEMP F D APU R ISLN 0 MODE SELECT AUTO 2 O A ON 20 VALVE AUTO INOP R PSI L ISLN LDG ALT ON C L CONT M OFF MAX MIN CL FUEL P GEN R L CONT E OVHT AUTO ON Y 80 PRESS R GEN DRIVE DISC GEN D OFF T B 60 OFF L D ON BUS ON OFF S C W OP CONFIG L AUTO RATE Battery switch • ON - Provides backup power from the hot battery bus to the battery and standby buses • OFF - Disconnects battery bus from hot battery bus DUCT UTILITY BUS M PRESS OVHT AUTO A N Y W MANUAL CLIMB FWD PRESS VALVE PRESS C PUMP L BUS VALVE FWD ELEC PRESS OVHT M N ON ON Y ELEC PRESS E PACK OFF AUTO OFF T B CABIN ALTITUDE CONTROL BUS TIE AVAIL ISLN R D W MAN N C ON ON F R ON PRESS INOP C AUTO OFF PRESS VALVE P I RESET INOP PACK OFF ON ON AFT R C 1-ELEC-2 R PACK L PACK AUTO S F L ALERT OFF F R PUMPS AFT PRESS O ENG W AUTO RESET L PUMPS ON APU GEN EXT PWR QTY C CALL SEATBELTS ON OFF F F F H SYS PRESS ALERT NO SMOKING AUTO O C SYS PRESS GND AFT PASS SIGNS BAT OFF S ALTN CONT SYS PRESS MID OFF OFF I ENG ALTN R Battery discharge light illuminated - The main battery is discharging INOP ON STBY POWER R ELEC NORM FWD FAULT L–NOZZLE–R M ON INOP R CABIN CALL R ON INOP FLT DK YAW DAMPER P W OFF L - RECIRC FAN - R AUTO OFF GND C W OFF STBY OVHT LOW OVRD SMOKE NO COOLING HIGH HEADPHONE COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER CKT BKR OVHD PANEL DOME PANEL/FLOOD GLARESHIELD AISLE STAND ANTI LT OVRD POSITION WING COLLISION RED ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF WHITE LOGO OFF ON ON FLT DK DOOR ON UNLKD ON TAXI RUNWAY TURNOFF Standby power bus off light • Illuminated - standby ac or dc bus not powered UNLKD L OFF R LANDING WING L NOSE GEAR R IND LTS DIM TEST BRT ON OFF OFF ON ON Battery charger BAT AUTO ON Hot bat bus dc D I S C H Battery Flow lines not on panel DC power AC power DC output Hydraulic motor-driven AC generator output (HMG) BAT OFF OFF O F F Battery bus dc Left dc Captain flight instrument transfer bus Left transfer bus Right transfer bus Standby dc bus Standby ac bus Standby power selector • OFF - The standby buses are unpowered • AUTO - The standby buses powered from main ac and dc transfers to battery power if normal ac power is lost • BAT - The standby buses are powered from the main battery 797-FD-0032 1-19-2-whp/CF Hydraulic Motor Generator System 767-200ER/-300ER Systems powered by battery or hydraulic motor generator if operational • Fire extinguishing systems • Engine, APU, and cargo and wheel well fire detection systems • Spar fuel valves • APU fuel valve • Fueling system • Fuel crossfeed valves • DC fuel pump • Fuel quantity system • Engine fuel control valves • Clock time references • Captain’s clock • IRS (L and C continuous; R 5 minutes) • RAT manual deployment • RAT automatic deployment system • Parking brake valve • Landing gear alternate extension • Passenger address system • Interphone systems • Generator controls • Engine-driven hydraulic pump shutoff valves • Air-driven hydraulic pump control • E/E cooling override system • Antiskid for inboard wheels • Air/ground system • Passenger oxygen deployment system • Standby engine indicating • Engine start controls • Engine ignition system • Engine thrust reverse control • Left and right pack valves • Manual wing anti-ice • Manual engine anti-ice Additional systems powered by hydraulic motor generator • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alternate stabilizer trim Stab trim shutoff valves Manual cabin altitude control Aislestand floodlight Left yaw damper Three spoiler pairs Left VHF Left stick shaker Standby attitude indicator Left aural warning speaker Rudder trim Main panel floodlights Left VOR/marker beacon Left air data computer Left RDMI Center MMR Duct leak detection E/E cooling standby mode Standby instrument panel lights Right ADF WEU (channel B) Standby electrical power control APU control Cabin altitude indicator Cabin differential pressure indicator Cabin emergency lights Emergency evacuation system (if installed) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Left EADI Left EHSI Left altimeter Left Mach/airspeed indicator Left EFIS symbol generator Center EFIS symbol generator Left EFIS control panel Left VSI Left MMR Left radio altimeter Captain’s instrument and panel lights Left FMC and MCDU Left DME Left HF Flap and rudder trim position indicators Aislestand and overhead panel lights Captain’s pitot heat Right auxiliary pitot heat Left angle of attack heat Left and right pneumatic isolation valve Cabin pressure controller auto 1 and 2 Lavatory lights Left and right engine probe heat Left ATC system Cargo heat override control Passenger cabin ceiling and night lighting • Manual flight deck temperature control • Trim air Note: Standby altimeter and standby airspeed indicator are pneumatically driven. 797-FD-0139R1C 1-19-2-whp/CF Flight Controls 767-200ER/-300ER • The primary flight controls are the ailerons, elevators, and rudder. Flight controls are powered from the three hydraulic systems. There is no manual reversion. • Spoilers assist the ailerons in providing roll control and, in addition, operate as speed brakes. • A variable-pitch stabilizer assists the elevators in providing pitch control. The stabilizer provides trim by varying the horizontal stabilizer angle. • High lift for takeoff and landing is provided by trailing edge flaps and leading edge slats. The flaps and slats can also be operated by an alternate electrical system. Outboard aileron Inboard leading edge slat Inboard aileron Rudder Spoilers Outboard leading edge slats Elevator Stabilizer • Two independent yaw damper systems operate continuously in flight to improve the airplane’s directional stability and turn coordination. Trailing edge flaps • The EICAS status display of flight control surface positions shows the amount of deflection. L C R HYD QTY 0.76 FULL 0.25 APU EGT 640 CABIN ALT AUTO1 CARGO FAN OXY PRESS 1750 RUD AIL ELEV AIL EICAS status page 797-FD-0142C 1-19-2-whp/CF Hydraulic Power 767-200ER/-300ER Center system Left system • The left and right hydraulic systems are each powered by one primary engine-driven pump and one electric demand pump. • The center hydraulic system is normally powered by two electric primary pumps and one air-driven demand pump. • The center system provides power for the hydraulic motor generator during standby electrical power operation. • Each hydraulic system reservoir is equipped with a low-quantity measuring system to provide information to the EICAS status display for quantity and refill indications. • RAT (ram air turbine) provides hydraulic pressure to center hydraulic system when deployed. Primary pumps Demand pumps Engine pump Electric pump Electric pump Right system Electric pump Electric pump Air-driv pump Valve Tail * skid Flaps and slats HMG Main gear Left thrust reverser Engine pump Check valve Right thrust reverser Nose gear Rudder ratio PUMPS HYD L R R C 1-ELEC-2 ENG P ENG ON ON ON ON PRESS PRESS PRESS PRESS Alternate brakes Normal brakes OVHT OVHT OVHT OVHT Spoilers Spoilers I M Spoilers A Y R AIR ELEC PRESS PRESS PRESS OVHT OVHT OVHT Right inboard aileron Left inboard aileron Y ELEC D Elevators D E E M Rudder Outboard ailerons Center autopilot servos Right autopilot servos M AUTO A N Elevator feel Stabilizer trim R A R Nose wheel steering P I M Yaw dampers OFF AUTO ON OFF AUTO ON OFF D A ON N D Left autopilot servos Hydraulic control panel * 767-300ER models only. RAT pump Hydraulic system diagram 797-FD-0144C 1-19-2-whp/CF Ice and Rain Protection Probe and Window Heat, Windshield Wipers Probe heat • Operation is fully automatic Window heat • Heat control is automatically provided for both left and right no. 1 and no. 2 windows Windshield wipers • Hydrophobic coating on windshield Overhead panel Window heat switch • Signals window heat controller to apply heat to associated window WINDOW HEAT R L SIDE FWD SIDE ON ON ON ON INOP INOP INOP INOP Window heat inoperative lights • Associated window is not being heated Probe locations L WIPER OFF INT Pitot static probes (2 per side) Angle of attack probe (1 per side) Total air temperature probe (left side only) FWD LOW HIGH R OFF INT LOW HIGH Standard selections baseline is dual three-speed (with intermittent) wiper switches Windshield wiper selector OFF – Wipers turned off and sequenced to the stowed position INT – Intermittent operation LOW – Low-speed operation HIGH – High-speed operation 797-FD-0145C 1-19-02-whp/DD Wing and Engine Anti-Ice 767-200ER/-300ER Wing anti-ice switch • In-flight operation only Overhead panel WING To right wing anti-ice valve ANTI-ICE ENGINE L R ON Air/gnd logic R L VALVE ON ON VALVE VALVE D VALVE Engine anti-ice switches Pneumatic manifold T P Heated slats Temperature sensor Wing anti-ice valve Cowl anti-ice Bleed air manifold PRV LP P Wing thermal anti-ice overpressure switch T Wing TAI overheat switch HP 797-FD-0146C 1-19-02-whp/DD Wheel Braking System 767-200ER/-300ER • Normal braking is powered for all main wheels by the right hydraulic system. • Alternate braking is powered by the center hydraulic system. • A single brake pressure accumulator is charged from the center hydraulic system. PARK BRAKE P A R K • An antiskid system is provided to all main wheel brakes for skid protection, locked wheel, hydroplane, and touchdown protection. AUTO BRAKES B R A K E AUTO BRAKES 2 3 1 a 4 DISARM MAX AUTO OFF RTO • An autobrake system permits automatic braking at preselected deceleration rates following touchdown. • An RTO (rejected takeoff) feature applies maximum braking if both thrust levers are retarded to idle above 85 knots during takeoff roll. Altn brake press Accumulator isolation valve BRAKE 4 PRESS PSI Park brake valve X 1000 3 0 2 Hydraulic system 1 Metering valve Accumulator Antiskid valves Auto brake valve Antiskid return Metering valve Antiskid valves Antiskid controller Antiskid 797-FD-0147C 1-19-02-whp/DD Landing Gear 767-200ER/-300ER • The 767 has two main gear and steerable nose gear D O O R Sa • Landing gear actuation is powered by the center hydraulic system TAIL SKID a NOSE g a RIGHT LEFT g • A tailskid is installed on 767-300ER airplanes G E A R UP OFF g RETRACT 270K EXTEND OR EXTENDED 270K-.82M LOCK OVRD DN Landing gear level UP – Releases downlocks – Pressurizes upside of gear actuator OFF – Depressurizes landing gear hydraulic system DN – Releases uplocks – Pressurizes downside of gear actuator Tailskid light (amber) (767-300ER airplanes) • Tailskid disagrees with lever position Landing lock override switch Push – Manually releases lever lock ALTN GEAR EXTEND 250K-.75M OFF DN Alternate gear extension switch (toggle, guarded) OFF – Resets alternate gear extension system DN – Releases all gear uplocks 797-FD-0148C 1-19-02-whp/DD Nose Wheel Steering 767-200ER/-300ER • Nose wheel steering is powered by the center hydraulic system • Steering is controlled primarily through the left-hand tiller wheel • Rudder pedals provide up to 6˚ of steering control Minimum turning radius Tiller steering angle 65˚ Minimum width of pavement for 180˚ turn is 129.0 ft (39.32 m) -200 series 146.0 ft (44.50 m) -300 series Center of turn for minimum turning radius (slow continuous turn, no differential braking) , Captain s sidewall Nose wheel steering tiller • Turns nose wheel up to 65˚ in desired direction • Overrides rudder pedal steering Nose wheel indicator shows direction and angle of nose wheel steering signal 797-FD-0149C 1-19-02-whp/DD Air Data System 767-200ER/-300ER Flush static ports (2) Pitot static probes (4) Captain’s auxiliary pitot First Officer’s main pitot R-AOA Right ADC RAT arm pressure switch Standby altimeter Elevator feel computer Standby airspeed indicator Left ADC Captain’s main pitot • • • • Differential pressure sensor TAT L-AOA First Officer’s auxiliary pitot Dual ARINC 706 digital air data computers Independent standby instruments Auto probe heat Dual-level pitot static probe heat • Dual angle-of-attack (AOA) vanes • Aspirated TAT probe provides certified TAT for takeoff thrust computations • TAT display on EICAS • TAS and SAT available in FMC MCDU 797-FD-0150 C 1-19-02-whp/DD Flight Crew Oxygen 767-200ER/-300ER Flow indicator • Shows a yellow cross when oxygen is flowing Release levers Squeeze and pull • Releases mask from stowage box • Oxygen turns on and mask harness inflates RESET PUSH Stowed oxygen mask regulator (crewmember station) 100% PUSH OXYGEN BASE HYD QTY L 0.76 APU EGT 640 OXY PRESS 1750 C R 1.00 0.25 RF Oxygen pressure • Pressure at the crew oxygen cylinder CABIN ALT AUTO 1 CARGO FAN RUD AIL Reset/test slide lever Push • Mask stowed, turns oxygen on momentarily to test regulator ELEV AIL EICAS status display center panel Normal/100% selector Normal • Air/oxygen mixture on demand • Ratio is dependent on cabin altitude 100% • Pushing selector supplies pure oxygen on demand Harness (shown inflated) N Mask 100% PUSH EMERGENCY Microphone Regulator PRESS TO TEST Emergency/test selector • 100% oxygen is supplied under positive pressure at all cabin altitudes 797-FD-0151 C 1-19-02-whp/DD Flight Deck and Emergency Lighting 767-200ER/-300ER Panel light control • Regulates the brightness of the internal lighting in the Captain’s and center panels and standby magnetic compass Chart light control • Regulates the brightness of the Captain’s and First Officer’s chart light CLOCK PANEL Map light control • Regulates the brightness of the Captain’s and First Officer’s map light OFF Floodlight control • Regulates the brightness of the floodlighting in the Captain’s, center, and First Officer’s panels CHART FLOOD OFF MAP PTT Emergency lights switch (guarded) OFF – Prevents activation of emergency lighting system when electrical power fails or is turned off ARMED – All interior and exterior emergency lights illuminated automatically if dc power fails or is turned off ON – All emergency lights illuminate Lights override switch (alternate action) ON – Turns on the following lights to full brightness: Captain’s, center, and First Officer’s main panel floodlights, forward and aft dome lights, and aislestand floodlight Emergency lights switch unarmed light (amber) EMER LIGHTS OFF ARMED UNARMED ON PASS SIGNS NO SMOKING SEAT BELTS AUTO AUTO OFF ON OFF ON LT OVRD ON No smoking/seat belt selector OFF – Turns off the associated passenger signs AUTO – Selects automatic control of the associated passenger signs • NO SMOKING signs on when landing gear is down • SEAT BELT signs on when landing gear is down or flaps are not up ON – Turns on the associated passenger signs 797-FD-0152 C 1-19-02-DD/DD Exterior Lighting 767-200ER/-300ER Right position lights (green and white) Taxi runway turnoff lights (left and right) Landing lights (left, right, and nose) Logo lights (white) LOGO ON RUNWAY TURNOFF L OFF R Logo light switch ON Runway turnoff light switch Red and white anticollision light switch (alternate action) ON – Turns on the corresponding red or white strobe lights Position light switch (alternate action) ON – Turns on the red, green, and white position lights Wing landing light switch (alternate action) ON – Turns on the corresponding left or right wing landing light – Light intensity is at maximum only when the landing gear lever is down Taxi lights (optional) Upper anticollision light (red strobe) Wing illumination lights Lower anticollision (red strobe) Left position lights (red and white) Anticollision lights (left and right) (white strobe) ANTI COLLISION RED WHITE POSITION ON ON WING ON ON Wing light switch (alternate action) ON – Turns on the wing leading edge lights – Light intensity is at maximum only when the landing gear lever is down LANDING WING L NOSE GEAR R OFF OFF ON ON Nose gear landing light switch ON – Turns on the two nose gear landing lights – Inhibited if nose landing gear is retracted 797-FD-0153C 1-19-02-whp/DD 767 Flight Deck and Avionics - Options 767 Options 767-200ER/-300ER 1 Electronic Flight Instrument System 2 Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 3 Autoflight Systems 4 Flight Management Computer System 5 Communications 6 Navigation System 7 Crew Accommodations 8 Airframe Systems 797-FD-0154 C 2-25-02-PW-whp Options 1 —Electronic Flight Instrument System 767-200ER/-300ER EADI Feature Flight Mode Annunciation (FMA) Airspeed Tape Flight Director Command Display and Airplane Symbol Basic Bottom of EADI Fast/Slow Indicator Split Axis Option Top of EADI Airspeed Tape with Rolling Digits and Trend Vector (Contingent on Top FMA) Airspeed Tape with Hollow Cursor and Trend Vector (Contingent on Top FMA) Filled Integrated CueHollow Integrated Cue Radio Altitude Display Digital Display Digital and Round Dial Display Rising Runway Display None Provided on EADI Radio Altitude Height Alert None Shown at 1000 feet Shown at 1500 feet Shown at 2500 feet ILS Deviation Alert None Provided on EADI EHSI Feature Map Mode Orientation Range Arcs True Airspeed and Ground Speed display Wind Bearing Digital Display Basic Option Track Up Heading Up Range Marks Range Arcs Ground Speed on EADI only Wind Speed and Direction displayed Ground Speed on EADI and EHSI. True Airspeed on EHSI Wind Speed, Direction, and Bearing displayed ADF Pointers None Provided on EHSI TCAS 3nm Range Ring None Provided on EHSI 797-FD-0211C 2-25-2-whp Options 1 —Electronic Flight Instrument System 767-200ER/-300ER Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI) Flight mode annunciation on top of ADI Airspeed tape GS138 SPD A/T DH150 20 LOC ROLLOUT 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 CMD 200 20 F 10 G/S FLARE Integrated cue flight director 160 10 132 120 10 S 10 100 A/T SPD FLARE G/S 20 20 CMD ROLLOUT LNAV ALT GS 138 200 Radio altitude height alert 1,000, 1,500, or 2,500 ft RA Rising runway Rolling digits and trend vector Basic EADI ILS deviation warning Round dial radio altitude Optional EADI features 797-FD-0155 C 2-26-2-whp/CF Options 1 —Electronic Flight Instrument System 767-200ER/-300ER Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) True airspeed and ground speed 27.5 NM TRK 142 M 27.5 NM 0835.4 Z8 WX+T +12 TAS 270 GS 298 HDG 127 M 12 15 12 ADF pointers DIDES Heading up 9 0835.4 Z WX+T +12 15 DIDES CAMP CAMP 20 20 BUGLE BUGLE Range arcs Note: Range arcs are visible full time in map mode and when weather, TCAS, or terrain is displayed in expanded VOR/APP mode. 20 115˚ /20 Digital wind bearing Basic EHSI map mode Optional EHSI map mode features El797-FD-0156C 2-26-2-whp Options 2 —EICAS 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Engine Fuel Flow Display APU Oil Quantity Display Generator Off and Engine Oil Pressure EICAS Messages ECS Parameters Basic Display when Secondary Engine page is selected Low APU Oil Quantity message on Maintenance page Advisory Level Basic ECS Parameters on Maintenance page Option Full Time Display APU Oil Quantity Level on Status and Maintenance page Caution Level Basic and Additional ECS Parameters on Maintenance page Hydraulic Pressure Display on Maintenance page Display on Status and Maintenance pages APU RPM Display on Maintenance page Display on Status and Maintenance pages Bulk Cargo Compartment Temperature None Display on Maintenance and Status page Ram Air Door Outlet Position None Display on Maintenance Page Display on Maintenance page for GE and RR engines Display on Maintenance page for PW engines Engine Fuel Pressure EICAS Maintenance Pages Available during flight Available above 10,000 feet Not Available during flight ECS Precooler Outlet Temperature None Display on Maintenance page Brake Temperature Display None Display on Status page Tire Pressure Display None Display on Status page Caution and Warning Options Feature Autopilot Disengage Warning Firebell Aural Warning Overspeed Aural Warning Basic Aural Warning Siren - Aural Inhibited when Autopilot Disconnect Switch double pushed Option Aural Warning Wailer - Aural activated for one second when Autopilot Disconnect Switch double pushed 1 second on, 9 seconds off 2 seconds on, 3 seconds off Resettable Warning Siren Non-resettable Warning Siren 797-FD-0212C 2-25-2-whp Options 2 —EICAS 767-200ER/-300ER Caution level messages • Generator off • Engine oil pressure TAT L GEN OFF R GEN OFF L ENG OIL PRESS R ENG OIL PRESS (Default selection shows these messages as advisory level) -12o C 1.50 2.0 1.50 CRZ 2.0 1.28 1.0 1.28 1.0 1.5 1.5 EPR 54.2 54.2 Metric engine parameters • Fuel flow (FF) shows in kilograms per hour • Oil quantity shows in liters N1 428 428 EGT 95 70 PRESS 105 105 OIL TEMP OIL 3.1 95 70 OIL 18 Note: This is part of a broader option to show all instrumentation with metric units. N2 11.3 Full-time display of fuel flow 11.3 18 QTY FF 0.9 (Default selection shows this only when secondary engine display is selected) Primary and secondary displays 797-FD-0157C 1-18-02-CF/DD Options 2 —EICAS 767-200ER/-300ER Hydraulic pressure indication L HYD QTY HYD PRESS APU EGT R OIL 12.4 FF 15.3 0.25RF 2140 CABIN ALT AUTO 1 CARGO FAN Q 0.75 1750 OXY PRESS APU oil quantity level indication RUD AIL ELEV Full-time fuel flow 26 BULK CARGO TEMP Bulk cargo compartment temperature indication C 0.76 1.29 3230 3210 640 RPM 103 AIL 160 160 160 2 3 50 160 4 5 160 160 5 1 160 160 2 3 160 APU RPM indication BRAKE TEMP / TIRE PRESS Brake temperature indications Tire pressure indications Status page 797-FD-0158C 1-19-02-MT/DD Options 2 —EICAS 767-200ER/-300ER ECS/MSG maintenance page PERF/APU maintenance page PERF/APU ECS/MSG L PACK OUT TURB IN SEC HX OUT COMPR OUT Additional ECS parameters PRIM HX OUT PRIM HX IN PRECOOL OUT DUCT PRESS PACK FLOW TEMP VALVE RAM IN DOOR RAM OUT DOOR Ram air outlet door position FLT DK DUCT TEMP TRIM VALVE 30 0.75 2 9 1 96 44 171 193 40 0 0.75 0.62 0.73 3 10 3 98 46 173 196 42 0 0.80 0.71 0.72 FWD 28 0.80 R FWD EQ FAN 1 CAS ZONE TEMP BITE MACH 95 130 12 OIL QTY 0.7 0.5 95 130 12 0.3 0.9 N1 N2 MID 17 0.00 AUX MID 17 0.00 25 AFT 17 0.00 EGT 640 RPM 100 0.25 OIL Q TAT ALT 1.523 EPR ACT EPR ACT 104.0 N1 1.284 54.2 1.013 APU: BULK CARGO TEMP 187.6 245 0.015 60.4 AFT CABIN TEMP ECS precooler outlet temperature OIL TEMP VIB AUX FWD 28 0.80 OIL PRESS GROSS WT 86 EGT +15 21030 0.902 1.001 104.0 21.3 N2 82.5 FF 1.010 FP N1 RED EGT RED 84 APU OIL QTY Bulk cargo compartment temperature APU oil quantity level Interstage fuel pump pressure (basic with General Electric and Rolls-Royce engines) 797-FD-0159 C 1-19-02-MT/DD Options 3 —Autoflight Systems 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Glideslope Capture Mach Display on Mode Control Panel (MCP) Basic Inhibit Glideslope Capture prior to Localizer Capture Two-digit Mach display Autopilot Triple-Channel Selection in Approach Mode Automatic Autopilot Command Engage Default Roll Mode Heading Hold Flight Director Mode Control Panel (MCP) Fixed Derates Climb Fixed Derate Washout FCC Software Loading Capability Part Time Display (Flight Director display inhibited whenautopilot and flight director are referenced to the same FCC) 757/767 Baseline MCP Climb Fixed Derates 10,000 feet to 12,000 feet On-board Software Loadable Option Enable Glideslope Capture prior to Localizer Capture Three-digit Mach display Manual Bank Angle Hold Full Time Display (Flight Director always displays when selected) 757/767 Baseline MCP without Backcourse Switch747-400 MCP Takeoff and Climb Fixed Derates 10,000 feet to 30,000 feet Not Software Loadable 797-FD-0213C 2-25-2-whp Options 3 —Autoflight Systems 767-200ER/-300ER 747-400 mode control panel Knob shape modified to provide tactile difference from heading and altitude knobs A/T ARM VERT SPD HDG IAS/MACH F/D ON L NAV 2 0 0 1 2 6 1 Backcourse mode deleted A/P ENGAGE ALT 7 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 L C R CMD CMD CMD F/D ON OFF SEL V NAV THR OFF 5 NORM FL CH SPD SEL 25 BANK LIMIT LOC DN V/S HOLD HOLD OFF APP DISENGAGE UP All pushbutton switches modified to provide positive tactile feel Changed EPR or N1 nomenclature to THR (provides commonality with all engine types) Added push action switch to altitude select knob (provides VNAV altitude intervention capability) 757 and 767 mode control panel options Three-digit Mach display A/T ARM F/D ON .8 0 5 VERT SPD HDG IAS/MACH L NAV Backcourse mode deleted 2 7 0 1 A/P ENGAGE ALT 7 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 L C R CMD CMD CMD F/D ON OFF SEL EPR V NAV OFF 5 NORM SPD FL CH Full-time flight director: Command bars stay in view when same A/P is selected SEL 25 BANK LIMIT LOC DN V/S HOLD HOLD APP OFF DISENGAGE UP Bank angle hold on A/P or F/D engagement if bank between 5 and 30 Individual channel selection in approach mode 797-FD-0160C 1-19-02-whp/DD Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Runway Position Shift Units Flight Crew Alertness Monitor Navigation Database Basic Feet Inhibited Boeing Supplied Option Meters Enabled Customer Supplied Offpath Descent Circles & DME Range Rings Inhibited Displayed Altitude Intervention Inhibited Enabled (Contingent on selecting 747-400 MCP) Airline Modifiable Information (AMI) Boeing Supplied Customer Supplied Required Time of Arrival (RTA) Inhibited Enabled Air Traffic Services Datalink (ATS DL) Inhibited Enabled (Contingent on selecting Datalink capability) Airline Operational Communciations Datalink (AOC DL) Inhibited Enabled (Contingent on selecting Datalink capability) Takeoff Datalink Inhibited Enabled (Contingent on selecting AOC DL) FMC Printer Interface Inhibited Enabled (Contingent on selecting a printer) ADF Approaches Inhibited Enabled GPS Approaches Inhibited Enabled Display of Vertical Bearing, Flight Path Angle, and Vertical Speed Inhibited Enabled 797-FD-0214C 2-25-2-whp Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Future Air Navigation System (FANS) FANS is an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) concept of a phased approach to Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) implementation. FANS 1 allows: • Reduced separations • More timely altitude change authorizations • Flexible routine operations • Dispatch on required navigation performance (RNP) only routes • Efficient crossing track operations EICAS messages DATALINK LOST UNABLE RNP FMC MESSAGE ATC MCDU pages ATC LOGON RTE PROGRESS ATC INDEX POS REF The Pegasus FMC is FANS 1 capable. Global positioning system (GPS) and required navigation performance (RNP) are basic features. These options are required to enable FANS operation: • Air traffic services data link (ATS DL). This option also provides automatic dependent surveillance (ADS) • ACARS or VDL mode 2/AOA data link • SATCOM, if FANS operations are desired outside of VHF data link range These options are available, but not required for FANS operations: • Required time of arrival (RTA) • FMC printer interface ACT ECON CRZ ACT RTE LEGS ATC REQUEST ATC REPORT ATC LOG Printer EMERGENCY Communication management units FMCs VHF receiver GPS (MMR) receivers SATCOM receiver Air traffic control 797-FD-0166C 1-21-2-whp/cf Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Crew Alertness Monitor Master caution/warning EICAS message Pilot response Monitors time since last pilot button-push • Mode control panel • EFIS control panels • EICAS control panel • MCDUs • VHF/HF microphone push-to-talk • VOR control panel Typical Implementation TIME ALERT - - - - - - - - - - - - Cruise - - - - - - - - - - - 15 min EICAS advisory 20 min EICAS caution EICAS warning 25 min - - - - - - - - - - - Descent- - - - - - - - - - - 5 min EICAS advisory 6 min EICAS caution EICAS warning 7 min Airline defines criteria in policy file • Entire feature selectable on or off • EICAS alerting levels selectable on or off • Timing criteria selectable within predefined limits • Requires option for customer supplied Airline Modifiable Information (AMI) 797-FD-0163C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Required Time of Arrival (RTA) • RTA provides the capability to specify a required time of arrival for an existing flight plan fix Santa Monica (SMO) RTA 1307.5Z FMC computes RTA speed Airplane maintains RTA speed Airplane arrives at SMO 1307.5Z • RTA computed for CRZ segment • CLB and DES are ECON • 앐 30 seconds accuracy RTA fix • Any waypoint in active flight plan FIX RTA PROGRESS 3 /3 RTA . AL T / E T A FL- - - /- - - . - z T/O ---- .-Z Maximum speed • Defaults to MMO minus 0.02 • Crew can enter a maximum speed if desired MAX S P D . 840 Takeoff • Initially displays dashes • Displays recommended takeoff time following entry of RTA time • If no RTA fix or time is entered, expected takeoff time can be entered and all trip predictions will be based on entered takeoff time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 797-FD-0164C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER ACARS Interface Options can be selected for • Airline operations communication data link (AOC DL) • Air traffic services data link (ATS DL) • Takeoff data link • Contingent on installation of ACARS MU/CMU system MENU C ARS MENU FMCS/ACARS data link • Access ACARS menu through FMC (MCDU) or multipurpose interactive display unit (MIDU) • Provides adequate message flexibility while minimizing communication load • Mode S function compatibility • SATCOM compatibility • Requires MCDU or MIDU and ACARS or VDL mode 2 • Provisions for ACARS or VDL mode 2 offered that would provide for future implementation of ACARS or VDL mode 2 • Partial provisions offered for future upgrade from ARINC 724B ACARS to ARINC 758 communication management units (CMU) • Voice mode protection available to allow center VHF system to be used for both voice and data transmission MS DEP RTE LEGS NAV RAD NEXT PAGE F I J 3 K N O 6 P S T M S G O F S T 9 Multifunction CDU (MCDU) Airplane Confirmation (FPR) Flight plan request (FPR) Route mod Flight plan (FPR) Confirmation (ATC) Route clearance (ATC) Airline dispatch office ATC center 797-FD-0161C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER ATS Data Link • Air traffic services data link (ATS DL) is an optional feature of the Pegasus FMC. ATS DL is contingent on selection of VDL mode 2/AOA or ACARS data link. • The ATS DL combines the functions of ATS facilities notification (AFN), automatic dependent surveillance (ADS), and air traffic control data link (ATC DL). The AFN notifies air traffic control that the airplane is equipped and ready to receive data link communications. ADS allows for automatic reporting of aircraft position and intent data. The ADS is capable of simultaneously reporting to four ATC facilities and one airline facility. The capability to disable ADS through the multifunction control display unit (MCDU) is provided. • The ATC DL allows two-way text messages to be sent between pilot and controller. The messages are received and created using the MCDU. The capability to store and recall messages and to load rate information into the flight plan is provided. ATC LOGON/STATUS ATC INDEX L O G O N TO <EMERGENCY POS REPORT> FL T <REQUEST N O WHEN CAN WE> BOE001 FREE TEXT> N757BB T AI L <REPORT A C T C TR N O KOAK A T C C O M M <LOG CLEARANCE> N EX T C TR <SELECT OFF A D S ( A C T) <LOGON / STATUS AD S < O F F < > ARM VOICE> EM E R O FF < > ON DA TA LINK <ATC INDEX <PRINT LOG INIT REF RTE CLB CRZ DES BRT INIT REF RTE READY CLB CRZ DES BRT 797-FD-0167C 1-19-2-MT-CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Airline Operational Communications Data Link (AOC DL) FMC COMM < RTE 1 POS REPORT > < ALTN < PERF < TAKEOFF < WIND DATA LINK < DES FORECAST READY INIT REF RTE CRZ CLB • AOC data link is an optional feature of the Pegasus FMC. AOC data link is contingent on selection of VDL mode 2 or ACARS data link. BRT DES • This feature provides data link communication of performance, takeoff route, waypoint winds, reporting waypoints, descent forecasts, route modifications, and alternate airport information directly into the FMC. PERF INIT UPLINK < REJECT ACCEPT > < INDEX POS INIT > PERF INIT UPLINK ALTN UPLINK < REJECT ACCEPT > ALTN UPLINK INIT REF RTE CLB CRZ DES BRT 797-FD-0168C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Takeoff Data Link • FMCS takeoff data link (shown below) is a separate option contingent on selection of AOC DL. This feature allows uplinks of takeoff data to the FMC. TAKEOFF REF UPLINK 1/2 TAKEOFF REF UPLINK 1/2 V1 V1 134 134 VR VR 140 140 V2 V2 147 GRWT 197.2 147 TOGW GRWT 198.6 197.2 TAKEOFF DATA < REJECT ACCEPT > < INDEX POS INIT > TAKEOFF DATA UPLINK TOGW 198.6 TAKEOFF DATA < REJECT ACCEPT > < INDEX POS INIT > TAKEOFF DATA LOADED INIT REF RTE CLB CRZ DES BRT 797-FD-0168 R1C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Printer Interface • Provides for the printing of the FMC flight plan and ATC data link messages ------ CURRENT AIRCRAFT DATA --------LAST POS: YKM ATA AT LAST POS: 1328Z FUEL AT LAST POS: 131.7 FMC LAT/LON: N4700.0W12516.4 NAV SOURCE: INERTIAL RNP/ACTUAL: 2.0/0.4 FLT PHASE: CRZ ALT: 21100 TAS: 405KT GS: 425KT WIND: 270T/14KT OAT: -38C CURRENT FUEL: 128.7 ORIGIN/ATD: KBFI/1300Z DEST/ETA: KMWH/1610Z CO ROUTE: BFIMWH CRZ ALT: FL210 ZFW: 300.0 RESERVES: 25.0 CRZ CG: 30.0% COST INDEX: 90 ------------- ACT RTE 1 -------------VIA/TO SPD/ALT ETA/FUEL -------------------------------------LACRE3.VAMPS 080 1199NM 1320Z/141.3 VAM01 250/FL270AFL290B V2 070 30NM 1325Z/140.3 ELN (305)/(FL210) DIRECT 120 40NM 1330Z/139.3 ----------- ENTERED WINDS -----------FIX ALT DIR/SPD ALT/OAT -------------------------------------VAM01 FL270 240/130 FL210/-44C FL250 240/120 FL230 230/ 80 FL210 220/ 30 ---------- DESCENT FORECAST ---------ALT WIND DIR/SPD FL210 180/ 30KT 17000 170/ 20KT 13000 150/ 10KT 9000 120/ 5KT • Option available for FMC printer interface • FMC prints uplinked and downlinked ATC messages <PRINT Prints entire flight plan • FMC interfaces with an ARINC 740, 744 or 744A printer 1/3 A CT R TE 1 OR IGIN DEST K MW H K B FI FLT NO RUN WA Y R W 13R AB 345 CO ROUTE REQUEST <SEN D B F IM W H REPORT <SEN D ROUTE < P R IN T R TE C O PY> - - - - - - - - - - - - A L TN > OFFSE T - - - < IN D E X INIT REF RTE CLB CRZ DES BRT ---------- RTA FIX/TIME -------------YKM/1329.1Z --------- ALTERNATE AIRPORTS --------KRNT 1335Z 132.2 KSEA <SEL> 1333Z 130.2 KPDX 1334Z 131.2 KPWT 1336Z 133.2 797-FD-0169C 1-19-2-whp/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER GPS and NDB Approaches • Option available for selection of FMC nondirectional radio beacon (ADF) approaches in the NAV database • Separate option available for selection of FMC GPS “nonprecision” approaches in the NAV database KBLI ARRIVALS S TA R S <SEL> GPS34 ILS16 NDB16 R UNW AYS 16 <INDEX RTE TUBTY INTC> CLB CRZ DES BRT APPRO A C H E S TUBTY 170 / 3100 345 ˚ 5 NM 170 / 2200 G P 3.00˚ OHADO 345 ˚ 5 NM RW34 155 / 0050 <RTE 2 LEGS RTE DATA> INIT REF NDB and GPS approaches are selected on arrivals page on MCDU GPS16 1/1 5 NM 345 ˚ A P P R OACHES - NONE - INIT REF ACT RTE 1 LEGS 1/2 RTE CLB CRZ DES GPS final approach and any approach with a specified vertical angle (on which the VNAV approach path is based) results in display of angle on RTE LEGS page BRT 797-FD-0171 C 1-19-2-MT/CF Options 4 —Flight Management Computer System 767-200ER/-300ER Flight Path Angle—Vertical Bearing—Vertical Speed 3 / 3 AC T D E S E / D A T AT E C O N N OLLA 2200A 2200 RW13R • Flight path angle • Actual S P D • Vertical bearing 320 SP D T R A N S W P T / A L T NOLL A / 2200 240 / 10000 FPA SP D REST R V / B V / S 2.9 3.1 1754 - --/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - < OFFPATH DES FORECAST> DES DIR> • To waypoint and altitude in 3R • Vertical speed • Required to maintain vertical bearing 797-FD-0162C 1-19-2-PW/CF Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Basic Option HF Data Link None Installation and Activation of HF Data LinkPartial Provisions 8.33 kHz VHF Channel None Activation Spacing Partial Provisions SATCOM None SATCOM System Installation Partial Provisions ACARS/Data Link None VDL Mode 2/AOA Installation Level 0A CMU InstallationARINC 724B ACARS InstallationPartial Provisions Voice Mode Protection None Provided Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) None ELT InstallationPartial Provisions Pilots Call Panel PA-in-Use Light not included PA-in-Use Light included Boom Microphone Headset Jacks Two Pin Jacks Five Pin Jacks Push to Talk Switch on Glareshield None Provided Cockpit Voice Recorder Monitor Jack None Provided 797-FD-0215C 2-25-2-whp Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER Satellite Communications (SATCOM) • Options available for SATCOM system, or partial provisions for SATCOM • SATCOM provides two-way voice/data communication for the flight crew and cabin passengers anywhere in the world covered by INMARSAT global/spot beam • The services include • Flight deck voice, allowing instantaneous communication with Operations, Maintenance and Air Traffic Control • Flight deck data link data communication • 64 kbps circuit mode PC data communication planned for future with AERO-H+ system • A SATCOM installation consists of the following equipment • Avionics equipment — Satellite data unit (SDU) — Radio frequency unit (RFU) – not required on all SATCOM systems — High power amplifier (HPA) • Antenna systems – customers can select either an AERO-H+ or AERO-I system — High-gain antenna (HGA) – AERO-H+ system — Intermediate-gain antenna (IGA) – AERO-I system • Pilot interface — Multipurpose control and display unit (MCDU) – basic feature – no option required — Audio control panel (ACP) – basic feature — EICAS (communication messages) – basic features – no option required 797-FD-0033 1-19-02-PW/DD Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER Satellite Communications (SATCOM) INMARSAT 3 L-band digital link 1.5/1.6 GHz RF C-band 4/6 GHz Airborne earth station (AES) Ground earth station (GES) • PSTN - Publish switched telephone network • PSTDN - Publish switched telephone data network • Private networks • Aeronautical fixed network (AFTN, CIDN, SITA, ATN) Airline operational control (AOC) or air traffic control (ATC) Service provider network 797-FD-0034 1-19-02-whp/DD Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER Data Link • Data link provides a high-speed digital data transmission between the airplane and ground facilities. By transmitting and receiving data automatically, without the flight crew intervening, data link reduces flight crew workload. Pilots use the MCDU or an optional MIDU to interface with the data link system. Data link is used to exchange airline operations information and airplane operating data. • Options are available for installation of a flight deck printer. • Options are available for airline operational control data link (AOC DL) and air traffic services data link (ATS DL). See FMC system options 4 for further information on these optional features. • Three levels of data link provisions/installations are available: ARINC 724B ACARS, ARINC 758 level 0A, and ARINC 758 VDL mode 2/AOA. ARINC 724B ACARS • ARINC 724B aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS) transmits character-oriented data at 2.4 kbits/second. The modem, converting data to/from VHF sound transmission, is contained in the ACARS management unit. • The following options are required for ARINC 724B ACARS operations: • Partial provisions for a single ARINC 724B ACARS management unit. • Installation of an ARINC 724B ACARS management unit into partial provisions. 797-FD-0035C 1-19-02-PW/DD Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER Data Link ARINC 758 level 0A data link • Level 0A data link transmits character-oriented data at 2.4 kbits/second. The modem is contained in the communications management unit (CMU). • The following options are required for level 0A data link operation. • Partial provisions for a single ARINC 724B ACARS management unit • Limited partial provisions for dual ARINC 758 CMUs compatible with existing single ARINC 724B ACARS provisions • Installation of an ARINC 758 CMU into partial provisions ARINC 758 VDL mode 2/AOA data link • VDL mode 2/AOA (VHF data link mode 2/aircraft communications addressing and reporting system over aviation VHF link control) transmits high-speed character-oriented data at 31.5 kbits/second to suitably equipped ground stations. VDL model 2/AOA transmits character-oriented data at 2.4 kbits/second to ground stations not equipped for VDL mode 2/AOA high-speed data. The modem is contained in the VHF data radio transceivers (VDR). • The following options are required for VDL mode 2/AOA operation. • Partial provisions for a single ARINC 758 CMU. Partial provisions are also available for dual ARINC 758 CMUs to provide a possible future installation of a second CMU • Installation of an ARINC 758 CMU into partial provisions • Installation of ARINC 716/750 capable VHF data radio (VDR) transceivers 797-FD-0036C 1-19-02-PW/DD Options 5 —Communications 767-200ER/-300ER - Data Link Installations ARINC 724B ACARS with dual ARINC 758 CMU provisions Level 0A data link with single ARINC 724B, ACARS MU provisions, and dual ARINC 758 CMU provisions CMU ACARS Left tray ARINC 758 Left tray ARINC 758 Right tray ARINC 724B Right tray ARINC 758 APM ARINC 716 VHF wiring 429 bus ARINC 758 CMU wiring 1 VHF 429 bus ARINC 724B ACARS wiring ARINC 716 VHF wiring ARINC 724B ACARS wiring 429 bus 429 bus 3 VDRs ARINC 758 CMU wiring ARINC 758 CMU wiring ARINC 758 CMU wiring Other airplane systems Other airplane systems VDL mode 2 / AOA data link with dual ARINC 758 CMU provisions CMU Left tray ARINC 758 Right tray ARINC 758 APM 429 bus 429 bus 3 VDRs ARINC 758 CMU wiring ARINC 758 CMU wiring Other airplane systems 797-FD-0037C 1-19-02-whp/DD Options 5 —Communications 767-200/767-300 - VDL Mode 2/AOA Architecture Data Link Air Ground VDL mode Interface systems: • FMC • ACMS • Printer CMU VDL ground network Airline operational control (AOC) ACARS ground network ATC VDR ACARS • VDL mode 2/AOA data link interface with VDL mode 2/AOA ground stations and conventional ACARS ground stations 797-FD-0038C 1-19-02-whp/DD Options 6 —Avionics 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Data Loader Printer ACMS - Expanded Engine Parameter Recording MIDU (Multipurpose Interactive Display Unit) Engine out Takeoff Thrust Operation Basic Airborne Data Loader None Basic Parameters None Five Minutes Option Portable Data Loader Connector ARINC 744 PrinterARINC 740 Printer Basic and Expanded Parameters Provided Ten Minutes ECS Temperature Indications Celsius Fahrenheit Instrumentation Display Units English units Metric units Navigation Systems Feature Metric Altimeters Standby Attitude Indicator Weather Radar System EGPWS Peaks & Obstacles Basic None Backcourse Switch Included Single System Inhibited Option Two Metric Altimeters with Digital Display One Metric Altimeter with Analog DisplayTwo Metric Altimeters with Digital Display and One Metric Altimeter with Analog Display Backcourse Switch Deactivated Dual System Single System with Auto-Tilt Dual System with Auto-Tilt Enabled EGPWS Altitude Callout Volume Standard Volume Low Volume EGPWS "Smart 500" foot Callout Inhibited Enabled EGPWS Altitude Callouts Inhibited Many options available 797-FD-0216C 2-25-2-whp Options 6 —Navigation Systems 767-200ER/-300ER Peaks and Obstacles • Option provides for the display of man-made obstacles on the EHSI when an obstacle is contained in the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Computer (EGPWC) terrain database and a conflict is identified. Aural and visual caution and warning alerts are provided. 8.8 NM TRK 194 18 “CAUTION CAUTION OBSTACLE CAUTION OBSTACLE OBSTACLE” 1717.1Z 21 15 Speaker Speaker M 24 10 Amber for caution Red for warning OBSTACLE TERR 797-FD-0029 2-26-2-WHP/CF Options 6 —Navigation Systems 767-200ER/-300ER EGPWS Peaks and Obstacles Peaks Display 8.8 NM TRK 194 M 18 • Provides a “look down” to the highest terrain ahead of the airplane • Displays terrain • Displays terrain altitudes • Blends with normal terrain colors when flying near terrain altitude • Peaks display when more than 2,000 feet above terrain 1717.1Z 24 10 Height of surrounding terrain Peaks and obstacles is an optional feature of the EGPWS 21 15 Highest peak • TERR 144 050 797-FD-0030 2-26-2-whp/CF Options 7 —Crew Accommodations 767-200ER/-300ER Flight Deck Accommodations Feature Captain's and First Officer's Seats First Observer's Seat Second Observer's Seat Sun Visors Basic Manually Operated Seats Wall Mounted None Standard Sun Visors Option Power Operated Seats Track Mounted Provided Roller Sunshades and improved Sun Visors Portable Breathing Equipment None Provided Flight Deck Flashlights None One Flashlight with ShieldTwo Flashlights Two Flashlights with Shield Emergency Evacuation Signal System None Provided 797-FD-0217C 2-26-2-whp Options 7 —Crew Accomodations 767-200ER/-300ER • Powered IPECO Captain’s and First Officer’s seats • Second Observer’s station (not available on 767 Freighter) • Track-mounted First Observer’s seat (basic on 767 Freighter) First Officer’s tiller wheel • Flashlights • Protective breathing equipment • Emergency evacuation signal system • First Officer’s nose wheel steering tiller (not available on 767 Freighter) Second Observer’s seat • Two headphone jacks • Oxygen mask • Life vest • Audio selector panel (optional) 797-FD-0177C 2-26-2-whp Options 8 —Airframe Systems 767-200ER/-300ER Feature Basic Option Bulk Cargo Heating and Ventilation None Provided Catalytic Converters for Ozone Control None Provided APU - Additional Starting Capability None Provided Duct Leak Detection System Single Loop System APU Fire Extinguisher Bottle Single Standard APU Bottle Dual Loop System (PW & GE engines only) Single APU Bottle, common with Engine fire bottlesDual Standard APU BottlesDual APU Bottles, common with Engine fire bottles Ice Detection None Advisory Ice DetectionAutomatic Anti-Ice System APU Hour Meter None Provided on Flight Deck Provided in E/E Bay APU Cycle Meter None Provided on Flight Deck Provided in E/E Bay 797-FD-0218C 2-25-2-whp Acronyms and Abbreviations ACARS ACMS ADC ADF ADL AFDS A/G ALTN AOA A/P APU ASP ATC AUX BFE BITE CONF CRT DME EADI ECS E/E EEC EFIS EGPWS EGT EHSI EICAS ELEC ENG EXCD EPCS EPR ER ETOPS FADEC FCC F/D FMC FPR GA GMT GPS GS HDG HMG HYD – Aircraft communications addressing and reporting system – Airplane condition monitoring system – Air data computer – Automatic direction finder – Airborne data loader – Autopilot/flight director system – Air-ground – Alternate – Angle of attack – Autopilot – Auxiliary power unit – Audio selector panel – Air traffic control – Auxiliary – Buyer-furnished equipment – Built-in test equipment – Configuration – Cathode ray tube – Distance measuring equipment – Electronic attitude director indicator – Environmental control system – Electrical/electronic – Electronic engine control – Electronic flight instrument system – Enhanced ground proximity warning system – Exhaust gas temperature – Electronic horizontal situation indicator – Engine indication and crew alerting system – Electrical – Engine exceedance – Electronic propulsion control system – Engine pressure ratio – Extended range – Extended-range twin-engine operations – Full-authority digital engine control – Flight control computer – Flight director – Flight management computer – Flight plan request – Go-around – Greenwich mean time – Global positioning system – Ground speed – Heading – Hydraulic motor generator – Hydraulics IAS ILS IRS LAT/LON LNAV LRC LRU MASI MCDP MCDU MCP MMR MSG OVRD PA PERF PLI PWS QAR RA RAT RDMI RTO RVR SAT SATCOM SEL SELCAL SID STAR STBY TAI TAS TAT TCAS TMC TMSP TO TRK VHF VNAV VOR VSI WEU WPT WXR – Indicated airspeed – Instrument landing system – Inertial reference system – Latitude/longitude – Lateral navigation – Long-range cruise – Line replaceable unit – Mach/airspeed indicator – Maintenance control and display panel – Multifunction control display unit – Mode control panel – Multi-mode receiver – Message – Override – Passenger address – Performance – Pitch limit indicator – Predictive windshear system – Quick access recorder – Resolution advisory (or radio altimeter) – Ram air turbine – Radio distance magnetic indicator – Refused takeoff – Runway visual range – Static air temperature – Satellite communications – Standby engine indicator – Selective calling – Standard instrument departure – Standard terminal arrival route – Standby – Thermal anti-ice – True airspeed – Total air temperature – Traffic alert and collision avoidance system – Thrust management computer – Thrust mode select panel – Takeoff – Track – Very high frequency – Vertical navigation – Very high frequency omni range – Vertical speed indicator – Warning electronics unit – Waypoint – Weather radar 797-FD-0178C 1-19-2-whp/CF