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Manyu Suktam in Malayalam

Manyu Suktam in Malayalam, Malayalam lyrics of Manyu Suktam are given here..
Manyu sukta is hymn 10.83 and 10.84 from the Rig veda. It contains 14 verses
and is dedicated to Manyu. Manyu in Vedic sanskrit stands for temper, anger or
ഋഗ്വേദ സംഹിതാ; മംഡലം 10; സൂക്തം 83,84
യസ്ഗ്ത’ മഗ്്യാஉവി’ധദ് വജ്ര സായക സഹ ഓരഃ’ പുഷ്യതി
വിശ്േ’മാ്ുഷ്ക് |
ക ഗ്ത് സഹ’സാ
സാഹയാമ ദാസമാര്യം തേയാ’ യുരാ സഹ’സ്ൃ
സഹ’സേതാ || 1 ||
മ്യുര്ിംഗ്ജ്ദാ’ മ്യുഗ്ര്വാസ’ ഗ്ദഗ്വാ മ്യുര്് ഗ്ഹാതാ വര്ു’ഗ്
രാതഗ്വ’ദാഃ |
മ്യും വിശ്’ ഈളഗ്ത മാ്ു’ഷ്ീര്യാഃ പാഹി ഗ്്ാ’ മഗ്്യാ തപ’സാ
സഗ്രാഷ്ാ’ഃഃ || 2 ||
ത ീ’യാ്് തപ’സാ യുരാ വി ര’ഹി ശ്ജ്തൂ’്്
അഭീ’ഹി മഗ്്യാ തവസസ്വ
അമിജ്തഹാ വൃ’ജ്തഹാ ദ’സയുഹാ ച വിശ്ോ വസൂ്യാ ഭ’ര്ാ തേം ്ഃ’ ||
3 ||
തേം ഹി മ’ഗ്്യാ അഭിഭൂ’ഗ്തയാരാഃ സേയംഭൂര്്ഭാഗ്മാ’
അഭിമാതിഷ്ാഹഃ |
മ ഗ്സോരഃ പൃത’്ാസു
ിഃ സഹു’ര്ിഃ സഹാ’വാ്സ്ാ
ഗ്ധഹി || 4 ||
അഭാവഃ സന്നപ പഗ്ര്’ഗ്താ അസ്ിമ തവ ജ്കതോ’ തവിഷ്സയ’ ജ്പഗ്ചതഃ |
തം തോ’ മഗ്്യാ അജ്കതുര്്രി’ഹീളാഹം സോത്ൂര്്ബ’ലഗ്ദയാ’യ
ഗ്മഹി’ || 5 ||
അയം ഗ്ത’ അസ്മയുപ ഗ്മഹയര്ോങ് ജ്പ’തീചീ്ഃ സ’ഹുഗ്ര്
വിശ്േധായഃ |
മഗ്്യാ’ വജ്രിന്നഭി മാമാ വ’വൃത്സ്േഹ്ാ’വ ദസയൂ’്് ഋത
ഗ്ബാ’ധയാഗ്പഃ || 6 ||
അഭി ഗ്ജ്പഹി’ ദക്ഷി
ഗ്താ ഭ’വാ ഗ്മஉധാ’ വൃജ്താ
ി’ രംഘ്ാവ
ഭൂര്ി’ |
രുഗ്ഹാമി’ ഗ്ത ധര്ു
ം മഗ്ധോ അജ്വ’മുഭാ ഉ’പാംശ്ു ജ്പ’ഥമാ പി’ബാവ
|| 7 ||
തേയാ’ മഗ്്യാ സര്ഥ’മാര്ുരംഗ്താ ഹര്്ഷ്’മാ
ാഗ്സാ ധൃഷ്ിതാ
മ’ര്ുതേഃ |
തിഗ്േഷ്’വ ആയു’ധാ സംശ്ിശ്ാ’്ാ അഭി ജ്പയം’തു ്ഗ്ര്ാ’
അഗ്നിര്ൂ’പാഃ || 8 ||
അഗ്നിര്ി’വ മഗ്്യാ തേിഷ്ിതഃ സ’ഹസേ ഗ്സ്ാ്ീര്്്ഃ’ സഹുഗ്ര്
ഹൂത ഏ’ധി |
ഹതോയ ശ്ജ്തൂ്് വി ഭ’രസേ ഗ്വദ ഓഗ്രാ മിമാ’ഗ്്ാ വിമൃഗ്ധാ’
്ുദസേ || 9 ||
സഹ’സേ മഗ്്യാ അഭിമാ’തിമസ്ഗ്മ ര്ുര്് മൃ
്് ജ്പ’മൃ
്് ഗ്ജ്പഹി
ശ്ജ്തൂ’്് |
ഉജ്വം ഗ്ത പാഗ്രാ’ ്്ോ ര്ു’ര്ുഗ്ജ്ധ വശ്ീ വശ്ം’ ്യസ ഏകര തേമ് || 10
ഏഗ്കാ’ ബഹൂ്ാമ’സി മ്യവീളിഗ്താ വിശ്ം’വിശ്ം യുധഗ്യ സം
ശ്ി’ശ്ാധി |
അകൃ’ത്തര്ുക് തേയാ’ യുരാ വയം ദയുമംതം ഗ്ഘാഷ്ം’ വിരയായ’
കൃണ്മഗ്ഹ || 11 ||
മ കം’ മഗ്്യാ അധിപാ
വിഗ്രഷ്കൃദിംജ്ദ’ ഇവാ്വജ്ബഗ്വാ(ഓ)3’உസ്ാ
ഭ’ഗ്വഹ |
ജ്പിയം ഗ്ത ്ാമ’ സഹുഗ്ര് വൃ
ീമസി വിദ്ാമ തമുത്സ്ം യത’ ആബഭൂഥ’
|| 12 ||
ആഭൂ’തയാ സഹരാ വ’ജ്ര സായക സഗ്ഹാ’ ബിഭര്്ഷ് യഭിഭൂത ഉത്ത’ര്മ് |
ജ്കതോ’ ഗ്്ാ മഗ്്യാ സഹഗ്മഗ്ദയ’ധി മഹാധ്സയ’ പുര്ുഹൂത
സംസൃരി’ || 13 ||
മ യം’ ദത്താം വര്ു’
സംസൃ’ഷ്ടം ധ്’മുഭയം’ സമാകൃ’തമസ്ഭ
മ്യുഃ |
ഭിയം ദധാ’്ാ ഹൃദ’ഗ്യഷ്ു ശ്ജ്ത’വഃ പര്ാ’രിതാഗ്സാ അപ
്ില’യംതാമ് || 14 ||
ധ്േ’്ാവാധ്േ’ ്ാരിംര’ഗ്യമ ധ്േ’്ാ തീജ്വാഃ സമഗ്ദാ’ രഗ്യമ |
ധ്ുഃ ശ്ഗ്ജ്താ’ര്പകാമം കൃ’ഗ്
ാതി ധ്േ’ ്ാസര്ോ’ഃഃ ജ്പദിഗ്ശ്ാ’
രഗ്യമ ||
ഭജ്ദം ഗ്്ാ അപി’ വാതയ മ്ഃ’ ||
ഓം ശ്ാംതാ’ പൃഥിവീ ശ്ി’വമംതര്ിക്ഷം ദയൗര്്ഗ്്ാ’ ഗ്ദവയஉഭ’യഗ്ന്നാ
അസ്ുത |
ശ്ിവാ ദിശ്ഃ’ ജ്പദിശ്’ ഉദ്ദിഗ്ശ്ാ’ ്உആഗ്പാ’ വിശ്േതഃ പര്ി’പാംതു
സര്േതഃ ശ്ാന്ിഃ ശ്ാന്ിഃ ശ്ാന്ിഃ’ ||
sUkta 1 mantra 1
The author Shri Bannanje Govindacharya has referred to the commentaries of shri
Dhirendra Tirtha and shri Atmakur Padmanabhacharya on manyusUkta.
sUkta 1 mantra 1
yaste manyo&avidhad vajra sāyaka saha ojaḥ puṣyati viśvamānuṣak |
sāhyāma dāsamāryaṃ tvayā yujā sahaskṛtenasahasā sahasvatā ||1||
yaH | tE| manyO iti | avidhat | vajra| sāyaka|
saha| ojaḥ| puṣyati |viśvaM | ānuṣak||
sāhyāma | dāsam | āryaṃ| tvayā | yujā|
sahaH + kṛtena | sahasā | sahasvatā||
yaH = who; tE = you; manyO = Oh the angered God!; avidhat = who worships you
(he); vajra = dreadful like lightening; sāyaka = one who attacks like an arrow; saha =
insurmountable prowess; Ojaḥ = the strength to defeat; puṣyati = fills oneself; viśvaM =
entire/complete; ānuṣak = gather/collect ; sāhyāma = we will win; dāsam = the enemy
of the world; āryaṃ = the righteous people; tvayā = by you; yujā = the companion;
sahaH + kṛtena = that came out of strength, filled us with power; sahasā = who is the
form of strength; sahasvatā = He who is strong, who forgives mistakes.
[Having ripped apart the chest of duHshAsana, bhIma prays to Lord narasimha who
made him do the act]
Oh! The embodiment of knowledge! Oh narasihma who got infuriated over sinners! Oh
the one who pounces on enemies like a lightening! Oh the sharp arrow who pierces and
kills enemies! He who worships You in accordance with scriptural injunctions, gathers
and fills oneself, complete insurmountable strength and the strength to defeat all. You,
who is the form of strength, forgiving mistakes, filling us with undefeatable strength,
staying with us, we would win those on the side of dhuryOdhana, the enemy of the world
and those elders like bhIShma, drONa and others who stood with him.
sUkta 1 mantra 2
sUkta 1 mantra 2
manyurindro manyurevāsa devo manyurhotā varuṇojātavedāḥ |
manyuṃ viśa īḷate mānuṣīryāḥ pāhi nomanyo tapasā sajoṣāḥ ||2||
manyuH | iMdraH | manyuH | Eva | asa | dEvaH|
manyuH| hOtA | varuNaH | jAta + vEdAH||
manyuM | vishaH | ILatE| mAnuShiH| yAH||
pAhi| naH| manyO iti| tapasA| sa + jOShAH||
manyuH = angered Narasimha; iMdraH = the supreme Lord (omnipotent), the Lord in
pradyumna rUpa, dwelling inside iMdra He who gave victory to all gods, dwelling inside
arjuna who was the amsha of iMDra and gave him victory; manyuH Eva = the infuriated
Narasimha; asa = he is; dEvaH = the Lord of lords vAsudEva, the one who came as the
charioteer of arjuna vAsudEva kRuShNa; manyuH = the enraged Narasimha; hOtA=
saMkarShaNa who sacrifices all living beings in the fire of praLaya, He who inside
dharmarAja sacrificing all sinners in the fire of hell; varuNaH= staying inside varuNa He
who created night, aniruddha who filled inside the universe for sustenance; jAta +
vEdAH =He who revealed the Vedas, the one who is the light in fire giving knowledge of
all objects, nArAyaNa who has complete knowledge of everything created; manyuM =
the infuriated naraishma; vishaH = people; ILatE = praise; mAnuShiH = those who
contemplate (mananashIlAH); yAH = those ; pAhi = protect; manyO = Oh angry
narasimha; tapasA = for the penance I performed sa + jOShAH = having the same love
towards all of us.
The infuriated narasimha being iMdra (sarvEshavara) and being inside iMdra brought
victory to the gods; dwelling inside arjuna who was the amsha of iMdra brought victory
to the pAMDava-s. Being inside me who is the incarnation of prANa of the name iMdra
(iMdra nAmaka prANa) got me victory; He is only pradyumna of the name ‘iMdra’.
The same narasimha has come as the son of vasudEva, as vAsudEva kruShNa; He is
only vAsudEva the giver of liberation.
During praLaya He is the destroying force saMkarShaNa who sacrifices beings in the fire
of annihilation of this creation. Being inside yudhiShThira, the amsha of yamadharma
who sacrifices sinners in the fire of hell He was the one who directed the pAMDava-s.
Dwelling inside shaMtanu who was the incarnation of varuNa, He brought this kuru
dynasty to birth. Being inside bhIShma, drONa and others who executed the task of
commander-in-chief owing to the obligation towards dhuryOdhana, being inside karNa
who played commander due to his friendship with dhuryOdhana and dwelling within
shalya who took the role of leader of the army due to his hospitality, it was actually He
who led the kaurava army. It is narasimha who pervades everywhere in the world for
protection as aniruddha.
Dwelling within the amsha of agni, dRuShTadyumna it was He who led our army. He is
the one who is called jAtavEda being inside fire.
He is narAyaNa who knows all creation. Disclosing all Vedas He is the one who is
vEdavyAsa known as jAtavEda and who became our grandfather. Those people who are
contemplative sing the glory of such a narasimha. Oh the enraged narasimha! Pleased
by my penance , by my worship, love all the five of us in the same way and protect us.
sUkta 1 mantra 3
abhīhi manyo tavasastavīyān tapasā yujā vi jahi śatrūn |
amitrahā vṛtrahā dasyuhā ca viśvā vasūnyā bharātvaṃ naḥ||3||
abhi | ihi | manyO iti| tapasaH| tavIyAn|
tapasA | yujA| vi| jahi| shatrUn||
amitra+ hA| vRutra + hA| dasyu + hA| cha|
vishvA | vasUni| A| bhara| tvaM | naH||
abhi + ihi = come here; manyO = infuriated narasimha; tapasaH = than the strong;
tavIyAn = who is strong; tapasA = with the strength of heat (fire/saMtApashakti); yujA
= being together; vi jahi = kick out; shatrUn = enemies; amitra+ hA = He who kills
those who stand against us; vRutra + hA = He who kills the army which has encircled
us; dasyu + hA cha = He who kills dhuryOdhana and others also who are the thorns of
the world;
vishvA = all; vasUni = of wealths; A bhara = get and give; tvaM= you; naH = for us.
Oh enraged narasimha! You who is the strongest among all strong men, come here.
From the power of brilliance enjoined with you kick all the enemies out. You are the one
who kills karNa and others who come in front; You are the one who kills the army that
has surrounded us; You are the one who also kills dhuryOdhana and others who are the
thorns to the world. Killing them, You get us all wealth.
sUkta 1 mantra 4
tvaṃ hi manyo abhibhūtyojāḥ svayambhūrbhāmoabhimātiṣāhaḥ |
viśvacarṣaṇiḥ sahuriḥ sahāvānasmāsvojaḥ pṛtanāsu dhehi ||4||
tvaM | hi | manyO iti | abhibhUti + OjAH|
svayaM + bhU | bhAMaH| abhimAti + sahaH||
vishva + charShaNiH | sahuriH | sahAvAn|
asmAsu | OjaH | pRutanAsu | dhEhi||
tvaM hi = aren’t You; manyO = the infuriated narasimha; abhibhUti + OjAH = the one
with the brilliance of defeating enemies;
svayaM + bhU = He who came by manifesting Himself; bhAMaH= one who is angered;
abhimAti + sahaH = He who broke the pride of enemies;
vishva + charShaNiH = one who is capable of seeing everything; sahuriH = He who is
never subdued by anyone ; sahAvAn = one who pardons mistakes of those who come to
Him in faith;
asmAsu = in us; OjaH = the prowess to vanquish enemies; pRutanAsu = in the armies;
dhEhi = give.
Oh narasimha, aren’t You the one who vanquishes enemies? Aren’t You the one who
manifests yourself on your own? Aren’t You the one who got enraged over your
enemies? Aren’t You the one who broke the pride of those who resorted to inflicting
pain? Aren’t You the one who can see everything through your own eyes? Aren’t You the
lone hero of the entire world who never bends to anyone? Aren’t You the one who
protect us pardoning our mistakes? Give us and our armies the strength to defeat our
sUkta 1 mantra 5
abhāghaḥ sannapa pareto asmi tava kratvā taviṣasyapracetaḥ |
taṃ tvā manyo akraturjihīḷāhaṃ svā tanūrbaladeyāya mehi ||5||
abhAgaH | san |apa | parA+itaH |asmi |
tava| kratvA | taviShasya| prachEta iti pra + chEtah||
taM | tvA| manyO iti| akratuH| jihILa|
ahaM| svA| tanUH| bala+dEyAya | mA | A| ihi||
abhAgaH san = not taking any share; apa parA+itaH asmi = having lost the kingdom I
got to move away; tava= your; kratvA = from Your cause, from the desire which is full
of knowledge; taviShasya = that which is the superior reality; pra + chEtah = Oh the
treasure of knowledge; taM = that kind of; tvA = you ; manyO = Oh angered
narasimha; jihILa = moved away rejecting; ahaM = I ; bala+dEyAya = for giving
strength mA = for me ; A ihi = come and join.
Oh the all-knowing narasimha! Rejecting the share of kingdom entitled to us, I roamed
in the forest according to your wish; I moved away without participating in you task of
cleaning the world. I also gave you up, gave up your duty and stood inactive. I am your
exact mould; your predominant image; a major organ in the task of cleansing the world.
Come here, come to me to give me strength.
sUkta 1 mantra 6
ayaṃ te asmyupa mehyarvāṃ pratīcīnaḥ sahure viśvadhāyaḥ |
manyo vajrinnabhi māmā vavṛtsva hanāva dasyūnrutabodhyāpeḥ ||6||
ayaM | tE| asmi| upa| mA| A| ihi| arvA~j|
pratIchInaH | sahurE| vishva + dhAyaH||
manyO iti| vajrin| abhi| mAM| A| vavRutsva|
hanAva| dasyUn| uta| bOdhi| ApEH||
ayaM = this me; tE = is yours; asmi = I am; upa mA A ihi = come to me; arvA~j =
being in front;
pratIchInaH = facing the enemies; sahurE = one who doesn’t bend down to enemies;
vishva + dhAyaH = He who is carrying the universe;
manyO = enraged narasimha; vajrin = one who has held lightening; abhi mAM = around
me; A vavRutsva = be my protection;
hanAva = let us kill; dasyUn = the thorns of the society; uta= and; bOdhi = advice;
ApEH = kinsmen.
Oh! the one who eliminated enemies, Oh! the one who is carrying the world, Oh!
infuriated narasimha, Oh! the one who has come holding lightening, Oh! the one who
indwelled in iMdra and bestowed victory to the gods, the one resided in arjuna, the
incarnation of iMdra and gave us victory, here I am yours. Be in front of me, behind me,
next to me and all around me as my protecting shield. Let us terminate the thorns of the
society. Impart wisdom and show the right path to my kinsmen who haven’t engaged
themselves completely in eliminating the evil.
sUkta 1 mantra 7
abhi prehi dakṣiṇato bhavā me.adhā vṛtrāṇi jaṅghanāvabhūri |
juhomi te dharuṇaṃ madhvo aghramubhā upāṃśuprathamā pibāva ||7||
abhi| pra | ihi| dakShiNataH| bhava| mE|
adha| vRutrANi| jaMghanAva| bhUri||
juhOmi| tE| dharuNaM| madhvaH| agraM|
ubhau| upa+aMshu| prathamA| pibAva||
abhi pra ihi = come towards us; dakShiNataH = on the right side; bhava = stay; mE =
adha = later; vRutrANi = enemies around; jaMghanAva = let us kill; bhUri = in
juhOm = will sacrifice [will preach]; tE = your; dharuNaM = held in the hand [the
foundation of the world]; madhvaH = of the sOma juice [as madhva] ; agraM = the
essence part of it [the supreme form]; ubhau = the two of us; upa+aMshu = in privacy;
prathamA = being the first ones; pibAva = let us drink.
Come here. Come and stand to my right side. Then let us finish all the enemies in
groups who have surrounded us. Holding in my palms, I am offering you the sweet juice
of blood drained from the chest of duHShAsana; Let us relish it in privacy, just the two
of us, being the first ones. [As madhva I am going to expound the greatness of your
form which is the very foundation of the world; I am going to show the important
meaning of the Vedas which talk about your greatness. Let both of us relish the
sweetness of this meaning of the Vedas as the first ones].
sUkta 2 mantra 1
tvayā manyo sarathamārujanto harṣamāṇāso dhṛṣitāmarutvaḥ |
tighmeṣava āyudhā saṃśiśānā abhi pra yantunaro aghnirūpāḥ ||1||
tvayA| manyO iti | sa + rathaM | A + rujaMtaH| harShamANAsaH| dhRuShitAH |
tigma + iShavaH | AyudhA| saM + shishAnAH|
abhi | pra| yaMtu| naraH| agni | rUpAH||
tvayA = from you; manyO = Oh narasimha! sa + rathaM = ascending the same chariot;
A + rujaMtaH = move ahead; harShamANAsaH = being happy; dhRuShitAH = bloated
with pride; marutvaH = Oh the master of gods;
tigma + iShavaH = holding sharp arrows; AyudhA = weapons; saM + shishAnAH =
honing ; abhi pra yaMtu = let them surge forward; naraH = the leaders of the
battalions; agni rUpAH = burning enemies like fire.
Oh the master of deities, Oh narasimha, I come along with you moving ahead on the
chariot, let the leaders of our armies rush forward burning enemies like fire, jumping in
joy; bloating with pride; throwing sharp arrows; sharpening weapons.
sUkta 2 mantra 2
aghniriva manyo tviṣitaḥ sahasva senānīrnaḥ sahure hūtaedhi |
hatvāya śatrūn vi bhajasva veda ojo mimāno vi mṛdhonudasva ||2||
agniH + iva | manyO iti | tviShitaH | sahasva |
sEnA + nIH | naH | sahurE | hUtaH | Edhi||
hatvAya| shatrUn| vi| bhajasva| vEdaH|
OjaH | mimAnaH | vi | mRudhaH | nudasva||
agniH + iva = like fire; manyO = oh narasimha; tviShitaH = shining; sahasva = defeat;
sEnA + nIH = the leader of the army; naH =our; sahurE = one with undefeatable
valour; hUtaH = receiving our call; Edhi = become;
hatvAya = having killed; shatrUn = the enemies; vi bhajasva = distribute; vEdaH =
OjaH = the strength to win; mimAnaH = givng; mRudhaH = enemies; vi nudasva =
cause injury.
Oh narasimha, destroy enemies by spitting flames like fire. Oh the one with
insurmountable valour, come heeding to our call; Come as the leader of our army.
Distribute to us our wealth, killing our enemies. Injure those who come to fight, by filling
us with the strength to win them.
sUkta 2 mantra 3
sahasva manyo abhimātimasme rujan mṛṇan pramṛṇan prehiśatrūn |
ughraṃ te pājo nanvā rurudhre vaśī vaśaṃnayasa ekaja tvam || 3||
sahasva | manyO iti | abhi + mAtiM | asmE iti|
rujan | mRuNan | pra + mRuNan| pra | ihi| shatRUn||
ugraM | tE | pAjaH | nanu| A | rurudhrE|
vashI| vashaM| nayasE | Eka + ja| tvaM||
sahasva = defeat; manyO = oh narasimha; abhi + mAtiM = he who caused menace from
all directions; asmE = for me;
rujan = causing injury; mRuNan = squeezing; pra + mRuNan = crushing their very life;
pra ihi = face; shatRUn = the enemies;
ugraM = fierce; tE = your; pAjaH = strength; A rurudhrE nanu = aren’t they
surrounding? ;
vashI = he who has kept everything under his control; vashaM nayasE = getting under
one’s possession; Eka + ja= helpless hero ; tvaM = you.
Oh narasimha, finish off that duHshAsana who is causing menace to me throughout my
life. Come towards the enemies causing them injury; breaking their pride; breaking their
bones. Haven’t they tried to go against your supreme anger? The unparalleled hero who
can fight without any help, who has got everything under your control is capable of
getting them under your charge.
sUkta 2 mantra 4
eko bahūnāmasi manyavīḷito viśaṃ-viśaṃ yudhaye saṃśiśādhi |
akṛttaruk tvayā yujā vayaṃ dyumantaṃ ghoṣaṃvijayāya kṛṇmahe ||4||
EkaH | bahUnAM | asi | manyO iti| ILitaH|
vishaM + vishaM | yudhayE | saM | shishAdhi||
akRutta + ruk | tvayA | yujA | vayaM|
dyu+ maMtaM | ghOShaM | vi + jayAya| kRuNmahE||
EkaH = alone, bahUnAM = for many people, asi = you can become, manyO= Oh
narasimha, ILitaH = being praised, vishaM + vishaM = every single warrior, yudhayE =
for the battle, saM + shishAdhi = make them sharp.
akRutta + ruk = Oh indestructible light, tvayA = from you, yujA = being together,
vayaM = we,
dyu+ maMtaM = glowing from bliss, ghOShaM = roar of a lion, vi + jayAya = for special
victory, kRuNmahE = we will do.
Oh narasimha, You alone, who is praised by everyone, can face the filled army of the
enemies. Similarly, make every single soldier ready to fight. Oh the indestructible
radiance, when you are with us, as a sign of this special victory [having torn the chest of
duHshAsana open], we roar like a lion having the tone of victory.
sUkta 2 mantra 5
vijeṣakṛdindra ivānavabravo.asmākaṃ manyo adhipā bhaveha |
priyaṃ te nāma sahure ghṛṇīmasi vidmā tamutsaṃ yataābabhūtha ||5||
vijESha + kRut | iMdraH + iva | anava | bravaH |
asmAkaM | manyO iti| adhi + pAH | bhava | iha||
priyaM | tE | nAma| sahurE | gRuNImasi|
vidma| taM | utsaM | yataH | A + babhUtha||
vijESha + kRut = the one who gives victory, iMdraH + iva = like dEvEMdra, like arjuna,
anava + bravaH = he who does not utter inferior words, asmAkaM = for us, manyO =
narasimha, adhi + pAH = one who protects, bhava =become, iha = in this battle, priyaM
= that which is lovable, tE = for you, nAma = name, sahurE = Oh undefeatable hero,
gRuNImasi = we praise, vidma= we know, taM= such, utsaM = enthusiasm, yataH =
from the chanting which name, A + babhUtha = you manifest.
Oh narasimha, you who do not speak inferior words, giving us victory like how dEvEMdra
gives to the deities, residing inside me like how you are in arjuna who is the amsha of
iMdra, in this battle, become our leader and protect us. Oh the insurmountable hero, we
chant and praise your most desired name. You get pleased by that and manifest
yourself. We know your enthusiasm for protecting devotees.
sUkta 2 mantra 6
sUkta 2 mantra 6
ābhūtyā sahajā vajra sāyaka saho bibharṣyabhibhūtauttaram |
kratvā no manyo saha medyedhi mahādhanasya puruhūtasaṃsṛji ||6||
A + bhUtyA | saha + jAH | vajra | sAyaka |
saHa | bibharShi | abhi + bhUtE | ut + taraM||
kratvA | naH | manyO iti | saha | mEdI | Edhi|
mahA + dhanasya | puru | hUta | sam + sRuji||
A + bhUtyA = from the strength of defeating enemies, saha + jAH = manifested with it,
vajra = Oh the one who attacks like lightening, Oh the one devoid of defects, sAyaka =
Oh the slayer,
saHa = the insurmountable hero, bibharShi = you are holding, abhi + bhUtE = he who
defeats enemies, ut + taraM = the superior one, kratvA = from the act of combating,
naH = regarding us, manyO = Oh narasimha, saha = together, mEdI = he who has
friendship, Edhi = you become, mahA + dhanasya = of the war, puru + hUta = one who
is eulogised with several names, sam + sRuji = in the friction.
Oh! the one who assails like a lightening, Oh! the one without any defects, Oh! the one
who attacks like an arrow, you are the one who came along with the natural prowess of
destroying enemies. Oh! the one who subdues enemies, you are the one who came with
the supreme might that doesn’t succumb to others. Oh the one talked by the Vedas, Oh
narasimha, in this friction of war, along with the zest to fight show us friendship kindly.
sUkta 2 mantra 7
saṃsṛṣṭaṃ dhanamubhayaṃ samākṛtamasmabhyaṃ dattāṃvaruṇaśca manyuḥ |
bhiyaṃ dadhānā hṛdayeṣu śatravaḥparājitāso apa ni layantām ||7||
saM + sRuShTaM | dhanaM | ubhayaM | sam + AkRutaM|
asmabhyaM | dattAM | varuNaH | cha | manyuH||
bhiyaM | dadhAnAH | hRudayEShu | shatravaH|
parA | jitAsaH | apa | ni | layaMtAM||
saM + sRuShTaM = gathered, dhanaM = wealth, ubhayaM = both, sam + AkRutaM =
brought after winning,
asmabhyaM = for us, dattAM = give us, varuNaH = aniruddha, cha = and, manyuH =
bhiyaM = fear, dadhAnAH = carrying, hRudayEShu = inside the heart, shatravaH =
parA + jitAsaH = having been defeated, apa ni layaMtAM = let them drown in misery.
Gathering both kinds of wealth, let aniruddha -the sustainer and narasimha – the
destroyer, give us after winning. Let our enemies get filled with fear, get defeated
completely and fade away into dark misery.