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Kindergarten Learning & October Break Journal

This week’s Learning:
This week students reading was focused on the idea that they
can choose “just right” books by using the IPICK strategy.
This means that they are able to choose books that:
I – I choose the book myself
P – Purpose – why do I want to read it?
I – Interest – Does it interest me?
C – Comprehend – Am I understanding what I am reading?
K – Know – Do I know most of the words?
When students are thinking about books at home, you can ask
them about these types of strategies to help them cement
thinking around good fit books.
In writing, students are learning that there are different
kinds of books they can write including stories with
characters, teaching books (non fiction) books with pattern,
ABC books, counting books and letters. This has re-kindled
their writing time and hippos are very engaged in making lots
of books. Very exciting!
October Break Journal
In your child’s Folder this Friday is a green “My October
Break” Journal. This is their homework for the holiday. Don’t
fret…nothing too complicated. 
As a way to help students prepare for our upcoming narrative
writing unit, please use the book for students to draw
pictures and/or write words on each page about something they
did each day during the break. Kids can glue in pictures from
the holiday or draw themselves. Don’t forget to write in some
labels as kindergarteners are now able to write words and
stretch out the sounds they know
This book will help students with their narrative writing
(stories about themselves) when we return from vacation.
Please send back the book on Monday, October 30th in your
child’s Friday folder. Thank you.
Upcoming Dates – Mark your Calendars
October 21-29
No School – October Break
Tuesday, October 31st
Early Release Day at 1:10
Have a great weekend, everyone!