Week 11 Mini-Assignment Task 2 Abstract task Prescribed concrete tasks (to be done in sequence) The user can log [Initial state of the logger is that no serves of vegetables have been the number of logged] serves of Suppose you always log your vegetable intake in the evening, just before vegetables they ate going to bed. Suppose that today you recall that you ate 3 serves of in a whole day. vegetables. Log that. The user can [Current state of logger is 3 serves for today] correct accidental Suppose that, on reflection, you realise that you have over-estimated the logging actions. vegetables you ate for dinner. So, for today, you now think you actually ate only 2 serves. Correct the logged record for today. The logger is linked [Current state of logger is 2 serves for today] to the e-textbook Suppose you now remember about two cups of lettuce you ate at lunch, information about but cannot recall how many serves that would make. Find out how many serving sizes serves 2 cups of lettuce is. Then log this. [Current state of logger should be 4 serves for today – if not, tell the user about the correct serves and you get back to correct state] The user can track [Current state e-textbook is that the user has read the section about their e-textbook judging the serves of lettuce and has not read about other types of progress vegetables] Please tell me which learning topics you have read and which you still need to read. The user can test [Current state of crossword puzzle test is totally uncompleted] their knowledge in Suppose you are wondering whether your vegetable knowledge is the App enough to pass an exam. So, you want to gain a test in the app. Please show me the hint of crossword puzzle test The App can send [Current state of notification is off] user notification Suppose that you are prone to forget to learn vegetable knowledge. So, please turn on the notification feature. Think-Aloud User ID Task ID Over successful? Clock Time and Observation James Wang 1 Yes Only-with-help No 21:25 James was on the homepage. 21:25 James clicked “next” button, then he chose “Male” and “60kg” as his weight and clicked “next”. 21:26 He entered his date of birth and clicked “next”. 21:26 James chose “Neither”. 21:27 Now James was at the HomePage, he clicked the “Record” button which is listed at the bottom of the interface, and he clicked the “Record your diet”, now he was at the interface of recording. 21:27 James could only find the place to “Add breakfast”, “Add lunch”, “Add dinner”, “Add snack”, then he decided to clicked “Add dinner”. 21:28 James could not find the place to record the serve of vegetable intake, so he added three cucumbers as dinner. Errors Fail to find the place where the user can directly record the serve of vegetable intake. Other notes User ID James Wang Task ID 2 Over successful? Yes Clock Time and Observation 21:29 James started the task 2. 21:29 James still stayed at the interface of task1, so he clicked the button which look like a dustbin, then he deleted his vegetable intake successfully which just recorded. 21:29 James did not sure the amount of 2 serves, so he just deleted 1 cucumber. Errors No Other notes The user can delete the vegetable intake and correct accidental logging actions, but due to the user cannot directly record the serve of vegetable intake, so he success in part of the task. Only-with-help No User ID Task ID Over successful? Clock Time and Observation Errors James Wang 3 Yes Only-with-help No 21:30 James went back to the HomePage and clicked the “Library” button. 21:30 James clicked “Get 1 Serve” and then he found the amount of a standard serve. 21: 31 James found 0.5 cup cooked green vegetables (for example lettuce) is a standard serve, so he knew that 2 cups of lettuce are 4 serves. No Other notes User ID Task ID Over successful? Clock Time and Observation James Wang 4 Yes Only-with-help No 21:33 James went back to the HomePage and clicked “library”. 21:33 Then he clicked “Reading book”. He could find learning topics he has read and which he still needs to read. Errors No Other notes User ID Task ID Over successful? Clock Time and Observation James Wang 5 Yes Only-with-help No 21:34 James went back to the Homepage and clicked “test”. 21:34 James clicked “start the test” and then he saw the crossword puzzle. 21:34 James clicked “show hints”. Errors No Other notes User ID Task ID Over successful? Clock Time and Observation James Wang 6 Yes Only-with-help No 21:34 James went back to the Homepage and clicked “My vegetable”. 21:34 James clicked the setting button which listed on the left top of the interface. 21:35 James clicked “Notification Settings” and then he clicked “Notifications” and now the notification is open. Errors No Other notes SEQ and UMUX-lite questionnaires Task 1: 4 Task 2: 3 Task 3: 2 Task 4: 2 Task 5: 2 Task 6: 2 UMUX-lite questionnaires 1 2 cognitive walkthrough Task 1 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes Task 2 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes Task 3 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes Task 4 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes Task 5 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes Task 6 will correct action be obvious? eg button visible Yes 2. will user understand instructions? eg user understands the label on the button. Yes 3. Will user interpret machine action correctly? Yes