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Road Safety Guidelines: AP R&B Dept. Circular

Road Safety
Office of the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Errum Manzil, A.P., Hyderabad.
Circular Memo No.2/DCE (R)/ EE(RS&PMS)/ DEE1/ AEE1 Dated: 11.07.2005.
Sub:- R&B Dept. - Road Safety Interventions - Certain guide lines issued - Recommendations of
the committee on proposed road safety interventions
- Regarding
Ref :- 1. G. O. Ms. No. 80 of T,R&B (R.I) Dept. dt.25-4-2005
2. T. O. Memo No. 2/ DCE(R)/ EE(RS&PMS)/ DEE I/ AEE I Dt:18-05-2005.
cited, have issued certain guide lines on road safety along with certain road safety interventions
to be taken up.
In this regard, a committee of 10 Senior Engineers, Traffic Experts, Professors was constituted
for finalization of detailed specifications, drawings, to be adopted for the proposed road safety
interventions. The Committee has met in series of meetings and submitted very valuable
In this regard the following guidelines have been issued based on Committee’s
recommendations. All the Superintending Engineers are requested to adopt the guidelines in
taking up of Road Safety Interventions mentioned vide reference 1st cited.
1.Cement Concrete dividers:
Central road dividers of cement concrete (CC M15 grade) are to be provided on roads to avoid
head on collusion.
The central median/divider shall be provided in stretches where clear carriageway of 14m &
above is available. And in urban limits, dividers shall be provided where clear carriageway
available is 11m & above.
The height recommended is 0.40m in stead of 0.75m for urban roads (with bottom width of
0.45m & top width of 0.25m) and for rural roads the height recommended is 0.30m (with
bottom width of 0.33m & top width of 0.23m), as shown in the drawings attached.
In urban limits, all the roads must be widened to 14M and put dividers on priority to avoid head
on collusion accidents.
Uninterrupted CC Median/Divider of not less than 750M shall be laid to avoid too many
openings so that traffic is properly regulated. Only under exceptional cases, the length may be
reduced as per site conditions.
For islands, central divider shall be half of the section recommended above.
The specifications and detailed drawings are enclosed in Annexure-I.
2. Hazard markers and delineators:
The Hazard markers and delineators are to be provided on roads to avoid crashing of objects
close to the road.
Hazard markers shall be provided near narrow culverts, bridges, places where carriageway is
restricted due to lack of sufficient land width for ROW (Right of way), tips of island at road
junctions, median gaps, islands etc.,
LDS ( Linear delineator system ) over bridge railing, delineator at horizontal curves with radii less
than 250m as per IRC 35-1970 (Code of practice for road markings) , IRC 79-1981 & MOST
Spec.No.805. In Ghat roads with Linear Delineation System shall be provided.
Guard stones with florescent painting shall be provided @ 3m interval in all high embankment (
where embankment height is greater than 3m).
Guard rails to be provided near bridges where the bridge width is less than the formation width.
The specifications and drawings of hazard markers and delineators are enclosed in Annexure-II.
3. Speed breakers:
Only rumble strips shall be provided for controlling speed and to promote orderly traffic
movement with improved safety.
• To be provided at junctions (on lower category roads/ roads with less traffic),
unmanned Railway Level Crossings, toll gates, black spots (where repeated accidents takes
place)and congested areas like shandy/ market / residential places etc.
Rumble strips is the placement of intermittent raised bituminous overlays across roadway.
Raised sections shall be 25mm high, 300 mm wide, and placed about one metre centre to
centre. A series of such strips 7 nos. are to be provided at one location. Rumble strip markings
shall be painted with ISI brand enamel paint regularly in the form of a pattern as per drawing
enclosed. These markings shall be supplemented with the cautionary sign (CS).
The specifications and detailed drawing is enclosed in Annexure-III.
4. Studs (Raised Pavement Markers) : Studs shall be provided to demarcate the lanes for
appropriate movement of vehicles. Studs with shanks should be provided at following locations
@ 7.5 m interval.
In horizontal curves ( radius less than 250 m)in rural areas along centre line, along center line on
bridges having a L.W.W. (linear waterway) of more than 30m and shall be continued upto 30 m
of approaches on either side of the bridge.
Along centre line in urban areas and accident prone areas where road width is 7 m or more.
Studs should be provided at the major junctions i.e., rural / urban areas on top of kerbs near
traffic Islands in one row.
The specifications for studs will be finalised later by the committee and communicated in due
Specifications and drawings enclosed as Annexure-IV.
5. Center line marking with Thermoplastic material: Centre line marking is provided to
demarcate the lanes to regulate traffic and prevent head on collisions.
• Center line marking shall be adopted on roads having 6.7m wide carriageway and above. The
size shall be with 3.0m strip & 4.50m gap and width 10 cm and thickness
2.5mm of thermoplastic reflective paint of BIS standards (Specifications and drawing enclosed
as Annexure-V
Continuous centerline margins on curves, bridges and approaches with thermoplastic reflective
paint should be done.
The edge line markings of 10cm.width shall be provided continuously wherever paved shoulders
are existing in case of 10m carriageway and above.
On curves outer edge line markings shall be provided with white colour for roads having a traffic
intensity of more than 5000 PCUs and radius up to 250m.
Chevron markings shall be painted on hazardous locations near tips of divider as per drawing
enclosed - Annexure VI.
Junctions and intersections shall also be marked as per IRC standards & as per IRC 35-1997 and
IS 164 - 1981 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) & MOST Specn.No. 803.
6. Zebra markings and pedestrian crossings with Thermoplastic material:
Zebra markings near speed breakers and pedestrian crossings shall be provided for cautioning
drivers and safe passage of the pedestrians.
The Zebra crossings are to be painted as per IRC specifications with thermoplastic material near
school zones, intersections, pedestrian crossings, etc.
Specifications and Drawings enclosed as Annexure - VII.
7. Carrigeway of bridges and sidewalks and footpaths:
All two lane bridges on MDRs and SHs, new as well as those bridges proposed for reconstruction
having a linear waterway upto 60m shall have minimum 12m carriageway width clear lane
marking for shoulders on both sides for slow moving traffic and pedestrians with continuous
centerline marking.
The approaches to the above bridges on either side shall have minimum formation width of 12m
and carriageway width of 7m.
All bridges, either inside the habitation or within 0.5 km of village / town should have footpath /
sidewalks of minimum clear width of 1.5m. Ducts shall be provided below
the footpaths.
On all roads in Municipal limits, side walls / foot path with minimum 1.5 m clear width should be
Where ever CC / Masonry drains are existing, RCC foot paths should be constructed over drain.
Instead of handrails, solid concrete New Jersey crash barriers for all bridges shall be provided for
better safety.
8. Retroreflective sign Boards /Caution / Warning / Informatory boards): Retro-reflective
Sign boards are to be provided using Type III high intensity grade sheeting shall be used for the
The above roads shall be provided with 4 MM thick Fiber glass Reinforce Plastic (FRP) board
with 75 x 75 x 6 mm thick MS angle post.
The lettering/marking should be screen printed on cautionary signs as per IRC - 67, MOST
Specn.Nos.801.1.1 & 801.2.5 These retro-reflective signboards shall be erected at the following
locations : (a) Cautionary/ Warning signs : These signs are used to caution the road users of the
existence of certain hazardous conditions either on or adjacent to the road way.
These boards are to be kept at following:
at all curves upto 250 m radius,
School zones, pedestrian crossings, junctions, ghat road starting point.
Speed breakers, gap in median, unmanned railway level crossings, dangerous dips, diversion
roads, narrow bridges etc. wherever required.
Submersible causeways, road dams.
(b) Mandatory / Regulatory signs: These signs are used to inform road users of
certain rules and regulations to improve safety and free flow of traffic, such as
indicating speed limits
no over takings,
one way, no parking etc.
axle load limit (c) Informatory Signs: These signs are used to provide information and to guide
road users along roads. The Informatory signs are to be provided
Entrance of village / Town / City junctions, Intersections
Route direction indicators ( the board shall be with blue background and white letters).
Ghat Roads, Specifications and Drawings enclosed as Annexure - VIII.
9. Junction / Village nameboards / pedestals:
In addition to mild steel junction boards, brick masonry pedestals giving information to be
erected near bypass junctions / intersections. 10 (a). Rehabilitation of bridges , culverts & CD
Slab when steel reinforcement is exposed and damaged parapets body wall of abutment should
be repaired.
The field officers shall enclose the photographs along with proposals and estimates for
rehabilitation of bridges , culverts & CD works. They should take photographs after attending
the rehabilitation / repair work.
The proposed centralized equipment like mobile bridge inspection unit , core cutting machine,
etc. necessary for inspecting the bridges for their rehabilitation will be made available to the
Executive Engineers and kept under the control of Roads Division, Hyderabad. Each circle shall
be allotted specific period to use bridge inspection vehicle. The Executive Engineers (R&B) have
to report the no. of inspections done etc. for rehabilitation using the centralized equipment.
The de-silting of canals / drains near R&B bridges shall be undertaken by the
Irrigation authorities only by obtaining prior concurrence from concerned Executive Engineers
of R&B dept. While giving concurrence, the Executive Engineer (R&B) shall see that the
designed sill level is not disturbed. Government may be addressed to issue the relevant G.O. in
concurrence with Irrigation department for this purpose. 10 (b). Narrow culverts & Narrow
• Wherever roads are developed into 2 lane and more, the culverts / CD works / slab bridges
should be widened on priority to reduce accidents.
11. Retaining walls / Parapet walls , rails:
Ghat roads curved portions are shall be provided with Linear Delineation System.
All Ghat sections and in other hazardous locations in suitable places, retaiing wall / parapet /
railing should be constructed.
12. Curve improvements:
All curves shall be designed, constructed and maintained as per IRC guidelines (curves for a
speed of minimum 80km/hr to be designed). Wherever design speed is restricted, sharp curve
mandatory sign board and speed limit boards shall be provided.
Under curve improvements, extra widths shall be designed as per IRC guidelines. Extra widths to
be provided on hilly roads as per design requirements.
On single lane roads curves shall have carriageway width of 5.5m. Total carriageway should be
Studs shall be provided on centerline of all curves.
Centerline marking shall be in yellow colour.
No overtaking sign boards and desired speed limit boards shall be provided near all curves.
Minimum sight distance of 200m shall be ensured for visibility by land acquisition, demolition,
clearing site etc. if necessary.
In plain terrain, the gradient shall be easened preferably to 1 in 33 wherever it is
steeper than 1 in 20.
• In steep gradient locations, steep gradient board, no overtaking board, speed limit board shall
be erected.
13.Junction improvements:
All intersections, junctions should have a minimum safe stopping sight distance of 130 m.
All junctions in urban limits shall be illuminated by providing proper lighting after obtaining
undertaking for maintenance of lighting system.
14. Crash barriers:
Crash barriers are provided to avoid vehicles fall into valley / rivers / streams in case of crash.
Crash barriers shall be provided on all high embankments ( where embankment height is more
than 3m ) of roads having traffic volume more than 5000 PCUs. For other roads, Guard Posts
shall be provided.
Metal beam single ‘W’ crash barrier of size 311 x 83 mm flange width made with structural steel
corrugated plate 3mm thick and having a length of 4.5m over a channel post of 150 x 75 x 5 mm
with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 300 mm long to be provided.
Crash barriers may be provided irrespective of traffic PCUs at locations with proven history of
Guard rails to be provided near bridges on approaches.
15. Shoulders / berms and formation width:
Minimum formation width shall not be less than 7.5m as per existing standards.
In all single lane roads minimum shoulder width of 1m with granular base should be provided.
16. Low berms and scours:
• all low berms and rain water gullies in the formation width shall be immediately attended and
filled up from time to time.
Further, the Superintending Engineers are requested to attend the following:
1. In general,
All estimates except O. R. works shall have a sub-estimate enclosed covering road safety
interventions. Each and every S. R. estimate or other road estimates including estimates prepared
for special and plan projects shall include these items invariably. No technical sanction shall be
accorded without this sub-estimate on road safety. If all items are already covered as per
Annexure-I a NIL certificate should be recorded along with estimate while according technical
sanction. In other stretches where works are not taken up, exclusive estimate to cover road safety
interventions should be prepared at sub-division level as on package and should be taken up on
priority. If technical sanction authority accords any technical sanction without the sub-estimate
he / she shall be held responsible for lapses.
2. Detailed survey in the District shall be conducted for accident prone areas and all roads
having more than 5000 PCUs in the first phase for identifying the above mentioned Road Safety
Interventions to be taken up before preparation of estimate.
3. The estimates for Road Safety Intervention items shall be submitted by the Superintending
Engineers to Chief Engineer, R&B, Roads.
4. Priority shall be given for important prioritized items of the Road Safety Interventions since
budget is a constraint. And also depending up on funds available, high traffic road shall be given
5. Road Safety Interventions may be categorized into 5 types i.e., (1) civil items, (2)signages, (3)
road markings, (4) studs and (5) Metal crash barriers. All Superintending Engineers are
requested to prepare estimates in each district as 4 packages for 4 categories. The category wise
works are shown as following:
Category- II (Signages) Category – III (Road Markings)
Category – IV
marker) (Studs)
Category V
( Metal
1. Cement Concrete
1. Hazard markers and Dividers delineators
1. Centerline markings
1. Raised pavement marker (Studs)
1. Metal crash barriers
2. Speed breakers 2. Warning / Caution boards
2. Zebra markings near speed breakers and pedestrian crossings, intersections
3. Side works / Footpaths
3. Junction/ Village name boards
4. Rehabilitation of bridges, slab culverts,
CD works
5. Retaining walls
/ parapet walls, railings
6. Curve improvements
7. Junction improvements
8. Shoulders
/ Berms
9. Formation width
10. Low berms
11. Scours
12. Junction/Village board pedestals
On all signage boards the name of ‘Police’ in addition to ‘R&B’ should be written / painted so
that thefts are minimized.
All above points should be read as minimum standards keeping road safety point of
view. Other wise general IRC / MoRT&H standards should be mentioned for construction of
roads and bridges. The Superintending Engineers are informed that the rates for non SSR items
will be circulated separately for estimate purpose. Meanwhile detailed estimates may be prepared
and kept ready.
All the Superintending Engineers(R&B) are requested to take up the detailed physical survey of
all the roads in district in respect of the above road safety interventions and detailed estimates
should be submitted urgently. Depending upon the financial constraint Superintending
Engineers(R&B) are requested to prepare estimates in phased manner taking top traffic corridors
on priority. All 4 packages should be taken up simultaneously. The survey format is enclosed as
Annexure-IX for the purpose of assessing the requirements and preparation of estimate.
Further, all Superintending Engineers (R&B) are requested
To remove all unauthorized speed breakers on roads
To identify Government land for construction of wayside rest houses and parking bays to
provide rest places for drivers. The Government is interested to take up the parking bays / Rest
houses for drivers on BMOT ( Build Maintain Operate and Transfer)
To provide suitable signage’s with Telephone nos. of nearest police stations and nearest
hospitals / trauma centres on all roads.
As Convener Superintending Engineers may initiate to discuss all points came up in video
conference held on 20.06.2005 ( Minutes enclosed).
Administrative sanction shall be obtained from Chief Engineer / Government for all the works
pertaining to road safety. No road safety work shall be taken up in Ordinary Repairs grant.
Encl: 1) Annexure I to IX 2) Minutes of Video Conference held on 20.06.2005.
3) Copy of G.O.Ms.No. 80 dt.25-4-05 sd/ Engineer – in – Chief, R&B (Admn.&Nabard)
Specification for Central Road Divider: Construction of CC M15 grade Central Road Divider
as per approved drawing and Technical specifications including excavation of existing
B.T.Surface / any type of surface to the required depth and width as specified in the drawing
including cost of formwork, all T&P, water charges, curing, etc., complete for finished item of
work, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and as per MORT&H specification nos. 202, 1500,
1700, 2100 and 2200
Codes: MORT&H specification nos. 202, 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2200
Central Road Divider:
Painting two coats using 1st quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of
approved brand, colour, and shade over the concrete surface as per the approved pattern etc.,
complete for finished item of work, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and MORT&H
specification no.803 Codes: MORT&H specification no.803
Specification for Object Markers: Supplying and installation of object markers 5cm dia MS
medium ISI pipe class B painted with two coats of 1st quality synthetic enamel painted with
white, over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand and shade, kept at 80cm high
above ground level with triangular panels of size 30cm fixed at top, 3nos.circular red reflectors
of 7.5cm dia fixed standard supports, buried in a trench of size of 30cm x 30cm and 50cm depth
filled with CC 1:2:4 / fixed in the divider concrete directly as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
and conforming to IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H specification no.805 and approved drawings etc.,
complete for finished item of work. Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H specification no.805
Specification for Roadway Indicator:
Supply and installation of Precast RCC M15 grade Roadway Indicators of size 10cm x 10cm, 90
cm high above ground level, painted with two coats of black and white in 15cm wide stripes,
with first quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand,
colour, and shade over the concrete surface fitted with 80x100mm rectangular/or 75mm dia
reflectorized (front side white and back side red) panels at the top with standard supports and
buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x 30cm and 50cm depth filled with CC 1:2:4, as
directed by Engineer-in-charge and conforming to IRC 791981 & MORTH specn.no.805 and
approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of work.
Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H Specn.No.805.
ANNEXURE – II (iii) Specification for Hazard Markers:
Supplying and installation of Hazard Markers using M.S.angle of size 55X55X6mm and 120cm
high above ground level painted with two coats of black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first
quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, colour,
with 30cm x 90cm striped reflectorized panels fixed at top over 4mm FRP sheet with standard
supports consisting of alternately (black and yellow) stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45°
towards the side of the obstruction on which the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a
trench of size 50cm x 50cm and 60cm depth filled with CC 1:2:4 as directed by Engineer-inCharge and conforming to IRC 791981 & MORT&H specification no.805 and approved
drawings etc., complete for finished item of work
.Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H specification no.805
Specification for Rumble Strips :
Construction of Rumble Strips with hot premixed bituminous material as per approved drawing
and technical specifications with raised section of 25mm high, 300mm wide, place about one
metre centre to centre, with a series of 7nos strips at one location, including marking strips in the
specified location, clearing of all dust, loose particles, applying tack coat, cost of form work, all
T&P charges, compacting, rounding the edges and finishing the surface to the required shape,
etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, for finished item of work and as per IRC 39 –
1986 & 99 Codes : IRC 39 & 99
ANNEXURE - IV Specification for Studs:
Providing and fixing raised pavement markers (reflective road studs) made of Polycarbonate
moulded body, HIPS (Hi-impact polystyrene), ABS & ASA (Acrylic Strene Acrylonitrite) type
etc. and reflective panels with microprismatic lens capable of light entering the lens face and
conforming to ASTM D 4280 , ASTM D 788 , ASTM E 809 (CLI – coefficient of luminous
intensity), & BS 873 part 4 : 1973 and complying to guidelines issued by MORTH circular no.
RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO III dt.11-6-1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed
20mm, 130mm and 105mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 sqcm.on each side and the
slope to the base shall be 35° +/- 5°. Fixing will be without nails but by using twin polymer
shanks using bituminous adhesive on bituminous roads or without polymer shanks with epoxy
resin based adhesive on CC roads as per manufacturer’s recommendation including site
clearance etc. and complete as directed by the Engineer in charge.
Standards: ASTM D 4280 , ASTM D 788 , ASTM E 809 (CLI – coefficient of luminous
intensity), & BS 873 part 4 : 1973 Circulars: MORTH circular no. RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO
III dt.11-6-1997.
Specification for Centreline marking: Providing centreline marking of 300cm length and 10cm
width with a gap of 450cm with thermoplastic paints conforming to IS : 164-1981 (1st revision
reaffirmed in 1986) and clause 803 of MOST specifications for Road & Bridge works and also
conforming to IRC 35-1997.
Codes: IS : 164-1981 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) MOST specification clause 803 IRC 351997
Specification for Zebra Markings:
Providing Zebra pattern stripes marking for pedestrian crossing with equally spaced white stripes
500 mm wide and 500 mm gap and length of 2 m to 4 m with thermoplastic paints conforming to
IS: 164-1981 (I st revision, reaffirmed in 1986) and clause 803 of MOST specification for Road
& Bridge works and also conforming to IRC 103-1988 & IRC 35-1997. Codes: IS: 164-1981 (I
st revision, Reaffirmed in 1986) MOST specification Clause 803.
IRC 103-1988 & IRC 35-1997.
Specification for Cautionary/Warning Signs: Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign
boards size 900 mm equilateral triangle made out of Retro reflective sheeting of Type – III of
ASTM D4956-01 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing
in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour as per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over 4
mm thick FRP sheet and painted back side with grey colour and fixed over back support frame of
MS angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with
clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The signpost
should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of every
30 cm with Black & White colour. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600 mm.
Standards: Retro Reflective Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM D4956 – 01. Sign Design and
fabrication: As per IRC: 67-2001. Circulrs: Most No. RW/NH-33023/31/88DO-III dt: 4-111995.
Specification for Mandatory/Regulatory Signs: Providing and fixing Mandatory/Regulatory
sign boards size 600MM/900 mm circle made out of Retro reflective sheeting of Type – III of
ASTM D4956-01 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing
in in black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour as per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over
4 mm thick FRP sheet and painted back side with grey colour and fixed over back support frame
of MS angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with
clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The signpost
should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of every
30 cm with Black & White colour. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600 mm.
Standards: Retro Reflective Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM D4956 – 01. Sign Design and
fabrication: As per IRC: 67-2001.
Specification for Facility Informatory Signs: Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign
boards size 600X800 mm made out of Retro reflective sheeting of Type – III of ASTM D495601 for full background of Blue/White colour with screen printing of symbols in Black colour as
per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over 4 mm thick FRP sheet and painted back side with grey colour
and fixed over back support frame of MS angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted on a MS
angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the
bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats
of synthetic enamel paint of every 30 cm with Black & White colour. The signpost shall be
firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete foundation of
size 450x450x600 mm.
Standards: Retro Reflective Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM D4956 – 01. Sign Design and
fabrication: As per IRC: 67-2001.
Abbreviations to be used Cement Concrete Divider
CCD Mandatory Sings – MS (Type of sign) Rumble Strips
RS Cautionary Signs – CS(Type of sign) Studs
SD Informatory Signs-IS (Type of sign) Marking
M(Specify type of marking) Narrow Culvert
Note: The above survey should be conducted for every road, section wise.
Example Sheet
Proforma – 1
Abbreviations to be used Cement Concrete Divider - CCD Mandatory Sings – MS (Type of
sign) Rumble Strips
RS Cautionary Signs – CS(Type of sign) Studs
SD Informatory Signs-IS (Type of sign) Marking
M(Specify type of marking) Narrow Culvert
From To LEFT
Example: 6/0 to 7/0 6/355 (Outskirts of Venkatapuram) CS
Left hand curve
Studs from 6/0 to 7/0
@ 7.5mt C/C DC- MDR 6/843
Right hand cruve 6/900 to 6/990 CCD Divider in town limits of Anakapally 6/995 NC Widening to
be taken up 2V of 1 mt.dia 7/0 to 8/0 7/280 MS
Speed limits 40 Kmph 7/390
No over taking
Note: The above information filled in the format is just to understand the columns to be filled.
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Ahmed Gulam
good work
reply04 / 30 / 2010
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Road Safety Circulars and Specifications. Please visit out technical blog
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INTERVENTIONS (RSI) Abbreviations to be used Cement Concrete Divider
CCD Mandatory Sings – MS (Type of sign) Rumble Strips
RS Cautionary Signs – CS(Type of sign) Studs
SD Informatory Signs-IS (Type of sign) Marking
M(Specify type of marking) Narrow Culvert
Note: The above survey should be conducted for every road, section wise.
Example Sheet
Proforma – 1
Abbreviations to be used Cement Concrete Divider - CCD Mandatory Sings – MS (Type of
sign) Rumble Strips
RS Cautionary Signs – CS(Type of sign) Studs
SD Informatory Signs-IS (Type of sign) Marking
M(Specify type of marking) Narrow Culvert
From To LEFT
Example: 6/0 to 7/0 6/355 (Outskirts of Venkatapuram) CS
Left hand curve
Studs from 6/0 to 7/0
@ 7.5mt C/C DC- MDR 6/843
Right hand cruve 6/900 to 6/990 CCD Divider in town limits of Anakapally 6/995 NC
Widening to be taken up 2V of 1 mt.dia 7/0 to 8/0 7/280 MS
Speed limits 40 Kmph 7/390
No over taking
Note: The above information filled in the format is just to understand the columns to be filled.
Sri D.V.Bhavanna Rao Chief Engineer\\R&B Quality Contr ol
for all my presentations, please visit our blog http://aproadbuildqa.blogspot.com
Road safety Intervention
Specification for Central Road Divider Construction of CC M15 grade Central Road Divider as
per approved drawing and Technical specifications including excavation of existing B.T.Surface
or any type of surface to the required depth and width as specified in the drawing including cost
of formwork, all T&P, water charges, curing, etc., complete for finished item of work, as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge and as per MORT&H specification nos. 202, 1500, 1700, 2100
and 2200
Central Road Divider: Painting two coats using 1st quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat
of appropriate primer of approved brand, colour, and shade over the concrete surface as per the
approved pattern etc., complete for finished item of work, as directed by Engineer-inCharge and
MORT&H specification no.803
Specification for Object Markers Supplying and installation of object markers 5cm dia MS
medium ISI pipe class B painted with two coats of 1st quality synthetic enamel painted with
white, over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand and shade, kept at 80cm high
above ground level with triangular panels of size 30cm fixed at top, 3nos.circular red reflectors
of 7.5cm dia fixed standard supports, buried in a trench of size of 30cm x 30cm and 50cm depth
filled with CC 1:2:4 / fixed in the divider concrete directly as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
and conforming to IRC 791981 & MORT&H specification no.805 and approved drawings etc.,
complete for finished item of work. Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H specification no.805
Specification for Roadway Indicator Supply and installation of Precast RCC M15 grade
Roadway Indicators of size 10cm x 10cm, 90 cm high above ground level, painted with two
coats of black and white in 15cm wide stripes, with first quality synthetic enamel paint over one
coat of appropriate primer of approved brand, colour, and shade over the concrete surface fitted
with 80x100mm rectangular/or 75mm dia reflectorized (front side white and back side red)
panels at the top with standard supports and buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x
30cm and 50cm depth filled with CC 1:2:4, as directed by Engineer-in-charge and conforming to
IRC 79-1981 & MORTH specn.no.805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item
of work. Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H Specn.No.805.
Specification for Hazard Markers: Supplying and installation of Hazard Markers using
M.S.angle of size 55X55X6mm and 120cm high above ground level painted with two coats of
black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of
appropriate primer of approved brand, colour, with 30cm x 90cm striped reflectorized panels
fixed at top over 4mm FRP sheet with standard supports consisting of alternately (black and
yellow) stripes sloping downward at an angle of 45 towards the side of the obstruction on which
the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a trench of size 50cm x 50cm and 60cm depth
filled with CC 1:2:4 as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and conforming to IRC 79-1981 &
MORT&H specification no.805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of work
Codes: IRC 79-1981 & MORT&H specification no.805
Specification for Rumble Strips
Construction of Rumble Strips with hot premixed bituminous material as per approved drawing
and technical specifications with raised section of 25mm high, 300mm wide, place about one
metre centre to centre, with a series of 7nos strips at one location, including marking strips in the
specified location, clearing of all dust, loose particles, applying tack coat, cost of form work, all
T&P charges, compacting, rounding the edges and finishing the surface to the required shape,
etc. complete as directed by Engineerin-Charge, for finished item of work and as per IRC 39 –
1986 & 99 Codes : IRC 39 & 99
Specification for Studs
Providing and fixing raised pavement markers (reflective road studs) made of Polycarbonate
moulded body, HIPS (Hi-impact polystyrene), ABS & ASA (Acrylic StreneAcryl nitrite) type
etc. and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of light entering the lens face and
conforming to ASTM D 4280 , ASTM D 788 , ASTM E 809 (CLI – coefficient of luminous
intensity), & BS 873 part 4 : 1973 and complying to guidelines issued by MORTH circular no.
RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO III dt.11-6-1997. The height, width and length shall not exceed
20mm, 130mm and 105mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 sqcm.on each side and the
slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 . Fixing will be without nails but by using twin polymer
shanks using bituminous adhesive on bituminous roads or without polymer shanks with epoxy
resin based adhesive on CC roads as per manufacturer’s recommendation including site
clearance etc. and complete as directed by the Engineer in charge. Standards:ASTM D 4280 ,
ASTM D 788 , ASTM E 809 (CLI – coefficient of luminous intensity), & BS 873 part 4 : 1973
Circulars: MORT&H circular no. RW/NH/33023/10-97- DO III dt.11-6-1997.
Specification for Centre line marking Providing centreline marking of 300cm length and 10cm
width with a gap of 450cm with thermoplastic paints conforming to IS : 164-1981 (1st revision
reaffirmed in 1986) and clause 803 of MOST specifications for Road & Bridge works and also
conforming to IRC 35-1997. Codes: IS : 164-1981 (1st revision reaffirmed in 1986) MORT&H
specification clause 803 IRC 35-1997
Specification for Zebra Markings: Providing Zebra pattern stripes marking for pedestrian
crossing with equally spaced white stripes 500 mm wide and 500 mm gap and length of 2 m to 4
m with thermoplastic paints conforming to IS: 164-1981 (I st revision, reaffirmed in 1986) and
clause 803 of MOST specification for Road & Bridge works and also conforming to IRC 1031988 & IRC 35-1997. Codes: IS: 164-1981 (I st revision, Reaffirmed in 1986) MOST
specification Clause 803. IRC 103-1988 & IRC 35-1997.
Specification for Cautionary/Warning Signs Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign
boards size 900 mm equilateral triangle made out of Retro reflective sheeting of Type – III of
ASTM D4956-01 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing
in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour as per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over 4
mm thick FRP sheet and painted back side with grey colour and fixed over back support frame of
MS angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with
clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The signpost
should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of every
30 cm with Black & White colour. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600 mm. Standards
Retro Reflective Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM D4956 – 01. Sign Design and fabrication: As per
IRC: 67-2001. Circulrs: Most No. RW/NH-33023/31/88-DO-III dt: 4-11-1995.
Specification for Mandatory/Regulatory Signs
Providing and fixing Mandatory/Regulatory sign boards size 600MM/900 mm circle made out of
Retro reflective sheeting of Type – III of ASTM D4956-01 for full background of White colour
and letters/logos done by screen printing in in black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red
colour as per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over 4 mm thick FRP sheet and painted back side with
grey colour and fixed over back support frame of MS angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted
on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground
level the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint
and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of every 30 cm with Black & White colour. The signpost
shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete
foundation of size 450x450x600 mm. Standards Retro Reflective Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM
D4956 – 01. Sign Design and fabrication: As per IRC: 67-2001.
Specification for Facility Informatory Signs
Providing and fixing Cautionary/Warning sign boards size 600X800 mm made out of Retro
reflective sheeting of Type – III of ASTM D4956-01 for full background of Blue/White colour
with screen printing of symbols in Black colour as per IRC: 67-2001 and fixed over 4 mm thick
FRP sheet and painted back side with grey colour and fixed over back support frame of MS
angle 25x25x3 mm all round and mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6 mm with clear
height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The signpost should
be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of every 30 cm
with Black & White colour. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm
in to the ground by 1:2:4 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600 mm. Retro Reflective
Sheeting: Type-III of ASTM D4956 – 01. Sign Design and fabrication: As per IRC: 67-2001.