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DT Skills Progression: Churchfield Primary School

Churchfield Primary School
Design and Technology (DT) Progression of Skills
Please use this as a reference point when planning and teaching IPC units, drawing on later or earlier skills to support and extend children. You should focus on one of these skills each half
term, although you may find some objectives cross over into other units too. Digital art such as graphic drawing programs and photography may be used throughout.
NB: When planning, consider the community within which our children live and build on the strengths and interests of the children within your year group.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Developing, planning
and discussing ideas
Generate ideas and
explain what they are
going to do.
Identify who they
intend to design and
make a product for.
Model ideas in card
and paper.
Build on ideas from
Working with tools,
equipment, materials
and components to
make quality
products (inc. food)
With help, measure,
mark out, cut and
shape a range of
Use tools (scissors) and
a hole punch safely.
Assemble, join and
combine materials and
components together
Generate and
develop ideas through
observation, drawing
and modelling.
Generate ideas for a
product and consider
its purpose and the
Generate ideas for a
product and consider
its purpose and the
Identify a purpose for
what they intend to
design and make.
Identify a purpose and
create their own
design criteria for a
successful product.
Create a design
Plan the order of the
work before starting.
Identify a purpose and
have a clear plan of
how to create the
product, which
materials to use and
the process.
Draw a design and
label parts.
Explore and develop a
design, and make
drawings with labels
when designing.
Begin to select tools
and materials and use
the vocabulary to
describe and name
Measure, cut and
score with some
Use hand tools safely.
Select tools and use
techniques for making
their product.
Measure, mark out,
cut, score and
assemble components
with more accuracy.
Identify where the
process might go
wrong and come up
with solutions.
Evaluate similar
products and plan a
design criteria for the
Explore and develop a
design, and make
drawings from
different views and
labelling special
Select tools and use
techniques for making
their product.
Measure, mark out,
cut, score, shape and
assemble components
with accuracy using
appropriate tools.
Join and combine
materials and
Generate ideas
through group
discussion and identify
a purpose for their
Draw up a
specification for their
Identify a purpose and
have a clear plan of
how to create the
product, which
materials to use and
the process.
Suggest alternative
methods of making if
the first attempts fail.
detailed ideas through
labelled drawings.
Develop a
specification for their
design by modelling
proposals in a variety
of ways (paper, 3D
models, ICT)
Plan the order of their
work carefully,
choosing appropriate
Suggest alternative
methods of making if
the first attempts fail.
Use results of
information sources
including ICT when
developing design
Select appropriate
materials, tools and
Measure and mark out
Use skills in using
different tools and
equipment safely and
Select appropriate
materials, tools,
components and
accurately to make
working models.
Use tools safely and
using a variety of
methods (glues or
Select and use
appropriate fruit and
vegetables, processes
and tools.
Use basic food
handling, hygienic
practices and personal
Improve the
appearance of the
product by using
finishing techniques.
Evaluating the
process and the
products created
Evaluate by discussing
how well the product
works (does it have the
desired purpose?)
Evaluate by asking
questions about what
they have made and
how they have made
Assemble, join and
combine materials
and components
together using a
variety of materials
and making changes
to improve as they go
Use basic sewing
techniques. Cut shape
and join fabric to
make a simple
Work safely and
accurately with a
range of tools.
Change work as the
product progresses to
improve it.
Measure, tape or pin,
cut and join fabric
with some accuracy.
Demonstrate hygienic
food preparation and
accurately in
temporary and
permanent ways.
Sew using a wide
range of different
stitches, weave and
Measure, tape or pin,
cut and join fabric
with greater
Weigh and measure
accurately (time, dry,
ingredients, liquid)
Apply the rules for
basic food hygiene
and other safe
practices e.g. hazards
to the use of ovens.
Cut and join with
accuracy to ensure
there is a good-quality
finish to the product.
Follow safe
procedures for food
safety and hygiene.
Use a range of
equipment to improve
the finish including ICT.
Use simple graphical
techniques. (2D and
3D images using ICT)
Identify the products
as they are being
developed for possible
improvements and
Evaluate the product
against the original
design criteria.
Evaluate their work
both during and at the
end of the project.
Evaluate a product
against the original
design specification.
Evaluate their
products carrying out
appropriate tests.
Evaluate it personally
and seek evaluation
from others.
Evaluate by discussing
how well the product
works (does it have
the desired purpose?)
Evaluate by asking
questions about what
they have made and
how they have made
Disassemble and
evaluate familiar
Construct products
using permanent
joining techniques and
test these to last.
Anticipate issues and
make modifications as
they go along.
Pin, sew and stitch
materials together to
create a product.
Achieve a quality,
long-lasting product.
Evaluate their
products identifying
strengths and areas for
development, and
carrying out
appropriate tests.
Record their
evaluations using
drawings with labels.
Evaluate against their
original design criteria
and suggest ways that
their product could be
DT Activity Box
Year 1
Food Technology:​ Cook
with fruit and vegetables
What goes into your
favourite salad?
15 Bowls
15 chopping boards
15 knives
15 spoons
30 forks (for eating)
Suggested Year Group Focus Topics 2019
Year 2
Local Landmark
Focus on Edmonton Green
Train Station
Textiles: Churchfield
Sewing Bee: ​Create an
Edmonton flag
Edmonton Green Train
Station model:
Craft sticks
Cardboard Squares
Cardboard bases
PVA glue
Paint (brown, orange)
Year 3
Food Technology:
Creating your own
chocolate bar
Year 4
Woodwork:​ Build an
Egyptian temple
Textiles:​ Use sewing to
create a hat to protect
our eyes from the sun
Year 5
Construction:​ Construct
a space rocket using
different materials
Year 6
Food Technology:
Local Food Produce:
Learn about,
growing and
enjoying Enfield’s
local food (Forty Hall
Chocolate Bar:
Egyptian Temple:
Space Rocket:
15 bowls
15 wooden spoons
Cupcake cases
Caster sugar
Cocoa powder
15 saws
Wooden doweling
PVA glue
15 Hammers
Wooden bench hooks
15 Hammers
Wooden doweling
Craft sticks
Wooden wheels
15 saws
Selection of nails
Wooden bench hooks
Selection of seeds
15 Trowels
15 Hoes
15 forks