65-67 Railway Parade, Glen Waverley 3150 Assessment Task 2 Sione Siale s8000814 Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2 Building classification, Rise in storeys, effective height and type of construction required .............................................................................................. 2 Assessment of Siting and Geographic Location ................................................... 3 Planning Report- e.g. information about Council, overlays etc........................ 3 Assessment of Geographic Location e.g. information about climate zone, wind class, earthquake zone etc ......................................................................... 6 Assessment Planning Drawings vs Working Drawings- check discrepancies6 Assessment in accordance Planning Scheme - Building Height, Setback, Car park requirements, crossover etc - complies or not complies ............................ 8 Assessment in accordance with the performance requirements of the NCC Section C and Section D and suggest changes e.g. external wall cladding to be replaced .................................................................................................................. 10 References .............................................................................................................. 11 1 Sione Siale_S8000814 Introduction I have been given the task to engaged on providing a report for a proposed planning permit application at No 65-67 Railway Parade, Glen Waverley 3150 for a 10-storey building with multi-level of classification uses. This report will provide recommendations following my assessment regarding the performance of the development against the relevant legislations and Planning Scheme requirements. Building classification, Rise in storeys, effective height and type of construction required The subject site is located 4 blocks away from Springvale Road towards the east and 4 blocks away from Kingsway to the west. A rectangular shaped site lot, with a length of 11.6 metres front and rear site and 32.9 metres alongside lengths on eastern boundary and 33.3 metres on western boundary with a total area of the site at 380m2. As shown in the plans provided that the proposed building has an effective height of 153.70mm with an overall building height 44,000m 10-storey high rise. Commercial constructions of any kind of building or structures for that purpose has a few different type projects like restaurants, offices, general medical practitioners and the list goes on but to be clear commercial buildings is for professional use purposes 2 Sione Siale_S8000814 and classification can be a “Class 5” but it can include other classes 6, 7, 8 or 9 depending on floor area with a design that complies. For the proposed building I have classified the building as a Class 5 according to its uses with the 9th floor an office. The floor levels on this proposed building you have an underground storage basement with a ground level floor retail shop also level 1, 2, 3 and 4 all restaurants and level 7 and 8 massage business and 5, 6 and 9 Office’s with a floor level area of each 300.75m2. The proposed building construction type according to the table C1.1 of the NCC VOL1 2019 falls under as a class A structure. Assessment of Siting and Geographic Location Planning Report- e.g. information about Council, overlays etc Monash City Council The City of Monash is a multicultural diverse community in Melbourne's south-east suburbs with a home population of 196,856 residents, making Monash City one of the most populous municipalities in Victoria. The City land size of 81.5 square kilometres and here are there suburbs: Ashwood, Clayton, Glen Waverley, Hughesdale, Huntingdale, Mount Waverley, Mulgrave, Notting Hill, Oakleigh, Oakleigh East, and Wheelers Hill. Parts of Chadstone, Burwood and Oakleigh South are also included in Monash. The Oakleigh area is one of the oldest in Melbourne and the Council has identified six heritage protection including a Heritage Overlay in the Monash Planning Scheme. Although the city was created in December 1994 with a history of settlement 150yrs ago, the city was named after a world war one soldier “Sir John Monash” is still growing and living up to its full potential with growth. 3 Sione Siale_S8000814 Zone The subject site falls under the Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) of the Monash Council Planning Scheme. Pursuant to Clause 34.01 the purpose of the of Commercial 1 zone includes: “To implement the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework. To create vibrant mixed-use commercial centres for retail, office, business, entertainment and community uses. To provide for residential uses at densities complementary to the role and scale of the commercial centre”. Planning Overlays The subject site is in a Design and Development Overlay schedule 12 (DDO12) and the purpose of this is “To implement the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework. To identify areas which are affected by specific requirements relating to the design and built form of new development.” 4 Sione Siale_S8000814 Vegetation Overlay As shown on the planning scheme the site is near a (VPO) Vegetation Protection Overlay towards Springvale Road with a purpose “To implement the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework. To protect areas of significant vegetation. To ensure that development minimises loss of vegetation. To preserve existing trees and other vegetation. To recognise vegetation protection areas as locations of special significance, natural beauty, interest and importance. To maintain and enhance habitat and habitat corridors for indigenous fauna. To encourage the regeneration of native vegetation”. 5 Sione Siale_S8000814 Assessment of Geographic Location e.g. information about climate zone, wind class, earthquake zone etc Victoria experiences a climate classified as temperate with no dry season and a warm summer. The exception is an area covering much of the far southwest of the State, excluding the exposed coast. This area experiences a climate classified as temperate with a distinctly dry and warm summer. Climate zone for Melbourne falls under zone 6 with a wind classification N1 to N6 region A and B according to the AS 4055 with no shield factor according to provided plans an RFI will be required for further information on surroundings. The site is a Non cyclonic area and Snow but for earthquake impact it is still required for all structural design to meet the standards of section 3 of AS 1170.4 applies to all Australian regions. Assessment Planning Drawings vs Working Drawings- check discrepancies Architect must provide the following drawings list to meet the planning process application. structural information floor plans - minimum scale 1:100 with prepare floor plans for existing, as well as proposed conditions. Make sure to differentiate existing conditions from proposed conditions. elevations sectional drawings. And Work drawings prepared by Architect or draft person for a building permit application with commence work will need to provide a wider range of the list provided with a minimum scale of 1:500 including Boundary and dimensions of the allotments, including any easements and common land. Distance to the nearest intersecting street. Position and dimensions (setbacks) of any existing and proposed building work in relationship to the allotment boundaries and any existing building(s). North point (consistent with the title documents). 6 Sione Siale_S8000814 Stormwater drainage, including locations of downpipes, size and locations of stormwater drains and the point of connection to the lawful point of discharge. Site contours and locations of any site cut and/or fill. Site levels of the allotment and floor levels of the building. Indication of the permeable area of minimum 20 per cent of site. Location and dimensions of any car parking spaces on the allotment. Size and location and type of any external screens to be provided to prevent overlooking, including overlooking arc from habitable room windows and raised open spaces (decks, balconies, and so on) within a horizontal distance of 9m (measured at ground level) and within a 45 degree line of sight from 1.7m above the finished floor level. Shadow diagrams for the hours of sunlight between 9am and 3pm on 22 September. Location, dimensions and area of private open space and any north-facing windows Site area and floor areas Front and side boundary setbacks Position of all windows, and comment relating to the windows being habitable (this includes setbacks to eave and set back to wall where adjacent to a window) Location and area of open space, private open space and recreational private open space. Height of walls in relation to natural ground level. Height of building in relation to natural ground level. 7 Sione Siale_S8000814 Assessment in accordance Planning Scheme - Building Height, Setback, Car park requirements, crossover etc - complies or not complies As the proposed development is at a height of 44m or 10 storeys including a basement the requirement to meet the provisions of Clause 55, Two or More Dwellings on a Lot is not relevant. Assessment of the proposal has therefore been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of Clause 58, Urban Context Report and Design Response for Residential Development of Five or More Storeys of the Monash Planning Scheme. This clause requires an “…urban context report to be prepared before a residential development of four or more storeys is designed and that the design responds to the existing urban context and preferred future development of the area.” Decision guidelines (Clause 34.01‐8) The application is subject to the following additional Decision Guidelines as detailed at Clause 34.01‐8 of the Commercial 1 Zone Scheme. Table 2 ‐ Decision Guidelines (Clause 34.01‐8) DECISION GUIDELINE RESPONSE The movement of pedestrians and All Response will require an RFI to cyclists, and vehicles providing for provide to provide for further decisions. supplies, waste removal, emergency services and public transport. The provision of car parking. The streetscape, including the conservation of buildings, the design of verandas, access from the street front, protecting active frontages to pedestrian areas, the treatment of the fronts and backs of buildings and their appurtenances, illumination of buildings or their immediate spaces 8 Sione Siale_S8000814 and the landscaping of land adjoining a road. Consideration of the overlooking and overshadowing as a result of building or works affecting adjoining land in a General Residential Zone, Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Residential Growth Zone or Township Zone. The impact of overshadowing on existing rooftop solar energy facilities on dwellings on adjoining lots in a General Residential Zone, Mixed Use Zone, Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Residential Growth Zone or Township Zone. The availability of and connection to services. Sign requirements are at Clause 52.05. This zone is in Category 1. 9 Sione Siale_S8000814 Assessment in accordance with the performance requirements of the NCC Section C and Section D and suggest changes e.g. external wall cladding to be replaced Section C Fire resistance C1.1 Type of construction required C1.3 Buildings of multiple classification C1.10 Fire hazard properties C2.2 General floor area and volume limitations C2.3 Large isolated buildings C2.6 Vertical separation of openings in external walls External Wall loadbearing C2.7 Separation by fire walls 10 Sione Siale_S8000814 References There are no sources in the current document. 11 Sione Siale_S8000814