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Mary Butler CV: Political Science Lecturer & Researcher

Mary Butler
Personal Profile
Lecturer and researcher with 10+ years of experience teaching courses in
both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Supervised 25 BA theses, 10
MA theses, and 3 Ph.D. dissertations. Edited and co-authored 2 monographs
on contemporary trends in political thought. Published over 10 articles in peerreviewed journals.
2010 Ph.D. in Political Science
The Department of Political Science
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Graduated summa cum laude
Thesis title: “The Disruption of Multiculturalism in Populist Times: A Statistical
Thesis supervisor: Professor Robert Isaac
2005 M.A. in Political Science
The Department of Political Science
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Graduated summa cum laude
Thesis title: “Restricting Voting Rights: Disenfranchisement as a Political
Thesis supervisor: Professor Johnathan Carter
2002 B.A. in Political Science
The Department of Political Science
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Professional Appointments
Assistant Professor of Political Science
University of Iowa, 2014–2019
Taught a total of 20 undergraduate and 7 postgraduate courses, mainly
focused on research methods in political science, as well as comparative
politics. Supervised 10 MA theses. Head of the political economy research
Visiting Professor at the Department of Social Science
Humboldt University, 2012–2014
Taught a total of 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate courses, mainly
focused on quantitative analysis in social science, as well as comparative
political research. Supervised 5 MA theses.
“The Tipping Point of Governmentality: Economic Development”, (Johns
Hopkins University Press), forthcoming 2019.
“The End of Statistical Analysis in the Populist Movement? Three New
Approaches,” Journal of Political Science, vol. 37, no. 3 (May 2018): 400–
“Collective Action and Dispersed Insecurity,” American Political Science
Review, vol. 3, no. 5 (December 2017): 255–287.
“Cognitive Bias, Spatial Models, and the Problem of Minority Rule”, British
Journal of Political Science, vol. 1, no. 34 (April 2016): 170–205.
“Democratic Deliberations and How Populist Leaders Rule: A Quantitative
Analysis,” World Politics, vol. 58, no. 4 (January 2015): 55–89.
"Dependent Development: A Quantitative Variant," International Studies
Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 3 (September 2014): 271–293.
“Political Mobilization in the Global South: Economic Adversity in Perilous
Times,” Electoral Studies, vol. 1, no. 20 (January 2013): 371–98.
Awards and Honors
Fellow, Society for Political Methodology, 2019.
Sage Paper Award for the best paper in the field of comparative politics, 2018.
Robert Dahl Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2018.
University of Iowa Political Science Faculty Advising Award, 2015.
Awarded KW Deutsch Visiting Professorship, WZB Berlin, 2012-2014
Visiting Research Fellow, WZB Center for Dynamics of Social Inequalities,
Grants and Fellowships
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant: “Political Incentives for Voting Law
Reform” ($330,000), 2015-2019.
National Science Foundation Grant: “Public Expenditures and the Use of
Voter Registration Lists” ($110,000), 2014-2015.
The Russell Sage Foundation Grant: “Research on Trust and Ethnicity in
American Politics”, 2013.
National Science Foundation Grant: “Political Communication and
Accountability in the Deep South”, 2011.
“Political Incentives: Theorizing Sympathetic Economies and Nationalism,”
Political Science Association Sixth Biennial Conference, New York, New York,
January 2019.
“Why Does the Left Not Believe in Postmodern Societies?”, Fourteenth
National Conference on Political Economy, Society for Economic
Developments, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2018.
“In the Name of Public Expenditures”, 2018 Buell Colloquium, Columbia
University, New York, July 2018.
“Why Voter Registration Matters,” Urban Movements Association Fifth
Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2018.
“Two Models of Analysis for Populist Sentiment”, The American Political
Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. October 2017.
“Cognitive Bias and Dissident Populism”, Brookings Institute, Washington,
D.C. September 2017.
“So Much for Globalization”, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. August
“Why the Canadian Model Differs and What We Can Learn From It”,
International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, October 2016.
“Between Models and Facts: A New Take on the Far Right”, London School of
Economics, London, England, January 2015.
“Building a Quantitative Bridge to Nowhere”, The International Peace Institute,
Oslo, Norway, February 2013.
“Why Political Communication Dies in Development”, WZB Center for Political
Development, Berlin, Germany, January 2013.
“Another Day, Another Quantitative Method”, Hertie School of Governance,
Berlin, Germany, October 2012.
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate level courses covering statistical analysis: Introduction to
Statistics, Experimental Methods
Graduate level courses covering statistical analysis: Advanced Quantitative
Methods, Introduction to Formal Models of Politics
Graduate and undergraduate courses on American politics: Financing
American Elections, Political Participation, Quantifying Populism: Sentiments
and Attitudes
Research Experience
Full-time Researcher, University of Iowa, 2015–2019
Managed and organized a research project on political incentives for voting
law reform
Associate Researcher, WZB, 2012–2013
Co-managed a project with Felix Hoffenheim comparing models of economic
development between the United States and Germany
Research Assistant, University of Chicago, 2007–2010
Helped launch a project on populist attitudes throughout Central and Eastern
Additional Activities
Editorial Board, Journal of the American Political Science Association, 2017–
Social Science Research Council - Comparative Methods in Populist
Attitudes, 2016–present.
IREX Selection Committee for Exchanges with Germany, 2014–2016.
Founding Member, Contemporary American Political Economy Research
Seminar, Humboldt University, 2013.
Affiliated Researcher, IPA, 2012.
Languages and Skills
English — native
German — bilingual
Spanish — fully proficient
Statistical software: SPSS, Deducer, R, Stata
Robert Isaac
Department of Political Science
University of Chicago
(312) 863-9054
Johnathan Carter
Department of Political Science
University of Kansas
(312) 222-3876
Erica F. Acker
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of California-Irvine
(949) 846-6082
Brian S. Yuen
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
University of Kansas
(785) 444-0506