Uploaded by elizabeth george

Alzheimer's Disease Stages: Speech Outline

Elizabeth George
Com 150 -Public Speaking
Speech 2 Speaking Outline
Title: The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
Specific Purpose: Inform the audience on the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease as it occurs in stages through time;
Thesis: My goal is to explain how Alzheimer’s disease will present itself in the patient overtime into simplified stages to my
Introduction *(Using Enthusiasm + Excitement to better draw in audience)*
A. Get attention+Establish Credibility
- Present topic (Specific Purpose) Narrative (I am caregiver)
B. Thesis Statement - Inform thesis:
- What is AD and what are its effects
C. WIFM - AD ends in death for 1 in 3 of those affected. Leading cause of 1/6 deaths
in the US.
- Conclude) inform critical steps that can be taken to help prevent the onset
of AD *Presentation Aid, Infographic*
D. Review of Main Points -progression of AD
*Audience answer question- What does Alzheimers ultimately lead to in ⅓
Body *(Assert confidence + energy Reminder: Harness the attention you gained from
audience with narrative)
A. Restate Thesis- Goal-inform audience on effects of AD, chronologically with stages
B. Present Main Points- 7 Stages of AD
C. Support Main Points
- AD begins affecting the patient pre diagnosis (Preclinical AD) the end stages of
AD) very severe cognitive decline, late dementia.
D. Arrange Main + Sub Points logically *Transition to next slide*
- Use of Presentation Aid (chart) displays AD requires more care as condition
becomes more severe
III. Conclusion
A. Summary of Main Points- Transition to next slide
- Make correlation-graph summarizes the main points of presentation. It refers
back to what AD is, and progression through stages
B. Cincher/Memorable Moment - transition to next slide
- (Transition) Relate back to specific purpose, inform audience of these steps
to conclude speech