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Epilepsy Seizure Detection Device: IB Personal Project

Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
The IB Personal Project is a way for me to express my individuality as a person and to turn
myself to a topic of interest that I am very engaged in and can push myself to put in the time and
requirements to complete the project. I am aiming to select a topic that can help foster my level
of dependability and self-management to the next level because of how I get to choose whatever
topic interests me.
For my project I have taken the initiative to do a research project on epilepsy. Epilepsy is
something that I have always wanted to do research as my cousin suffers from epilepsy. It hurts
me to see her get a seizure and not be able to do anything about it. Therefore, I want to research
epilepsy and see if there is a way in which I can help her.
Goal/ Product
My ultimate goal is to be able to make a digital 3D model of a portable device that can detect
oncoming seizures. I feel that if I really put in the effort into this project and make it something
that can be useful in the future it can help many people. My goal is highly challenging as it
requires me to research epilepsy, apply my knowledge, and be able to make a 3D model with my
By making a 3D digital model of my device I will be achieving my goal and will be able to apply
this knowledge to help me in the future with my future career choice which is biomedical
engineering. My goal, if put to use and actually made by me one day in the future, can help many
people suffering from epilepsy worldwide. It can warn them when they are doing something so
that they can be safe.
Global Context
The fact of the matter is that my project is biomedical engineering project, so I chose a global
context that will clearly represent my idea. The global context I chose was Scientific and
Technological Innovation. This global context means “how humans use their understanding of
scientific principles” which goes well with my project because I am using my understanding of
the principles of epilepsy to create the digital model of the device.
I also chose this context because of the literal meaning of the words. Scientific and
Technological are both key parts to the field of biomedical engineering as bio means life,
medical refers to helping people and animals, and engineering refers to the creation of ideas.
Scientific refers to the biomedical and Technological refers to the engineering. Both go together
to make the innovation part which purposely refers to what I am aiming for. These are also basic
guidelines as to what my project is.
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
Criteria A: Investigating
Prior Knowledge
While visiting my cousin with epilepsy in Australia my dad and I, to learn more about epilepsy,
attended a presentation on epilepsy at the Museum of Brisbane. I gained a lot of basic knowledge
concerning epilepsy in this. This really introduced me to how big of a problem it was. I learnt
about epilepsy being the fourth most common neurological, brain, disorder. I also learnt that
epilepsy can be treated, and the condition may be reduced but there is no definitive cure yet. I
can apply this basic knowledge to my device as it gives me a base understanding in which I can
expand on.
I also have experience in creating digital objects in a 3D application because of 8th grade
Geometry. In 8th grade Geometry, I was assigned a project which needed to be a 3D digital
model or an actual model. I chose to do a 3D model. With this, I got learning experience to work
with 3D application programs and also gained a lot of insight into the detail and time needed to
make something in a 3D application. Every line and shape used could make a huge difference in
how the project looks. This taught me how to use 3D applications which will help me a huge part
in making my digital 3D model of my device.
Research was a huge part of my project because it allowed me to learn and apply the new
knowledge that I would learn. For my primary research I interviewed a professor in the field of
biomedical engineering and who is currently doing research on EEG, electroencephalogram,
based epilepsy studies. An electroencephalogram monitors the electrical activity of the brain.
The professor told me that he did not want his name mentioned in this project, but he said I could
use the university he goes to which is the University of North Texas. This professor was very
nice and told me that my idea is a good idea but will take a lot more advancements to make. For
example, she said that a miniature epilepsy detection mechanism must be needed which means
that a program could be made that could detect brain waves. So, in short, she told me that for my
device to work there must be something put into the device that can monitor the electrical
activity of the brain which is basically like a miniature electroencephalogram (UNT). This
professor gave me some guidance towards just trying to analyze and see if there was any possible
way that electroencephalograms could be miniaturized and made easily portable or I could come
up with a completely different way. Even when I was in Australia, I asked the presenter if such a
portable device could be possible and the presenter from the museum told me that scientists are
currently doing research on it, but it is not that major of an idea because of how hard of a field
that it is to get into.
For my secondary research I found a thesis by Oscar Medina titled Analysis of Pre-Ictal and
Non-Ictal EEG Activity which discussed more and more on electroencephalograms being
converted into a type of seizure predicter (Medina 61). Medina talked about there being a
correlation between pre-ictal and non-ictal EEG signals which made it easier to detect oncoming
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
patterns (Medina 2). I learnt about there being many theories using this including mathematical
models and systems but none that have been used in practice (IEEE Journals & Magazine).
These theories use computer algorithms reliably identify when seizures have high occurrence
rate and use process of elimination to decide what happens when (IEEE Journals & Magazine).
My plan is to incriminate an algorithm into a portable device to detect oncoming seizures and to
make it more structured will include more outer inputs.
I used the book Living Well with Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders by Carl W. Basil as a
reference whenever I was doing research on epilepsy. It also helped me understand what drugs
people took and how they had to live with epilepsy (Bazil 14). It recounted a lot of facts that
helped me understand more properly what the people that had epilepsy went through (Bazil 19).
Criteria B: Planning
Product/ Outcome Specifications
My result of the project will be the final model that I make. My final product will also be the
outcome of the project. To make sure that I follow the methods I am asking people to take a
survey based on the final outcome. I must understand how to make my project and it should
show that it took a large consideration of effort. My main points are that it looks reliable to the
human eye so that people can trust that it will help them. The next one is how good it looks
because people want to wear something that won’t attract attention.
Should be a working device according to the math
Should have color
Not attract attention so it does not distract other people
Looks very well planned and organized
3D Digital Model
Learn something from the project to keep with me forever
Developing Criteria For The Product
When my product is being made it should meet the specific criteria to become a good quality
product. The product must receive good results in the survey to be seen as recognizable and good
to the plan. For the product to deserve a good score in the criteria, 6-8, the product must get good
results in the survey.
Developing a Plan to Complete the Project
Process Journal
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
December 10, 2018 –
December 16, 2018
December 17, 2018 –
December 23, 2018
December 24, 2018 –
December 30, 2018
December 31, 2018 –
January 6, 2019
January 7, 2019 –
January 13, 2019
January 14, 2019 –
January 20, 2019
January 21, 2019 –
January 27, 2019
January 28, 2019 –
January 30, 2019
IB Personal Project Report
Decide on topic, goal,
global context, and
Make timeline
Start Research
Do Introduction Part
Start Investigation
Develop Plan/
Reflect on challenges
Finish Investigation
Making Product
Reflect on process
Last reflection
Start and Finish
Planning Section
Start Taking Action
Start Reflecting
Make final changes
Make product
Reflect on product
Finish final
Criteria C: Taking Action
Creating My Product to Achieve My Goal
I began to work on my product. Used the 3D application SketchUp to make my device. My plan
was to make a watch like design so that it has enough space to be programmed and act as an
EEG in itself. This is all in theory and is not a definitive working example because there are not
any definitive working examples, but I believe this way will be the best. This way as a watch the
device will attract less attention and be nice to wear for people that have epilepsy. The device
will have a neutral like color on top of it as to not attract any attention using an LED light.
But once it detects an oncoming seizure it will change the color to bright red and keep flashing it
as to grab the attention of the wearer and since red usually symbolizes stop I thought it would be
perfect in this situation as it is trying to make sure the wearer is safe. I really achieved my goal in
this situation as it works perfectly in theory. The device will be made of a nice leather polymer
that will be smooth as to not hurt the wearer of the device. It will also be very calm and soothing
at times when seizures are not coming as to relax the wearer.
Evidence of Project
There are two modes of the device. The one where the color is just a light blue is the neutral
mode which happens when there are no oncoming seizures. The one where the color is red is
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
called active mode. In this mode the device will keep on flashing the color red as a warning that
a seizure is coming.
Diagonal View
Side View of Both
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
Top View of Both Modes
Criteria D: Reflecting
Evaluation of Product
I am very proud of my product. To be completely honest, I had no idea that I would be capable
of something like this. I thought my final product would be very bad, but my thoughts were way
off. This product is a product of intense research and it may not look like much it means so much
to me. First, it shows that I completed the goal that I presented to myself. Second, it shows that I
went and completed a highly challenging goal such as this. I am pretty sure that if it does ever
get the right materials and gets manufactured it could help a lot of people in theory.
In the end of my project, I am very happy that I achieved all of my self-made criteria. I organized
myself for this project and organized my time wisely too. I went above and beyond to make sure
that I stuck to the schedule. I even learnt a lot about epilepsy.
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
This graph shows from a survey that I gave people along with pictures of my model. This shows
that most people would trust the device which meets one of the requirements.
This graph shows that most people think the design is good. Not many people thought the design
was amazing which means there is more room for improvement.
Reflections on Knowledge and Understanding
My personal project has given me better understanding of the global context, Scientific and
Technological Innovation. I had to use the global context as a narrower or a funnel to focus more
on the project and bring out the true values marked inside of the project. I learnt how to research
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
properly too. Before this project, my research skills were still developing, and I feel this project
just accelerated my research skills. I have also become much more familiar with epilepsy. I have
a wide variety of understanding of epilepsy because of this project.
Some challenges I faced were trying to find a professor that would talk to me about the EEG
epilepsy-based studies. I would email professors asking them questions and they would often
ignore me. Then one day I took a trip to UNT on a college tour and took advantage of the
opportunity. I used the time to try and find a biomedical engineering professor and when I found
one the hardest thing for me to do was to muster up the courage and go and talk to that person.
But when I finally did I was pretty proud of myself. I was a little disappointed when they told me
that I include what they said but not their name.
Reflections on Skills as an IB Learner
In IB there are many core values but the ones that developed and were accelerated during this
project were principled, communicator, inquirer, and reflective. I developed in a principled way
as I stuck with my plan to finish the project. This shows how I was principled about managing
my time wisely for this project. I developed as a communicator because I was able to
communicate just about my whole project in this report. I developed as a inquirer because of the
fact that I investigated if there was a way to make a portable device that can detect oncoming
seizures. I also developed in reflective because of the fact that I was able to reflective on this
whole project in this report. A lot of things I developed in was especially during this report.
Extra Notes
I really enjoyed this project and would like to do something like this again.
University of North Texas, 2016. Denton: UNT, 2016. Print.
Harish Sridharan
10th Grade
IB Personal Project Report
"Classification of Pre-ictal and Interictal Periods Based on EEG Frequency Features in
Epilepsy." An Introduction to Biometric Recognition - IEEE Journals & Magazine. WileyIEEE Press, n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2019.
Bazil, Carl W. Living Well with Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders: An Expert Explains What
You Really Need to Know. New York, NY: HarperResource, 2004. Print.
"Epilepsy Center: Symptoms, Seizures, Treatments, Causes, and Tests." WebMD. WebMD, n.d.
Web. 18 Dec. 2018.