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Vehicle Re-Identification System Project Proposal

Proposal for Final Year Project
Project Title
F u lly Co nt ro l le d Vehicle Re-Identification System
Group Members
Member 1:
M Arslan Asif
Member 2:
Jahanzaib Asgher
Supervisor Dr. M Munwar Iqbal
Problem Statement:
Surveillance of vehicles is compulsory for the security of an area. Given a query image, the target is to
compute the similarity of score between live footage from road cameras and query image. Keeping
record of moving vehicles in a closed area is a cumbersome problem through manual system. The
counting of vehicles and checking the existence of a specific vehicle in a specific area is required along
with its last location. Some known vehicles involved in criminal activities may require to be identified
by police or other rule and regulation authorities.
Our main aim is to first identify all cars by using cameras through computer vision system, keep record
of them and then re-identify any specific car by using its query image or some known properties and
report it to the main server. In this system every camera will be assigned a name and number. To avoid
creating high data traffic burden on main server every node (camera + system) will process its own
data locally and send only compulsory data back to main server. System will be able to answer if a car
with a certain number is present in a specific area.
A web-based dashboard will be representing all identified vehicles, counting of vehicles (if
implemented in closed area). The system will be able to handle queries for vehicles through
Vehicle Re-Identification is based on following properties:
 Number plate identification
 Model of vehicle
 Color Identification
 Vehicle semantic features (extracted by deep learning)
System Features:
 Counting of vehicles in closed area (entering/exiting)
 Search vehicle
 Vehicle path followed
 Vehicle last location
Accurate as compared to the manual identification of vehicles.
24/7 tracking of vehicles (if night vision cameras)
Cost effective in long term as compared to manual surveillance
No manual record or paperwork
Can be used in public or private places
General Working Diagram:
Expected Technologies
Raspberry Pi
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Expected Cost
Item Required
Respberry Pi x 2
Camera x 2
Central Cloud Server
Output Product:
The end output is a device which can be attached at proper place which can provide
connectivity to the central server.
It can be used in public as well as private areas to maintain the security. In public places it can
be used on main roads e.g. motorway, petrol pumps.
For Office Use Only
Please Tick (For Project Evaluation)
• Project is justified
 Yes  No
• Project technologies are market oriented
 Yes  No
• Project will be completed in time
 Yes  No
Project has latest technologies
 Yes  No
Project involves research component
 Yes  No
Project has a financer
 Yes  No
Project is approved  Yes  No
Suggestions and Comments:
Member 1:
Member 2:
Member 3: