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Fact vs Opinion Lesson Plan Grade 4

Fact vs Opinion Lesson in Grade 4
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion statements and write examples
of each.
Tell students that today they will learn to
differentiate between facts and opinions, and write
examples of each type of statement.
Ask students what they already know about facts and
opinions, and how they tell them apart.
Record student responses on a piece of chart paper.
Chart paper, markers
Overhead projector
Show students the video on facts vs. opinions
Tell students that a fact is a statement that can be
Instruction/Teacher proven or checked, while an opinion is a statement
that tells what a person thinks, feels, or believes and
cannot be proven.
Inform students that authors often state an opinion
and then back up their opinion with facts.
Read the sentences from the worksheet and ask
students to raise one hand if it is a fact and two hands
if it is an
Guided Practice
Divide the class into two groups. Distribute the Fact
and Opinion Sorting cards to the groups.
Give directions aloud and model how to differentiate
fact from opinion for the first two statements. After
the groups finish sorting, ask them to check the
answers of another group. Discuss the results.
Hand out a sticky note to each student, and instruct
them to write a fact on one sticky note and an
opinion statement on the other.
Refer students to the examples previously read and
the video for inspiration.
Once they have finished writing, collect the sticky
notes and redistribute them to the students, making
sure they did not get their own sticky notes.
Divide the board into two parts, one labeled 'Fact'
and the other 'Opinion'.
Give students a minute to read the sentences on the
sticky notes and invite them to come up
to the board to sort their statements, and put them
on the correct side.
Review the sorting activity to fix any errors.
Fact and opinion
2 sets of Fact and
Opinion Sorting Cards
Sticky notes
White board
BrainPOP UK Fact and Opinion Video (5m11s)
In this educational, animated video for students aged 7-14 Tim and Moby explain the distinctions
between these two important concepts. In this educational, animated movie you’ll learn that facts are
supported by evidence that everyone can agree on, while opinions are based on personal beliefs and
judgments. You’ll also learn the difference between an informed opinion and an uninformed one, and
how bias can blur the line between truth and fiction.
1. Who created this message?
2. What techniques are used
to attract my attention?
3. How might people
understand this message
4. What lifestyles, values and
points of view are
represented in, or omitted
from, this message?
5. Why was this message sent?
Possible Answers
Bright cartoon-like footage
Audio signals
Younger kids (3-6) may not fully understand the
terms and content, while adults may find
watching this video distracting due to the
techniques being used
Parents teach their children to question what
they see and hear. People may have different
perspectives on the same matter. Differentiating
between facts and opinions is an important skill
that can be learned.
This video was created with educational purpose
for children aged 7-14 to help them distinguish
facts from opinions.
Fact and Opinion Statements
1. Running is the best form of exercise.
2. A triathlon involves running, bicycling, and swimming.
3. During World War II, the prime minister of Great Britain was Winston
4. World War II was the most important war in world history.
5. Dogs are genetically related to wolves.
6. Cats are cuter than dogs.
7. Parrots have the ability to mimic human speech.
8. My neighbor’s parrot is very annoying.