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Statics Truss Analysis Assignment

Assignment 5: Truss
Due: 22 NOV 2019
1. Determine the force in each member of the truss, and state if the members are
in tension or compression. Set θ = 300.
2. Each member of the truss is uniform and has a weight W. Remove the external
forces P and determine the approximate force in each member due to the
weight of the truss. State if the members are in tension or compression. Solve
the problem by assuming the weight of each member can be represented as a
vertical force, half of which is applied at each end of the member.
3. The maximum allowable tensile force in the members of the truss is (Ft)max = 2
kN, and the maximum allowable compressive force is (Fc)max = 1.2 kN.
Determine the maximum magnitude P of the two loads that can be applied to
the truss.Take L = 2 m and θ = 300.
4. The skewed truss carries the load shown. Determine the force in members AB,
BF, and EF and state if these members are in tension or compression. Assume
that all joints are pinned.