AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEMBER REPORT President: Matilda Gillis ALSA Representative: Peta Leigh PART A: GENERAL LSS UPDATE ANU Law Students’ Society has once again expanded its membership base. We have had a big focus on being more present and more active, both through social media and on campus by events. This has so far been successful. We have had over 400 new ‘facebook likes’ and have established a new fortnightly newsletter (as opposed to our previous ‘E-Brief’). We also got a new website in January. We have also held many more events this year, and in particular, these events have mostly been free and not just confined to parties/night events (e.g. Easter Egg Hunt, PostSecret) This has resulted in more students engaging with the ANU LSS, and the LSS enjoying a much better reputation on campus. PART B: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES What are some things that your LSS has done well since last council meeting? What are some of the new ideas/initiatives at your LSS? What are the biggest issues and challenges currently facing your LSS? What issues would you like discussed at the next council meeting? [Delete this t 1. Changes in the AQF for Honours + the movement into JD streaming to meet the ACQ requirements. Streaming currently seams artificial and hasn’t really been thought through (e.g. marks put in different streams, but same exam and marking criteria etc) 2. Difficulties with committee apathy: difficult to get committee members to have initiative and be active spontaneously, as opposed to getting directed by executive members. 3. Some Sponsorship difficulties with Careers Fair being so early this year. 4. Relationship with the Student Association: tension over First Year Camp organisation. PART C: EDUCATION ACQ qualifications: implementation is biggest issue. Movement into online quizzes as assessment-some problems. Inconsistent quality of tutors. PART D: EVENTS, COMPETITIONS & PUBLICATIONS O’Week 2013-March 2013 Events: O’WEEK: o Launch Stall and Market Day Stall (over 750 members signed up) o The Annual Law Student Toga Party o First Year Welcome BBQ, Launch of First Year Guide and Welcome talk. Welcome Back Drinks Careers Fair and launch of First Year Guide Survivor Torts and BBQ: How to survive your first Torts Assignment! ANU LSS: POSTSECRET Annual First Year Camp LSS Postgrad Drinks Med vs. Law Debate First Year Officer Elections Universal Lunch Hour with Teach for Australia Stress Release: Easter Egg Hunt on the Law Lawns! Competitions Launch of Senior Competitions BBQ Competitions Skills Session run by ANU Legal Workshop Now in the preliminary rounds of all Senior Competitions Publications New Fortnightly Newsletter Careers Guide First Year Guide Competitions Guide Before next Council: two issues of Peppercorn (LSS Magazine) will be released Clerkship Guide: to be released early May