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Asylum Seekers & Survival: Worksheet for High School

Read the following quotes about asylum seekers – highlight the
parts you agree with and the parts you don’t agree with.
“No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark.”
― Warsan Shire
“A refugee is someone who survived and who can create the
– Amela Koluder
“It is the obligation of every person born in a safer room to open
the door when someone in danger knocks.”
— Dina Nayeri
“We have a legal and moral obligation to protect people fleeing
bombs, bullets and tyrants, and throughout history those people
have made our country better.”
—Juliet Stevenson
What's really driving our panic
over asylum seekers?
THERE is no issue in this country that exposes the ugly underbelly of Australian politics more
than border protection. In one extreme corner you have the racist “f--- off, we’re full” mob,
who are as small and feeble as their collective IQ, and in the other there’s the fauxhumanitarians who’d rather watch children drown at sea than support a conservative
Government sensibly manage Australia’s humanitarian intake.
People die of course. Terribly. Sadly. Men, women and children, swallowed alone in the wet
wasteland of the Indian Ocean.
There's the outright fantasy of precisely what "national security crisis" can be constituted by
a sequence of soggy desperates whose hired craft can barely withstand the 500 kilometre
voyage to Christmas Island never mind the next 1,560 km to Exmouth, the closest point on
the Australian mainland.
If 80 dehydrated Afghans on a foundering fishing boat constitute some sort of territorial peril
then we should probably be asking hard questions of our defence establishment.
IF reports are true, our Government wants to hand 153 Sri Lankan asylum seekers, including
37 children, over to the very regime they claim they need protection from.
Let’s look at our Government’s own evidence about the things these people might be fleeing.
Last year Australia backed moves at the United Nations expressing deep concern at ongoing
human rights abuses in Sri Lanka, including enforced disappearances, killings and torture. Our
Government’s travel advice for Australians thinking of visiting Sri Lanka warns: “Exercise a
high degree of caution ... at this time because of the unpredictable security environment.”
Our Department of Immigration and specialised courts and tribunals have consistently
assessed that the majority of Sri Lankans who arrive in Australia by boat genuinely need our
protection. So when our Prime Minister Scott Morrison say Sri Lanka is “a society at peace”,
he’s ignoring his own evidence.
Of course, we can’t assume everyone on these missing boats genuinely needs our protection.
But it’s also wrong to assume they don’t.
We must remember what’s at stake. The assessment of refugee claims can be the difference
between life and death. If we get it wrong, the consequence could be returning a person to
death or torture at the hands of the very people they’re trying to escape.
It’s an absolute tragedy that people are dying at sea trying to get here. We must try to save
lives, but we must also ensure we don’t send people back to the risk of death.
Our underlying goal has to be preventing harm, not just shifting its location.
Regardless whether their boat left from Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia or somewhere else, the
stakes for these missing asylum seekers couldn’t be higher. The margin for error is nil. We
need to assess why they fled and what risks if any they’d face if returned.
Asking them four questions on a boat in the middle of the ocean and then sending them
straight back just doesn’t cut it. Mr Morrison loves to talk about protecting us from threats to
our borders. But the real threat to the Australia we know isn’t a few people seeking our
protection, it’s the undemocratic, unlawful and cruel measures he’s using to stop them.
Daniel Webb is the director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre
Based on what you have underlined, write a paragraph
explaining why you think we should or should not allow people
who come by boat onto our shores.
Explain what you mean (why?)
Sum up your
1. The Road to Winter is about human behaviour in the face of adversity.
What personal attributes and behaviours are most important for survival
in a time of crisis? If you were isolated for your own protection from a
risk close to home, think of 5 people you would want with you and list
the things that would make them useful in a crisis.
Read the following statements. Circle whether you agree or disagree and write
a sentence explaining why.
Trust is the most important aspect in a relationship.
There’s always something good in everyone.
It is possible to live without the Internet, phones,
television and radio.
The best of people put the needs of others before their
own needs.
People require companionship in order to live a happy life.
Everyone should learn how to fend for him or herself in the
Character analysis
List at least 4 things that best describe this
Describe and explain your characters main conflict, desire or goal.
Choose a quote from the book that best shows one of your character’s traits
Character analysis
List at least 4 things that best describe this
Describe and explain your characters main conflict, desire or goal.
Choose a quote from the book that best shows one of your character’s traits
Character analysis
List at least 4 things that best describe this
Describe and explain your characters main conflict, desire or goal.
Choose a quote from the book that best shows one of your character’s traits
Character analysis
List at least 4 things that best describe this
Describe and explain your characters main conflict, desire or goal.
Choose a quote from the book that best shows one of your character’s traits
Character analysis
List at least 4 things that best describe this
Describe and explain your characters main conflict, desire or goal.
Choose a quote from the book that best shows one of your character’s traits
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Chapter One
What do you learn about Finn in the first chapter.
What do you learn about the situation that Finn is trying to
Why do you think law and order have fallen
What do the changing weather patterns suggest to
Who could the Wilders
Do you think that the girl Finn encounters at the end of the chapter will be a
good thing for him?
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Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
Describe the physical landscape and how a sense of both stillness and
movement is created.
How are Finn’s strong observational skills made clear?
When Finn and Rose first speak, what do you notice about the interaction
between them – are they happy, nervous etc?
Why is Finn concerned about bringing Rose to the house?
What is a Siley?
What is Rose’s story?
Do you think Rose was treated well by the government? Why?
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‘Something about the way she looks, the way she talks. She’s no threat.’ (p.39)
Do you think he can trust Rose?
Would you have taken Rose to your house if you were in the same situation?
Why? Why not?
What is her reaction when Finn shows her the garage?
‘I did some things I’m not proud of.’ (p.47) Do you think people are forced to
do things they are not proud of in order to survive? Do you think that is okay?
Why/why not?
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Make a list of things that are described about the North and things that are
described about the South.
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Chapter 4
‘It keeps me sane. I don’t say what else I am thinking: that it’s about the only
think I do that isn’t about staying alive.’ (P55). What is Finn referring to here?
What activities would keep you sane if you were in the same situation?
Each time Finn surfs or swims in the ocean, the language choices of the writer
are different from the language in the scenes of brutality. Find examples of
similes, personification and carefully chosen words that describe each.
Swimming and surfing
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Violence and brutality
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
‘….I never thought there’d be someone else on my side – someone I’d want to
fight for.’ (pg 98) Why is taking sides important?
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Chapter 9
Why do you think that Finn chose not to kill Ramage? What does this say
about his character?
Chapter 10
Discuss why Finn breaks down and cries in front of Harry, Tusker and Jack on
page 118. How does this make you feel about Finn? Why?
‘Most have died, I reckon. You’ve done a bloody good job just to stay alive.’
(p122) Explain this statement.
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Chapter 11
‘The girl’s a Siley. She’s got no rights. She’s our property now.’ (p133)
What does this say about how asylum seekers are viewed in the novel. Do you
think this is how Australians think?
Pages 131- 135
What does Harry say?
What does Tusker say?
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Chapter 12
Chapter 13
‘I can’t leave them to fight on their own.’ (p151) What does this quote
demonstrate about Finn’s character? Also why do you think Stella trusted Fin
and Kas to take care of Willow?
Chapter 14
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Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
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Chapter 18
‘What’s wrong with people in this country, Finn? Even before the virus it was
so beautiful here; you had everything. But you were so cruel.’ (p198)
What do you think she means? Do you agree with her?
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
What is Ramage’s reaction to Rose’s death? Are you surprised? Why/why
Chapter 21
‘I’m going to hunt him down and kill him.’ (p229) Do these words from Kas
surprise you? Discuss whether Kas is justified in this response and also
comment on her determination to reclaim Hope.
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After Reading
Who is the real hero in The Road to Winter? Justify your answer with evidence from the text.
How does The Road to Winter demonstrate the importance of initiative, resilience and loyalty to
increase one’s chances of survival?
‘I want to say it’s not fair. I want to say we’re only kids and we shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff,
that there should be more adults like Ray to help us.’ (p.216) What has Finn learned about the adult
world from his experiences in the novel? Discuss.
How does Mark Smith’s The Road to Winter demonstrate the human need for love and
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