ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 ITM 501 Assignment 2 Due date: 2018/03/23 12.00 PM - This assignment must be submitted through D2L Course shell. Questions: 1. Modem Corporation of America (MCA) is the world’s largest producer of modem communication devices for microcomputers. MCA sold 9,000 of the regular model and 10,400 of the smart (“intelligent”) model this September. Its income statement for the month is shown in the table on this page. Costs presented are typical of prior months and are expected to remain at the same levels in the near future. The firm is facing several constraints as it prepares its November production plan. First, it has experienced a tremendous demand and has been unable to keep any significant inventory in stock. This situation is not expected to change. Second, the firm is located in a small Iowa town from which additional labor is not readily available. Workers can be shifted from production of one modem to another, however. To produce the 9,000 regular modems in September required 5,000 direct labor hours. The 10,400 intelligent modems absorbed 10,400 direct labor hours. MCA Income Statement Month Ended September 30 REGULAR MODEMS $450,000 INTELLIGENT MODEMS $640,000 Less: Discounts Returns Warranty replacements Net sales Sales costs Direct labor Indirect labor Materials cost Depreciation Cost of sales Gross profit Selling and general expenses General expenses—variable General expenses—fixed Advertising Sales commissions Total operating cost Pretax income Income taxes (25%) 10,000 12,000 4,000 $424,000 15,000 9,500 2,500 $613,000 60,000 0 9,000 90,000 40,000 $199,000 $225,000 76,80 11,520 128,000 50,800 $267,120 $345,880 30,000 36,000 28,000 31,000 $125,000 $100,000 25,000 35,000 40,000 25,000 60,000 $160,000 $185,880 46,470 Net income $ 75,000 $139,41 Sales Third, MCA is experiencing a problem affecting the intelligent modems model. Its component supplier is able to guarantee only 8,000 microprocessors for November Page 1|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 delivery. Each intelligent modem requires one of these specially made microprocessors. Alternative suppliers are not available on short notice. MCA wants to plan the optimal mix of the two modem models to produce in November to maximize profits for MCA. (a) Formulate, using September’s data, MCA’s problem as a linear program. (b) Solve the problem graphically. (c) Discuss the implications of your recommended solution. a. Let: X1 number of MCA regular modems made and sold in November X2 number of MCA intelligent modems made and sold in November Data needed for variable costs and contribution margin are in the table. Hours needed to produce each modem: MCA regular 5, 000 hours 0.555 hour/modem 9, 000 modems MCA intelligent 10, 400 hours 1.0 hour/modem 10, 400 modems Maximize profit $22.67X1 $29.01X2 subject to 0.555X1 1.0X2 15,400 (direct labor hours) X2 8,000 (intelligent modems) Page 2|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 Table for Problem 7-43(a) Net sales MCA REGULAR MODEM MCA INTELLIGENT MODEM Total Total Per Unit $424,000 $47.11 $613,000 $58.94 60,000 6.67 76,800 7.38 9,000 1.00 11,520 1.11 Materials 90,000 10.00 128,000 12.31 General expenses 30,000 3.33 35,000 3.37 $31,000 $3.44 $60,000 $5.76 $220,000 $24.44 $311,320 $29.93 Variable costs a Direct labor Indirect labor Sales commissions Total costs variable Contribution margin a Per Unit $204,000 $22.67 $301,680 $29.01 Depreciation, fixed general expense, and advertising are excluded from the calculations. b. c. The optimal solution suggests making all MCA regular modems. Students should discuss the implications of shipping no MCA intelligent modems. Page 3|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 2. Graph the following LP problem and indicate the optimal solution point: Maximize profit = $3X + $2Y subject to 2X + Y <= 150 2X + 3Y <= 300 (a) Does the optimal solution change if the profit per unit of X changes to $4.50? (b) What happens if the profit function should have been$3X + $3Y? Using the isoprofit line or corner point method, we see that point b (where X 37.5 and Y 75) is optimal if the profit $3X $2Y. If the profit changes to $4.50 per unit of X, the optimal solution shifts to point c. If the objective function becomes P $3X $3Y, the corner point b remains optimal. 3X + 4.50X + 2Y Y 3X + X Page 4|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 3. Margaret Black’s family owns five parcels of farmland broken into a southeast sector, north sector, northwest sector, west sector, and southwest sector. Margaret is involved primarily in growing wheat, alfalfa, and barley crops and is currently preparing her production plan for next year. The Pennsylvania Water Authority has just announced its yearly water allotment, with the Black farm receiving 7,400 acrefeet. Each parcel can only tolerate a specified amount of irrigation per growing season, as specified in the following table: PARCEL AREA (ACRES) Southeast North Northwest West Southwest 2,000 2,300 600 1,100 500 WATER IRRIGATION LIMIT (ACRE-FEET) 3,200 3,400 800 500 600 Each of Margaret’s crops needs a minimum amount of water per acre, and there is a projected limit on sales of each crop. Crop data follow: CROP MAXIMUM SALES Wheat Alfalfa Barley 110,000 bushels 1,800 tons 2,200 tons WATER NEEDED PER ACRE (ACRE-FEET) 1.6 2.9 3.5 Margaret’s best estimate is that she can sell wheat at a net profit of $2 per bushel, alfalfa at $40 per ton, and barley at $50 per ton. One acre of land yields an average of 1.5 tons of alfalfa and 2.2 tons of barley. The wheat yield is approximately 50 bushels per acre. (a) Formulate Margaret’s production plan. (b) What should the crop plan be, and what profit will it yield? (c) The Water Authority informs Margaret that for a special fee of $6,000 this year, her farm will qualify for an additional allotment of 600 acre-feet of water. How should she respond? a. Let Xij = acres of crop i planted on parcel j where i = 1 for wheat, 2 for alfalfa, 3 for barley j = 1 to 5 for SE, N, NW, W, and SW parcels Irrigation limits: 1.6X11 + 2.9X21 + 3.5X31 1.6X12 + 2.9X22 + 3.5X32 1.6X13 + 2.9X23 + 3.5X33 1.6X14 + 2.9X24 + 3.5X34 1.6X15 + 2.9X25 + 3.5X35 3,200 acre-feet in SE 3,400 acre-feet in N 800 acre-feet in NW 500 acre-feet in W 600 acre-feet in SW Page 5|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 5 1.6 X j 1 5 5 j 1 j 1 1, j 2.9 X 2, j 3.5 X 3, j 7, 400 water acre-feet total Sales limits: X11 + X12 + X13 + X14 + X15 2,200 wheat in acres (= 110,000 bushels) X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 + X25 1,200 alfalfa in acres (= 1,800 tons) X31 + X32 + X33 + X34 + X35 1,000 barley in acres (= 2,200 tons) Acreage availability: X11 + X21 + X31 2,000 acres in SE parcel X12 + X22 + X32 2,300 acres in N parcel X13 + X23 + X33 600 acres in NW parcel X14 + X24 + X34 1,100 acres in W parcel X15 + X25 + X35 500 acres in SW parcel Objective function: 5 5 5 j 1 j 1 j 1 maximize profit $2 50 bushels X1, j $40 1.5 tons X 2, j $50 2.2 tons X 3, j b. The solution is to plant X12 = 1,250 acres of wheat in N parcel X13 = 500 acres of wheat in NW parcel X14 = 312 acres of wheat in W parcel X15 = 137 acres of wheat in SW parcel X25 = 131 acres of alfalfa in SW parcel X31 = 600 acres of barley in SE parcel X32 = 400 acres of barley in N parcel Profit will be $337,862.10. Multiple optimal solutions exist. c. Yes, need only 500 more water-feet. Page 6|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 4. Triangle Utilities provides electricity for three cities. The company has four electric generators that are used to provide electricity. The main generator operates 24 hours per day, with an occasional shutdown for routine maintenance. Three other generators (1, 2, and 3) are available to provide additional power when needed. A start-up cost is incurred each time one of these generators is started. The start-up costs are $6,000 for 1, $5,000 for 2, and $4,000 for 3. These generators are used in the following ways: A generator may be started at 6:00 A.M. and run for either 8 hours or 16 hours, or it may be started at 2:00 P.M. and run for 8 hours (until 10:00 P.M.). All generators except the main generator are shut down at 10:00 P.M. Forecasts indicate the need for 3,200 megawatts more than provided by the main generator before 2:00 P.M., and this need goes up to 5,700 megawatts between 2:00 and 10:00 P.M. Generator 1 may provide up to 2,400 megawatts, generator 2 may provide up to 2,100 megawatts, and generator 3 may provide up to 3,300 megawatts. The cost per megawatt used per eight-hour period is $8 for 1, $9 for 2, and $7 for 3. (a) Formulate this problem as an integer programming problem to determine the leastcost way to meet the needs of the area. (b) Solve using computer software. a. Let Xij = 1 if generator i is functioning during time period j, and 0 otherwise; where i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1 for 6–2 time period; j = 2 for 2–10 time period; j = 3 for 6–10 time period. Let Yij = megawatts produced by generator i in time period j, where i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1 for 6–2 time period; j = 2 for 2–10 time period. Minimize cost = 6,000(X11 + X12 + X13) + 5,000(X21 + X22 + X23) + 4,000(X31 + X32 + X33) + 8(Y11 + Y12) + 9(Y21 + Y22) + 7(Y31 + Y32) Subject to: Y11 + Y21 + Y31 3,200 megawatts requirements from 6–2 Y12 + Y22 + Y32 5,700 megawatts requirements from 2–10 Y11 2,400(X11 + X13) maximum megawatts from #1 from 6–2 Y12 2,400(X12 + X13) maximum megawatts from #1 from 2–10 Y21 2,100(X21 + X23) maximum megawatts from #2 from 6–2 Y22 2,100(X22 + X23) maximum megawatts from #2 from 2–10 Y31 3,300(X31 + X33) maximum megawatts from #3 from 6–2 Y32 3,300(X32 + X33) maximum megawatts from #3 from 2–10 X11 + X12 + X13 1 generator #1 starts up at most once X21 + X22 + X23 1 generator #2 starts up at most once X31 + X32 + X33 1 generator #3 starts up at most once Xij = 0 or 1 for all i, j Page 7|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 Yij 0 for all i, j b. The solution is: X12 = 1, X33 = 1, Y12 = 2,400, Y31 = 3,200, Y32 = 3,300, total cost = $74,700. Thus, generator #1 will be utilized in the period 2–10 and will generate 2,400 megawatts of electricity. Generator #3 will be started at 6 and utilized for the entire 16 hours. It will generate 3,200 megawatts during the 6–2 time period, and 3,300 megawatts during the 2–10 time period. Page 8|9 ITM 501: Decision Analysis Homework Assignment 2 5. Complete and solve the following NLP models using Excel solver. a) Maximize profit = 3X1 + 4X2 subject to: X12 - 5X2 >= 8 3X1 + 4X2 >= 12 b) Minimize cost = 18X1 + 5X2 + X22 subject to: 4X1 - 3X2 >= 8 X1 + X2 >= 18 Page 9|9