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Maslow's Hierarchy Activity

Scenario #1 - McDonalds is notorious for treating their part time employees with respect and
encouraging them to conduct their lives with a healthy balance between
home, school and their work life. You are the site manager at the McDonalds on Bath Road.
You recently learned about transformational leadership in Business class and want to put it to the
test. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific
examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will use to motivate employees and think of
one specific way to provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Business Leadership:
Physiological Needs:
 Pay employees enough to provide basic necessities of life
 Offer access to cafeteria or other food source
 Water jug for employees
 Enough time off to provide adequate rest
Safety Needs:
 A safe working environment should be provided (construction company provide helmets)
 Warning signs when floor is wet to prevent injury
 Financial security; pay employees fairly
Social Needs:
 Create an environment of team spirit
 Generate a feeling of acceptance and belonging by organizing company parties and events
 Allow enough time off to allow family time
Esteem Needs:
 Recognize employees’ achievement, either by financial means or spiritual means
 Set awards for meeting specific production goals
 Praise employees for a job well done
 Promotions based on achievement rather than seniority
 Offer challenging and meaningful assignments to explore employees’ creativity and
innovation ability to maximum extent
Scenario #1 – Business Leadership
McDonalds is notorious for treating their part time employees with respect and encouraging
them to conduct their lives with a healthy balance between home, school and their work life.
You are the site manager at McDonalds. You recently learned about transformational leadership
in Business class and want to put it to the test. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide three
specific examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will use to motivate employees and
think of one specific way to provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Business Leadership:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #2 – Cancer Care Nurse
You are an Oncology Nurse. You provide care for cancer patients and those at risk for getting
the disease. You monitor physical conditions, prescribe medication, and administer
chemotherapy and other treatments. How do you help patients at each level of Maslow’s
Hierarchy? Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific examples for each level
of the hierarchy that you will use to motivate patients and think of one specific way to provide
opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in the Medical Field:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #3 – Car Salesman
You are a car salesman at a local car dealership. You are trying to sell a van to a family that is
having their 3rd child (mother, father, 2 young children, and one on the way). Using Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will
use to motivate the buyer into purchasing the car and think of one specific way to provide
opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Sales:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #4 – Foster Parent
You are a foster parent of a 3-year-old little girl who came from a home where drugs were used
and sold. She has been in 2 other foster care homes in the last 4 months. Using Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will
use to motivate the foster child to feel like she can fit in, feel loved, and eventually achieve selfactualization. Also, think of one specific way to provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Foster Parenting:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #5 – Teacher
You are a teacher in a Title I school – a school with a high number or high percentage of children
from low-income families. Many of your students don’t eat breakfast, have clean clothes, or a
consistent home to go to when they leave school. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide
three specific examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will use to motivate your students
so they can learn and eventually achieve self-actualization. Also, think of one specific way to
provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in a public school:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #6 – Friend of someone in need
Your 16-year-old friend Shayla pulls you aside at the end of the day because she has something
very important to tell you. She reveals to you that she’s 10 weeks pregnant and doesn’t know
what she’s going to do. She’s already decided against an abortion, but is scared to tell her parents
because they’ve kicked her out of the house before. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs,
provide three specific examples for each level of the hierarchy that you will use to motivate her
into making the best decisions regarding what to do in her situation. Also, think of one specific
way to provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy with a friend in a tough situation:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #7 – Coach
You are a basketball coach of a 7-8 year old YMCA team in Snohomish. Many of the families
are involved, come to the games, and provide the equipment necessary for success. Using
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific examples for each level of the hierarchy
that you will use to motivate your team so they can perform at the best of their ability and enjoy
their season. Also, think of one specific way to provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Coaching:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs:
Scenario #8 – War-time children (EVERYONE)
Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, provide three specific examples for each level of the
hierarchy that you will use to motivate __________________. Also, think of one specific way to
provide opportunity for self-actualization.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy in Lord of the Flies:
Physiological Needs:
Safety Needs:
Social Needs:
Esteem Needs: