Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Design and Fabrication of VHF Band Small Antenna Using Composite Right/Left‑Handed Transmission Lines Hee Jae Jun2 · Jonghyup Lee1 · Seongro Choi1 · Yong Bae Park1 Received: 18 July 2018 / Revised: 7 September 2018 / Accepted: 16 September 2018 / Published online: 4 January 2019 © The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2019 Abstract This paper presents a small VHF antenna using a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines. The proposed antennas have 3 and 7 unit cells that consist of interdigital capacitors and shunt spiral inductors. The size of the antenna with 3 unit cells is 0.039λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (72.9 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) at 161 MHz and its peak gain is − 33 dBi. To enhance the gain, the antenna with 7 unit cells is fabricated. Its size is 0.089λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (167.2 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) at 161.4 MHz and its peak gain is − 26.5 dBi. The radiation pattern of both antennas is omni-directional. The electrical size in kr of each antenna is 0.055 and 0.11, respectively. The effects of frequency characteristic of lumped elements on the impedance matching are discussed. Keywords Composite right/left handed transmission line · VHF antenna · Zeroth-order resonance 1 Introduction The military communications in the VHF band typically use monopole antennas, dipole antennas, and whip antennas [1, 2]. The size of those antennas is proportional to the wavelength so that they have disadvantage in terms of mobility and convenience in the VHF band. In order to overcome these disadvantages, the small antennas are needed in the VHF band. There are many types of miniaturized antennas [3, 4]. Recently, small antennas using composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH TL) have been extensively studied [5–11]. CRLH TL shows LH property at low frequency and Hee Jae Jun and Jonghyup Lee equally contributed first authors. * Yong Bae Park Hee Jae Jun Jonghyup Lee Seongro Choi 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea 2 MOASOFT Corporation, Seoul, South Korea RH property at high frequency. As the frequency is changed from low to high, the propagation constant is changed from negative to positive, and CRLH TL structure has a size-independent zeroth-order resonant frequency and the antenna can be made smaller using the CRLH TL [12–15]. The small antennas using CRLH TL have been investigated intensively in the UHF band. However, the study of the VHF antennas using CRLH TL seems to be lacking. In this work, the antenna based on CRLH TL is designed at VHF band. The proposed antennas have 3 and 7 unit cells that consist of interdigital capacitors and shunt spiral inductors. The size of the antenna with 3 unit cells is 0.039λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (72.9 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm 3) at 161 MHz and its peak gain is − 33 dBi. To enhance the gain, the antenna with 7 unit cells is fabricated. Its size is 0.089λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (167.2 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) at 161.4 MHz and its peak gain is − 26.5 dBi. The electrical size in kr of each antenna is 0.055 and 0.11, respectively. The ‘k’ is the wavenumber. The physical size ‘r’ is the radius of the smallest hemi-sphere that can enclose the antenna. Usually, antennas with sizes less than 0.2 in kr are considered to be very small antennas. Therefore, our proposed antennas are very small. The effects of frequency characteristic of lumped elements on the impedance matching are also discussed. 13 Vol.:(0123456789) 340 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 2 Design of CRLH TL Antenna Figure 1 shows an equivalent circuit of a CRLH transmission line. Since a left-handed (LH) transmission line consists of a series capacitor and a shunt inductor, there is magnetic flux between the series capacitors and it generates a parasitic series inductance in the transmission line. A parasitic parallel capacitance is also generated by the top conductor and the ground plane. Because of these phenomena, the LH transmission line structure has also RH property. CRLH TL has a zeroth-order resonant frequency in which the propagation number (β) becomes zero so that the antennas using the CRLH TL can be made smaller. The zeroth-order resonant frequency is determined by the shunt resonant frequency in the case of open termination [11]: 1 đťś”sh = √ . CR LL (1) Figure 2 shows the unit cell of the proposed CRLH transmission line. It consists of an interdigital capacitor and a shunt spiral inductor. The interdigital capacitor has a series capacitance (­ CL). The shunt inductance (­ LL) is made of spiral inductor and via. The shunt capacitance ­(CR) and series inductance ­(LR) are parasitic components as described above. The zeroth-order resonance of the unit cell is designed at 160 MHz through optimization using the Ansys HFSS software. The substrate is Taconic TLY5(εr = 2.2) with thickness of 1.52 mm and Table 1 shows optimized dimensions of the unit cell. The size of the unit cell is 0.013λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (23.6 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3). The inductance of the spiral inductor (­ LL) is 99.6 nH and the shunt capacitance (­ CR) is 9.93 pF. The spiral inductor is connected to ground plane by via. Figure 3 shows the structure of the CRLH TL antenna. The antenna is designed using the Ansys HFSS software. It consists of 3 unit cells and the size is 0.039λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (72.9 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit of CRLH TL 13 Fig. 2 Unit cell of CRLH TL at 161 MHz. The electrical size in kr of the antenna is 0.055. The simulated return loss characteristic of the antenna is shown in Fig. 4. The zeroth-order resonant frequency is 161 MHz. The fractional bandwidth of the antenna at zeroth-order resonant frequency is 0.18%. The resonant frequency of − 1 mode is 119 MHz. Figure 5 illustrates with 3 unit cells at 161 MHz the electric field distributions at zeroth-order resonant frequency. It is seen that there is no phase difference of the field due to zero phase constant (β = 0). Figure 6 shows the simulation results of normalized Table 1 Dimensions of the unit cell Design parameter Value Substrate thickness Dielectric constant idc Lc s wc Number of IDC’s finger Spiral inductor turns Via radius ws Pitch Rin lw 1.52 mm 2.2 1 mm 19 mm 0.7 mm 33.3 mm 20 5 0.2 mm 4 mm 1.2 mm 0.4 mm 0.6 mm Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 341 Fig. 3 The structure of CRLH TL antenna with 3 unit cells 5 return loss (dB) 0 -5 Fig. 6 Simulated normalized radiation pattern of CRLH TL antenna, N=3 -10 -15 -20 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 frequency / MHz Fig. 4 Return loss of CRLH TL antenna with 3 unit cells Fig. 7 The structure of CRLH TL antenna with 7 unit cells Fig. 5 Electric field distribution of CRLH TL antenna radiation pattern of the antenna. The antenna has an omnidirectional radiation pattern and its peak gain is − 33 dBi. To enhance the gain, we design the antenna with more unit cells of CRLH TL. Figure 7 shows the CRLH TL antenna with 7 unit cells. Its real size is 0.089λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (167.2 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) and its electrical size in kr is 0.11. The antenna gain can be enhanced by increasing the number of unit cells because the gain of small antennas is proportional to antenna’s size. However, an impedance mismatch occurs if the number of the unit cells increases. Figure 8 shows input impedances of the 3 cell antenna and the impedance mismatched 7 cell antenna. Note that the 3 cell antenna has a zeroth-order resonance at 161 MHz but the 7 cell antenna does not have a zeroth-order resonance near 160 MHz. Two inductors are used for the L-section impedance matching of the proposed 7 cell antenna. Figure 9 illustrates the simulated return loss before and after applying the L-section matching. The zeroth-order resonant frequency is 163 MHz. The zeroth-order resonant frequency is almost equal to that of the three-cell antenna. Figure 10 shows simulation results of the normalized radiation pattern. 13 342 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 5 return loss (dB) 0 -5 -10 -15 3 Cell 7 Cell -20 130 140 150 160 170 180 frequency / MHz Fig. 8 Return loss of the 3 cell antenna and the impedance mismatched 7 cell antenna 5 Fig. 10 Simulated normalized radiation pattern of CRLH TL antenna, N=7 return loss (dB) 0 -5 -10 -15 Before Matching After Matching -20 130 140 150 160 170 180 frequency / MHz Fig. 9 Return loss of CRLH TL antenna with 7 unit cells The antenna has omni-directional pattern and its peak gain is − 26.5 dBi. The gain is enhanced by 6.5 dBi compared with 3 unit cells. 3 Fabrication and Measurement Figure 11 shows the fabricated antennas. The L-section matching network with CTC Ceratech CI-B1608-271 series chip inductor with a value of 270 nH and CTC Ceratech CI-B1608-181 shunt inductor with a value of 180 nH is used for impedance matching. Figure 12 shows the simulated and measured return loss of the antenna with 3 unit cells. The comparison between simulation and measurement shows a good agreement. Note 13 Fig. 11 Photograph of fabricated antenna that the return loss is − 10.58 dB at 161 MHz. Figure 13 illustrates the simulated and measured return loss of the including calculation result antenna with 7 unit cells. It seen that the zeroth-order resonant frequencies are almost equal at around 161.4 MHz, but the measured data has a wider bandwidth than the simulation result. The fractional bandwidth of Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 343 5 10 0 8 -5 ) 6 -10 Impedance ( return loss (dB) real-sim 4 -15 real-meas 2 simulation measurement -20 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 0 150 180 155 160 165 170 175 180 frequency / MHz frequency / MHz (a) real part Fig. 12 Return loss of fabricated antenna with 3 unit cells -50 5 -100 Impedance ( ) 0 return loss (dB) -5 -10 -150 -15 imag-sim imag-meas -20 -25 -30 130 -200 simulation 150 155 measurement 140 160 165 170 175 180 frequency / MHz 150 160 170 (b) imaginary part 180 frequency / MHz Fig. 14 Input impedance of fabricated antenna with 7 unit cells Fig. 13 Return loss of fabricated antenna with 7 unit cells series chip inductor(270nH) 600 ) 400 Impedance ( fabricated antenna is 2.97%, and that of simulated antenna is 0.24%. In order to analyze this error, the impedances of the antenna and lumped elements are measured and compared with ideal impedances. Figure 14 shows the measured and simulated input impedance of the 7 cell antenna. It is seen that the real part of the measured input impedance is smaller than that of the simulated input impedance and the imaginary parts of them are almost the same. Figures 15 and 16 depict the actual impedances extracted from measurements of the series inductor and the shunt inductor, respectively. We measured the impedance of the antenna without the lumped element using network analyzer. Then, we measured the impedance of the antenna with the lumped element. By subtracting the impedance of the antenna without the lumped element from that with the lumped element, we can extract 200 0 -200 real(extraction) imag(extraction) ideal -400 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 frequency / MHz Fig. 15 Extracted impedance of series chip inductor 13 344 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2019) 14:339–345 Table 2 Performance comparison between 3 cell antenna and 7 cell antenna paraller chip inductor(180nH) 600 Size (kr) Resonant frequency (MHz) Return loss (dB) Fractional BW (%) Gain (dBi) Impedance ( ) 400 200 0 imag(extraction) ideal -400 150 155 160 165 170 175 7 cell antenna 0.055 161 − 10.58 0.18 − 33 0.11 161.4 − 23.78 2.97 − 26.5 should be considered for the impedance matching. Table 2 shows the antenna performance comparison between 3 cell antenna and 7 cell antenna. real(extraction) -200 3 cell antenna 180 frequency / MHz 4 Conclusion Fig. 16 Extracted impedance of shunt chip inductor the actual impedance of the lumped element and obtain its frequency characteristic. Note that the actual impedances deviate from the ideal impedances in terms of frequency. Figure 17 shows the measured data and the calculated data. The calculated data is acquired by using the measured input impedance of the antenna without the lumped element and the extracted impedances of two inductors. The comparison between calculated data and measured data shows a good agreement since the actual impedances are used for the analysis. We have figured out that the actual impedance is different from the ideal impedance of the lumped element. It means that the impedance mismatch occurs if we use the ideal values of lumped elements for the impedance matching. Therefore, the frequency dependent characteristic of lumped elements and the actual impedance of the antenna 5 The small antennas using CRLH TL has been designed and fabricated at VHF band. The proposed antennas have 3 and 7 unit cells which consist of interdigital capacitors and shunt spiral inductors. The antenna with 3 unit cells has size of 0.039λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (72.9 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) at 161 MHz and its peak gain is − 33 dBi. The size of 7 cell antenna is 0.089λ × 0.025λ × 0.0008λ (167.2 × 47.5 × 1.52 mm3) at 161.4 MHz and its peak gain is − 26.5 dBi. Increasing the number of unit cells, the gain of antenna has been enhanced. The effects of frequency characteristic of lumped elements on the impedance matching also have been discussed. The antenna based on CRLH TL can overcome the physical limitation of the conventional military antenna. Therefore, the proposed antennas can be used for military communication in the VHF band. Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Future Combat System Network Technology Research Center program of Defense Acquisition Program Administration and Agency for Defense Development (UD160070BD). 0 References return loss (dB) -5 -10 -15 -20 measurement -25 -30 150 calculation 155 160 165 170 175 frequency / MHz Fig. 17 Return loss of fabricated antenna with 7 unit cells 13 180 1. Hascall-Denke, “Manpack Antenna Products Book”, http://www. hasca​ll-denke​.com/produ​ct-lines​/milit ​ary-anten​nas/manpa​ckanten​nas/. Accessed Jun 2018 2. Hascall-Denke, Vehicular/Marine Antenna Products Book. http:// www.hasca​ll-denke​.com/produ​ct-lines​/milit​ary-anten​nas/marin​ e-anten​nas/. Accessed Jun 2018 3. Ha S-G, Cho J, Jung K-Y (2017) Design of miniaturized microstrip patch antennas using non-Foster circuits for compact controlled reception pattern antenna array. J Electromagn Eng Sci 17(2):108–110 4. 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Seongro Choi received B.S degree in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Ajou University, Suwon, Rep. of Korea, in 2017. He is currently working on M.S. course in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou, University, Suwon, Rep. of Korea. His research interests include metamaterial antennas . Yong Bae Park received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, in 1998, 2000, and 2003, respectively. From 2003 to 2006, he was with the Korea Telecom Laboratory, Seoul, South Korea. In 2006, he joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, South Korea, where he is now a Professor. His research interests include electromagnetic field analysis, metamaterial antennas, and electromagnetic interference and compatibility . 13