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Science Attitude Questionnaire for Students

No. Science is fun
1 I really like science.
I have good feelings toward
2 science.
3 I enjoy science courses.
I usually look forward to my science
4 class.
5 I like our science textbook.
I consider our science classroom
6 attractive and comfortable.
7 I try hard to do well in science.
I consider myself a good science
8 student.
I would probably not do well in
9 science if I took it in college.
My mind goes blank when I am
10 doing science.
Everyone should learn about
11 science.
12 I would enjoy being a scientist.
We cover interesting topics in
13 science class.
Most of my friends do well in
14 science.
Science makes me feel as though
I’m lost in a jungle of numbers and
15 words.
No. Classroom/Teacher
My science teacher makes good
1 plans for us.
My science teacher encourages me
2 to learn more science.
We do a lot of fun activities in
3 science class.
Our science classroom contains a
4 lot of interesting equipment.
We learn about important things in
5 science class.
My parents help me with my
6 science homework.
No. Family Model
1 My father likes science.
My family watches science
2 programs on TV.
3 I think scientists are neat people.
4 My mother likes science.
5 I am a member of a happy family.
My brothers and sisters like
6 science.
Agree (4)
Agree (1)