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Game protocol draft

Interview Protocol
“The Play List: The”
Am-is, et al. (2019)
The researchers will meet with the study participants one by one in a span of five days.
The interviews will be conducted in the Grade 11- Block C classroom. The participants will be
informed that their answers will be analyzed and used in a case study.
The interview begins with questions about the study habits of the interviewee.
Following are examples of the questions:
When did you start using YouTube videos to study for Chemistry and Physics?
Do you solely use YouTube to study for the subjects?
How often do you use YouTube videos to study for Chemistry and Physics?
What YouTube channels do you often visit to look for Chemistry and Physics lessons?
How effective are YouTube videos on your thought processes about Chemistry and
Was there a change in your grades that you can relate to YouTube?
How did studying Chemistry and Physics changed when you started using YouTube
Other than Chemistry and Physics, what other subjects do you study using the platform?
Would you say that YouTube is an efficient way to learn? Why?
After the aforementioned questions, the participant will be asked about the impact of
YouTube outside their academic life.
What do you use YouTube for that is not related to academics?
What can you say about the interface of the platform? (e.g. easy to use)