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Blogger Stages: A Guide to Leveling Up Your Blog

Stage one: Freshman blogger You post when you feel like it (which is a lot at first, and then less and less). You use Wordpress.com or Blogspot/Blogger. You join Bloglovin’ You spend a lot of Bme on other blogs, and leave a lot of comments. You install a visits counter, and check it daily. You write blog posts about lots of different things that you like. You use photos from other websites and Pinterest in your posts. You read the forum in Independent Fashion Bloggers a lot. You order business cards. You create a TwiIer, Facebook & Instagram account for your blog You get all your friends, family and colleagues to follow you. You get frustrated, you doubt yourself. Stage two: Sophmore blogger You move to Wordpress.org You get a friend to help you update your blog theme. You purchase and use your own domain (ie www.myblog.com) You add email opt-­‐in forms to your blog, but don’t do anything with it. You install Google analyBcs You start commenBng regularly on the same set of blogs, and they start commenBng on yours. You install & uninstall a lot of plugins. You crash your blog trying to update it at least once. You Google how much it costs to buy Instagram followers. You start to blog about a smaller field of topics. You blog at least once a week. You get addicted to one social media plaMorm, and start using it regularly. PRs start to contact you, and send you items to sample (you include most of them in your posts or on Instagram). You get invited to events. You sign up to affiliate programs. You sell your first sponsored post. Stage three: Junior blogger You upgrade your camera. You change your email to match your blog domain (myname@myblog.com) You sign up with NuffNang, Glam Media, BlogHer, Adsense or other ad network. You install a back-­‐up service. You pay someone to redesign your blog. You aIend blog conferences. You get fussier with promoBng freebies. You create a media kit & adverBsing contact page. You sell banners and sponsored posts regularly. You go to a lot of events. You join online blogger communiBes. You blog a few Bmes a week. You only blog about a small range of topics. Your site gets hacked. You install security plugins. You are featured in other blog posts or magazine arBcles about either bloggers, or your niche topic. Stage four: Senior blogger You sign with a blogger agent You hire help (either a VA, contributors, photographer, or all of the above etc..) You blog every day. You quit your job, or go part-­‐Bme. You create special “events” on your blogs. You create eProducts or an online store. You speak at conferences. You redesign your blog. You send emails to your list regularly. You preschedule most of your social media updates You write an eBook A lot of your close friends are bloggers. You stop using some social media as they don’t work best for your audience. You aIend internaBonal blog conferences. You say “not another bloody XXXX, where am I going to put that?” when you get sent freebies. You rent office space. Stage five: Super blogger You are featured IN ad campaigns for brands You redesign your blog Other people blog every day for your blog, you blog less o]en. You get your own column, or regular TV guest spot, or book deal. You hire someone to look a]er your social media. You have a “support team” who manages your blog, your emails, and your content. You have a business plan, a book keeper and an accountant You talk about your brand in interviews a lot. You have over a 100K social media followers… probably more. You are a “brand ambassador” Trolls & haters are becoming more common You sell most of the freebies your get sent … some will use it to raise money for charity. People “recognize” you. You start planning side businesses to leverage your current “fame”. www.secretbloggersbusiness.com
Pre-work : getting started
What blogging stage are you at?