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Persepolis culminating task outline

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Outline: Persepolis
Culminating Task: After reading Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marji Satrapi and information on the
Iranian Revolution, write an essay analyzing how Marji’s experiences during the Islamic Revolution have
impacted her identity. What events caused her character to change and how did her character change? How
does this change in perspective develop the theme? Be sure to include relevant evidence from Persepolis and
supplemental texts in your response.
Introduction Paragraph:
Attention Grabber (Hook): Write three questions that you hope to answer.
Supporting Sentences: Write
Thesis Statement:
In Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate liberation is developed through the rekindling of her inner light
that was extinguished by her mother, warmed up by Dr. Brown, and finally realized when she can be with
Body Paragraph 1:
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Outline: Persepolis
Topic Sentence: Write a sentence that sets up the topic of the paragraph.
Supporting Idea: Set up the quote. What is happening in the novel where the quote is taken.
“She had had to hide her feelings for so many months that her expression now changed dramatically, and her
relief and happiness were obvious. It was if all her inner joy which had nearly been extinguished, had suddenly
been rekindled….” (38 )
Analysis: What does the quote say about the way she feels about Pedro. How is she being oppressed?
Concluding Sentence: Write a sentence that sums up the paragraph.
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Outline: Persepolis
Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence: Write a sentence that sets up the topic of the paragraph.
Supporting Idea: Set up the quote. What is happening in the novel where the quote is taken.
Evidence: “…[E]ach of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves; just as in the
experiment, we need oxygen and a candle to help. In this case, the oxygen, for example, would come from the breath of
the person you love; the candle could be any kind of food, music, caress, word, or sound that engenders the explosion
that lights one of the matches.” (115)
Analysis: What does the Tita learn about her inner light? How is Dr. Brown helping her to become liberated?
Concluding Sentence: Write a sentence that sums up the paragraph.
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Outline: Persepolis
Topic Sentence: Write a sentence that sets up the topic of the paragraph.
Supporting Idea: Set up the quote. What is happening in the novel where the quote is taken.
“As she chewed each candle she pressed her eyes and tried to reproduce the most moving memories of her and Pedro…”In
this she was successful, when the candle she chewed made contact with the torrid images she evoked, the candle began
to burn.” (245)
Analysis: What does the quote say about Tita’s liberation? How was Tita finally liberated?
Concluding Sentence: Write a sentence that sums up the paragraph.
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Outline: Persepolis
Restate Thesis Statement: Re-write the thesis statement in a different way.
Transition sentence: Write a sentence that summarizes the main points of the essay.
Challenge sentence: Write a sentence that circles back the Attention Grabber.