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how to have a successful odoo implementation

How Compatible is Odoo for Your Business?
Having an ERP system integrated into your workplace can guarantee efficiency and productivity.
So, what can you gain from integrating one into your business?
An ERP solution can lift the burden of operations by shifting to a software-based model. It allows
you to streamline, organize and integrate your core business processes.
SAP Business One, Microsoft Dynamics and Oracle e-Business Suite lead in ERP, but there are a
plethora of other reliable options to consider like Odoo.
Odoo takes ERP one step forward with its suite of applications designed for managing business
processes with ease. It is an all in one management software tailored to enterprise requirements
in mind.
What makes Odoo stand apart from the rest is its ease, affordability, and modularity. Your
business whether it is small-scale or large can deploy Odoo right away without any hassles.
Check our Best Odoo Hosting article for a comparison and overview of the best Odoo hosting
But does Odoo fit in with your unique business requirements? Let us review and find out by
examining what makes Odoo an ideal ERP solution and how Odoo manages to fit in that category.
The Traits of an Ideal ERP – What You Need to Look For?
The thing is not to ponder over the features and functionalities of a management software. It
touches only the surface and you may end up with the wrong choice.
When it comes to deployment, it means not only having an ERP management platform but the
right one. A software solution that addresses any challenges faced in your business processes.
You need to research this one aspect when you are searching for an ideal ERP, CRM or
management solution.
Even though you are dealing with your business operations manually, you may still be unaware of
some core activities. It is better to start over and look at things from a fresh perspective.
You must find areas in your business where an ERP software could benefit and then deploy an
appropriate solution. By identifying the goals of your company, you could opt for an ERP solution
that complies with it.
Besides, there are several notable things that you need to consider, which are listed below.
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​ ales@pragtech.co.in​ | 1
● Affordability – Yet another pivotal feature that you need to look for in an ERP solution is the
cost. If you are a growing business, then the cost is a determining factor to look for.
Investing in an affordable ERP solution give back more value. Budget-friendly ERP solutions
are aimed at small and medium businesses, which contain a suite of essentials aimed at a
small multitasking workforce.
● Cover Functional Requirements – The ERP must include all the basic operations that most
businesses require such as accounting. When you select one, it is important to check
whether it has the functional requirements that your business need. By analyzing the
functional side, you could know what your requirements are and whether the selected ERP
offers them.
● The Flexibility of The Platform – An ERP with a flexible platform is highly recommended
since you need to cover both the present and future requirements of your business. Having
an ERP with a rigid framework prevents any form of expansion, which can hinder the growth
of your business. Meanwhile, a flexible platform can easily adapt to your changing business
needs and allows customizations.
Odoo Ticks all the Right Boxes
Odoo balances it out when it comes to delivering everything that a management software should
have. It ticks all the boxes of essentials that really make up a dependable ERP solution as it
integrates CRM, sales, project management, accounting and many more.
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​ ales@pragtech.co.in​ | 2
Odoo is a complete offering with all modules and functions integrated into a single solution. It is
highly flexible, robust and affordable, making it suitable for small, medium and large-scale
Among the numerous ERP solutions that you can find, only a few fares well with Odoo in terms of
flexibility and value. As an open source platform, Odoo embeds a rarefied interface, giving you
total control over the processes that govern your business. Odoo has several other advantages in
its feature and functional side such as:
● Modular ​– Modularity is one characteristic that distinguishes Odoo from all other ERP
platforms available. Inside Odoo are different modules that you can opt for and integrate in
accordance with your requirements. It is easy for you to get a module and then implement it
in the workflow, which you can step up with the advancement. This flexibility in modules
allows plasticity in your business to make changes accordingly with growth.
● Open Source ​– Being open source, Odoo is a platform that gives you the ability to
customize in accordance with your needs. With its open-source model, developers can get
access to the codes and modify it to make changes in the modules or features based on
your requirement.
● Streamlined UI – Navigating through Odoo is easy with its streamlined and intuitively laid
out interface. Compared to other ERPs where the interface tends to be cluttered and
complex, Odoo stands apart with its simplicity, which allows you to execute functions with
● Comprehensive ​– You can never find a more comprehensive ERP solution than Odoo with
its rich suite of business applications. It integrates CRM, POS, Project Management, Human
Resources, Manufacturing, Accounting and lots more into a single interface. By compiling
them with the wide array of Odoo modules, you can extend its functionality further.
● Low Cost – There are no license fees when you avail Odoo, which makes it an affordable
option. It gives you the true value that you look for, which is beneficial if you run a small or
medium scale business. You can even run it free if you use the community version.
Installing, customizing, and implementing Odoo incur only fewer costs compared to other
Odoo Suits Your Business Well!
When you opt for an ERP, it should adapt to your working environment and not the other way
around. An ERP solution that forces you to redesign the processes in accord with its framework
can further complicate the implementation process. Moreover, it adds to the overall operational
costs that come from shuffling the existing methods and reorienting the personnel.
Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. | Website: ​www.pragtech.co.in​ | Contact: +1 713 701 5957 | Email: s
​ ales@pragtech.co.in​ | 3
You never have to weave your processes and frameworks with an ERP like Odoo. Readily integrate
Odoo without any hindrances and implement right away. Swift navigational features combined
with its powerful functionality gives you more control over key business processes. Apart from
that Odoo augments your existing business processes by simplifying it to drive efficiency and
productivity in your organization.
As we have covered above, Odoo comes with a set of features that clearly distinguish it from every
other ERP. The presence of modules helps carry out changes without interfering with the codes. In
this way, it can adapt to the growth and scale of operations of your business.
Odoo clearly fits in with the descriptions of an ideal ERP software. It is affordable, flexible and
comprehensive, which is what every business, whether small or large needs. If your business
requires integration in HR to deal with your workforce or across different applications such as POS
or Warehouse Management, Odoo can simplify the process and keep you in control.
An intuitive user interface, cutting-edge technology and a reduction in overall costs also
differentiate Odoo. The competitive pricing allows you to explore by choosing different modules
and finding out whether it derives the benefits proposed and addresses your needs.
With an all-inclusive ERP solution like Odoo, you need not need to ponder over whether your
business fits in with Odoo’s framework. Odoo can easily mold in with your needs and wrap it in
the frameworks and processes that you utilize in your business to fit without ever changing
Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. | Website: ​www.pragtech.co.in​ | Contact: +1 713 701 5957 | Email: s
​ ales@pragtech.co.in​ | 4
Pragmatic Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. | Website: ​www.pragtech.co.in​ | Contact: +1 713 701 5957 | Email: s
​ ales@pragtech.co.in​ | 5