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Subculture Consumer Behaviour

Presenter: SNN
Student ID: 01910035216
Course: Consumer Behaviour
Course Code: E-515
Department of Marketing,
University of Rajshahi, 6207
Rajshahi 6207
Presentation Topics
Definition of Subculture
Nationality and Religious Subcultures
Geographic and Regional Subcultures
Racial and Age Subcultures
Gender In form of Subculture
Relationship Between Culture and
Definition of Subculture:
Sub Culture is A distinct cultural group that exists as an
identifiable segment within a larger, more complex
society. Relationship Between Culture is given as:
Examples of Major Sub Cultural Categories
Nationality: Greek, Italian, Russian
Religion: Catholic, Hindu, Mormon
Geographic: region Eastern, Southern, western
Race: African American, Asian, Caucasian
Age: Teenagers, elderly
Gender: Female, male
Occupation: Bus driver, cook, scientist
Social Class: Lower, middle, upper
Studying Traditional Characteristics of Hispanic
Subculture and Market
Traditional Characteristics of Hispanic Subculture &
Market given by following points:
preference for well-established/known familiar
are shifting food shopping to non- ethnic
American-style supermarkets
are more fashion conscious than non-Hispanics
to be more
Studying Traditional Characteristics of
Hispanic American Market
Prefer well-known or familiar brands
Buy brands perceived to be more prestigious as well
fashion conscious
Historically prefer to shop at smaller personal stores Buy
brands advertised by their ethnic-group stores .Tend not
to be impulse buyers (i.e., are deliberate) Increasing ly
clipping and using cents-off coupons likely follow
parents tradition
Prefer fresh to frozen or prepared items
Tend to be negative about marketing practices
Religious Subcultures:
Religious Subcultures:
• 200+ organized religious groups in the U.S.
• Primary organized faiths include:
– Protestant and Roman Catholicism
Consumer behavior is directly affected by religion in
terms of products that are symbolically and ritualistically
associated with the celebration of religious holidays.
Regional Subcultures
Many regional differences exist in Consumption
Behavior given as follows:
Westerners have a mug of black coffee
Easterners have a cup of coffee with milk and sugar
White bread is preferred in the South and Midwest
Rye and whole wheat are preferred on the East and
West Coasts
Major Age Subcultures
Major Age Subcultures are divided into 4 groups:
Generation X
Generation Y
Baby Boomer
Segments of Gen X and Y
Sub Segments of Gen Y
Gen Y Adults
Gen Y Teens
Gen Y Twins
The Twister span Gen Y and Gen X and 21-29 years old
Generation X: Born between 1965 and 1979; post baby
boomer segment (also referred to as busters).
Generation Y: Born between 1977 and 1994; also called
echo boomers and millennium generation.
Baby Boomers: Individuals born between 1946 and 1964
(approximately 45 percent of the adult population).
Consumer Electronics Products Women Are Most
Interested in Buying
Gender In form of Subculture
Understanding Gender as a Subculture
Roles of Gender in Consumer Behavior
– Masculine vs. Feminine Traits
The Working Woman
– Segmentation Issues Shopping Patterns
Four Segments:
– Stay-at-Home Housewives
– Plan-to-Work Housewives
– Just-a-Job Working Women
– Career-Oriented Working Women
Segmenting the Working Women Market
All consumers are simultaneously members of more than one
subcultural segment (consumer may be a young, Hispanic,
Catholic homemaker living in the Midwest).
For this reason, marketers should realize how multiple subcultural memberships interact to influence target consumers’
relevant consumption behavior.
Promotional strategy should not be limited to target a single
subcultural membership.
The End
For this reason, marketers should strive to
memberships interact to influence target
consumers’ relevant consumption behavior.
Promotional strategy should not be limited to
target a single subcultural membership.