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How accounting programs can help students pass the CPA Exam

How accounting programs can help
students pass the CPA Exam
Accounting Education
The CPA Exam remains a rigorous rite of passage for those entering the accounting
profession. Because protection of the public interest is one of the profession's primary
goals, it is imperative to have a strong pipeline of CPA candidates who demonstrate their
proficiency by passing the exam.
In recent years, concerns have been raised regarding the demographic challenges facing
the profession. A large percentage of active CPAs are approaching retirement age. In
addition, the growth in accounting enrollments has recently outpaced the number of
candidates sitting for and passing the CPA Exam.
In response, we conducted the CPA Candidate Success Research Project in 2015 with the
ultimate goal of finding ways to help increase CPA Exam sit and pass rates. The study
focused on identifying best practices that college and university accounting programs
employ to help their students achieve success on the exam. (A report of the project's
findings is available at aicpa.org.)
Schools often cited the following factors as primary keys to their success:
Ability to recruit and retain great students;
Students securing jobs with firms that pay for a review class;
Advising students about state requirements for exam/licensure;
An accounting program structured, especially at the graduate level, to facilitate
students' attaining the necessary credits for the exam; and
The positive signal and confidence boost that current students receive when older
students they know succeed on the exam.
The survey results point to three particularly important best practices for schools that wish
to improve their students' exam pass rates:
Offer CPA review classes on campus
This recommendation is straightforward but also may not be feasible at all schools,
especially those with smaller budgets and enrollments. Some schools may be unable to
handle the relatively large costs of administering these rigorous courses or may be unable
to sustain the enrollment attrition that can result from imposing additional requirements on
student performance. Also, if you're considering offering such classes for academic credit,
find out whether the state boards of accountancy in the states where your students most
likely will work will accept these credits toward fulfillment of the exam's
education requirement.
Create a study room on campus—and a practice testing computer lab if possible
It can be difficult to secure licensing agreements with various CPA review course providers
to run proprietary software on student-accessible campus computers. As an alternative,
schools may find it useful to offer a dedicated space for students and faculty to convene to
discuss and study for the exam outside normal class hours. Such spaces can be a valuable
tool for enhancing camaraderie and moral support among commuter students or those who
take primarily onlineclasses.
Designate a faculty member to be the academic champion for the CPA Exam
A pilot AICPA Academic Champion program launched in August 2016 with 19 academic
champions. The program will roll out to more universities in the coming years, with a goal in
2017—2018 of recruiting 50 academic champions. In this program, a full-time faculty
member is the main point of contact for CPA Exam and licensure issues and questions.
We suggest that, to successfully implement such a program, schools should offer the faculty
member adequate credit and recognition for assuming the role. Ideally, faculty would
actively seek the position as opposed to simply agreeing to do it as part of their normal
service obligation. Incentives that schools may offer for attracting academic champions
include money to pay for attendance at conferences and other networking events, reduction
in teaching load, and official recognition and publicity for serving in this vital position. We
acknowledge the resource constraints many schools face in providing such
incentives. However, we suggest that the potentially improved CPA Exam sit and pass rates
generated by the academic champion program can bring substantial benefits.
Though we acknowledge the complexity of the issue, we are optimistic that improvement in
CPA Exam sit and pass rates is possible. Ideally, student success could easily be replicated
at other schools through the mere adoption of these procedures. However, the dramatic
differences among business schools in their missions, level of resources, and student
characteristics make this an unrealistic proposition. In much the same way that college
athletics often use divisions to group schools with similar profiles, we suggest that
differences in sit and pass rates among schools are to be expected, even when the efforts
to improve overall sit and pass rates succeed.
Naturally, we hope to continue discussing our study and the contents of this report with
fellow accounting educators as part of a sustained initiative to improve sit and pass rates on
the exam. However, we suggest that accounting educators cannot go it alone. We believe
the audience for our study also includes those outside the accounting profession, such as
school administrators, accreditors, and state legislators, who help determine the allocation
of educational resources and funding and who may not be familiar with the issues facing the
accounting profession.
Alternatively, accounting profession stakeholders such as firms, state societies and
organizations, and licensing boards may be well-aware of the issues facing the profession
but may be less familiar with the challenges accounting educators face in the current era of
scrutiny and reduced resources for higher education. We hope our report can add to the
collective dialogue among the various stakeholders in a broad effort toward the shared goal
of protection of the public through improved CPA Exam sit and pass rates.6
Tips for
Studying for the CPA Exam While in School
By Elizabeth Kolar, MBA, CPA, CGMA
March 14, 2018
As a new school year begins, it’s easy to feel anxious about the studying for the CPA Exam
and getting ready to start putting a few sections behind you. Depending on your situation, you
may be able to start taking it while you’re still in school, as long as you can properly manage
a full course load alongside studying.
Whether or not you can take the CPA exam as an undergraduate student depends on which
state you plan to obtain your license . Some states will allow you to take the exam within 90
days of your degree conferral date. Some states require you to have 120 or 150 hours and
an official transcript before taking the exam. You’ll need to contact your specific State Board
of Accountancy or NASBA to know for sure if you can start taking the exam before you’re
finished with your undergraduate degree.
If you’re in a Master’s program, you already have an undergraduate degree and, again,
depending on your state, may fulfill the requirements to sit for the exam. In this case, once
you’ve applied for your state and received your Notice to Schedule (NTS), you can start sitting
for the exam.
While you’ll have to learn to balance both CPA and college study, taking the exam as soon
as possible is ideal because you’ll still be in study mode and you’ll likely retain many of the
concepts you learned in your college accounting classes. To help you get there, we’ve put
together 6 tips to help you study for the CPA exam while you’re still finishing out your college
1. Get an Accountability Partner
One of the hardest parts about the CPA exam is finding the motivation to study. This becomes
much easier if you can find a studying accountability partner. Look for a study group that
meets consistently or consider getting a one-on-one tutor. Another option is to study
with Surgent’s Premier Pass which includes one-on-one Success Coaching from a dedicated
professional. Meeting with peers and coaches will not only help you learn concepts, it will also
keep you consistently accountable for studying.
2. Create A Study Schedule
Partitioning your time between studying for school and studying for the exam is going to help
you keep your sanity. If you already have a study schedule set up for your classes, look for
days or times where you can add CPA exam studying in. Think of CPA study time like a parttime job while you’re in school and consider dedicating about 20-25 hour per week of your
time toward it.
If you don’t already have a study schedule, make one. Pull up an excel spreadsheet or use
the classic pencil and paper to mark out times each day where you either study for your
classes or study for the exam. You can also use Surgent’s study planner, which builds a plan
based on days you’re available to study and when your exam date is. This plan will tell you
how many hours you need to study each day and will adapt in real-time based on your
mastery of material. Having specific study days and measurable plans for each day will
ensure you have a goal-oriented roadmap to success.
3. Take Care of Yourself
Between going to class, studying for class and studying for the CPA exam, it can be easy to
let your self-care routine and personal life sit on the backburner. Isn’t more study time better?
Not always. Pushing yourself too hard without regard to taking care of your body and mind
puts you in the fast lane to burnout.
Use your study schedule and pencil in a few activities every week you enjoy. Are you a movie
buff? Have a movie night once a week. Enjoy team volleyball? Join a local league, play games
and go out with your teammates guilt-free. Staying social and taking care of your mental,
physical and emotional needs while studying is going to make it less of a burden. When you
hit the books after a mental break, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to learn.
4. Schedule Office Hours with Your Professors
Your professors are experts at the material you need to be learning. If you’re having a hard
time nailing down concepts in either classes or for exam material, reach out to them. Schedule
office hours and explain where you’re having trouble and if they can help. They’ll likely be
able to provide answers.
It’s also likely your accounting professors have been through the CPA process and have
projects outside of school involved with your State Board of Accountancy. They’ll be able to
point you in the right direction for mentors and resources to help you through the CPA
5. Pay Attention in Your Classes
Almost all the material on the CPA exam you’ll learn in your accounting and business classes.
Pay attention in all accounting classes you’re taking in the semester you’re studying for the
CPA exam, such as audit or tax, and try to really make sense of the concepts. Talk to peers
and professors in these classes, and ask plenty of questions. A deeper engagement in these
classes will help you retain and remember concepts when you’re studying for the exam.
6. Find a Review Course that Makes It Easy
The last thing you want to do when you’re trying to study for the CPA exam while in school is
buy a review course that creates more work for you. Make sure you thoroughly compare study
materials and find one that uses the latest technology to help you learn quickly and efficiently.
Also, be sure to check for any hidden fees or expiration dates; some course expire after a
certain amount of time and you have to pay a fee to renew them.
If you can apply these concepts and strike a balance between CPA and class study, taking
(and passing) parts of the exam while still in school is definitely possible.
Happy testing!
Surgent CPA Review was designed for today’s student. To learn more about how Surgent
students are achieving pass rates double the national average while studying half as much
as the competition, click here.
Liz Kolar, CPA, CGMA, has been teaching CPA Review for more than 25 years in the United
States, has personally taught more than 2,500 live sessions, and has helped thousands of
candidates pass the CPA Exam. She founded Pinnacle CPA Review and co-founded Surgent
Kolar CPA Review.
Categories: General, Tips & Resources Tags: accounting students, cpa prep, study tips, studying for the
cpa exam
Help Your Students Tackle the CPA Exam
Bolster students’ confidence as they prepare for the exam.
March 14, 2017
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The CPA Exam is one of the most challenging of all professional examinations. Students
naturally become apprehensive when faced with the prospect of taking a 16-hour exam over the
course of 18 months. Though passing the exam pays off in terms of increased career
opportunities, students still may be reluctant to take it—or, if they fail a section, to try again.
As a faculty member, there are ways you can help students succeed on the exam (aside from the
academic preparation you’ve already given them).
Our experts share the advice they give their own students:
Be strategic about the order in which you take the sections. Spencer Usrey, CPA, Ph.D.,
assistant professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, advises students to take the
section they consider most difficult first, as the 18-month window to take the full exam doesn’t
start until they pass the first section. Should they fail on their first attempt, that clock won’t start
and they can begin again with the full 18 months ahead of them.
However, this advice may not apply to all students. Leslie Blix, a doctoral student at Southern
Illinois University who is in the process of taking the CPA Exam, decided to take the audit
section first. She did so because she wanted to begin with a section that would be easier for her
to give her a confidence boost heading into the other sections.
Tell students to consider their personal study habits, which may also affect the order in which
they choose to take the sections, said Emily Seay, CPA, Ph.D., assistant professor at Ohio
University. For example, Usrey, Seay, and Mark Edmonds, CPA, Ph.D., assistant professor at the
University of Alabama at Birmingham, noted many students find the Financial Accounting and
Reporting (FAR) section to be the most time-intensive when it comes to studying.
“I knew if I studied FAR first, it would burn me out,” Seay said of her experience.
Budget your time. Usrey said students can expect to spend 400 to 600 hours studying for the
exam, so advance planning is essential.
Suggest that students create a study schedule and stick to it, Seay said.
“As soon as they can sit down and create a schedule, that kind of takes the pressure off,” she
It’s important for students to be realistic about a study schedule that will work for them. For
instance, do they study best in the morning or at night? Do they prefer long blocks of study time
or smaller chunks? (Seay said she treated exam preparation like a job where she’d study
regularly for the same four-hour block of time each morning.) Are they a “traditional” student in
their early 20s who might have more flexibility, or a “nontraditional” student—perhaps someone
older who has returned to school—who may have other considerations such as family or work?
Usrey said faculty can encourage nontraditional students to sit down with their spouse or family
and discuss days of the week to set aside for studying and for family activities. He said it’s
important for students to communicate to their family that the CPA Exam is an important part of
the process in joining the profession and worth the sacrifice.
Use preparation tools. Usrey suggests spending the money on a prep course, saying they are
worth it and will help with study timing.
Seay, Blix and Edmonds have developed a simulation, “Learning Through Experience: Reducing
the Fear of the CPA Exam,” designed to help students through a comprehensive overview of
processes they’ll see on the exam—for example, understanding how an audit works from start to
finish, Edmonds said. (Seay, Blix, and Edmonds invite readers to email them for the case
at seay@ohio.edu, leslie.blix@hotmail.com, or medmonds@gmail.com.)
The AICPA also provides resources that can help students prepare for the exam,
including sample tests, a tutorial, and the comprehensive Exam and Licensure section of the
AICPA’s website, ThisWayToCPA.com. Students should also carefully review the blueprints for
the revised exam, which detail the content and skills that are tested on each section. They can
also read the CPA Exam Diaries, a collection of anecdotes and advice from accountants who’ve
passed the exam.
Manage your stress. Make sure students know that studying will be stressful, and that managing
that stress is key to success.
Let them know it’s OK to take a break if they need it, Usrey said. Sometimes a couple of days
away can be exactly what’s needed to return to the study process feeling ready to move forward,
he said.
Students can also draw on their experience. “Remember what you do normally—how you handle
regular exams,” Usrey said.
You may also suggest that students plan to reward themselves for their efforts. For example, they
can set up a fund to take a vacation when it’s all over, Edmonds said. Or they can plan an activity
they enjoy each time they finish a section, Blix suggested.
Above all, students should take care not to become so stressed that fear keeps them from taking
the exam, Usrey said. They should at least attempt it—even if they fail, he pointed out, they’ve
gained valuable experience in knowing what the set-up is like and what the exam room looks and
feels like. They can take that forward and feel more confident when they try again, he said.
Build the confidence of students who fail a section. If students become discouraged after
failing a section, help them to understand that, while they’re going to have to go back and start
over with studying, it doesn’t mean they’re not intelligent, Usrey said. They’re also not alone:
Only 46% to 55% of candidates passed any given section in 2016.
It can help if they try to go back and analyze what might have gone wrong, he said—maybe they
need to study more, or maybe something happened in their life that caused a distraction.
“You get to take it again, that’s the great thing—it’s not over,” Usrey said.
Edmonds advises students who fail a section to remember that they’re not alone. They may find
it cathartic to talk to others who have been in their situation, he said—either in person, or
through online forums where they can find people going through the same experience.
Faculty agree it’s important to keep things in perspective. The CPA Exam is an important exam,
but it’s just an exam. It can always be taken more than once, Edmonds points out.
“The only way you’ll fail the exam is if you quit,” he said.
Lea Hart is a freelance writer based in Durham, N.C. To comment on this story, email lead
editor Courtney Vien.
To read more Extra Credit articles, click here.
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Dallas Miles
As the accounting industry continues to search for solutions to the weakening CPA Pipeline, there
are great opportunities now that can be implemented by academic institutions to encourage
accounting students to become the next leaders in the accounting profession.
As we reported in our article, “How a Pro-CPA Campus Promotes CPA Pipeline Growth,” there are
many theories as to why there has been a confirmed discrepancy between the number of students
majoring in accounting compared to the number of CPA candidates sitting for the CPA Exam. The
solution lies in finding ways that stakeholders in the accounting profession, specifically colleges and
universities, can encourage and foster opportunities for accounting students to easily transition to
become Certified Public Accountants.
How can colleges and universities encourage CPA Pipeline growth on
their own campuses?
One way to encourage accounting students to further their careers by
obtaining the CPA credential is for accounting departments to employ
faculty who are CPAs themselves.Tweet this
How does this help the CPA Pipeline issue? According to our interview with Steve Matzke and
Joann David of the AICPA, research shows that accounting students will seek out academics who
are key influencers and have practical accounting experience and/or the CPA license. These
individuals can provide practical guidance to the CPA path. When students in a classroom
setting can visualize how a job is conducted and how to challenge and find resolutions in the
business world, it makes the field more relevant and relatable, and therefore more appealing.
How can accounting programs encourage their own faculty to sit for the
CPA Exam?
According to the Journal of Accountancy’s article, Incentivizing accounting professors to get their
Less than half (48%) of the 843 accounting faculty teaching at four-year
universities in the United States who responded to [their] 2016 survey were
active CPAs. [Their] data show[s] the obstacles that are keeping professors from
obtaining and keeping their CPAs—and how those hurdles can be overcome.
David J. Emerson, CPA, CGMA, Ph.D., and Kenneth J. Smith, CPA, DBA, who conducted the study,
presented their findings in the Incentivizing Accounting Professors to Get their CPAs infographic.
According to their research, barriers for professors in obtaining or maintaining a CPA license include
no support from their academic institutions and cost constraints. 74% of polled accounting faculty
members indicated that their institutions "should provide incentives to those who obtain and/or
maintain an active CPA license."
We reached out to one professor who never questioned the importance of obtaining her CPA license
once she began teaching at a university. Jane Adams, CPA, is a Lecturer of Accounting at
Henderson State University. She began her career in the private sector, but her passion for
accounting inspired her to transition into academia. As a new lecturer of accounting, she felt it was
extremely important to get certified as a CPA so that she could encourage other accounting students
to follow the same path.
Roger CPA Review’s interview with Jane Adams, CPA - a professor who
passed the CPA Exam to encourage her own students.
ROGER CPA REVIEW: How did you get into the accounting field? Was there a certain professor or
accounting course in school that inspired you to go into accounting as a field of study?
JANE ADAMS: I graduated from college within three years and planned to major in accounting, but
back then, the CPA Exam format was completely different than it is now. At that time, CPA
candidates sat in a room for three days and took all parts of the Exam at one time. I was terrified to
take the Exam, so I decided to change my major from accounting to business administration with
only a minor in accounting. I worked for a year after graduating from college and then went back to
obtain my Masters of Business Administration (MBA).
I continued to work full-time at a succession of jobs, but ended up at a company in their accounting
department, starting as a cost accountant. I worked for this company for over 18 years and held
successive roles, eventually reaching the top accounting spot as the controller. During my time in the
private sector, the CPA Exam changed to a new, less intimidating format. I no longer feared the
format and decided to start the journey that would eventually lead me to the CPA Exam. Since
accounting was only my minor in college, I needed 21 additional hours before I was eligible to sit for
the Exam. I began “chipping away” at these 21 hours, one course at a time. Continuing to work full-
time, now as a CFO at another company, it took me four years to complete the necessary course
I was eventually recruited by Henderson State University to teach accounting. I jumped at the
chance! I was excited to teach students in ways I wasn’t taught the material. I wanted to bridge the
gap between real-world lessons and the accounting classroom setting.
RCPAR: Do you think it is important for accounting professors to have their CPA license?
JA: Absolutely! At Henderson State University, most of the students in the accounting program have
plans to sit for the CPA Exam. Having my CPA license allows me to give students a current
perspective of the Exam and what it takes to obtain CPA licensure. I’m able to demonstrate to
accounting students what it’s like to walk the CPA path, what the journey looks like, and to set the
correct expectations for them. Having my CPA license has made me a pretty popular person in the
department amongst my students because they’re always coming to me to ask questions about the
Exam and for advice on what to study to successfully pass. It’s imperative for me to lead by example
if I want to encourage students to become CPAs.
RCPAR: Do you think it’s important for accounting professors to integrate CPA Exam concepts into
their curriculum? Why or Why not?
JA: Yes, in fact, our curriculum is largely based on the CPA Exam. We recently transitioned to
incorporate more CPA Exam material. Accounting textbooks are filled with lots of information and 17
weeks in a semester is a short period of time. Sometimes we must pick and choose what we teach,
so we are making a conscious effort to choose items that are often tested on the Exam. As
professors, we must stop and think about what accounting firms and other employers need from new
accounting graduates. We need to prepare our accounting students for the real world and most
employers want to hire CPAs. We must ask ourselves, “what can we do as professors to prepare
students for a successful career in accounting?”
RCPAR: What would you like for your students to learn from your experience in preparing, sitting for,
and passing the CPA Exam?
JA: It’s never too late! Even if I run across a student who isn’t planning on sitting for the Exam, I
always point out to them that it’s never too late to reconsider getting their CPA license. And for older
students like me, they need to be encouraged that age and point in career shouldn’t dictate whether
or not they sit for the Exam. You’re never too old to absorb new material or to learn new things.
I often find myself in my classroom repeating things that Roger says on his videos - I spent 9 months
with him so we’re pretty good friends! I’ll say, “You won’t see this on the CPA Exam or this concept
isn’t tested very often, so let’s not spend a great deal of time on it in class.” My students are so
eager to learn the mysteries of the CPA Exam and I’m glad to make it more accessible to them by
sharing what I have learned.
RCPAR: What would you say to other accounting professors who might be on the fence about
taking the CPA Exam?
JA: Do it! If you have the prerequisite accounting hours, it’s just a matter of purchasing the right
CPA Review course materials. Choose materials that make sense for you, and most importantly,
materials that will keep you engaged in the process. Studying for and passing the exam should be
easy for a professor who is already immersed in accounting curriculum.
RCPAR: What inspired you to choose Roger CPA Review as your review provider for the CPA
JA: I researched CPA Review courses online, found Roger’s free videos on YouTube and watched a
few. I was working 55+ hours as a CFO, so I needed software that was engaging, informative and
entertaining. I instantly liked Roger’s personality and how he simplified the concepts, focusing in on
the information I needed to know to pass the CPA Exam. The Roger CPA Review course is fun, and
the material can be quickly absorbed. The videos can be watched again and again, which helped
me on the more difficult concepts.
I looked at other well-known review courses, but found them to be boring. I knew I couldn’t sit and
study a book for hours or listen to instructors drone on and on. I needed a presentation format that
was easy to listen to, easy to understand, and most importantly, a format that enabled me to pass
the exams! That’s what I found with Roger CPA Review.
About Jane Adams
Professor Jane Adams is a full-time Instructional Practitioner, teaching Accounting at Henderson
State University. She's also a CFO Consultant at Munro & Company.
Help students improve their study skills
Don’t assume students come to college knowing how to study.
September 1, 2017
How accounting programs can help students pass the CPA Exam
Accounting Education
Often, faculty members assume that most college students will have similar studying habits:
carefully reading the textbook, doing example exercises, and taking notes in class for exam
review later.
But not all students come to college with a set of well-developed study skills. Some expect
their professors to explain everything in class, while others may not have had a good role
model in the past to help them develop the necessary skills.
With a little guidance, though, faculty members can encourage students to develop the
study skills they'll need to succeed as freshmen and beyond. Here are some steps you can
take to help your students become studying pros.
Get to know your students. Sometimes just helping students see the relevance of the
subject matter to their lives can motivate them to put more effort into studying, said Sidney
Askew, CPA, associate professor of accounting at Borough of Manhattan Community
College. (This is especially true of introductory classes that have many non-accounting
On the first day of class, ask students to fill out an index card that indicates their major,
where they're from, what motivates them, and why they're taking the class, he said.
"Once you know a little bit about the student, then you can think of ways to make the class
meaningful," Askew said. For example, you might discuss why financial statements are
important to a marketing major, or why a business manager would need to understand how
to prepare a budget and measure its effectiveness.
"These concepts are not that far-fetched; we use them every day," Askew said. "As you
make the class relevant and meaningful, it becomes more interesting, and that gets
students into studying for it."
Consider a daily review or evaluation. Miles Romney, CPA, Ph.D., assistant professor of
accounting at Florida State University, suggests a daily assessment in class to evaluate
students' knowledge of the work they did at home. A quick quiz can show whether students
grasp key vocabulary and concepts that were prominent in the chapter. It also emphasizes
the fact that you expect them to come to class prepared.
Be accessible and help your students evaluate their skills. Make sure you're available
to students in class and during office hours. Don't assume that students know how to study
or how much they should be studying. Askew talks with students about whether they're
allocating enough time to studying and whether they're having problems, and helps them
identify extra resources, such as online tools that often come paired with textbooks they can
use in areas of weakness.
Romney welcomes students during office hours to review any issues they had after a class
or exam. He takes time to look at whether there's a systematic problem with their
performance, and offers advice.
Sometimes Regina Brown, program coordinator and faculty member at Eastfield College in
Dallas, circulates as her class works in small groups, and helps individual students see how
to work through a problem. It's important not to single students out, she said, so she'll often
go around to every student, but spend extra time with those who need help.
Encourage them to teach themselves and one another. Brown often puts her students in
small groups for in-class work. Those groups will usually remain the same throughout the
semester. When exam review time comes, she asks students to create their own exam
reviews and present them to one another. Groups are assigned specific subject matter to
cover, and may create a game or a quiz to present to their classmates, Brown said.
"I find it sticks a little better for them, rather than me doing a review," she said.
Teach them about habits. Often, Askew shows students a concept in class and then asks
them to repeat the concept. He might ask students to come to the board or he might give a
simple quiz at the end of class. His argument is that the more students repeat something,
the more they'll remember it.
When he gets pushback about practice and repetition, he points out that the pitcher on a
baseball team might pitch 100 times during practice, or that a dancer can get better at
dancing only through practice.
"If you're doing that kind of repetition in other areas of your life, why is it that you're only
repeating the homework once or twice?" he asks them. "It's the concept of success in other
areas that we want to encourage them to apply to studying."
Lea Hart is a freelance writer based in Durham, N.C. To comment on this article, email lead
editor Courtney Vien.
Proposal Letter for School Events And
Sample proposal letter for school activity. Example of proposal letter for event.
School activity proposal sample. Sample proposal letter for school field trip.
Proposal Letter for School Event
The Principal,
XYZ School.
Sir we hope that we find you in the best of your health. We are a group of
entrepreneurs that decided to dedicate their lives just to see smiles on the
innocent faces you call students sitting in your classrooms right now. To do
what I just mentioned my team and I visited your school today, noticed how
stressed children are and decided to do something better for them. Something
that makes them smile and laugh and lose all of their academic stress and be
children for a day.
Sir we have come up with an event that not only aids the students but the
teachers as well. I’ll tell you how we aim to do that. We have decided to host a
“Play Place” event at your school where children shall be introduced to various
games, and activities. Where there’ll be a Play Land for students, a place where
they can just jump and enjoy. Moreover we are hosting various games and
activities for the teachers as well so that they can take some out of their hectic
routines as well.
We propose this event in collaboration with your school where the school will
invest nothing; all we need are smiles on the student’s faces.
Approved proposal shall be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
XYZ Group of Entrepreneurs
Proposal Letter for School Activity
The principal, American grammar School
Respected sir,
With all my due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that the English
club has decided to conduct a lifetime learning English course for this year’s
summer camp. I will be a great initiative towards the learning of English
language which will help students to get their English language test clear and
they can even easily apply for foreign universities. This camp will not be
limited to students but their siblings as well so in that way we can gather good
amount of pupil. There are 5 teachers in the department who will be teaching
this course. We have also made the lesson planner which you can find in the
attached file. I shall be really thankful to you if you take interest in this project
and allow us to conduct this course. I shall be looking forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Sara Khan
How to Write a Proposal Letter for a School Club
The principal, Learning academy
Respected sir,
With due respect, I am writing this letter to ask for your permission to launch a
new student club in our school. We have suggested the name “fun with science
club” for this new club idea. As we know that every school is now following the
modern curriculum and according to that they are teaching practical work to the
students from early age. It will also engage the interest of students as well as
parents. In this club we will teach students day to day science learning and
experiments. This club will be held once a week. Teachers from science
department are already excited for this club. We shall be really thankful to you
if you support our decision as it is in the favor for the development of the
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Sara Alex
Head of science department
Proposal Letter for School Event
To: Principal Ralph
Danbury Public School, Oklahoma, United States
I am writing to request that the school host an event. The occasion of Diwali is
coming up, which is known as the “Festival of Lights”. Indians around the
world will be celebrating this occasion.
I ask that the school hold a henna booth and a Diwali information booth to
educate students about Diwali and to have some fun with henna designs.
Please get back to me and let me know of any suggestions,
Gerald Adams
Danbury Public School, Oklahoma, United States
Application to arrange summer camp for class 4
Respected Principal,
With due respect, I sent this application to request you for the permission to
arrange summer camp for Class 4. As you know that along with education and
academics, extracurricular and recreational activities are also very necessary for
the children mental and physical growth.
It also makes them more confident and gives them a chance to socialize with
their peers in a different way. They get more comfortable with the activities and
challenges outside of classroom. For this purpose, I was thinking to arrange a
summer camp for them in the coming vacations which will include range of
activities which will focus on their skills. I also talked to a few parents
regarding this in the last parent teacher meeting to see if they were willing to
allow their children to participate in it and the response was quite positive.
I request you to consider my proposal and you may contact me in case of any
queries. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Fatima Tariq
Class Teacher of Class 4
Application to arrange summer camp for class 4
Respected Principal,
With all due respect I am writing this letter with a sincere request to please
arrange a summer camp for the class 4 students. It is important that we
introduce new and creative ways to keep students engaged with academics and
also allow them to explore and find their own creativity. With boring everyday
routines and rigorous study schedules children tend to get exhausted and as
teachers it is our duty to give their energy a boost. This summer camp will help
students engage with other students, participate in fun activities and learn
something new every day. You do not need to worry about the activities since
the teachers have planned them already.
I hope you will consider my suggestion and have a summer camp arranged for
the students of class 4.
Best Regards,
Bilal Ali