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French Revolution/Napoleon Video Assignment

Grade G9 MYP Individuals and Societies
The French Revolution or Napoleon Video: Formulate a research
question and plan of investigation related to the French Revolution OR
Napoleon, then create a 1-3 minute video to answer the question. You
will include the following:
You will be assessed on 5 parts of the task:
 research question
 plan of action
 evaluation of sources & reference list
 reflection of processes
 video
Due date:
Criterion B: Investigating (8 marks)
i. formulate/choose a clear and focused research question, explaining its relevance
ii. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question
iii. use methods to collect and record relevant information
iv. evaluate the process and results of the investigation, with guidance.
Criterion C: Communicating (8 marks)
i. communicates information and ideas in a way that is appropriate for the audience and purpose
ii. structure information and ideas according to the task instructions
iii. create a reference list and cite sources of information.
Criterion D: Thinking Critically (8 marks)
i. discuss concepts, issues, models, visual representation and theories
ii. synthesize information to make valid, well-supported arguments
iii. analyse and evaluate a wide range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, examining
values and limitations
iv. interpret different perspectives and their implications.
Your task:
Your task is to create a video that answers a research question related to the French Revolution
or Napoleon. Your video must be between 1-5 minutes.
Developing a Research Question:
Developing a good research question is one of the first important steps in the research process.
When written appropriately, the research question will guide the project and help with the
creation of a logical argument.
Your research question should be:
clear: provide enough specifics so your audience can easily understand its purpose
without needing further explanation
focused and concise: it is narrow enough that it can be answered thoroughly within the
time allotment the video task allows.
Complex: it is not answerable with a simple yes or no answer, but requires synthesis and
analysis of ideas and sources to answer the question.
arguable: the potential answers to the research question are open to debate rather than
accepted facts.
Unfocused: What is the effect on the environment from global warming?
Focused: What is the most significant effect of glacial melting on the lives of penguins in
o The unfocused research question is so broad that it couldn’t be adequately
answered in a book-length piece, let alone a standard college-level paper. The
focused version narrows down to a specific effect of global warming (glacial
melting), a specific place (Antarctica), and a specific animal that is affected
(penguins). It also requires the writer to take a stance on which effect has the
greatest impact on the affected animal. When in doubt, make a research question
as narrow and focused as possible.
Unclear: How should social networking sites address the harm they cause?
Clear: What action should social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook take to
protect users’ personal information and privacy?
o The unclear version of this question doesn’t specify which social networking sites
or suggest what kind of harm the sites might be causing. It also assumes that this
“harm” is proven and/or accepted. The clearer version specifies sites (MySpace
and Facebook), the type of potential harm (privacy issues), and who may be
experiencing that harm (users). A strong research question should never leave
room for ambiguity or interpretation.
Too simple: Too simple: How are school systems addressing childhood obesity?
Appropriately Complex: What are the effects of intervention programs in the
elementary schools on the rate of childhood obesity among 3rd - 6th grade students?
o The simple version of this question can be looked up online and answered in a few
factual sentences; it leaves no room for analysis. The more complex version is
written in two parts; it is thought provoking and requires both significant
investigation and evaluation from the writer. As a general rule of thumb, if a quick
Google search can answer a research question, it’s likely not very effective.
Creating a Plan of Investigation
This writing piece serves as an introduction to your investigation and should be written like an
introduction to an essay. It should be about 150-200 words. Follow these steps below:
State your research question
o You should briefly explain and justify the reasons for choosing your theme and
why it is important historically. Does this research question provide us with
lessons to learn from? You could write this section using first person. A starting
sentence could begin with:
E.g. “This study will seek to answer the question…. I chose this question
 To what extent was the Stalinist State established at the
expense of the Soviet people?
This investigation will contend to answer the question "to what
extent was the Stalinist state established at the expense of the Soviet
people." I will focus on the economical, agricultural and social
policies undertaken by the Stalinist dictatorship, and look into
particular detail how these policies and reforms affected the
peasantry and the proletariat in Russia.
I have chosen this topic for I am deeply interested in how Josef
Stalin managed to re-organise the Russian nation into the
superpower it had the potential to be after Russia emerged
victorious after WW2. I was amazed how quickly the country
progressed after it had been soiled and dragged in the mud by a
painful and endless tsarist autocratic rule, displaying Tsars each as
bad as the other, failing to reform in multiple aspects of Russian
life. In order to answer this question, I have structured my analysis
to firstly see what were the benefits of the changes adopted by
Stalin, and secondly if these benefits were outweighed by their
cost. In order to keep the scope of the study manageable, I have
made use of a variety of carefully selected sources, in particular a
wide range of book passages, photographs, quotes and statistics."
Define the scope of the investigation
o You should clearly identify the themes or lines of argument to be considered in
your research. You might even set out the time frame or the years that the
investigation will focus on.
 E.g. “The scope of this essay is based on women’s suffrage rights and living
standards before the fall of the Roman Empire, under Constantine up to the rise
of Christianity.
Evaluation of sources
Explain the methods (OVPL) used to evaluated your one of your sources using between 150 and
200 words.
You should explain what types of sources will be used, and which one key source you will
be evaluating and why. Refer to the (Origin Purpose Value Limitations) chart that was
given to you on OneNote. Here is a possible sentence starter:
 E.g. “In order to answer this question, I made use of a variety of sources, in
particular the following....”
 Sample:
 Hicks, L. (2010) Women and the Code Napoléon. n.d. [Online].
Retrieved on 15 September 2013 from: http://www.napoleonseries.org/research/society/c_women.html
The origin of this source is an online article named “Women and the
Code Napoléon” written by L. Hicks in 2010 available at
www.napoleon-series.org. The purpose of this source is to evaluate
causes, effects and internal events of the Napoleon Era, especially about
women’s roles in France during this period. The value in this source to
its origin is the late year of publication online and the English-speaking
background of the author; both factors mean that this piece of source has
very little direct impact from and on the French Revolution, which
decreases the involvements of great emotions toward the revolution that
makes the source biased. The value in this source to its purpose is the
focus of the Napoléon Era, which appeared after the French Revolution.
The section talks about pre-Napoléon Era give good information on how
the revolution made an influence on women’s rights later, in postrevolution period. The limitation in this source to its origin is the fact
that it was found online, which, comparing to books, is less reliable. At
the beginning of the article, the author states, “I am no expert in the
period and have the dubious honour of being a mere lawyer” (Hicks,
2010; p.1), which further more proves the possibility of the source to be
biased. The limitation in this source to its purpose is that the author paid
very small attention on women’s rights during the French Revolution, so
the topic need to be discussed here is only partially mentioned in the
You will include a reference list with a minimum of 4 reliable sources using the Harvard
Referencing Style referencing format.
Produce a Video
You will create a video that incorporates images, music, voice over and text that answers your
chosen research question. Be creative! Have fun with it! When you are finished with the video
please upload it on Managebac along with the written documents, both using the format:
Reflection of Processes:
At the completion of your research question, plan of investigation, evaluation of sources,
reference list and video production, you will write a 300-400 word reflection of your task
processes. Include the following:
An analysis and evaluation of the strengths and limitations of your video.
o You will include an appropriate balance of both strengths and limitations.
An analysis and evaluation of the strengths of your own work processes.
o You will include an appropriate balance of both strengths and limitations.
Use examples to support your points.
o E.g. for example, for instance, in particular, to illustrate…..
Suggest improvements to both your own work processes and your video.
Overall personal learning from this project.
You should include the criteria from above under these sub headings in this section.
 Evaluation of Video Task
 Own Work Processes
 Overall learning
Produce a Video
You will create a video that could include: images/music/voice over and text that answers your
chosen research question. Be creative! Have fun with it! When you are finished with the video
please upload OneDrive or a cloud of you’re your selection. Place the video link on a document
and upload the document to Managebac.
Before you submit this task have you done the following?
o Develop a research question
o Include a plan of investigation (This sections will have 150-200 words)
o Evaluate one of your sources (This section will have 150-200 words)
o Include reference list (Harvard referencing style)
o Produce a video (Video is between 1-5 minutes)
o Reflection of processes (This section will have 300-400 words)
o Evaluation of video task
o Own work proceses
o Overall learning
Criterion B - Investigating
The student:
The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors below.
i. formulates a research question that is clear or
focused and describes its relevance
ii. formulates a limited action plan to investigate a
research question or does not follow a plan
iii. collects and records limited information, not
always consistent with the research question
i. The research question is very general.
There is no description/ explanation of
your research question.
ii. Your plan includes only one of the
following stages: identifying sub questions;
defining methods to be used
in the investigation; defining sources of
iii. You provide no sources for your
i. The research question is clear and
focused, there is some
description/explanation of your research
question, but no details are provided.
The student:
i. formulates a research question that is clear and
focused and describes its relevance in detail
ii. formulates and somewhat follows a partial
action plan to investigate a research question
iii. uses a research method(s) to collect and record
mostly relevant information
iv. evaluates some aspects of the process and
results of the investigation.
ii. Your plan includes 2 of the following
stages: identifying sub-questions;
defining methods to be used in the
investigation; defining sources of
iii. You provide maximum 2 sources for
your findings. Your sources are not
entirely credible or reliable.
iv. You only provided one of the
following: limited analysis of the
strengths and limitations of the
investigation result OR limited analysis
of the strengths and limitations of the
work processes.
i.The research question is clear and
focused. There is detailed description/
explanation of your research question.
The student formulates a clear research question,
The student:
i. formulates a clear and focused research
question and explains its relevance
ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan
to investigate a research question
iii. uses research method(s) to collect and record
appropriate, relevant information
iv. evaluates the process and results of the
The student:
i. formulates a clear and focused research
question and justifies its relevance
ii. formulates and effectively follows a
comprehensive action plan to investigate a
research question
iii. uses research methods to collect and record
appropriate, varied and relevant information
iv. thoroughly evaluates the investigation process
and results.
ii. Your plan includes all of the following
stages: identifying sub-questions;
defining methods to be used in the
investigation; defining sources of
iii. You provide a maximum 3 sources for
your findings. Your sources are mostly
credible and reliable.
iv. You provided limited analysis of the
strengths and limitations of the
investigation result AND work processes.
You include mostly appropriate
suggestions to improve your own work
processes and/or the investigation
i. The research question is clear and
focused. There is excellent description/
explanation/ justification of your
research question.
ii. Your plan includes all of the following
stages: identifying sub-questions;
defining a range of methods to be used
in the investigation; defining sources of
iii. You provide maximum 5 sources for
your findings. All of your sources are
credible and reliable.
iv. You provide a comprehensive analysis of
the strengths and limitations of the
investigation result AND work processes.
You included appropriate suggestions to
improve your own work processes and/or the
investigation outcome.
The student does not reach a standard described by any of
the descriptors given below
The student:
i. communicates information and ideas in a limited way, using
a style that is limited in its appropriateness to the audience
and purpose
ii. structures information and ideas according to the specified
format in a limited way
iii. documents sources of information in a limited way.
Criterion C - Communicating
The student:
i. communicates information and ideas satisfactorily by using
a style that is somewhat appropriate to the audience and
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is somewhat
appropriate to the specified format
iii. sometimes documents sources of information using a
recognized convention.
The student:
i. communicates information and ideas accurately by using a
style that is mostly appropriate to the audience and purpose
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is mostly
appropriate to the specified format
iii. often documents sources of information using a recognized
The student:
i. communicates information and ideas effectively and
accurately by using a style that is completely appropriate to
the audience and purpose
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is completely
appropriate to the specified format
iii. consistently documents sources of information using a
recognized convention.
i. Your video communicates
information in a style that is not
appropriate for the academic
task. The message of your video
is not clearly communicated.
ii. There is no clear structure to the
progression of the information and ideas
communicated in the video. It doesn’t
meet or exceeds the allocated time
iii. There was an attempt to follow
Harvard referencing style
i. Your video communicates
information in a style that is
sometimes appropriate for the
academic task. The message of
your video is somewhat
ii. There is some structure to the
progression of the information and ideas
communicated in the video. The duration
falls within the allocated time
iii. The Harvard referencing style is
partially followed
i. Your video communicates
information in a style that is
generally appropriate for the academic
task. The message of your video is
communicated effectively and
clearly most of the time.
ii. The video is generally structured
logically to progress the information and
ideas communicated in the video. It falls
within the allocated time
iii. The Harvard referencing style is
mostly followed
i. Your video communicates
information in a style that is
appropriate for the academic
task. The message of your video
is communicated effectively,
clearly and with conviction. It
has the “Wow” factor.
ii. The video is structured logically to
progress the information and ideas
communicated in the video. It falls within
the allocated time.
iii. The Harvard referencing style is
followed completely
Criteria Level
The student:
Criterion D - Thinking critically
i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and
theories to a limited extent
ii. summarizes information to a limited extent to make
iii. describes a limited number of sources/data in terms of
origin and purpose and recognizes few values and limitation
iv. identifies different perspectives and minimal implications.
The student:
i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and
ii. summarizes information to make arguments
iii. analyses and/or evaluates sources/data in terms of origin
and purpose, recognizing some values and limitations
iv. interprets different perspectives and some of their
The student:
i. discusses concepts, issues, models, visual representation and
ii. synthesizes information to make valid arguments
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a range of sources/data
in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and
iv. interprets different perspectives and their implications.
The student:
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the
descriptors below.
i. completes a detailed discussion of concepts, issues, models,
visual representation and theories
ii. synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a wide range of
sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values
and limitations
iv. thoroughly interprets a range of different perspectives and
Your work shows minimal effort and
the most basic elements.
The information you provided is
mostly irrelevant and does not apply.
You provide poor analysis of the
i. The content of the video attempts to
analyze ideas, causes and
consequences, and at least one image.
iii. Your evaluation of sources section
describes a limited number of
sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose and recognizes few values and
Your work shows some effort.
The information you provided is more
relevant and applies to your analysis.
You provide a slightly better analysis of
the information.
i. The content of the video analyzes
ideas, causes and consequences, and at
least one image.
iii. your evaluation of sources section
analyses and/or evaluates
sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, recognizing some values
and limitations
Your work shows good effort.
The information you provided is
relevant and applies to your analysis.
Your analysis of the information is used
i. The content of the video includes a
discussion of ideas, causes and
consequences, and at least one image.
iii. Your evaluation of sources section
effectively analyses and evaluates a
range of so`urces/data in terms of
origin and purpose, recognizing
values and limitations
Your work shows excellent effort.
The research you provided is relevant
and applies to your analysis.
Your analysis of the information is used
i. The content of the video includes a
detailed discussion of ideas, causes
and consequences, and at least one
their implications.
iii. Your evaluation of sources section
effectively analyses and evaluates a
wide range of sources/data in terms of
origin and purpose, recognizing values
and limitations
Areas for improvement