Uploaded by Vincent Rai

Global Warming: Causes, Effects & Solutions Presentation

(1) What is Global warming?
 Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and
other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the
atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that
have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this
radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants,
which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere,
trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's
what's known as the greenhouse effect.
 the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity is the largest
source of heat-trapping pollution, producing about two
billion tons of CO2 every year. Coal-burning power plants
are by far the biggest polluters.
 Global warming is a long-term rise in the average
temperature of the Earth's climate system, an aspect
of climate change shown by temperature
measurements and by multiple effects of the warming.
 In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, "It
is extremely likely that human influence has been
the dominant cause of the observed warming since the
mid-20th century."[9] The largest human influence has
been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. In view of the
dominant role of human activity in causing it, the
phenomenon is sometimes called "anthropogenic global
warming" or "anthropogenic climate change".
 Carbon-dioxid9(CO2), methane, nitrous oxide, ozone(O3)
are main gasses.
 of average of temprature.
 Its a natural event but we human are also contributing to
increasein avrage temprature through our other activites.
(2) Causes
 There are two types
1) natural
2) human influences on global warming
 The climate has continuously changing for centuries. The
global warming happens because the natural rotation of
the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving
closer to the earth.
 Volcanic eruptions
 Another cause of global warming is greenhouse
gases. Greenhouse gases are carbon monoxide and
sulphur dioxide it trap the solar heats rays and prevent it
from escaping from the surface of the earth. This has
cause the temperature of the earth increase.
 Finally, methane is another issue that causes global
warming, its also a greenhouse gas. Methane is more
effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere that carbon
dioxide by 20 times. Usually methane gas can release
from many areas. For instance, it can be from cattle,
landfill, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining,
mobile explosion, or industrial waste process.
Human influences on global warming
 Deforestation or cattle rearing
 Landfills
 Population
 Industrial revolution
 Burning fossil fules
 Water waste
 Greenhouse effects
Deforestation or cattle rearing
 Conversion of forests for other land uses.
 Forest fires
 Illegal and unsustainable logging: Illegal logging occurs in all
types of forests across all continents.
 Fulewood harvesting
 Mining
 Climate change (natural & human effects)
 Landfills are sites designated for dumping rubbish,
garbage, or other sorts of solid wastes.
 Solid waste
 Agricultural waste
 Industry, manufacturing and construction waste
 Population growth
Urbanization Rapid increase in urbanization over that years
has filled up the landfills. Plastics and all sorts of toxins are a
part of urbanization which is indeed dumped in the nearby
Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the
number of existing humanpopulation exceeds the carrying
capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by number of
factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities,
depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which
results in overpopulation.
 Immigration
 Lack of family planning
Industrial revolution
 Population growth
 Political and economical competition
 Innovation and new technology
 Easy Transport systems
Burning fossil fuels
A fuel which burns completely in the air at a moderate rate and
produces a large amount of energy is known as an ideal fuel.
Carbon fuels such as wood, coal, petroleum release unburnt
carbon particles in the environment.
When fuels are incompletely burnt, they release carbon
monoxide gas into the atmosphere.
The combustion of fossil fuels also releases a large amount of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a
greenhouse gas which is responsible for global warming.
Burning of coal and diesel releases sulphur dioxide gas. This
gas is extremely corrosive and suffocating in nature.
Petrol gives off oxides of nitrogen. The oxides of sulfur and
nitrogen get dissolved in rainwater and form acids. This is
known as acid rain. This water is very harmful to plants,
animals, and various monuments.
Water waste
Humans are the main cause of water pollution, which is
triggered in many ways:
 oil refinery or hauling ship that contributed a
massive amount of pollution within a single area.
 Dumping of industrial waste; due to temperature rise, that cause
the alteration of water by reducing the oxygen in its composition.
 Deforestation
 the pesticides used in agricultural fields filter through
underground channels and reach the consumption networks.
 And also as a result of accidental spillage of oil.
 Once water becomes polluted it becomes unsafe for
consumption due to the dangerous or toxic
materials that are contained within the water.
Greenhouse Effects
 Greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere by absorbing some of
the thermal radiation emitted from the Earth's surface.
 Some of the thermal radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse
gases instead of being re-transmitted out to space, and so there is
a warming of the atmosphere.
 carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O),
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and ozone. Water vapour is also an
important greenhouse gas.
 The main effects caused by the rise in the greenhouse gases are
droughts, flooding, melting of snow, extreme weather conditions,
natural calamities, rising sea level.
 Amount of greenhouses gasses has been increased due to
deforestation, burning fossil fuels, landfills, water waste etc.
 The Industrial Revolution has resulted in an increase in the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere of about 30%
Increased amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will
absorb more thermal radiation, and the Earth's surface and the lower
atmosphere will warm. This extra warming is called the enhanced
greenhouse effect.
 Hotter days
In the past few years records have being broken for longest
heatwaves and the Bureau of Meteorology has added purple and
magenta to the forecast map for temperatures up to 54°C.
The Earth's temperature had already warmed by 1°C compared to
pre-industrial levels.
 Rising sea level
Increased ocean temperatures are melting glaciers and ice caps
all over the world. Melted ice increases the volume of water in our
Warmer temperatures also result in the expansion of the water's
mass, which causes sea levels to rise, threatening low-lying islands
and coastal cities.
 More frequent and intense extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like bushfires, cyclones, droughts and
floods are becoming more frequent and more intense as a result of
global warming.
 Oceans are warming and acidifying
The oceans have absorbed most of extra heat and carbon dioxide
(CO2) so far – more than the air – making the seas both warmer and
more acidic.
Warming waters are bleaching coral reefs and driving stronger
storms. Rising ocean acidity threatens shellfish, including the tiny
crustaceans without which marine food chains would collapse.
 Ecosystems
Global warming stresses ecosystems through temperature rises,
water shortages, increased fire threats, drought, weed and pest
invasions, intense storm damage and salt invasion.
 Food and farming
Changes to rainfall patterns, increasingly severe drought, more
frequent heat waves, flooding and extreme weather make it more
difficult for farmers to graze livestock and grow produce, reducing
food availability and making it more expensive to buy.
 Health
Mosquito-borne diseases are probably the greatest threat
to humans as they include malaria, elephantiasis, Rift
Valley fever, yellow fever, and dengue fever, skin
diseases etc.
 Coral bleaching
Rising temperatures and acidity within our oceans is contributing
to extreme coral bleaching events, like the 2016 event that destroyed
more than one-third of the Great Barrier Reef.
 Water
Reduced rainfall and increasingly severe droughts may lead to
water shortages.
 Plant trees
Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming
then any other method. They not only give oxygen but also
take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis,
which is the main source of global warming.
 Go solar
 Reduce water waste
 Drive a fuel-efficient vehicles
 You can offset the carbon you produce by purchasing
carbon offsets
 Save energy
 Become Aware of Your Contribution
With technology within your fingertips, finding information
about protecting the environment is everywhere. To help emit
less CO2, the first step is being aware of how much you
 Spread the Awareness
Always try your best to educate people about global
warming and it’s causes and after affects. Tell them how they
can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for
the environment.