Future Teacher Internship Buddy Day Visit On Buddy Day I visited the kindergarten classroom at ______NorthLake____________. The kindergarten teacher’s name is _______________Perdomo_____________________. My usual field site placement is ____Garland High School ______________. Compare and contrast your visitation site with your usual field site in the following areas: number of students; classroom size, décor; activities done by the children; teaching style/methods used by teacher; duties of the usual FTI student; what YOU did during the Buddy Day Visit. Buddy Day Visit Usual Field Site_________ No. of Students: ___________________________________22___________________________________ _ Classroom size, décor, arrangement _______________________________________________________________________ Activities done by the children _______________________________________________________________________ Teaching style/methods used by teacher Duties of the usual FTI student ________________________________________________________________________ What did you do while you were in your Buddy Day Visit classroom? What did you observe to be the biggest difference between your regular site and the class that you visited on Buddy Day? Explain.