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Kindergarten Lesson Plan: Self-Awareness & Development

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Planning the inquiry
1. What is our purpose?
To inquire into the following: WHO WE ARE
● Transdisciplinary theme: An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights
and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central idea : Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests
informs our learning and development.
Summative assessment task(s):
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central
idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions will we look for?
Students will be assessed through:
● Classroom agreements of students social behaviour will be displayed in
classroom (whole group discussion)
● Students will draw examples of their social behaviour , for example, how
they behave at home or in school, what they like to do in their free
time.(Interviews. Recorded videos of students presenting their drawings
will be uploaded to Seesaw)
● Matching activities (Observations),
● Drawings (self portraits will be displayed as classroom decoration and
later kept in each student’s portfolio),
● Artwork.:
○ Modeling clay crafts (photo of crafts will be uploaded to Seesaw)
○ Decorated by students T-shirts.
● Sorting activities (photo of “Map out”activities will be displayed as
classroom decoration and kept in students portfolio).
Students should be able to:
● Identify and name body parts (english and khmer language).
● Identify and name Sensory system’s components and talk about purpose
of each sense.
● Sort various items according to the sences students use.
● Make self portrait from modeling clay.
● Draw their self portrait.
● Talk about their abilities and interests.
● Emphasise disabled people's feelings.
● Explain what they have similar and different between themselves and
Age group: 5-6
years old
School: Asia-Pacific Fredfort International School
School code: 301274
Title: Our abilities and interests help us learn and develop.
Academic Deputy Director - Benjun Casinas
PYP Coordinator - Vong Sam Aun
Homeroom - Elena Bulbas
Music - Keth Songva
PE - Eng Jean-Remi
Khmer Language - Sok Sros, Sok Sreyleak
Visual Art - Long Sam Nang
Dance - Yon Davy
Guidance counselor: Kewin Jack
Date 3 Sep. 2018-8 Nov 2018
Proposed duration: 39 leaning days Total: 110 hours over 7 weeks
2. What do we want to learn?
What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry?
● Form
● Perspective
● Reflection
What are related concepts used to support the key concepts?
Identity, Similarities and Differences.
What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea?
1. Physical, social and emotional characteristics.
2. Similarities and differences between ourselves and others.
3. Personal abilities and interests
What subjects-focused will define each scope of lines of inquiry?
Subject Focused:
PSPE: Identity
What are possible subject integrations within this inquiry?
Describe how they have grown and changed and talk about new abilities.
Subject Integration:
Maths: Strand - Number:
■ Count the number of objects in a set (0-20);
■ Compare sets 0-10 by matching, order sets of objects by
■ Combine sets of objects, total to 10
English and Khmer Languages: Strand - Receptiveness to language :
● Oral - Listen to stories and respond to it;
○ Using tones of voice expressing various
○ Adopt verbal and non-verbal behaviour to
maintain the attention of partners.
● Reading - Developing awareness of some letters-sound
○ play language to develop awareness sound
● Writing - Write and draw frequently
PSPE: Strand - Identity:
● Develop an understanding of our own feelings and
interests and how they shape us;
● Develop awareness of themselves and how they are
similar and different to others.
● Understand that there are many factors that contribute
to a person’s identity;
● Have an awareness of the qualities, abilities, character
and characteristics that make up our own identity.
● Understand and be able to identify their emotions in
order to regulate their emotional responses and
Visual Arts: Strand - Creative processes:
● Use art to express themselves;
● Use a variety of different starting points for artwork
including the immediate environment and their own
experiences (memories, imagination and dreams).
● Produce 2-D and 3-D works of art.
What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?
What is a “characteristic”? (Form)
What emotions we know? (Form)
Which characteristics we have? (Identity)
What do we have similar with others? (Similarities and Differences)
What can be different between ourselves and others? (Similarities and
3. How might we know what we have learned?
This column should be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?”
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills?
What evidence will we look for?
➢ We will have group discussions, where students will relate to:
- What emotions they know.
- What their understanding of the words: “characteristics”,
“abilities” are.
- What are their favorite things to do, favorite places to go or
food to eat?
➢ Students will sort and match various Math manipulatives: “Fill the
bucket with apples”, “Number puzzles”, “Number 1-10 clip cards” where
they will demonstrate their Number recognition skills, matching
numeral to corresponding picture, subitizing.
➢ Students will assemble magnetic letters on the whiteboard in
alphabetical order.
➢ Students will match pictures with their initial letter - “Gingerbread
man”, “Penguin”, etc.
➢ Students will draw themselves and name body parts.
➢ Students will talk about social behaviors they know.
➢ Students will sensory systems they know and talk about them.
➢ Students explaining their drawings, showing their thoughts nonverbally or point to corresponding picture/image.(recorded video on
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of
the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for?
What is an “ability”? (Form)
What is an “interest”? (Form)
Which interests do we have? (Identity)
Which abilities do we have? What can you do? (Identity)
What is a disability? (Form)
Can people live without some abilities? (Perspective)
How people with limited abilities live their lives? (Reflection)
How should we behave around people with limited abilities? (Reflection)
4. How best might we learn?
What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to
encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving
● There will be pictures of various emotions and facial expressions such
as emojis representing sadness, happiness, misbehaving, concentration,
having a positive mind set, etc. Students will .demonstrate images to
each other and describe what they think is in the picture.
● Different toy musical instruments, carton tubes, bamboo sticks, plastic
cups, basketball hoop, gymnastic balls, rubber balls, building blocks,
various art and craft material (modeling clay, colored paper) will be
placed in classroom, to help students discover field of their interests.
● Students will play various games to help them understand what are the
physical characteristics and why people need their limbs, senses, why
we need emotions.
● In class will be various vocabulary picture books, flashcards, puzzles,
vocabulary boards (dry- erase), dolls, cut and glue pictures, matching
games with body parts names in English and Khmer language. These
should help children recognize words about body parts and broaden
their vocabulary. (Language)
● Students will listen to books read aloud, watch cartoons about social
● To develop awareness of themselves and how they are similar and
different to others, students will observe and describe each other.
● Students will listen to invited guests (people with limited abilities,
medical doctor) in order to develop understanding of how our bodies
work. From people with limited abilities, students might learn how lack
of even one sense affects person’s feelings, learning, adapting in life.
Students will draw pictures of their favorite things, actions/scenarios
and explain their drawings. (Drawings will be saved into their portfolios.
Interview video will be recorded and uploaded to Seesaw).
Students will match vocabulary words to body parts image. (Photo of
compleet manipulative will be saved to their portfolio and some
worksheets will be added to their profile)
Students understand what are the physical characteristics and why
people need their limbs, senses, why we need emotions. (Photos of
Students will reflect on discussion with invited guests, stories they’ve
listened, cartoons they’ve watched, emphasising on characters feelings,
emotions, behavior patterns. (Recorded video of group discussions,
uploaded on Seesaw).
Maths: Strand - Number:
Students are able to build structures, count used objects: reassemble
structures: count with 1:1 correspondence; name various ways to
demonstrate a number (numerals, words, pictures, tally marks, dice, ten
After, students will discuss and reflect on what they’ve heard.
● Students will find in class various activities to develop their
understanding of their sensory system. They will sort various objects
into corresponding sense bucket; they will smell various substances,
fruits, vegetables, with their eyes closed set of items, to identify it.
● Students will listen to “We’re All Wonders” by R.J. Palacio, watch video
material about accident survivors, cartoons about people with limited
abilities to emphasize of how they feel, their social integration.
● Students will visit Climbing Center to help them discover their abilities.
● There will be magnifying glass to explore classroom environment to
discover that there are tools to enhance our vision. They will research
which other tools there are to help people with limited abilities.
● Maths: Strand - Number:
Students are able to act out different scenarios, using tones of voice
expressing various emotions.
Assemble letters in alphabetical order, construct letters from playdough, felt stripes, ect.
Match pictures to their initial letter/sound.
Identify certain words (numeral names, color names, body part names).
Students will play with building blocks, cups, beads, jelly beans. They will build
structures and then asked to count how many blocks, beads etc. they’ve used.
Students will reassemble structures differently using same number of objects.
Students will play Count the room game (use different type of steps - baby
steps, normal steps, adult steps, jumps, side steps, backward steps, to measure
classroom’s, their home’s length and width). Students will assemble various
puzzles with numbers. Colored paper stripes and stickers will be placed on the
table, students will choose color and design to attach 10 stickers on a paper
sheet. Afterwards, they will discuss and present their work to each other,
explaining their choice. Next, students will create a number line, using same
materials in order to analyse and compare, that same number can be
demonstrated in many ways.
● English and Khmer Languages:
Visual Arts: Strand - Creative processes:
Students will listen to books read aloud.
Students can use various art materials to create: their self-portraits;
express their field of interest through drawings.
They will assemble magnetic letters in alphabetical order. They will play “Make
a Letter” using colorful felt stripes, to develop their letter recognition and
steps to write letters. Students will observe and evaluate which shape and size
of a stripe they must use to demonstrate certain letter.
English and Khmer Languages: Strand - Receptiveness to language :
PSPE: Strand - Identity:
Students understand their feelings, can explain how they feel, can talk
about why they feel certain emotion, talk about how their behavior
affects on their relation with peers.
They can spot and talk about similarities and differences between
themselves and their peers.
Can talk about what they like and why it is in their field of interest.
There will be choice of manipulatives to match pictures to their initial
letter/sound. Students will color Beginning sound coloring pages, where they
will have to analyse which pictures there are, what are their names and what
are the initial letters/sound.
To develop their vocabulary, their spelling and writing skills, students will use
“write and erase” picture books. To demonstrate their progress, students will
match various pictures to corresponding words.
Students will search for words that starts with the” letter of the day” from
various vocabulary books, classroom decorations and copy them where they
will choose (their workbooks, sticky notes)
There will be coise of letter matching puzzles, bilingual vocabulary books,
“Fishing letter” game to help students learn Khmer alphabet.
Visual Arts: Strand - Creative processes:
Students will find in class various art supplies (color paper, glitter adhesive
paper, modeling clay) to discover which interest in Visual Arts do they have.
Students will draw their self portraits and discuss their differences.
Students will color blank carton paper that is cut in shape of a jigsaw puzzle,
according to their imagination, preferred colors, patterns, designs. Students
will express their feelings and ideas about each other’s work through
discussion. This activity should help students learn, how their personal
qualities (identity) and interests shape them; to learn that “big picture” society is made of “small details” - individuals.
Students will make their self portraits from modeling clay. It will illustrate
each student’s fine-motor skill development and their interest.
Music: Strand - Creative processes:
Students will play with different music toys and instruments, to demonstrate
how their choice, their interest, reflect on their ability to create a music
pattern, work as a group.
Students will have free play time to explore which everyday objects can be
used to produce sound and compose a music pattern..
● Together with teacher, students will formulate classroom agreements
to help them understand importance of social behavior.
● Students will draw examples of their social behaviour , for example,
how they behave at home or in school, what they like to do in their free
● Students will map out the emojis into “DOs and DON'Ts” posters.
● Students will decorate a t-shirt according to their interests related to
their feelings, behaviour, etc..
What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for
the development of the attributes of the learner profile?
Thinking skills;
● Acquisition of of Knowledge - Students will gain knowledge about their
own interests, abilities, disabled people’s feelings, expand their
Comprehension - Students will learn to understand why people have
different emotions, how they can use their abilities, how their interests
can influence their life.
Analysis - students will analyse what they see in pictures, analyse
words to identify (hear) beginning letters/sounds.
Social skills:
● Respecting others - While playing games with a blindfold, or one of
their hands tied to their body, during whole group discussions students
will learn to listen attentively to each other and take fair decisions.
● Cooperating - While arranging number of objects, playing with
puzzles, using craft materials in art activities or during small groups
activities students will learn to share materials and take turns.
● Adopting a variety of group roles - While discussing about various
scenarios of behavior, arranging emojis into “DOs and DON'Ts” posters
students will understand what behaviour is appropriate and start acting
Communication skills
● Listening.
● Speaking.
● Viewing.
● Presenting.
● Non-verbal communication
Students will be listening to stories, answering questions, presenting their
drawings, demonstrate various emotions through role play. While presenting
their drawings students will practice to speak clear with appropriate voice
level, analysing pictures, video material and stating their opinion to convey
their ideas.
Self-management skills:
★ Gross motor skills,
★ Safety,
★ Healthy lifestyle.
When students will visit climbing center, during PE classes, .
★ Fine motor skills - When students will work with stickers, modeling
clay, and various craft material.
★ Codes of behavior - Following class routines, performing classroom
“jobs”, while discussing about various scenarios of behavior, arranging
emojis into “DOs and DON'Ts” posters students will demonstrate what
rules of behaviour they know and how they apply them.
Research skills:
● Observing - While coloring letter mazes, during matching pictures to
their initial letter/sound, while sorting items into “sensory buckets”
● Collecting data - While listening to books read aloud, watching video
material, during their search for words that starts with the” letter of
the day” from various vocabulary books, classroom decorations .
● Inquirers.
● Thinkers.
● Caring
● Risk-takers.
● Empathy.
● Curiosity.
● Confidence.
● Tolerance.
5. What resources need to be gathered?
What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvwOXmiWaG0 Wheelchair Using Princess | Pop'n'Olly |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j1KS7rXyjU 'Not Your Typical Dragon' by Dan Bar-el - READ ALOUD FOR KIDS!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4frsp-rR6c&list=PLAJFhAOG3SCd4XvNshmIvesc7i1sHIr55 Tamara, Disney like animation short
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoYnh39eXPE Don't Call me Special Story Good Copy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOD5MbRKTPg What I Like About Me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iFWyihDvCE An Animated Story of a boy who hates his disabled dog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsISd1AMNYU&list=PLLTVNdg1HWcijDFjQzFMAh35NBjbEPVj2&index=8 The Feelings Song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXXiyIGqliE Five Senses Song | Song for Kids | The Kiboomers
Books from Classroom library:
● “Being messy” By Joy Berry.
● “Helping is fun” By Alice Greenspan.
● “It’s my turn” David Bedford and Elaine Field.
● “Our feelings” by Monica Hughes.
● “How can I feel” by Annie Kubler.
● “That’s not my hobby!” by Rosalie Elsenstein and Andy Hammond.
● “This is me” by Monica Hughes.
● “MINE !” by Sarah Hammond.
● “We’re All Wonders” by R.J. Palacio.
● “My first learning book of MY BODY” Vocabulary book.
● “My first learning book of GOOD MANNERS”
How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry?
● Students will be practicing swimming in big swimming pool
● Students will visit Clip’N Climb facility at Kids City.
● There will be variety of toy music instruments, art and craft material.
6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding
of the central idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and
teaching of the inquiry should be included.
❖ Students showed good understanding or their sensory system and how
people use it. They touched and smelled almost everything in classroom.
They sorted items into “Sensory buckets” even without teacher’s
explanation and prompting.
❖ With enthusiasm students reacted to a game where they were
“scientists”. With blindfold on, they had to use their sense of smell to
identify different specimen (garlic, lime, chilli, onion, coffee, candied
❖ During PE sessions, most of students were active. One of routine
activities became “Morning and afternoon exercise”. At the beginning of
unit, they followed workout video and teacher’s instructions. Around
mid October I asked students if they could create their exercises by
themselves. By the end of unit, students organized and came up with
moves for morning and afternoon exercises on their own, with minimal
guidance from teachers. During whole class discussions, they explained
why is it important to have active lifestyle. Often, I observed that more
dynamic students encouraged unenthusiastic ones to be more active
and not to be shy.
❖ At their field trip to climbing facility, most of students impressed me
with their enthusiasm and willingness to take risk and try to conquer all
kinds of available surfaces. Only 3 out of 12 students remained reluctant
to the environment and refused to even try their abilities. When I asked
students what they liked the most during this unit, majority said that
they’d like to repeat visit to the climbing facility.
❖ When I offered students to play with blindfold and game where they
would pretend that one of their arms is in cast and not functioning, they
were very excited and everyone laughed, After spending a while with
7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?
What were the learning experiences that enabled students to:
● develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to
KEY CONCEPTS: Form, Perspective, Reflection.
RELATED CONCEPTS: Identity, Similarities and Differences.
★ Students talked about, played games where they demonstrated different
emotions and how to deal with negative emotions. Many times, when
some students were upset/cried, others comfort them, offered tissues
to dry tears, hugged and encouraged their friend.
★ Students sorted toys, chairs, different objects, pictures, flashcards they
found in class by their characteristics.
★ Students matched pictures of various activities with their abilities..
★ At the beginning of the year we created a height chart, students later
kept comparing each other’s height, whether they’ve grown taller or not.
★ After students listened to guest speakers from blind community, they
started acting with more care towards one another. One time, I fell
down in classroom, immediately students rushed to help me get up.
demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary
Thinking skills:
★ When Students observed various pictures; when they played with “ ABC
action cards”, they thought of an action they can perform; when they
thought of a way how to reassemble number of blocks they used earlier
for a building a structure; when they had to analyse images and color
only ones that began with certain letter; when they sorted items into
“sensory buckets”.
Social skills:
★ When students played “Two stubborn goats” , one student kept advising
players to “give way” so both they could cross the narrow “bridge”. I
asked him to share his thoughts, the answer was:”The bridge is very
one arm tied up to their body, one student started crying. When I asked
what was the problem, she said that she can’t do things the way she
wants. However her classmates started comforting her, to stop her
sobbing. I observed other students helped each other and tried to put
one another’s shoes on.
❖ Students found several ways to use carton tubes, that were in classroom.
They used them as loudspeakers/hearing aid, music instruments, some
students even “make hands big”. When I asked why they needed such
long hands, they said they wanted to reach ceiling.
❖ I observed several times, that students discussed and compared their
clay autoportraits and their “selfie”drawings. They expressed their
opinion about each other’s work.
❖ I observed students played with pictures of sensory system. They placed
pictures of an eye, mouth, ear, nose to their faces. To my question what
does that mean, the answer was : “I have this big ear and now I hear
good.” ect.
How you could improve on the assessment task (s) so that you would have a more
accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the central idea.
❖ Later in the year, I would introduce to students concept of self
assessment and peer assessment.
❖ I think “teach a friend” would be welcomed by students.
❖ I will use more Venn diagrams.
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and
the transdisciplinary theme?
● Transdisciplinary theme: An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and
values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights
and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central idea : Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests
informs our learning and development.
★ Students talked about their interests, what they like to do in their
free time, what they would want to do when they grow up.
★ Students played game “Two stubborn goats”. We made a “bridge”
out of chairs and two students had to pass the “bridge” each one
to the opposite side at the same time. They learned that if people
take in consideration other people’s needs, respect one another
and compromise, they can achieve their goal.
★ Students made conclusion that if they don’t exercise, “their
muscles would be weak and they would not be able to run, play
and lift things.”
★ One student is passionate about geography. So I asked him to
small and if they will push each other, they both will fall down! They
need to hold to each other and slowly turn and they can pass!”
★ When they shared their lunch to each other; when they comforted
crying fellow student, when they tried to help me stand up, after my fall
in classroom; when we had whole group discussion, they played with
toys, assembled puzzles, students understood the benefits of taking
turns and plan who’s turn will follow.
Communication skills
★ When students watched video material, some students were distracted,
while others listened attentively. When they discussed pictures,
presented their drawings, they held pictures so listeners could see the
image and spoke so others can hear and understand them. Though some
students struggled to use appropriate voice tone.
Self-management skills:
★ When we visited climbing facility; during PE sessions, when they played
basketball, practiced taekwondo with teacher JR, had swimming
sessions, created morning exercises; During Visual Art sessions,
students learned to use craft materials, such as passing scissors safely;
when they adapted different roles of assigned classroom jobs. One
student took very responsibly his role of “Teacher Assistant” he
reminded misbehaving students to follow classroom rules, to listen
carefully, to arrange their stationary, put students stars at the
attendance chart, etc.
Research skills:
★ When they searched words that start with letter of the day; when they
researched school yard and classroom with magnifying glass, students
looked for tiny details; when they had sorting activities, they observed
certain details and attributes of sorted objects.
● develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes?
In each case, explain your selection.
● Inquirers- Students asked questions about some new items I’ve brought
in for “sensory buckets”; addressed their questions to invited guests in
order to learn about their feelings, life style, ect.
● Thinkers- Students thought of new ways how to assemble number of
objects; they thought of their pretend play coffee shop details; when
they sorted objects by different attributes, ect.
● Caring - Students shared their lunch one to another; comforted their
hurt or crying fellow student or teacher; helped each other tidy up and
arrange used materials back on shelves.
● Risk-takers - Some students had to overcome their fear of swimming
pool, then their peers encouraged to join rest of class into small pool to
play and learn swimming; Most students demonstrated that they are
show to his classmates location of mentioned country on the
World Map. Every time that happened, it drove discussions about
where some students traveled, which characteristics people from
other countries have.
8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning?
Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any
that were incorporated into the teaching and learning.
❖ There were few occasions, when our group discussions about what is
similar and different in students looks, turned into students expressing
ideas that people with light skin tone are “smarter” that people with
darker skin. That fact alarmed me very much. I asked students that
shared these thoughts, to evaluate her work (drawings, art works) and
compare it with another students work. Mentioned student chose the
best (in her opinion) drawing, clay model of another student (who turned
out to have darker skin). I wanted students to understand that skin tone
is not related to people's abilities.
❖ One student got very emotional after I showed a video of a burn victim,
during whole class discussion. I wanted students to learn that if a
person looks different, he still has feelings and emotions, most of times,
even stronger, However they don’t give up, but conquer their condition
and achieve impressive result in sports and other areas.
At first I thought that student got frightened by victim’s scarred face.
After a one to one discussion, I learned that I have in class a big
EMPATH. He imagined that he will suffer as much as person in video.
This lead to a discussion about fire safety and what kids should do in
emergency situations.
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn” and
highlight the teacher questions/provocations that were most effective in driving the
The most effective questions:
● What emotions we know? (Form)
● What do we have similar with others? (Similarities and Differences)
● What can be different between ourselves and others? (Similarities and
risk-takers in climbing facility.
● Empathy-Student who got very emotional when they watched video
about burn victim; when students pretended that one of their hands is
inactive, they helped each other.
● Tolerance - When we had discussions about differences and similarities,
students began to accept other person’s opinion, feelings, emotions,
differences in their appearance, abilities.
Which interests do we have? (Identity)
Which abilities do we have? What can you do? (Identity)
Can people live without some abilities? (Perspective)
How should we behave around people with limited abilities? (Reflection)
What student-initiated actions arose from the learning?
Record student-initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability
to reflect, to choose and to act.
★ One morning, at their free play time, girls created a “Maui Coffee Shop”
where they “served” custom made “milkshakes”. They used building blocks
as their ingredients and described the taste, flavors, how they felt about their
★ At their snack time, I observed two students shared their treats with each
other. I asked them why they decided to share, the answer was : “Because
she has this snack that I like so I give her little bit of mine and I take little bit
of her snack.” To my question,if they would share with someone else, they
started inviting rest of students to join in.
★ Another time I observed students free play, when they gathered easels,
pillows, chairs and created a “home”. To my question who was who,
students explained roles each of them played : momy, a baby, an uncle,
Later I asked them to describe characteristics of each family member.
★ When Students searched for words that starts with the letter of the day,
student who’s passionate about geography, took globe and rest of the class
joined him. Search of words transformed into country search and discussion
how people look around the world.
★ One of the students preferred activities was building structures, counting
how many blocks they’ve used and reassembling them.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011