WORKING PAPER Dody Sukoco LATAR BELAKANG BACKGROUND WASTE EFFECT SOLUTION TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION ADVERSE EFFECT: ENVIRONMENT PROCEESING THE USED LUBRICANT OIL BECOME HOUSEHOLDS OIL 2 PURPOSE PROBLEM FORMULA Whether the used lubricant oil can be converted to mrtwith a mixture of wuluh starfruit extract? How the used lubricant oil conversion techniques into MRT with a mixture of wuluh starfruit extract? How the future prospects of processing used oil into MRT? RESEARCH METHOD SCHEME OF MINI DESTILATOR Pipe Combustion slinder Bunsen/ stove Explanation : = Smoke = Vapor Condensor Container SCHEME OF CONDENSATOR SURYA CELL PROCEDURE TO MAKE MRT 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 8 10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 17 SCHEME OF VISCOSITY SILINDER 10 RESULT TABLE OF VISCOSITY CLASSIFICATION Num Kind of oil Creeping time (s) Amount oil (mL) average s1 s2 s3 s4 1 kerosene 1000 190 193 186 187 189.00 2 gasoline 1000 184 182 181 181 182.00 3 diesel fuel 1000 214 213 213 212 213.00 4 Lubricant Oil 1000 242 243 245 244 243.50 5 Ethanol 100% 1000 180 177 179 180 179.00 TABLE OF FIRST STEP VISCOSITY Amount of The Num used lubricant oil The addition of substances Amount The addition of Creeping time (s) substances Average Oil Result of first step (mL) (mL) s1 s2 s3 s4 1 100 197 199 197 197 197.50 1210 2 200 197 198 197 197 197.25 1347 3 300 197 197 196 197 196.75 1381 4 400 196 197 196 197 196.50 1405 500 196 196 196 196 196.00 1401 600 195 196 197 195 195.75 1291 7 700 195 196 197 196 196.00 1325 8 800 194 195 195 195 194.75 1371 9 900 194 195 196 196 195.25 1243 10 1000 193 193 194 195 193.75 1300 11 100 196 196 196 194 195.50 845 12 200 196 195 193 192 194.00 837 13 300 196 195 195 193 194.75 856 14 400 197 196 196 196 196.25 847 Wuluh starfruit 500 197 196 196 196 196.25 834 extract 600 198 196 195 196 196.25 869 17 700 197 195 197 198 196.75 851 18 800 198 198 197 197 197.50 842 19 900 200 199 198 198 198.75 843 20 1000 199 198 200 199 199.00 847 (mL) 5 6 15 16 1000 1000 Sulfuric acid TABLE OF FIRST STEP COLOUR No Amount the used The addition of lubricant oil (mL) substances Amount The addition of substances Colour criteria (mL) 1 100 Hitam 2 200 Hitam 3 300 Cokelat hitam 4 400 Cokelat hitam 500 Cokelat kehitaman 600 Cokelat kehitaman 7 700 Cokelat kehitaman 8 800 cokelat hitam 9 900 Cokelat kehitaman 10 1000 Cokelat kehitaman 11 100 Cokelat kehitaman 12 200 Cokelat kehitaman 13 300 Cokelat kehitaman 14 400 Cokelat kemerahan 500 Cokelat kemerahan 600 Cokelat 17 700 Cokelat 18 800 Cokelat 19 900 Cokelat pudar 5 6 15 16 1000 1000 Sulfuric acid Wuluh starfruit extract TABLE OF SECOND STEP VISCOSITY The addition of No substances On first step Amount The addition of substances Creeping time (s) Amount Oil Result Activated average of second clay (Gram) s1 s2 s3 s4 1 100 195 195 194 194 194.50 1010 2 200 194 192 193 195 193.50 1095 300 192 190 191 193 191.50 1118 4 400 193 190 192 193 192.00 1198 5 500 193 194 193 193 193.25 1215 6 100 193 193 193 192 192.75 723 7 200 191 192 190 190 190.75 750 300 191 193 192 190 191.50 789 9 400 193 193 193 193 193.00 812 10 500 194 193 192 193 193.00 849 3 8 Sulfuric acid Wuluh starfruit extract On first step (mL) 1000 200 step (mL) TABLE OF SECOND STEP COLOUR Amount The No The addition addition of Amount of substances substances Activated On first step On first step clay (Gram) Color criteria (mL) 1 100 Cokelat kehitaman 2 200 Cokelat 300 Cokelat kekuningan 4 400 Cokelat kekuningan 5 500 Cokelat kekuningan 6 100 Cokelat kekuningan 200 Cokelat kekuningan 300 Cokelat kuning 400 Cokelat kuning 500 Cokelat kuning cerah 3 Sulfuric acid 7 Wuluh 8 starfruit 9 extract 10 1000 200 TABLE OF BLENDING VISCOSITY The addition of No substances On first step Amount The addition of substances On first step (mL) Amount Activated clay (Gram) Kind of blending oil Amount Creeping time (s) Blending Average (mL) s1 s2 s3 s4 Oil result (mL) 1 250 189 188 189 188 188.50 1368 2 500 189 187 187 186 187.25 1618 750 189 187 188 187 187.75 1868 1000 187 185 185 184 185.25 2118 5 1250 187 185 185 184 185.25 2368 6 1500 187 186 185 186 186.00 2618 7 250 187 186 185 186 186.00 1000 8 500 187 186 186 187 186.50 1250 750 189 186 186 186 186.75 1500 1000 188 187 186 187 187.00 1750 11 1250 188 189 187 187 187.75 2000 12 1500 189 188 188 188 188.25 2250 3 4 Sulfuric acid 9 Wuluh starfruit 10 extract kerosene 200 200 Plastic oil TABLE OF BLENDING COLOUR No The addition of Amount The addition of substances substances On first step On first step (mL) Amount Activated Kind of blending Amount Blending clay (Gram) oil (mL) 1 250 2 500 3 Sulfuric acid Kerosene 750 Oil result (mL) Color criteria Kuning cokelatan Kuning kecokelatan Kunig kecokelatan 4 1000 Kuning 5 1250 Kuning 6 1500 Kuning cerah 7 250 Kuning 8 500 Kuning 750 Kuning cerah 1000 Kuning cerang 11 1250 Kuning terang 12 1500 Kuning terang 9 10 Wuluh starfruit extract 200 200 Plastic Oil IMAGE OF MRT (MINYAK RUMAH TANGGA) MRT Product MRT Product TABLE OF SMOKE POINT TEST Smoke point (mm) No Average Fluide TA I TA II TA III TA IV (mm) 1 Kerosene 102 110 100 100 103 2 Diesel fuel 76 74 74 76 75 3 Ethanol 100% 180 184 183 185 183 4 MRT 149 151 150 150 150 5 Used lubricant oil * * * * * ECONOMIC CALCULATION Information Credite Debite 1 littre the used lubricant oil Rp 1.000,- - 500 grams Wuluh starfruit Rp 1.000,- - 200 grams activated clay Rp 500,- - 250 ml plastic oil Rp 1.500,- - - MRT price Amount Profit Rp 4.000 Rp 5.000,Rp 5.000,- - Rp 1.000,- Information Lubricant oil sales were processed 100 Debite Credite Rp100.000,- - Fire-wood - Rp 10.000,- Worker’s Salary - Rp 25.000,- Profit Rp 65.000,- liters per day Profit per month = (Rp 65.000,- x 30) –incidental cost = Rp 1.950.000,00 – Rp 250.000,00 = Rp 1.600.000,00 TABLE OF EFFICIENCY Volume Water (liter) Fuel Time to boil (minute) Fuel requirement (mL) 10 MRT 41 150 10 Kerosene 47 175 15 MRT 69 224 15 Kerosene 75 261 20 MRT 92 297 20 Kerosene 99 350 Percentage MRT Saving time: = x 100% = x 100% = 8,2 %/liter water Percentage MRT volume saving : = x 100% = x 100% = 14,75 % /liter water FUTURE PROSPECT 1. Can reduce fuel consumption. 2. Can take advantage of The used Lubricant oil that has been wasted. 3. Make industry of MRT processing Using mixture of wuluh starfruit extract with the used lubricant oil can be conveted into MRT (Minyak Rumah Tangga) with materials composition, 1 Liter The used lubricant oil, 200 mL wuluh starfruit extract, 200 grams activated clay, and 250 mL plastic oil. The used lubricant oil can be converted become MRT (Minyak Rumah Tangga) with mixture of wuluh starfruit extract using some technique. That is heating process to rend some particles, precipation to separating difference two fraction, and then blending to increasing product quality. Process to make MRT (Minyak Rumah Tangga) from the used lubricant oil can be used society creative industry, this potentiality to increase region economic. You should do some comparison material in the manufacture of additives according to obtain maximum results. For next experiment, should do some variation between old wuluh starfruit with other solution who have same acidity. Must doing the next experiment to get high quality of MRT (Minyak Rumah Tangga. On MRT (Minyak Rumah Tangga) quality product test must using standard tools to get high accuracy of result. Attachment THANK YOU