English III Bell Ringers 1st 9 Weeks 1 Bell Ringer #1 8/14/19 No Bell Ringer todayBeginning of school expectations and syllabus 2 3 4 Bell Ringer 8/19/19 …but if it were, what would you wish for? (You can’t wish for more wishes) Full sentences, in ink, at least 1 paragraph (3-6 sentences) 5 Bell Ringer 8/21/19 Do you love, hate, or tolerate reading? Why? Please give a thoughtful, honest answer. Once finished with your bell ringer, check your messages on Schoology for further directions. FYI- If you change classes, you are still in the same group number. 6 Bell Ringer 8/22/19 1. Examine the details of this “cartoon” from top to bottom. 2. Consider the subject, occasion, audience, and why the author has included those details. 3. What is the message of this cartoon? Begin working on your group project from yesterday as soon as you finish your bell ringer! 7 Bell Ringer #5 8/23/19 Respond to the following quote: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney What does this quote mean to you? What comes to mind after reading this quote? 8 Bell Ringer #6 8/21 Our first Vocab Quiz is this Friday!! Go to Schoology, and open up the list of words for Unit 1. On your bell ringer for today, list all the words you already know from this list. 9 Bell Ringer #7 8/22/17 If you could be any animal, what animal would you be, and why? 10 Bell Ringer #8 8/23/17 1. What are the characteristics of a good presentation? 1. What are the characteristics of a bad presentation? 1. What do you think you should do as an audience member? 11 Bell Ringer #9 8/24/17 Respond to the following quote. No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. -Robin Williams What does this quote mean to you? What comes to mind after reading this quote? 12 Bell Ringer #10 8/25/17 What is one detail that stood out for each of the stories presented so far? (Use your notes if you need to refresh your brain). 13 Bell Ringer #11 8/28/17 1. Open your messages on Schoology. 2. Honestly fill out your Peer Evaluation Form. 3. Once finished, get out your notes from Thursday. We will finish presentations today. Please note- your next vocab quiz is Friday, September 8th. 14 Bell Ringer #12 8/29/17 Based on what we learned from each group, how would you describe the people from the Early American Voices? (Native Americans, Explorers, Settlers, and Slaves) Use two-three adjectives per voice. 15 Bell Ringer #13 8/30/17 Use the image to the right to answer the following questions: 1. What details do you first notice in this image? 2. What colors stand out? What was the purpose of the artist using those colors? 3. What emotions come to mind while studying this image? 4. What message was the artist trying to convey to the viewers? The Last Judgement, Jan van Eyck, c. 1430 16 Bell Ringer #14 8/31/17 Use the image to the right to answer the following questions: 1. What details do you first notice in this image? 2. What colors stand out? What was the purpose of the artist using those colors? 3. What emotions come to mind while studying this image? 4. What message was the artist trying to convey to the viewers? 5. How do YOU view this image after reading “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? Bell Ringer #15 9/1/17 If you knew you could not fail, what would you do? Bell Ringer #16 9/4/17 No Bell Ringer today- Labor Day- No School 19 Bell Ringer #17 9/5/16 Choose A or B A. Please list all of the words you can think of that relate to Puritans. Explain why you chose the words. B. Please write the lyrics to your favorite love song. Then, develop a list of qualities that a love song typically has (common images, purposes, ideas, speakers, audiences, etc.). Bell Ringer #18 9/6/17 1. Look up the definition of a superstition. 2. Create a list of superstitions that people believe in today. 3. Why do you think people believe in these superstitions? Bell Ringer #19 9/7/17 Symbolism Read the definitions of the word crucible: 1. a container made of metal or ceramic material employed for heating substances to high temperatures 2. a severe searching, test, or trial Predict how both definitions may be symbolic of the play itself. Bell Ringer #20 9/8/17 If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, which words would you choose? 23 Bell Ringer #21 9/11/17 1. What details do you first notice in this image? 2. What message was the artist trying to convey to the viewers? Bell Ringer #22 9/12/17 Characters like Abigail fit the archetype of a “mean girl.” 1) What are the characteristics of a “mean girl”? 1) Give examples of how Abigail has displayed these characteristics. 1) Why do you think “mean girls” are mean (innate, learned, etc.)? Bell Ringer #23 9/13/17 Review your notes over what we have learned about the Puritans so far. 1. What Puritan ideals are still present today? 2. Is that presence good, bad, or both? Why? 4-6 complete sentences Bellringer #24: 9/15/17 Viewing Propaganda 1. What details do you first notice in this image? 2. What message was the artist trying to convey to the viewers? 27 Bell Ringer #25 9/16/17 1. Describe a time where you were misjudged based on your actions, appearance, words, rumors, or background. 2. How did it make you feel? 3. Turn your bell ringers into Schoology when finished. Bell Ringer #26 9/18/17 Please fill out the Google Form linked on your Bell Ringer Form today. 29 Bellringer #27 9/19/17 McCarthyism is the term used to describe the period of time in the 1950s when Senator Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. senator from Wisconsin, claimed that communists had infiltrated the Department of State. A special House Committee on Un-American Activities was formed to investigate allegations of communism. During this period, people from all walks of life became the subjects of aggressive “witch hunts” often based on inconclusive, questionable evidence. Arthur Miller was one of them. He wrote The Crucible as a response to this period of history. Read the information in the box and then summarize the information in your own words. 30 Bell Ringer #28 9/20/17 Using two vocabulary words, create two original sentences. Please underline your vocabulary word in the sentence. Bellringer #29 9/21/17 Describe the personality and basic characteristics of Parris, Putnam, and Proctor. P PP 32 Bell Ringer #30 9/22/17 Would you rather: Be forced to wear wet socks the rest of your life? OR Be allowed to wash your hair only once a year? Bell Ringer #31 9/25/17 Take a few moments and scan through the information linked at the top of your bell ringer. 1. Once finished, use the information below to write the correct parenthetical citation: Donaldson, Sam. Bantering on Watergate. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. He spoke to us in German and then left us behind" ( ). -from Donaldson's Bantering on Watergate, page 45 34 Bell Ringer #32 9/26/17 Take a few moments and scan through the information linked at the top of your bell ringer. 2. Once finished, use the information below to write the correct parenthetical citation: Jennings, Peter, and Sharon Marcus. Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism. Washington: Greater Politics Press, 1994. "I never thought of myself as proud", says Jennings in his book Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism ( ) .--This source was located on page 107. 35 Bell Ringer #33 9/27/17 Take a few moments and scan through the information linked at the top of your bell ringer. 3. Once finished, use the information below to write the correct parenthetical citation: Smith, Charles. I Love Politics: A Guide To Discerning Reality. Chicago: Penn Press, 2001. "Politics is such an interesting field" ( ). --From Charles Smith's book, page 451. 36 Bell Ringer #34 9/28/17 Take a few moments and scan through the information linked at the top of your bell ringer. 3. Once finished, use the information below to write the correct parenthetical citation: Xavier, Jason and Thomas Yater. Political Guide to the United States. New York: Ballantine, 2004. "Enraged is how he felt after the episode" ( ). --From Jason Xavier's book Somewhere in the Political Realm, page 233. 37 Bell Ringer #35 9/29/17 If you were to change your name, what name would you adopt going forward? Why? 38 Bell Ringer #36 10/2/17 1. Go to www.knightcite.com 2. Using the information on pg 7-8 on this link, http://www.ciaranhinds.eu/pdf/crucible3.pdf , fill in the blanks on Knight Cite. 3. Click Submit on Knight Cite, and copy and paste the MLA citation onto your bell ringer for today. a. Keep Knight Cite open in case you need to edit your citation. 39 Bell Ringer #37 10/3/17 Go to www.turnitin.com and wait for the next set of instructions. 40 Bell Ringer #38 10/4/17 Using two vocabulary words, create two original sentences. Please underline your vocabulary word in the sentence. 41 Bell Ringer #39 10/5/17 How has the film differed from the text so far? Name at least three of your observations. 42 42 Bell Ringer #41 10/9/17 What is your favorite TV show and why? 43 Bell Ringer #41 10/9/17 No Bell Ringer Today 1. Get out something to write with (pen is best). 2. Sit quietly and wait for the next set of directions. 44 Bell Ringer #42 10/10/17 1. What would you say is your greatest strength as a writer? 2. What would you say is your greatest weakness as a writer? 45 Bell Ringer #43 10/11/17 After finishing the movie, what would you change about it? What would you keep the same? 46 Bell Ringer #44 10/12/17 No Bell Ringer today Continue working on your Noredink Assessment. 47 Bell Ringer #45 10/13/17 No Bell Ringer today Student Holiday 48 Bellringer #18 1. We know two pieces of info from Act I: • First of all, we know John Proctor had an affair with Abigail. • Secondly, we know that Elizabeth knows about the affair and fired Abigail. Based on what you know about John and Elizabeth’s situation, what do you think John and Elizabeth’s relationship will look like? 2. Act Two takes place 8 days after Act I. Predict what you think happened during those 8 days. 49 Bellringer #22 NO BELLRINGER TODAY 50 Bellringer #23 How has the film differed from the text so far? Name at least three of your 51 Bellringer #25 In what ways does Elizabeth Proctor change through the course of the story? 52 Bell Ringer #21 9/11/17 1. What details do you first notice in this image? 2. What message was the artist trying to convey to the viewers?