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Today in the educational process information and communication technology
widely developed. Thanks to a personal computer into a powerful tool for
education. Skillful collaboration of man in education can make learning more
According to the message of the President of Kazakhstan Republic 2030
Kazakhstan educational system should develop the modernization of education
and to prepare higher institutions to the innovative activity. One of the strategic
plans of development of Kazakhstan Republic till 2020 is to supply the system of
electronic learning.
Traditional lesson starts playing with new faces, when, as a school board used a
projector and a computer. Qualitative demonstration material enriches lesson,
visual interactive models simplify the understanding of the subject, use a text
editor helps to organize collective work on the text.
In the late 20th century, humanity has entered a stage of development that has been
called post-industrial or information. Compared with the past century living
conditions, formation and training of personality change dramatically.
The use of innovative technology in the educational process at school gives the
opportunity to enhance cognitive, mental and independent activity of students, to
intensify the learning process. Information technologies make it possible not only
to change the forms and methods of educational work, but also significantly
transform and enrich the educational paradigm. As experience shows, the English
language is fertile ground for the formation and development of the child. When
teaching the English language develops intelligence, imagination, attention,
observation and creativity.
The use of computer technology in the classroom English is becoming a highly
creative factor in implementing the use of various forms of development, education
and training. This way of organizing learning activities can not only fascinating in
a creative way to solve all problems productive lesson, but also to teaching
communicative cognitive activity.Teacher with computerhas a unique opportunity
to intensify the learning process and make it more intuitive and dynamic.
Nowadays all the schools sufficient number of computers, multimedia installations,
interactive whiteboards, with free access to the Internet. Therefore, the use of
information technology in the teaching of English has become not only necessary
but also feasible. It's no secret that learning English at an early stage of learning
from many students is difficult, mastering the material is usually based on
Using a computer greatly facilitates the process of language learning through
realization of a training principles - clarity. English translation in the initial step of
training a greater extent than other school subjects clarity requires that entails use
of a large number of explanatory drawings. Our aim as a teacher - to teach our
students to navigate in this infinite information space. Moreover, by using a
computer we can organize the lesson of forms such as individual, pair and group
work. However, remember that a computer can not replace the teacher in the
It is well known that multimedia presentations are actively included in the process
of learning English. Students use the Internet to gather material. One of the
features of multimedia technology in the classroom is the preparation and holding
of the combined, integrated lessons. Creating presentations involves the subjectobject relationships: teacher-creator or student-creator. Modern approaches to
teaching English emphasize the importance of computer use in the classroom, the
design and presentation - it is an opportunity to express their own ideas in a childfriendly form of creative thought.
The use of information technology in combination with the method of the project
allows students to practically apply their knowledge and skills, and therefore is a
form of organization of research and learning activities, which has been
successfully implemented in a cooperative group activities, allowing to increase
the motivation of learning English. The focus of this workflow is the pupil to freely
express their opinions. Children find practical application of knowledge of foreign
speech. For us, this method opens up limitless scope for the organization of work
on a wide variety of topics, at different steps of learning, with children of different
ages. Using our experience, we can say that such an organization of training
activities enable each child not only to speak, to show their skills, knowledge and
skills, but also to get a positive evaluation. Moreover, in our educational activities,
we came to the conclusion that in the present conditions, given the large and
serious interest of students of information technology, we can use this opportunity
as a powerful tool for the development of motivation for English lessons.
At the same time, we want to note that the undoubted advantage of computer
technology is shifting the center of gravity from the verbal learning techniques to
search techniques and creative work of the teacher and students. It seems
reasonable and promising, because applied our methods help to actively influence
the formation and development of students' language competence, skills, listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills improvement, training of creative, socially
active person. In addition, in the process we use non-standard methods of training:
role-plays, discussions, interactive discussions, round tables, integrated lessons that
develop language competence of students and their social and proactive.
Designed lessons using innovative educational technology can solve a number of
problems, namely:
-increases the activity of students in the classroom;
-increases the motivation of learning of a grammatical subject;
-creates the conditions for independent work;
-creates a comfortable learning environment;
-allows you to individualize instruction;
-forms the intellectual skills and computer skills;
Come to the conclusion it should be said that the present place ever increasing
demands on training and practical knowledge of the English language in everyday
life, professional life. The volume of information is increasing, and often mundane
ways of its transmission, storage and processing are ineffective.