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Catalog Info

200 Computer Applications in Business.3 hrs.
An introduction to computer applications in business, including spreadsheets,
databases, presentation and word processing. Students also learn to
integrate spreadsheet and database outputs into presentations and reports.
290 Principles of Management Information Systems. 3 hrs. I, II.
Introcution to the development, selection, use, and impact of information and
communication technologies and systems in modern organizations
and enterprises.
300 Introduction to Business Programming. 3 hrs. I.
Introduction to programming in a business context, emphasizing problem solving using
basic programming logic and data structures, interface
concepts, file and database access, and selection and use of development tools. (PR:
MIS 290)
307 Advanced Business Programming. 3 hrs.
Builds upon the business programming introduction with an emphasis on distributed,
data-driven applications and higher order data structures.
(PR: MIS 300)
310 Business System Analysis and Design. 3 hrs. II.
The course covers business application systems development, behavioral considerations
in the development process, feasibility assessment, requirement analysis, and
communication skills. Emphasis on prototyping and fourth generation languages.
2019-20 Undergraduate Catalog Courses of Instruction 337
333 Business Telecommunication Systems. 3 hrs. I, II.
To understand the applications, concepts and management of telecommunications.
Students will be exposed to network components and network
operations. Emphasis will be on strategic business applications of telecommunication systems.
340 Introduction to Database Management Systems. 3 hrs. I.
Introduction to enterprise data administration emphasizing database environment and
architecture, relational model and languages, database
requirements, and modeling. Introduction to the use of a database management
350 E-Commerce Systems. 3 hrs.
E-commerce from a management and socio-technical perspective emphasizing current
technologies and issues, including Internet-enabled business
models, legal and social issues. (PR: MIS 290 or permission of COB division head)
360 Introduction to Business Intelligence and Analytics. 3 hrs. I.
Introduction to the field of business intelligence and analytics, introducting the use of
big data, statistical, quantitative analysis, expeloratory and
predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions. (PR: MGT
218, MIS 290; CR: MIS 340)
411 Applied Business System Analysis and Design. 3 hrs.
This course extends the concepts and techniques in MIS 310 to enable students to
design and implement systems in a business environment. The
implementation of a computer application will be required.
412 Enterprise Systems. 3 hrs.
A study of cross-functional and process-oriented information systems. Topics to include
business process management, supply-chain, and relationship
management systesm. (PR: MIS 290 or permission of division head)
415 Emerging Information and Communication Technologies. 3 hrs.
A study of emergin informationo and communication technologies in a business and
organizational context. (PR: MIS 290 or permission of COB
advising office)
420 Information Security Management. 3 hrs.
A study of information security risk analysis and assessment; threats to information
security; defense measures; and legal, privacy, and ethical issues
in information security.
433 Advanced Telecommunications and Networks. 3 hrs.
An advanced study of the design, implementation and operation of voice, data, video
networks using digital and analog technologies. (PR: MIS 333)
444 Advanced Database Management Systems. 3 hrs.
Enterprise database administration; issues surrounding database implementation,
security, ethics, distributed databases, and advanced language
features using a database management system. (PR: MIS 340)
450 E-Commerce Systems Management. 3 hrs.
Modeling electronic business systems. Identifying requirements, conceptual and logical
design, user interface and data management. Integration
with internal and external systems.
465 Business Decision Support Systems. 3 hrs.
A study of decision support systems (DSS) in terms of building and providing end-user
support for managerial decision making. Advanced topics
will include computer interface design and artificial intelligence.
460 Advanced Business Intelligence and Analytics. 3 hrs.
An advanced study of business intelligence and alytics, the use of big data, statistical,
quantitative analysis, exploratory and predictive models, and
fact-based management to drive decisions and actions. (PR: MIS 360; CR: MIS 444 and
MGT 420)
470 Business Systems Project Management. 3 hrs. I.
Project management for information and process-oriented organizational systems.
Tools, techniques, feasibility, post-project evaluation, information
and knowledge exchange, change and vendor management. (PR: MIS 290 or permission
of COB division head)
475 Strategic Management Information Systems. 3 hrs. II.
A capstone course for management majors. Emphasis will be on creating and using
information systems to give businesses a competitive advantage
and provide strategic support for all levels of management. Capstone course (CR: MIS
101 Coding. 1 hr.
This course is designed to expose students to coding, with no previous programming
experience. The topic covers basic programming with software
development methodologies.
105 Explore the World with Computing (CT). 3 hrs.
Central principles and big ideas of computing: problem-solving, computational and
critical thinking, abstraction, creativity, reasoning, data, algorithms, recursion,
visualization, and limits of computation. Solve real-world problems with computing.
110 Computer Science I. 3 hrs. I, II.
Object-oriented and algorithmic problem solving principles and techniques,
programming with classes in an integrated programming environment,
and program debugging. 2 lec-2 lab. (PR: Computer Science Major, or Pre Computer
Science major, or math ACT 23; and concurrent PR: (MTH 127
and MTH 132) or (MTH 130 and MTH 132) or MTH 132 or MTH 229 or MTH 229H)
120 Computer Science II. 3 hrs. I, II.
Object-oriented analysis and design, advanced programming with classes, arrays,
strings, sorting, searching, I/O, GUI development, system life cycle
and software development methodologies. 2 lec-2 lab. (PR: Computer Science Major, or
Pre- Computer Science major, or math ACT 23; and CS110
and concurrent PR: (MTH 127 and MTH 132) or (MTH 130 and MTH 132) or MTH 132 or
MTH 229 or MTH 229H)
205 Scientific Computing. 3 hrs.
An introduction to computer programming, software design, and algorithm analysis and
implementation. Abstract concepts illustrated with examples
and exercises drawn from the mathematical and physical sciences. Primarily for non-CS
majors. (CR: MTH 229)
210 Data Structures and Algorithms. 3 hrs. I, II.
Design and implementation of data structures including stacks, queue, lists, trees,
heaps, balanced trees, and graphs. Other topics include hashing,
threading, data parsing, program testing, correctness, efficiency, and exceptions. (PR: CS
120 and MTH 220 or MTH 229 or MTH 230)
215 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms. 3 hrs. II.
Advanced techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic
analysis; data structures; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy
algorithms; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; randomized algorithms; and NOcomplete problems. (PR: CS 210 and
MTH 220)
280-283 Special Topics. 1-4 hrs. I, II, S.
300 Programming Languages. 3 hrs. II.
Comparative study of the concepts found in contemporary programming languages.
Emphasis is on design and evaluation of a language in terms
of its features and their implementation. (PR: CS 210.)
305 Software Engineering I. 3 hrs. I.
This course provides a broad introduction to software engineering theories, methods,
and tools. Topics include requirements engineering, analysis
and design, implementation, versioning, and testing. (PR: MTH 220 and CS 210)
310 Software Engineering II. 3 hrs.
Continuation of CS 305. Software construction, versioning and configuration, testing,
change control, software reliability and quality assurance.
(PR: CS305)
315 Software Quality Assurance. 3 hrs.
Testing techniques and validation of system requirements. Design reviews and code
inspections; unit, integration, system, regression, load, stress,
user acceptance, and regression testing; statistical testing; test strategies and project
metrics. (PR: CS 310 and STA 345)
320 Internetworking. 3 hrs. I.
Principles and issues in interconnecting multiple physical networks into a coordinated
system, operation of Internet protocols in the interconnected
environment, and design of applications to operate in this environment. (Concurrent PR:
MTH 229; PR: CS 210)
330 Operating Systems. 3 hrs. I.
Modern operating systems design and implementation: multi-tasking and time sharing,
concurrency and synchronization, interprocess communication, resource scheduling,
memory management, deadlocks, I/O, file systems, and security. (PR: CS 210)
360 Automata and Formal Languages. 3 hrs.
Basic theoretical concepts are introduced, including finite state automata, regular
expressions, context-free grammars, pushdown automata, Turing
machines, recursively enumerable languages, the halting problem, and Church-Turing
thesis. (PR: CS 300)
370 Computer Graphics. 3 hrs. I.
Mathematical theory and practical tools and techniques for generating realistic pictures
using computers. This is a project-centered course and
involves extensive programming using the OpenGL standard. (PR: CS 210 and MTH 329)
402 Computer Architecture. 3 hrs.
Design and analyze structure of major hardware components of computers including
ALU, instructions sets, memory, hierarchy, parallelism through
multicore and many core, storage systems and interfaces. (PR: CS 300)
404 High Performance Computing. 3 hrs.
Software design and development targeting high performance computing architectures.
Multi-core and many-core systems: I/O, file systems, performance metrics.
Programming models include MPI, OpenMP, MapReduce, CUDA, and OpenCL. (PR: CS
300 or ( C/C++ programming and consent
of the instructor))
405 Computing for Bioinformatics. 3 hrs.
Study of computational algorithms and programming techniques for various
bioinformatics tasks including parsing DNA files, sequence alignments,
tree construction, clustering, species identification, principal component analysis,
correlations, and gene expression arrays. (PR: CS 215)
410 Database Engineering. 3 hrs. II.
Study of data models, data description languages, query languges including relational
algebra and AQL, logical and physical databasedesign, transactions, backup and
recovery. Design and implementation of a a database application.(PR: CS 305)
412 Embedded Systems. 3 hrs.
The design of systems containing embedded computers. Micro-controller technology,
assembly language and C programming, input/output interfacing, data acquisition
hardware, interrupts, and timing. Real-time operating systems and application
programming. Application examples. (PR: CS
415 Data Mining. 3 hrs.
Covers (1) the process of knowledge discovery, (2) algorithms (association rules,
classification, and clustering), and (3) real-world applications. Focuses
on efficient data mining algorithms and scaling up data mining methods. (PR CS 215, CS
420 Distributed Systems. 3 hrs. II.
Study of distributed system concepts and issues, architectures and frameworks for
developing distributed applications, and future trends. (PR: CS
320 and CS 330; limited enrollment, permission of instructor required)
425 Computational Intelligence. 3 hrs. II.
Genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, and genetic programming. Methods of
knowledge representation using rough sets, type-1 fuzzy sets,
and type-2 fuzzy sets. Neural network architectures and their learning algorithms.
2019-20 Undergraduate Catalog Courses of Instruction 305
430 Cyber Security. 3 hrs. II.
Concepts and issues in physical and cyber security; technological vulnerabilities found in
operating systems, database servers, Web servers, Internet,
and local area networks; developing defensive and offensive security measures. (PR: CS
435 Cyber Risk. 3 hrs.
Advanced course on the functions and purposes of the latest development in cyber
security techniques and tools used to create, secure, protect and
remediate cyber-infrastructures from various cyber threats. (PR: CS 430)
440 Digital Image Processing. 3 hrs. I.
Mathematical techniques, algorithms, and software tools for image sampling,
quantization, coding and compression, enhancement, reconstruction,
and analysis. (PR: CS 210 and MTH 329)
455 Systems Engineering. 3 hrs.
Tools and techniques for optimizing the design and construction of software-intensive
systems by considering system issues and making engineering
tradeoffs in conflicting criteria and interacting decision parameters. (PR: CS 340 and CS
450 Information Retrieval. 3 hrs.
Theory, design, and algorithms for modeling and retrieving text. Text representation, IR
models, query operations, retrieval evaluation, information
extraction, text classification and clustering, enterprise and Web search, recommender
systems. (PR: CS 215 or consent of instructor)
452 Natural Language Processing. 3 hrs.
Fundamental algorithms and computational models for core tasks in natural language
processing: word and sentence tokenization, parsing, information and meaning
extraction, spelling correction, text summarization, question answering, and sentiment
460 Multimedia Information Retrieval. 3 hrs. I.
Theoretical and design issues in content-based multimedia information systems and an
in-depth exposition of retrieval and presentation issues related
to various media—image, audio, and video. (PR: CS 210)
475 Internship. 3-12 hrs. I, II, S. CR/NC.
An in-depth and hands-on involvement in a real-world project under direct professional
supervision. The project may be on-campus or off-campus.
Requires prior approval of the Internship Director, who is a member of the Computer
Science faculty. (PR: CS 310 and Computer Science major
with Junior/Senior standing.)
480-483 Special Topics. 1-4 hrs. I, II, S.
485-488 Independent Study. 1-4 hrs. I, II, S.
490 Senior Project. 3 hrs. I.
Application of technical and professional skills in solving a real-world problem in a team
environment. Discuss professional code of conduct, societal
issues, and transition from student to industry professional. (PR: CS 340, CS 350, and
standing as a Computer Science senior)
491 Senior Project II. 3 hrs. II.
Capstone experience: continuation of CS 490. (PR: CS 490)