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Spring Boot Exam Answers



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1)What is a controller?

It is an application that controls data flows into real model objects and updates the view whenever date changes.It keeps view and model separate.

2)What is JSON and what is the purpose of annotation.

It is an annotation ti XML for interchanging messages between the servers communicating with RESTFUL web service and more.it is a lightweight language,independent and human readable data interchange formate that is easy to read and write. It consists of three libraries, Jackson Databind(Jackson-Databind),core(Jackson-core) and


3)What is annotation and what is the pupose of annotation.

Annotation ia a form of metadata which provides data about a program that is not part of the program itself.This annotationis usually placed on the main application e.g @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation implicitly defines a base "search package", tells the SpringBoot to start adding beans based on class path settings ,other beans and various property settings.

4)What are dependencies in SpringBoot?

They are components that control program structure automatically.The Api.jar dependacy is usedused while the compilling project is provided by the Tomcat server.

5)Explain in details what does @DeleteMapping does.

Delete mapping annotation maps HHTPS.DELETE requests onto specific handler methods.It is composed of annotation that acts as a shortcut for@Requestmapping.

6)What is reactive programming?

It is a paradgm around data flows and the propagation of change.This means that it should be possible to express static and dynamic dataflows with ease in the programming languages used and that the underlying execution model will automatically propagate changes through the dataflow.It is the programming with asyncronous data streams when using reactive programmingand data sreams.

7)In 3 sentences or less explain what a thymeleaf is?

It is a server side Java template engine for web applications and standalone environment capable of processing HTML,XML,CSS JAVASCRIPT and PLAINTEXT.Its main goal is to bring elegant natural templates web applications. It can be intergrated with spring framework and ideal for HTML and Java web applications. It can process any XML file even in the office environment.

8)What are advantages of using Thymeleaf? a)Its templates look like HTML,they can even be rendered in the browser as static content.So if your web layer and backend are authored by different people,thymeleaf is easier for web designerto deal with than JSP. b)Used to provide useful formatting utilities like

${# strings.capitalize(....)}

${# calender.format(....)} which are well inergrated with spring e.g you can pass model beans propagated by spring

MVC into functions. c)It is a first class aspect of thymeleaf meaning it is a deliberate well supported aspect of thymeleaf. d)Thymeleaf templatescan be used outside a container. e)The spring expression languageis more powerful thanJSPexpression language.

9)What is a thymeleaf template?

It is an application that converts files into well form XML. It allows one to process six kinds of templates each called

TEMPLATE MODE which include HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,XML TEXT and RAW.There are two markup template modes (TEXT,JAVASCRIPT and CSS) and a no-op template mode(RAW).

10)Explain in detail what does @SpringBoot Application does?

This notation is one of the most important annotation from popular springboot frameworks,which is usedfor writtingJava applications.It is used on application or main class to enable host features e.g Java-based spring configuration,component scanning and in particular for enabling Spring Boot`sauto configuration feature.Our annotate Application class or main class start like;

@configuration to enable Java-based configuration

@component to enable spring Boot`s configuration feature.
