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RGU Library Science Dept. Proposal

Proposal for Establishing a new Department of Library and Information Science/ Studies
In the recent officer’s meeting and board of management studies IDE with Hon’ble VC discussed
the criteria and procedures for establishing a new department, the central Library proposes the
creation of a new department for the newly approved Master’s degree (Integrated) in Library and
Information Science/Studies. This new degree will enable RGU to offer the entry degree into the
profession of librarianship and other information studies.
This newly approved degree offering is a RGU Central Library is the academic home of the
program and its administrative home as well. The program is self-support.
The mission of the MLISc program is to provide exemplary training in the acquisition of the
essential knowledge, professional skills, and conceptual abilities needed to manage information
and libraries in a variety of public and private sector contexts. In particular, the MLISc intends
to serve mid-career adults who are seeking to attain a professional degree in librarianship.
This proposal is the result of consultation with Library faculty, the Dean and Associate Dean of
the neighbouring Universities and Retired UGC Emeritus Professor of DLIS KUD, GU, NEHU
and BHU. The committee to review the proposal consisted of all AC members of RGU, Deans
of Social Science, Dean of Computer Science, Director of IDE, HO Department of Education
and members of the Post Graduate Studies Committee.
Need for the academic department: Within just a few short years, the profession of
librarianship will be at a critical juncture. The baby boomers, which swelled the ranks of the
profession, will be retiring meaning that nearly 50% of all librarians will leave the profession.
Nationwide, there are about 150,000 librarians serving in academic, public, school and corporate
libraries and other information agencies. In addition, librarians, with their skill in the
management of information, are occupying various positions in the IITs, NITs and IIMs,
technology industry, in competitive intelligence, in museums and archives as well as in the
publishing industry as examples.
Librarians have a triple role to play in the society. First, librarians make accessible vast amounts
of information to their communities in an organized manner. Second, they preserve the legacy of
mankind so that current and future generations may benefit from the knowledge created over the
ages. Third, they teach users how to be information smart in this world of abundant information.
Never has the profession been more important or more critical.
The region served by RGU is library and information intensive. Libraries and information
agencies dot the landscape and their need for librarians is growing and will shortly be critical.
North Eastern region that too Arunachal Pradesh is woefully inadequate in terms of providing
this educational opportunity. There are only few Universities are being providing this program
in the NE—NEHU, Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura are introduced this
programme. All these Universities do not offer part-time studies or alternative scheduling.
Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram are far away and it is difficult to get admission to Arunachal
students, everyone desires and prefers the face to face experience of professors and fellow
students at RGU.
This program at RGU will be a great boon to the profession itself and another professional
opportunity for our students and others interested in pursuing this continuingly changing field.
In particular, the profession is crying out for librarians who have majored in the fields of
business, social sciences, technology and the sciences.
Lastly, vital to the success of the program is accreditation by the NAAC
“… an integral yet distinctive academic unit within the institution. Its autonomy is sufficient to
assure that the intellectual content of its program, the selection and promotion of its faculty, and
the selection of its students are determined by the school within the general guidelines of the
institution. The parent institution provides the resources and administrative support needed for
the attainment of program objectives.”
Therefore, the most effective way for this program to be “an integral yet distinctive academic
unit” is for it to become a department within the Library and also the smart central Library will
be the Laboratory for the Library Science students.
Relationship of the Academic Department to the University’s Objectives and Contribution to
the Library’s priorities: The RGU Library has always focused on the needs of its community.
The following is the long-stated mission, vision and strategic directions of our Library. This is
from the Library’s strategic plan.
Department Mission
We are committed to meeting the information needs of our academic community, to providing
effective, caring and responsive service, to partnering with faculty in the education of our
students, to developing the information competence skills of our students and to fostering a love
of reading and learning.
Department Vision
The vision for our Library includes a collection superbly tailored to our student, researcher and
faculty needs, exemplary service to all our users, skillful and engaging instruction on information
research skills, strong and continuous support from our users and friends, and a national and
international reputation for excellence in librarianship and library service.
Strategic Directions
The foremost provider of information resources to support the academic success of our
The foremost provider of information resources to support the teaching and quality
research of our faculty.
A teaching library engaged in the development of the information research skills of our
A preserver and developer of collections and of archives essential to faculty and student
A center for independent, resource-based learning that promotes engagement with
resources, studying, the seeking of knowledge and the freedom of information.
An effective partner that forms collaborative alliances for student success.
The RGU central Library has a long history of providing excellent service to the academic
community. However, no collections or services or any of the myriad offerings of the
Library that our academic community has come to expect and enjoy are possible without
As one of the smart libraries in the North-Eastern part of the Country and as a library situated in
a regional comprehensive university, we not only have our own needs for librarians but an
obligation to the libraries and information agencies of our region to provide this degree. We
want to ensure that there is continual pipeline of librarians and information managers into the
profession. To whom else should our colleagues look to provide people for the profession if not
to us as a major university?
Commitment to Quality: Since the RGU Library has already demonstrated its commitment to
quality, the quality of the programme that we have developed will continue that tradition.
Moreover, as a working library accustomed to the needs of its users and the dynamics of the
profession, we are in the best position to understand what libraries need and to know the impact
when quality is not present in a program. The commitment of the Library and the College of
Extended Learning to quality is absolute. Additionally, our advisory board is comprised of
librarians from other libraries and Professors and retired UGC Emeritus Professor of DLIS who
have a deep commitment to the quality and preservation of the profession.
Alternatives to having a department: The UGC standards are clear about the programme being
distinct yet integral. Subsuming the programme within another department will not give it the
distinction that it needs and will jeopardize the programme’s march towards full accreditation.
Budget implications: Since the program is self-support, it will have minimum impact on the
Library’s budget and it will create a revenue stream for the Library and extended Learning.
Proposed Administration of the Department: The new department will become another
department within the Library with the Department Chair directly working with the Dean.
Additionally, since this department will be self-support as one of the programs with Extended
Learning, the Department Chair will also work closely with the Deans of other Departments as
per the RGU norms.
Appointment of faculty: We are currently searching for a Dept. Chair and the following year
one other tenure track faculty member. The faculty will grow as the programme grows and as
revenues allow. The remaining courses will be taught by guest faculty and our qualified Library
Funding for faculty: Faculty positions are underwritten but faculties are faculty within the
Library. As with all Library faculties, they will progress through RGU’s process.
Long-term prospects for continuation of the academic department
Established theoretical and research literature: The profession of librarianship is an ancient one
spanning nearly five thousand years. However, formal education in librarianship began in India
by the father of Library Science Dr. S.R. Ranganathan. Each of these programs is populated by
Ph.D. faculty who research and publish extensively. Additionally, practitioners also participate
actively in publishing, research, teaching and making presentations. The discipline has long
established and accumulated a body of theoretical and research literature.
Faculty and the common core: The faculty in our program will share the common core of the
discipline and the ability to provide instruction in that core. Importantly though, we have not
hesitated to have key faculty from our Department of Master of Business Administration and
Computer Science and Engineering and all other departments to teach a course related to Library
Management and information technology, since the Library and Information Science itself inter
disciplinary subject.
Faculty availability: Qualified faculties are available for the program. For example, most our
University Library professionals are qualified with Ph.D. and Master degrees in Library Science
with PGDCA and NET qualified, yet there is almost nowhere for these educated individuals to
teach if they wish to remain in RGU. We can also provide that opportunity to fresh graduates and
well qualified as well.
Enrollment Trends: Given the huge vacancy rates about to occur in the field of librarianship,
we expect enrollment to be very healthy and very steady. The willing students from our own
University are many who have heard about the program by word of mouth. Moreover, many of
Arunachal and Assam students pursuing B.Ed., since it is job oriented, if they don’t get they can
get admission in many private Universities mushrooming in the state.
Relationship of the academic department to other programs and academic departments
Duplication: There is no other department at RGU which offers this degree.
Cooperation: Other academic departments will very likely benefit from the existence of this
program. Librarianship is a profession which welcomes all majors—therefore it is a possible
career path for our students.
Size of the program
Initially, the program will begin with one cohort of 25-30 students. Eventually as many cohorts
as meet demand will operate.
Impact of the program on resources
The program is self-support. Attached is a budget for the program.
The Curriculum
The ad hoc BOS would be taking care of designing the course curriculum looking into the
current developments and changing demands of the job markets. The ad hoc BOS would be
constituted as per the rules and regulations of RGU.
As the program matures, the faculty in the department will revise and expand the curriculum
offerings in continued consultation with our BOS.
Course List with Catalog numbers, titles, units of credit
All courses are new, and have to be reviewed and accepted by the AC and Post Graduate Studies
Committee. All courses have been developed and are ready to be offered in September 2019.
Full Syllabus
Semester 1
History of libraries.
Information, Data, and Knowledge; Evolution of Information Science as a discipline and
its relation with cognitive sciences, library science, computer sciences and other
disciplines; Information and Knowledge Society.
Information Institutions of different kinds; their objectives; the library as a social
institution; different type of Libraries and their functions.
Normative principles of library and information science; The Five Laws of Library
Science and their implications.
Information and communication; Models, channels and barriers; Diffusion of
Innovations; Trends in scientific communication.
Legislative framework for library development and information provision; Public Library
legislation; Delivery of Books Act; Right to Information. IPR.
National Information Policy; Components; National Information / Library infrastructure.
The information profession; Professional bodies (national and international) and their
Open Access to Information.
Foundations of Library and Information Science
Information Organization (Theory and Practice)
Universe of Subjects: structure and attributes, modes of formation of subjects.
Library Classification; Mapping of Universe of subjects in major schemes of Library
classification; Species of Classification.
General Theory of Classification; Normative Principles; The Three planes of work.
o Basic Concepts.
o Principles and postulates of Helpful Sequence; Facet Analysis and facet sequence
o Notation; Kinds and Hospitality.
Trends in classification, Thesaurofacet, Classaurus, Automatic classification,
Classification in online systems, Web Dewey.
Classification Practice: Use of latest editions of CC, DDC and UDC for classification of
Cataloguing and Metadata (Theory and Practice)
Historical study of the evolution of cataloguing and catalogue codes.
Bibliographic files of different kinds, their nature and functions; Bibliographic Entities
and Bibliographic Records; Concept of “surrogate”; Evolution of the Physical and Inner
forms of bibliographic files.
Standards for Bibliographic Organization, ISBDs, FRBR.
Catalogue Codes – AACR 2 and CCC.
Standards for Machine Readable Bibliographic Records – ISO 2709 and the MARC
family of Formats, MARC XML; Retro conversion.
Design of indexing languages / vocabulary control devices.
Subject Cataloguing: Tools and Techniques – Lists of Subject Headings,
Thesauri; General theory of subject indexing languages (SIL); Different systems of
indexing – POPSI, Chain indexing; PRECIS etc.
Computerization of classification / indexing; and computerized indexing systems.
The notion of metadata. Metadata and metadata standards: Dublin Core, EAD, METS,
VRA Core etc.
Preparation of Bibliographic Records for different kinds of documents using appropriate
standards and software; Filing of entries.
Paper -4. Library Management and Library Automation
Library as a System; Components and subsystems of a Library and their inter-relationships;
Library Housekeeping operations -- Acquisition and Collection Development: policy,
procedures, Document circulation-functions, procedures, and methods, Serials control-functions,
procedures and methods, Stock verification; Organizational structure, Library Authority and
Library Committee.
Systems analysis, workflow and organizational routines, monitoring, techniques,
evaluation techniques, Library automation software.
Schools of Management thought – classical management theory. Neo-classical theory,
modern management theory, problems and conflicts in management theories. Principles
of management.
Management functions – planning, organizing, staffing, leading, Budgeting and
controlling. Human Resource Management – personnel management and manpower
Human Resource Management: Delegation, communication and participation, Job
description and analysis; Job evaluation, Inter-personal relations, Recruitment
procedures, Motivation; Group dynamics, Training and development, Discipline and
grievances, Performance appraisal.
Financial Management: budgeting and different types of budgets- PPBS, ZBB, Line
Budget; Costing, cost and benefit analysis, Resource mobilization. Outsourcing.
Project Management: PERT, CPM, Management of change; TQM -- Definition, concept,
elements, Quality audit, LIS related standards, Technology management, ISO 900 series.
Performance parameters; Measurement, Reengineering. Time and Motion Study, SWOT.
Reporting: Types of reports: Annual Report-compilation, contents and style, Library
OR Techniques, modeling and simulation.
Preservation of Library materials.
Note: Library automation concepts are introduced / taught (both theory and practice) wherever
it is necessary, particularly, when house-keeping operations are taught.
Paper-5. Foundations of Computers and Information Technology
Information Technology: components, impact on society.
Evolution of Digital Computers.
Number systems: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Representation of Numbers in Computers
– unsigned and signed integers (sign-magnitude, 1’s complement, 2’s complement),
floating-point numbers.
Character Representation: ASCII and UNICODE.
Introduction to Boolean Algebra, logic gates : AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR,
Truth tables, Function representation in sum-of-product and product-of-sum forms.
Basic Components of a Computer - Arithmetic Logic Unit - Half-adder, Full-adder,
Multiplier; Control Unit; Memory Unit - Static and dynamic RAM, ROM, Cache
memory; Input/Output devices – keyboards, monitors, printers, scanners, secondary
storage elements.
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Shell programming, Hypertext, Hypermedia,
Multimedia and File Formats.
User Interfaces and data visualization.
Information Technology – Issues for Information Professionals.
Handling any standard DBMS package (through lab work or assignments).
Semester 2
Information Sources, Systems and Services
Information sources - Documentary and Non-Documentary; Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary Sources of Information and their Characteristics; Detailed Study of major types
of secondary sources.
Different categories of information systems such as libraries, documentation centers,
information clearing houses, referral centers, information analysis centers, databanks etc;
their structure, functions, products, and services; Different kinds of information systems –
Decision support systems, MIS, GIS, etc.
Major Operational Information Systems and Programmes at the Global Level; Discipline
/ Mission-oriented systems as well as Information Systems specializing in different kinds
of documents (Patents, Theses & Dissertations, Research Reports, etc)
The Information User: Information needs use and user studies.
Information Products and Services: Document Delivery, Translation; Current Awareness,
etc services; Trend Reports, Information Analysis and Consolidation Products and
Multimedia resources; Portals, Wikipedia, Content Management; Subject Gateways.
Multilingual Resources.
Paper-8: Elements of Statistics and Research Methodology
Methods of data collection; Scales of measurement; Presentation of data – graphical and
tabular; Frequency tables, histogram, frequency curves; Measures of central tendency
and dispersion; Correlation and regression analysis; Curve fitting.
o Research – concept, meaning, need and process of research; types of research:
fundamental and applied including inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary
o Research Design – conceptualization and operationalization; Identification and
formulation of problems; Hypothesis; Nominal and operational definition, ethic
aspects; Writing research proposals.
o Literature search. Reviewing of articles.
o Research Methods – scientific, historical, descriptive, survey methods, case
studies, Delphi & experimental methods.
o Research Techniques and Tools sampling and methods sampling; Tools for data
gathering -- Questionnaire, interview, observation, library records and reports etc.
o Research Reporting – structure, style, concepts, guidelines for research reporting,
style manuals – Chicago, MLA, APA etc.
o Current Trends in Library & Information Science Research.
Probability: Concepts: Classical and axiomatic, properties of a probability measure;
conditional probability, etc.
Independent events, random variable, discrete and continuous random variable,
distribution function, probability density functions.
Discrete probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and geometric and negative
binomial distributions. Continuous probability distributions; exponential, normal and
lognormal distributions.
Testing of hypotheses: z-test & t-test, and Goodness-of-fit test, Confidence intervals.
Digital Libraries
Historical Development of Digital Libraries. Copyright and license issues.
Digitization: Software, Hardware and best practices; Scanners and scanner types; Optical
character recognition and comparative study of OCR software.
Open Standards and File Formats, Metadata and Metadata Standards
Digital library software: Features and comparative study of Dspace, Eprints and
Fedora; Harvesting Metadata, OAI-PMH and DL Interoperability; Harvester software.
Digital Library Architectures; Grid architecture. Open URL integration. Digital
Preservation: PREMIS. Persistent identifiers: DOI and CNRI Handles; Multilingual
digital repositories and Cross-language information retrieval
Use of statistical package: SPSS or SAS or any other well-tested and proven
Data Structures and Computer Programming
Fundamentals of programming techniques, flowcharting, Introduction to C programming
language. Arrays. Linked Lists: Singly linked, doubly linked and circularly linked.
Graphs. Pointer-based and array-based representation. Breadth-first and depth-first
traversals. Shortest path algorithms.
Fixed length / variable length records pinned / unpinned record, indexed files. Object
oriented programming. Java or a similar language.
Stacks and queues. Applications – Polish postfix conversion, FCFS scheduling. Binary
trees - Implementation, Traversal algorithms. Binary Search Tree, AVL tree.
B-tree – application in database design. Recursive programming - Differences between
recursion and iteration. Sorting – Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort,
Merge sort, Heap sort. Searching – Linear search, Binary search. Hashing - Chaining and
open addressing, collisions.
Paper-11: Colloquium
Semester 3
Information Storage, Retrieval and DBMS
Different types of storage media, physical level of a DBMS – use of B-trees, Trees.
Overview of IR Systems, Historical Perspectives. Document Representation: Statistical
Characteristics of Text, Basic Query Processing. Classic IR: basic concepts, Boolean
model, vector model, probabilistic model.
Alternative IR: set theoretic, algebraic models, and probabilistic models (Bayesian
networks). Structured Text Retrieval Models: model based on non-overlapping lists and
proximal nodes. Text Operations: document pre-processing (word stemming, stop words,
thesauri), document clustering.
IR Systems and the WWW, Heterogeneous Information Sources, Intelligent Web Agents.
Evaluation of IR. Search methodology, algorithms. Cognitive IR modelling.
Searching vs. browsing; dynamic query formulation and reformulation. Query: keyword
based querying, pattern matching, structural queries, query protocols.
Hybrid statistical and knowledge approaches: query expansion and refinement based on a
similarity thesaurus and ontologies.
Introduction to DBMS - File management vs. Database management, integrity and
security issues. E-R Models Enhanced E-R Models. Logical Database Design, Relational
Database Model, Normalization. SQL, Implementation in MySql or PostgreSql.
Concurrency in databases.
Object-Oriented Models. Multimedia Databases. Database Security - models, security
implementation, relationship to web databases
Paper-14: Content Management Systems
Introduction; benefits. Relationship with other information systems: document
management, records management, digital asset management. Principles of CMS. CMS
Architecture. System and data integration in CMS. Applications. CMS and Community
Information Systems.
Roles of other related technologies: XML, DBMS, Portals, Data Mining, Agent
technologies, Personalization, Study of CMS Softwares, Evaluation of CMS.
Paper-15: Informetrics and Scientometrics
Informetrics: Genesis, scope and definitions.
Classical bibliometric laws: Zipf’s law, Lotka’s law, Law of scattering (Bradford’s law);
Generalised bibliometrics distributions. Fitting of Informatics models: Bradford’s curve,
Leimkuhler’s distribution, etc. Aspects of concentration measures; 80-20 rules, Price’s
law relating to scientific productivity. Circulation. Statistics.
Growth and obsolescence of literature: Various growth models; the half-life analogy;
determinations of aging factor and half-life: real vs apparent; synchronous vs
Citation analysis: Citation indexing, including bibliographic coupling and co-citation
Science indicators & mapping of science.
Paper-16: Web Technology and Web-based Information Services
HTML, XML, DHTML, XHTML. TCP/IP, FTP, SSHD. Web servers: Apache etc.
CGI Programming, Java scripts. Java scripts and JSP. Database connectivity: odbc, jdbc
Protocols: SOAP etc. RSS feeds, Blogs, Open URL. Relevant W3 Standards and
Search Engines, cluster based search engines and building search engines. Search
Algorithms. Security Issues.
Paper-17: Dissertation
Semester 4
Paper-18: Networking Technology and Library Networks
Networking- concepts. Type of Networks: LAN, MAN and WAN. Networking
Topologies: Star, Bus, Token Ring, Hybrid. Networking Hardware. Network layer
protocols: The Internet Protocols (IP), IPv4 and IPv6.
Transport layer protocols: TCP, UDP and AAL. Application protocols: HTTP, FTP,
Telnet. Network level services: Name lookup and DNS. Communication protocols:
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). DNS,
Mail Servers, Listserves.
Internet and World Wide Web- Components, Services, Browsing, Search Engines.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge economy – features / characteristics, national information infrastructure,
complex nature of knowledge, taxonomy of knowledge & knowledge management
Intellectual capital – components, measurement, KM measurement.
Technology for KM -- KM enabling tools, knowledge portals and characteristics,
knowledge sharing and various sharing models, knowledge culture etc.
Communications and organization culture. Communication – different types, models etc.
Case Studies.
Semantic Web
Knowledge organization and information access Systems. Objectives, key issues and problems
in information retrieval and KO. Information organization in bibliographic systems.
Knowledge structures – systems for knowledge organization, knowledge representation,
social epistemology, relationships between classification, taxonomies, ontology
(classification schemes and taxonomies, cataloguing and metadata, thesauri and
Human cognition and mental structures.
Ontology languages -- OWL, DAML.
Beyond traditional authority files: Knowledge organization for digital libraries – natural
languages processing: syntactic analysis, Universals and parsing algorithms; Data and
text mining; Semantic Web, RDF. Enterprise Information Architecture.
Paper-21: Elective
Note: Syllabus for One of the electives is given below. Syllabus for other electives will be
provided as and when they are offered.
Data & Text Mining
Data warehousing: Introduction, Definitions, Multi-dimensional data model. OLAP and
OLAP Engine.
Data Mining: Introduction, Definitions, KDD vs DM, DBMS vs DM, DM techniques,
Issues and Challenges, Applications. Association rules: Introduction, Methods to discover
association rules, Algorithms.
Clustering techniques: Clustering paradigms, Partitioning algorithms, k-Medoid
algorithms, Hierarchical clustering.
Decision trees: Tree construction principle, Decision tree construction algorithm,
Web mining: Content, structure and usage mining, Text mining, Image and multimedia
Paper-22: Dissertation
This is only a broad guideline; with the approval from the Academic Council, the
concerned teacher may finalize the syllabus for a paper.
The Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the MLISc program will:
Acquire and practice administrative, management, teambuilding, and leadership skills needed
to operate the information and library enterprise.
Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills, in person and via
technology, with staff, customers, users, and clients, and the community.
Understand and demonstrate professional and ethical behavior from a library and
information management perspective.
Understand diverse audiences and their information needs in order to deliver assist
them in finding information.
Facilitate library and information user customer service needs in an effective and
engaging manner.
Demonstrate the skills and abilities needed to effectively manage all aspects of a
library, library unit, or information center; demonstrate ability to act as an innovative
organizational leader anticipating and responding to change to ensure the library
remains a valuable asset to those it serves.
Demonstrate effective knowledge of, skills in, and ability to teach information
searching in various contexts and with key technologies.
Understand information architecture, management, and environments to create,
organize, manage, and disseminate information effectively.
Recognize current theories and trends in information literacy research and practice.
Assessment: The Library has an assessment coordinator who will be given additional time to
assess the learning outcomes.
The total number of papers, credits, practical, dissertation /project work, internal assessments,
assignments, medium of instruction, computer laboratory, study tours, examination procedures,
etc. would be as per the rules and regulations of RGU.
The program is also subject to the University’s policy that requires an in-depth review of a
program every five years, including a self-study and external reviewers.
Five Year Budget
Fiscal Years 2019^20 through 2023^24
Income and Expenses
Number of Students
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Cohort 3
Cohort 4
Cohort 5
Total Enrollment
# of Credit Units
Fee per Unit
Income from Students
Two Assistant Professors
One Associate professor
One Professor
(Instructional cost,
administrative staff, support
One Office
Assistant(UDC) Rs
25,500/ per month
One peon
Rs.18,000/ per month
(General Office expenses,
phone, mailings, data
services, memberships, travel,
conference fees, etc.)
Equipment and Materials
(Computer refresh, furniture
refresh, library materials,
Instructional equipment)
Computer 30 Nos/ office+lab
5 HP Printers( LaserJet 1020
*DDC 10 Set/ 32000per set
**CC 10 Set./ 1000 Per Set
***LCSH 10Set/ 6500 Per Set
****AACR 2 R 10Set/ 10000
Per Set
Class room Furniture
CSUN & Chancellor Overhead
Total Expenses
Net Cash Flow
Initial Investment
Cash Flow from Program
Net Return
*DDC- Dewey Decimal Classification for Classification practical handbook.
**CC- Colon Classification for Classification practical handbook.
***LCSH- Library of Congress Subject Headings. Practical Handbook.
**** Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd Revised Edition for library Cataloguing Practical Hand Book.
Competent authorities, faculties, academic council may consider the comprehensive proposal of opening of new department of Master of
Library and Information Science/Studies in RGU from the coming session 2019, keeping the bright scope and prospects of the department as
well the state in the context of expanding higher education, school and secondary education, professional colleges and Universities, industries,
business and corporate sectors, public library systems, government organizations and ministries, etc.
The trained manpower in the field of Library and Information Science has ample of opportunities to help the professionals to blossom. Hence
this course is job oriented and also the professional expertise and their professional capabilities to carry out the teaching and guidance. Since
the proposed course is self-financed course, there is hardly any burden on the part of the University and the initial classrooms and the physical
infrastructure will be well established smart Library itself will be the well equipped Libratory with high speed internet connectivity. The
technical assistance and initial funding for purchasing the basic tools like CC, DDC, UDC, LCSH, catalogue Code along with some basic
reference sources in Library and Information Science will be managed by the Library itself.