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Women Working WW1: Lesson Plan

Lesson Topic: Women Working WW1
Description: Show students how the role of women changed significantly during the first
World War. Discuss how these changes helped the war and shaped the future for women in
Links to Curriculum Expectations:
B1 - Social, Economic and Political Context
B2 – Communities, Conflict and Cooperation
B3 – Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage
Learning Goals:
Describe some key social, economic and
political events, trends and
developments between 1914 and 1929
and assess their significance for
different groups in Canada.
Analyse key interactions within and
between different communities in
Canada, between Canada and the
international community, from 1914 to
1929 and how they affected Canadian
society and politics.
Explain how various individuals,
organizations, and specific social
changes between 1914 and 1929
contributed to the development of
identity, citizenship, and heritage in
Success Criteria:
Able to analyse historical primary
sources to identify major
demographic trends in Canada
between 1914 and 1929. (the
number of women in the labour
force and the type of work they
Able to explain the impact on
Canadian society and politics of
some key events and/or
developments during World War I.
(an increase in the number of
women in the workforce…)
Able to explain the goals and
accomplishments of some groups
and/or movements that
contributed to social and/or
political cooperation during this
period. (women’s suffrage
Able to describe some significant
developments in the rights and
lives of women in Canada during
this period and explain the impact
of these developments on Canadian
citizenship and/or heritage.
(women’s contribution to the war
effort, expanding their role in the
workplace, impact of their role on
the family, new political rights…)
Minds On (10 minutes)
Ask the students what they know about the women who were
involved in the First World War. Talk and discuss the jobs and duties
women had before and after the war.
Not needed.
Action (55 minutes)
Present the Google slide to the class about women and their
Projector, computer
roles/responsibilities during the First World War. Show the importance
of women and how much they had to step up during the war.
Consolidation (10 minutes)
After presenting the slides, discuss with the students if whether or not
equality would have come later or before if the war had not started. If
women would be able to work and vote as quickly as they were or not.
Assessment for Learning: Mini oral quiz asking the students what they know about women
and their roles during WWI.
Assessment as Learning: The students have an article to read about women in WWI who
were ambulance drivers and who worked as nurses and caretakers in the Red Cross.
Assessment of Learning: No assessment of learning for this lesson.