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Research Project Rubric: Secondary Education Seminar

CIS 700 Seminar in Secondary Education
Rubric #3 – Research Project/Presentation
(40% of Course Grade)
Presentation/Delivery (20 Points) and Research Paper (20 Points) = Total 40 Points
(layout and structure)
5 Points
Content/Quality of
5 Points
Presentation Delivery
Time included
5 Points
Responses to
4 Points
Presentation and Delivery (20 Points)
Has no opening statement
Has opening statement relevant Has an opening statement
or has an irrelevant
to topic and gives outline of
that catches audience’s
statement; gives listener no presentation content; is mostly
attention; mostly
focus or outline of the
organized; provides adequate
maintains focus; provides
“road map” for the listener
basic overview;
1 -2 Points
3 Points
4 Points
Does not give adequate
Covers topic; uses appropriate sources; is objective;
coverage of topic; lacks
Summarizes presentation’s main points; draws conclusions
sources; Has missing or
based upon these points
poor conclusion; is not tied
to analysis; does not
summarize points that
support the conclusion
1-2 Points
3- 4 Points
Is often hard to understand; has voice that is too soft or too
Has appropriate pace; has
loud; has a pace that is too quick or too slow; demonstrates
no distracting
one or more distracting mannerisms
mannerisms; is easily
1 – 3 Points
4 Points
Demonstrates little grasp
of information; has
undeveloped or unclear
answers to questions
Shows ease in answering
questions but does not elaborate
Demonstrates full
knowledge of topic;
explains and elaborates on
all questions
2 Points
Use of Media Presentation Slides
2 Points
1 Point
Reads directly from slides;
Relies heavily on slides
and notes; makes little eye
contact; uses slides with
too much text
.5 Point
3 Points
Looks at slides to keep on track; uses an appropriate number
of slides
.75 Point
Has a clear opening statement that
catches audience’s interest; maintains
focus throughout; summarizes main
points – leaves audience wanting to learn
5 Points
Demonstrates substance and depth; is
comprehensive; shows mastery of
material; Delivers a conclusion that is
well documented and persuasive
5 Points
Has natural delivery; modulates voice; is
articulate; projects enthusiasm, interest,
and confidence; uses body language
5 Points;
Demonstrates full knowledge of topic;
explains and elaborates on all questions –
Leaves the audience with questions to
ponder beyond the research presentation
related to their future as teachers.
4 Points
Uses slides effortlessly to enhance
presentation; has an effective presentation
without media
1 Points
Pts. Earned
Research Paper - 20 Points
Use your previous research to write a comprehensive review of the issue (topic) and present your overall personal decision based upon your research.
This information should be presented in your presentation to the class.
Problem/issue is vague or
Introduction states the
Introductory paragraph
Well-developed introductory paragraph
unclear. Background
problem/issue, but does not
contains some
contains detailed background, a clear
details are a seemingly
adequately explain the
background information
explanation or definition of the problem,
Professional and
random collection of
background of the problem.
and states the
and a “issue” statement
Personal Overall
information, unclear, or
The problem is stated, but lacks problem/issue, but does
Conclusion summarizes the main topics
not related to the topic.
not explain using details.
without repeating previous sentences;
Conclusion does not
Conclusion summarizes main
States the issue(s)
writer’s opinions and suggestions for
7 Points
adequately summarize the
issue(s), but is repetitive. No
presented in the paper.
change are logical and well throughout.
main issue(s). No
suggestions for change and/or
Conclusion summarizes
suggestions for change or
opinions are included.
main topics. Some
options are included.
suggestions for change
are evident.
Appropriate Assigned
Content with
with personal
experiences and course
7 Points
Research Paper APA
(format and visual
3 Point
Written and Spoken
3 Point
Overall Performance
1 Point
Content and reflection
included is limited, vague,
discrete, and presented as
disconnected facts.
3 Points
Content and reflection inclusion
appears factual in nature from
class information, textbooks,
and lacks personal connections
with the content.
5 Points
Content and reflection
inclusion effectively
communicates concepts
and the personal
perspective of the student.
7 Points
Content and reflection inclusion
effectively communicated with examples,
explanations, and connections between
concepts and the personal perspective of
the student. –GREAT Depth-
1 Point
3 Points
5 Points
7 Points
Essay: Does not follow
Essay: Some APA formatting
APA Formatting or
with minor errors in
graduate level academic
subheadings, margins, font size,
standards of format.
page number, etc.
.5 Point
1 Point
Does not meet the
Minor (4-6) errors in graduatestandards of graduate-level level discourse which may
discourse. Lacks
include errors in conventional
conventional spelling,
spelling, grammar, punctuation,
grammar, punctuation, and and consistent verb tense and
consistent verb tense and
.5 Points
1 Points
Total Possible Points: 40
Total Points Earned: _______
Essay: APA Format
followed with few minor
Essay: Exceptional APA formatting.
Follows ALL conventions of APA
2 Points
Minor (1-3) errors in
graduate-level discourse
which may include errors
in conventional spelling,
grammar, punctuation,
and consistent verb tense
and voice.
2 Points
3 Point
Adheres to standards of graduate-level
discourse including conventional spelling,
grammar, punctuation, and consistent
verb tense and voice.
3 Point