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Early US Events Worksheet

Foreign and Domestic Events of the New Nation
Block______ NB#______
Use info found in your textbook to complete the following:
Part A. Briefly Identify the following events by listing the date (year), countries involved, and
the results or action taken. The first two have been done for you.
Treaty of Greenville- 1795, Native Americans in Ohio and Indiana give up their native land in
return for $10,000 a year. (Eventually this treaty will not be honored by the US govt.)
Adams-Onis Treaty- 1819, Spain cedes Florida to the United States, by 1823 the Seminole
Indian tribe has been defeated.
Louisiana Purchase, p.196-200Pinckney’s Treaty p.176War of 1812 p.209-220 (just the year and country involved)Washington’s farewell address (2 cautions) p 174-175Northwest Ordinance p.147, 150Treaty of Ghent p. 218Jay’s Treaty p.175-176XYZ Affair p.178Part B. Now put the above events in chronological order (Write out the names):
Part C. Now use the information above to follow the instruction for coloring your map:
A. Color the country involved with the United States in Pinckney’s Treaty orange and mark a
green X on the port city where Americans were granted the “right to deposit goods”.
B. Color the country against which the United States fought the War of 1812 yellow.
C. Color the country responsible for the XYZ Affair green and write “XYZ” in black.
D. Color Florida orange.
E. Draw black dots in the country from which the US gained Florida in the Adams-Onis Treaty
F. Mark the spot with an “X” on the US where Washington D.C. is located and write the word
NEUTRALITY out beside it.
G. Outline the area obtained by the US in the Louisiana Purchase red.
H. Color the 13 original states and Vermont purple.
I. Color the Great Lakes blue.
J. Outline the five states formed out of the Northwest Territory green. (see page 161)
K. Outline all other states in the US map yellow.