TYPES OF INSECT LEGS pronotum mesopleuron spiracle metapleuron coxa femur tibia Front leg tarsus trochanter Mid leg Hind leg STRUCTURE OF LEG Leg parts to know Coxa Trochanter Femur Tibia Tarsus Pre-tarsus • • • • • • Ambulatorial (Ambulate - to walk; Walking leg) Cottonwood leaf beetle Boxelder bug Tarnished plant bug Cursorial : (Cursorial = adapted for running : Running leg) Oriental cockroach Ground beetle Bronze tiger beetle Saltatorial - (Saltatorial = Leaping ; Jumping Leg) Scansorial : (Scansorial = Climbing; climbing or clinging leg) Fossorial : (Fossorial = Digging; Burrowing leg) Southern mole cricket Cast skin of cicada Raptorial : (Raptorial = predatory ; Grasping leg) Natatorial Natatorial = pertaining to ( swimming Whirlygig beetle Sticking Leg Basket Like Leg e.g. Legs of dragonfly Basket Like Leg e.g. Legs of Damselfly Clasping Leg e.g. Forelegs of male water beetle. • The tarsus is flattend with adhesive discs which are useful to clasp the mate during copulation. Foragial Leg (Forage = to collect food material) Prolegs or False Legs or Pseudo Legs e.g. Abdominal legs of caterpillar.