S A M O P N L LY E Global environmental change Global environmental changes are the result of human and natural processes. In this unit the focus is on the ways in which the biophysical landscape is changed by human interactions with natural ecosystems and how these create anthropogenic or human biomes (anthromes). To study the extent of the changes produced by human/natural ecosystem interactions, the primary method is to assess the degree of land cover change using direct primary fieldwork observations, secondary mapping data and remote sensing technologies. As the impact of human activity increases and natural ecosystems are changed, further transformations take place including biodiversity loss, climate change, soil degradation and changes to environmental flows. There are few truly natural biomes in existence today. All have been modified to a greater or lesser extent by human activity. It is however, still important to study the characteristics and dynamics of global natural biomes in order to understand the degree to which they have been changed by human activity. By studying global environmental change we seek to: l Understand the nature and extent of changing land cover at the local, regional and global scales. l Understand the causes of changing land cover and the emergence of anthromes. l Recognise and understand the various interactions between human activities and natural ecosystems, and in particular, how these interactions result in biodiversity loss and climate change. l Identify and evaluate sustainable actions aimed at reducing or overcoming the negative impacts of land cover changes by assessing the costs and benefits of these actions. l Apply key geographical concepts and inquiry methods when evaluating land cover changes, its consequences and sustainable solutions. Page 4 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e S A M O P N L LY E Chapter One An overview of envirnomental change - Page 6 l The natural environment l Changing the land l Spatial technology and science Chapter Two Depth study one: Global climate change - Page 42 l Global climate systems and patterns l The nature and causes of climate change l Climate change and land cover Chapter Three Land cover change - Page 94 l Evaluating land cover changes l A case study in land cover management l Mitigating and adapting to climate change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 5 Chapter one An overview of environmental change S A M O P N L LY E Humans have been modifying the earth’s natural environments for thousands of years. Population, technology, trade, material wealth and the desire to achieve higher living standards drive people to change the environments in which they live. In today’s world, land–use and land cover change is far greater than at any time in the past. It is producing unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional and global scales. In 1700 CE (Common Era or AD), nearly half of the terrestrial biosphere was wild, without human settlements or substantial land use. Most of the remainder was in a semi-natural state (45 per cent) having only minor use for agriculture and settlements. By 2000 CE, the opposite was true, with the majority of the biosphere found in agricultural and settled anthromes. Less than 20 per cent of the world’s biosphere was semi-natural and only 25 per cent was left wild. These wild-lands are nearly all barren and sparse. They include remote desert areas, bare rock surfaces and icefields. Biodiversity loss, soil degradation, changes to the water cycle (in terms of natural drainage systems) and climate change are some of the major consequences of global population and economic growth. Comparing the differences between traditional indigenous cultures and commercial industrial cultures is one way of illustrating the nature of land cover change, as are the variations between nation states with their political and institutional differences. The rise of the nation state has created a world where political or national boundaries produce large variations in the way different parts of the world are managed, with significant environmental consequences. Careful measurement of land cover change is essential in gaining an accurate picture of the nature and extent of this change, while investigation of interactions, systems and processes help to identify the causes and consequences. Remote sensing technologies play an important part in the measurement of land cover change and spatial science provides different methods of interpreting and understanding this change. Page 6 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Topic one The natural environment All living and non-living features on the earth that are not the result of human actions make up the natural environment. These include ecological units – the biomes and ecosystems – that occupy distinctive geographical locations and the universal natural resources that lack clear cut regional boundaries. The universal features include air, water, heat energy, radiation and magnetism. Interactions between natural elements such as plants, animals, heat, water, soils, landforms and geology create complex and dynamic natural environments. geology, landforms and water. If any of these things change over time then this will cause a change in the characteristics and the extent of the biome. Climate change can cause living things in a biome to change and even move to new locations. S A M O P N L LY E BIOMES – CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPES The earth has many different living things. Some are very complex highly specialised organisms whereas others are simple single celled plants or animals. Each depends in some way on other living and non-living things within its environment. The variety of organisms and the way they interact, and depend on each other in a biome is called biodiversity. The fully developed natural ecosystems within biomes have a high degree of biodiversity. Biodiversity is an important characteristic of biomes in their natural state. Biodiversity loss is one way of assessing the extent of land cover change. A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which have adapted to that particular environment. Climate and geography determines what type of biome can exist in a region. Biomes are most commonly identified by their dominant vegetation types which are closely linked to climatic conditions as shown in figure 1.1. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and several types of aquatic environments. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and other environmental factors inside the biome. The actual amount of organisms within a biome or an individual ecosystem is known as its biomass. Some biomes have a large amount of biomass while others have very little. Measurement and observation of biomass levels assists in identifying and classifying different biomes and their related ecosystems. There are Characteristics The distinctive characteristics of each major biome are shaped by the way in which plants and animals interact with each other, and the influences of climate, soils, Decreasing rainfall Very dry in summer and winter 30 deg. south 20 Wet in summer dry in winter Very wet in summer and winter 10 0 Latitude Desert Semi-arid grassland Tropical savanna grassland Monsoon forest Rainforest Figure 1.1 Variations in climates and biomes O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 7 The natural environment World Terrestrial Biomes Tropical rainforest Tropical monsoon forest and savanna grasslands Mediterranean evergreen forest S A M O P N L LY E Broadleaf evergeeen forest Broadleaf deciduous forest Boreal forest Desert Mid-latitude grasslands Tundra Alpine Ice cap Figure 1.2 Major world biomes several ways to measure a biome’s biomass. One is to measure the amount of energy produced. This is often used to determine plant biomass. Another common way is to measure the amount of organic carbon stored in both plants and animals in a biome. This is usually expressed as tonnes or kilograms per hectare of land. Using this method the total live biomass on the Earth has been estimated at about 560 billion tonnes. About a 100 billion tonnes of this is replaced each year by new plant and animal growth or reproduction. Climate and biome characteristics are related in a number of ways and through a variety of spatial interactions. Features such as plant growth, growing seasons, adaptations and biodiversity are all the result of climate/biome interactions. Climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature mainly determine the length of a growing season for different biomes and the amount of growth that takes place. Climate plays a major part in influencing the level of biomass within a biome. Soil nutrients, landforms and seasonal changes in the length of day and night are also factors affecting biomass. The forests of the tropical areas of the Earth Page 8 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change have the greatest amount of biomass per hectare while the deserts have the lowest. Marine coral reef biomes have similar biomass levels to that of the tropical forests. Types There are very large areas of the world with quite distinctive groups of plants and animals. They include forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra and aquatic environments. These are the major world biomes - see figure 1.2. Each of these contains smaller distinctive groupings that can also be further broken down into many different types of ecosystems. Forest biomes The world’s forests cover some 30 per cent of the Earth’s land area and contain around 70 per cent of the total global biomass. Rainfall totals and the seasonal pattern of both rainfall and temperature are major influences on the location and distribution of the different types of forests. There are three main forest biomes produced by these climatic differences. They are the tropical forests, which are found between the Tropics of O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment Activities Emergent layer Unde nders erstto orrey eyy e ttrree e laye err Im mm matu urre e ttrre ee ea and d fe errn r lla aye err Humus H u us u and n herb erb er rb layer e Figure 1.3 Rainforest structure areas receive year round rainfall, are hot in summer and cool to mild in winter. The evergreen forests are dominated by oaks, laurels and magnolias in the northern hemisphere, and eucalypts or ‘gum trees’ in Australia. The lack of a cold winter allows the trees to keep their leaves all year round. S A M O P N L LY E Capricorn and Cancer, the temperate forests in the midlatitude regions and the boreal forests in the high latitude areas. Within the three main forest biomes other smaller distinctive forest ecosystems can also be observed. Forre esst e est ca ccano ano an a no n op pyy laye err 50 metres 1. Explain the difference between natural and anthropogenic biomes (anthromes) 2. Explain the difference between a biome and an ecosystem. 3. Identify and list the major types of biomes found on the Earth. 4. Explain the terms biodiversity, biomass and growing season. 5. Study figure 1.2. Identify and describe any differences between the types and extent of the major terrestrial biomes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 6. Compare and contrast the terrestrial biomes found in Australia and South America. Suggest reasons for the differences. The tropical forests include the evergreen rainforests and the deciduous monsoon forests. Evergreen rainforests have the greatest biodiversity of all of the terrestrial biomes. One square kilometre of these forests may contain more than 1,000 different plant species, while one square kilometre of forest produces about 2,000 tonnes of biomass per year. The complex nature of the rainforest can be seen in the structure or arrangement of the different plants as shown by figure 1.3 and the many habitats that this creates for the animals that live there. Constant rainfall of more than 2,000 millimetres (mm) per year and average temperatures of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius (C) with little seasonal variation allows for a year-long continuous growing season. This is why rainforests have the highest biomass productivity of all biomes. Found in the middle latitudes outside of the tropical areas are the temperate forests. They include broadleaf evergreen and deciduous forests, mixed broadleaf/boreal forests, Mediterranean forests and temperate rainforests. These forests are characterised by distinctive seasonal climatic patterns. Unlike the tropical forests this includes significant variations in the temperatures from summer to winter. There are also differences in the amount and seasonal distribution of rain or snowfall. The warm temperate evergreen broadleaf forest is found along the eastern edges of continents such as Asia, Australia, North America and South America. These O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The temperate broadleaf deciduous forests are only found in the Northern Hemisphere. They are located in western and central Europe, eastern Asia including Korea and Japan, and eastern North America. The autumn season or ‘fall’ is a time when the trees shed their leaves, which often turn from green to brilliant red, gold and orange. This is triggered by the shorter days as winter approaches. Chlorophyll is withdrawn from the leaves allowing other colours to show through. Like the rainforest there are distinctive layers in the forest structure. The trees which include, oaks, maples, beech, elm and walnut, form a thick canopy of broad leaves in summer. Mediterranean forests or woodlands are located around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and on the western sides of continents such as Africa, Australia, North and South America. They have developed in response to the unique climatic conditions of mild wet winters and hot dry summers found in these parts of the world. Plant growth occurs mainly in spring, before the onset of summer and in autumn as rainfall is increasing. This biome includes the wet and dry sclerophyllous forests of south-western Australia. These are the karri and jarrah forests of Western Australia. The wet sclerophyll forests contain the tallest trees in Australia. They include the mountain ash in Victoria and the karri in Western Australia - see figure 1.4. These tall eucalypt forests occur where annual rainfall is greater than 1,000 mm. Currently, this forest type covers slightly An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 9 The natural environment Found between latitudes 50 and 60 degrees north, these forests form a broad belt running from Europe through Asia and across North America. This includes large areas of Siberia, Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada. Seasons are divided into short, moist and moderately warm summers and long, cold and dry winters. The average temperature is below freezing point for at least six months of the year. Minimum temperatures can fall as low as minus 54o C during winter. Global warming may see this forest shift northwards as average temperatures rise. The length of the growing season in boreal forests is 130 days, which corresponds to the short summer period. S A M O P N L LY E Figure 1.4 Karri forest south of Pemberton W.A. Vegetation in the boreal forest consists mainly of conifers such as spruce, hemlock, pine and fir. Most conifers are evergreen with special features that allow them to survive during the long cold winters. These features include sap, which does not freeze in the plant’s cells and the shape of the branches, which allow snow to slide off rather than breaking the tree with this added weight. less than one per cent of the continent. The karri forest of Western Australia is mainly located on the south coast between Denmark and Manjimup. Other smaller areas include the Boranup forest near Margaret River. Karri trees can grow to heights up to 90 metres and are one of Australia’s tallest trees. They tend to be found on deep loamy soils. Nutrients from the extensive amount of decaying vegetation or humus on the forest floor help to support this biome. Large areas of karri forest are now located in national parks and conservation reserves. The clearing of the karri forest for dairy and other small farms as well as the cutting of timber for building construction and firewood has significantly reduced the original extent of the forest. Karri is still logged in some areas and continues to be an important source of hardwood timber for the forest industry. The more extensive forest type in both Eastern and Western Australia is the dry sclerophyllous forest. This is a more open forest than the wet sclerophyllous and the trees are shorter. They currently cover about 3.5 per cent of the continent and are most commonly found on the Eastern Highlands from central Queensland through to the eastern half of Tasmania. They contain a variety of hardwood trees that provide valuable timber for construction and furniture making. The logging of these forests and their clearing for farming has seen their area reduced by almost half in the last 200 years. In the colder regions of the world the temperate forests are replaced by the boreal forests, or taiga. They represent the largest of the world’s land based biomes. Page 10 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Grassland biomes Grasslands are found across most regions of the earth and on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. While they are dominated by grasses, sedges and reeds some also contain a variety of wildflowers as well as shrubs and scattered trees. Grasses can grow from underground runners called rhizomes or from seeds. Grasses such as wild wheat, barley, oats and rice have been changed by humans to become important cereal crops. Most grasslands tend to be found where there is moderate rainfall between 600 and 1500mm per year, and temperatures between minus 5 and 20oC, however some also occur outside these limits. Some grasslands may have been caused by long term use of fire by indigenous peoples. Frequent fires destroy slower growing shrubs and trees and promote the quicker growing grasses. The world’s grasslands include tropical savanna, mid-latitude prairie and steppe, flooded grass swamps, high altitude mountain grassland pastures and semi-arid sparse grasslands, such as the Australian Spinifex regions. The tropical savanna grasslands occur where rainfall is limited to the summer months. This is the wet season with frequent tropical storms. Winters are warm and dry and the plants have features that allow them to survive this extended dry period. Annual rainfall is between 500 and 1200 mm per year. Where rainfall is less than 500 mm, semi-arid grass and shrubs become more common. While the dominant type of vegetation is grass there are also scattered trees in this biome giving it a parkland appearance. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment Fire plays an important part in the biodiversity of the savanna biome. These often occur naturally as a result of lightning strikes at the end of the dry season. Fire removes dead grass and the ash provides nutrients for new grass to grow when the rains come again in the following summer. Fire also prevents the growth of more permanent shrubs and trees. Humans have played a role in turning tropical woodland areas into grassland savanna by the lighting of fires and the removal of vegetation. Activities 1. Identify the main types of forest biomes and explain why they are different. 2. Draw and annotate the structure of a rainforest. Explain how this structure illustrates the high biodiversity and biomass of this forest biome. Identify and describe other factors that also contribute to this abundance. 3. Explain the difference between evergreen and deciduous plants. 4. What special features allow boreal forests to keep their leaves throughout the long cold winters? 5. Identify the main types of grassland biomes and briefly describe the factors that have encouraged the development of these grasslands. 6. With reference to figure 1.5 and library or internet sources write a detailed description of the Spinifex vegetation, environment and land cover. S A M O P N L LY E The drier mid-latitude areas of the world contain extensive areas of grassland. Annual rainfall in this biome is between 500mm and 800mm and temperatures change greatly from summer to winter. Most of these mid-latitude or temperate grasslands are also found in the interiors of continents, well away from the moderating effects of the ocean. As a result winter temperatures can fall well below freezing point while summers are warm to hot. Temperate grasslands include the veldts of South Africa, the pampas of Argentina, the steppes of central Asia and the prairies of North America. Aboriginal people harvested and ground the seeds of Spinifex grasses to make a type of flour which was then mixed with water and cooked on heated stones. Spinifex has rigid, thin spiky leaves that can cause painful sores if they pierce your skin. This protects the plant against the effects of grazing animals. Apart from different types of grasses, there are also many different types of wildflowers growing in this biome. They include asters, sunflowers, clovers and cone flowers. Due to its rich soils and lack of trees much of the world’s temperate grasslands have been greatly changed by humans growing crops or grazing sheep and cattle on these natural pastures. Desert biomes Most of Australia’s grasslands have scattered trees or shrubs. These are widely spaced and allow different types of grasses to develop as a ground cover. Spinifex or hummock grasses (Triodia) cover some 25 per cent of the continent and are located in arid and semi-arid climatic zones - see figure 1.5. Extensive areas of Spinifex cover the Pilbara region of Western Australia and extend eastwards across large areas of the Northern Territory. Figure 1.5 Spinifex grass (Triodia) with seed stalks O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Desert biomes can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. They form the hot and cold deserts of the world. These hot and cold arid and semi-arid regions of the world represent almost 40 per cent of the land-based biomes. Very low, unreliable rainfall and high evaporation rates have produced biomes with very little biomass and plants that have a number of ways to save water or minimise water loss. Desert animals also have a number of characteristics that minimise water needs and loss. The main factors that influence the desert climate are the global pressure belts, distance from the sea, ocean temperatures and mountains which are barriers to rainfall. A large proportion of the arid regions are dominated by high pressure cells. These produce fine stable atmospheric conditions and prevent rainfall. Cold ocean currents result in any moisture in winds from the sea falling as rain before it reaches the land. Rainfall decreases as winds move inland with the central areas of most continents being dry. Finally, high mountain ranges are very effective in producing heavy rain on their windward side and very dry conditions on their An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 11 The natural environment Figure 1.6 The rainshadow effect produced by mountain barriers Cold deserts include arid regions in higher latitudes away from the tropics as well as regions of high altitude. They have little rain or snow fall and a number of months when temperatures drop below zero. While evaporation rates are much lower than in the tropical deserts, plants and animals must adapt to the limited availability of moisture, cold winters and the effects of strong prevailing winds, which blow for a large part of the year. These winds form extensive dune fields as well as increasing the effects (chill factor) of the low temperatures. S A M O P N L LY E leeward side. This is called the rain-shadow effect which is illustrated in figure 1.6. Tropical or hot deserts can be found in areas between latitudes 15 and 30 degrees north and south of the Equator. They cover some 15 per cent of the earth’s land area, generally extending inland from the western sides of most continents. The largest hot deserts can be found in Africa, the Middle East, Australia and South Asia, while smaller areas occur in North and South America. Desert areas are regions of low, unreliable rainfall. They occur where annual precipitation is less than 250 mm. In the hot desert evaporation greatly exceeds total rainfall. The potential evaporation and water loss from plants could be up to 3,000 mm per year if this water was available. A pool of water three metres deep could evaporate in one year in the hot desert. Temperatures in the desert vary greatly throughout the year and from day to night. The large daily change is due to low humidity levels and clear skies. As night falls the heat of the day is rapidly lost and desert nights can be very cold. The shorter days in winter also bring lower temperatures. Desert plants and animals have adapted to the extreme climatic conditions. Plants in both hot and cold deserts have developed special features called xerophytic adaptations. These include the ability to store water in stems and leaves. Plants also reduce moisture loss by having small leaves and thick protective bark or by having leaves with waxy surfaces. Cacti and other types of plants have this characteristic. Some desert plants only germinate and grow after rainfall. These are short lived or ephemeral plants, which include a variety of wildflowers. Page 12 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Vegetation is extremely sparse covering on average about ten per cent of the desert landscape. It consists of small shrubs and grasses that are able to resist the extreme temperatures and lack of moisture. The vegetation in the Gobi Desert, for example, is mainly a type of spiky grass that grows on the sandy soils. Common animals here include camels, goats, sheep, foxes, wolves and lizards. The Gobi is a cold rain shadow desert in Mongolia. Soils in deserts are low in nutrients and poorly developed. They tend to be rocky or sandy. In some cases they have high levels of minerals such as salt, which make them infertile. Climate and soil makes it difficult for life to exist in the world’s deserts. Plants are small and often spaced well apart with areas of bare ground between them. It is because of these factors that deserts have limited biodiversity and one of the lowest levels of biomass of all the major biomes. The arid and semi-arid climate areas of Australia are unusual in having a larger percentage of vegetation cover than is found in most of the world’s deserts. There are large areas of low shrub plants that include mallee and mulga bushes. Mulga bushes and small trees cover O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment around 20 per cent of the Australian continent making it one of the most widespread biomes. Mulga is an acacia. It produces seed pods, which are an important food source for a range of insects and animals such as the red kangaroo and emu as well as the many different types of birds that live in the deserts of Australia. When rain comes to the Australian desert it is quickly transformed into a garden of colourful plants, which just as quickly die after flowering and producing seeds. These seeds may lay dormant in the desert soils for years until it next rains. Animal populations in deserts rapidly rise and fall in response to the infrequent blooming of the desert. In Australia a good season in the desert can bring mice and locust plagues, while large flocks of birds may migrate from the coast to take advantage of the food supply and the temporary lakes formed by the rainfall. Tundra biomes Aquatic biomes Aquatic biomes include freshwater and marine environments. They are the largest part of the earth’s biosphere, covering over 70 per cent of the planet’s surface. Freshwater biomes include rivers, lakes, swamps and groundwater reservoirs. Marine biomes include the oceans and seas. Different zones within the marine biomes have their own distinctive ecosystems. They include the intertidal zones, the continental shelves and the deep-ocean or abyss. Other important ecosystems within the marine biome are the coral reefs of the tropical seas and the coastal estuaries where marine and freshwater environments meet. Marine or salt-water environments and freshwater environments each have their own communities of plants and animals. Each environment has variations both in biodiversity and biomass in the same way as land based biomes do. S A M O P N L LY E The tundra biome is found in the Northern Hemisphere, north of the boreal forests. It is the last major vegetation zone before the regions of permanent Arctic ice cover and extends in a broad belt through Eurasia and across northern Canada. The absence of significant areas of land in the higher latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere accounts for the general absence of the tundra biome from the southern regions of the globe. The tundra has a long cold winter when average temperatures are around minus 34o Celsius followed by a short summer period when temperatures are high enough to support plant growth. This results in a growing season of approximately two months. Like the world’s deserts the tundra has limited biodiversity and biomass. Very high altitude areas also have tundra like conditions. These occur on mountains above the tree-line and are the alpine tundra biomes. While the growing season is slightly longer here than in the Arctic tundra regions, night time temperatures fall below freezing point and this affects the plants and animals found in this biome. Unlike the Arctic tundra the alpine biome has soils which are well drained and plants can develop deeper root systems. They do, however, have similar characteristics to the Arctic tundra plants, being short and clumping together. They include tussock grasses and low heath shrubs. Annual precipitation is between 150 to 250 mm, mainly falling as snow, while the soil is slow forming and acidic with permanently frozen subsoil. This permafrost soil can only support shallow rooted plants that grow in the topsoil. Permafrost soils contain very large amounts of carbon dioxide. There is a concern that with increased warming of temperatures in the Arctic regions that this gas will be released, further speeding up global warming. Permafrost soils also prevent water from soaking in making large areas of the tundra boggy and swampy. Tundra plants have adapted to low temperatures strong winds and the permafrost soils. They are short and bunch together to form a thick ground cover, which helps protect them from the cold and snow of winter. They also have the ability to photosynthesise at low temperatures and in low light intensity. Rather than flowering and producing seeds, most plants in the tundra biome reproduce by budding and division. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Freshwater biomes can be defined as water bodies where salt concentrations are less than one per cent. They include lake, pond, swamp, wetland and river ecosystems. In lakes and ponds, water tends to be still with limited circulation or mixing - see figure 1.7. This produces different environments from the shoreline to the deeper sections. As a result these areas are home to a variety of plants and animals. Figure 1.7 Ponds are freshwater ecosystems An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 13 The natural environment Rivers vary from their source to their mouth. The headwaters or source generally have higher oxygen levels, lower temperatures and less turbidity than sections further downstream. The greatest biodiversity usually occurs in the middle parts where the river widens and deeper sections are found. Where the river meets its final destination, such as a lake or the ocean, oxygen levels are lower and the water becomes murky with the sediment picked up over its journey. Different types of plants and animals are therefore found in the last sections of a river. S A M O P N L LY E Oceans cover most of the earth’s surface. Like the freshwater lakes the oceans have distinctive zones and layers. Along the shoreline is the intertidal zone. This zone is regularly submerged by daily tidal Figure 1.8 Coral reef ecosystems contain many different marine plants and animals movements. Plants and animals in the Estuaries occur where rising sea levels have ‘drowned’ intertidal zone have adapted to daily exposure to the river mouths and valleys. The old river channels are atmosphere. Beyond the intertidal zones are extensive often shown on navigation maps as deeper areas areas of shallow sea extending outwards across the beneath the wide expanse of the waters of the estuary. continental shelves of the larger landmasses. This zone In different seasons estuaries experience changes in is rarely deeper than 200 metres. It contains animals salinity as fresh water flows into and mixes with that live in the top layer of water, where there is greater seawater. Plant and animal species have adapted to light, while there are other plant and animal species that these changes. They are able to tolerate quite wide have adapted to life on the floor of the continental variations in salt levels as well as changes in water shelves. temperatures. In the shallow tropical seas the development of coral reefs has resulted in an environment of great biodiversity as illustrated by figure 1.8. These reefs contain some of the highest biomass of all marine ecosystems. Coral reefs are constructed from the skeletons of tiny marine organisms. These coral polyps also contain algae making them both plant and animal organisms. New coral builds on the skeletons of older ones and takes on a variety of shapes. Other plants and animals attach themselves to the reef and complex communities of fish live in and around the reef habitat. Ningaloo Reef and the Great Barrier Reef are two major reef environments in Australia’s coastal waters. Coral atolls form islands and lagoons in the tropical seas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. These islands are home to a range of land animals that are often unique to these remote locations. The deep ocean or abyss is found beyond the edge of the continental shelves. It is a region of total darkness, very high water pressures and extreme cold, with low levels of nutrients. The animals that inhabit the deep ocean are highly adapted to survive in this environment. Page 14 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Activities 1. With reference to the website www.mapsofworld.com select the map of deserts and mark these on a world map. For each one label as a hot, cold and/or rainshadow desert. Using examples from the named deserts explain how atmospheric pressure, distance from the sea and mountain barriers produce arid environments. 2. Explain why deserts have extreme variations in daily and seasonal temperatures and the significance of this for the plants and animals found there. 3. Identify and describe any similarities between desert and tundra biomes. 4. Using examples from desert, tundra and aquatic biomes describe and explain two types of seasonal or spatial land cover differences associated with these natural biomes 5. Identify and describe two examples of land cover changes associated with human impacts on desert, tundra or aquatic biomes. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment ECOSYSTEMS – STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS S A M O P N L LY E Ecosystems are distinctive communities of plants and animals interacting with each other and with the nonliving or abiotic environment. The combination of organisms (biota) and the non-living abiotic animals, micro-organisms, detritus and organic fossils. The abiotic elements include atmospheric conditions – weather and climate, inorganic nutrients and minerals, water, rocks, landforms and solar energy. Soils contain both biotic and abiotic elements and are important in the makeup of land-based or terrestrial ecosystems. Over time, changes in the structural characteristics result in ecosystems changing. Many ecosystems therefore, are characterised by being at different stage of progression or development. Some will be dominated by pioneering and immature organisms while others will exhibit characteristics of a maturing system. Finally, an undisturbed ecosystem may reach a final stage where organisms form a climax community. At this stage the ecosystem has reached a level of stability and balance and will tend to remain this way until there is some type of disturbance in the form of extreme weather, fire, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Human actions and climate change are increasingly impacting on the structure and functioning of fully mature ecosystems. Old growth forests are an example of a climax community or ecosystem, while secondary forests such as jungle and regrowth forests result from logging and clearing of primary (old growth) forests. Dynamics Figure 1.9 Hierarchy of biological organisation environment, produces many different ecosystems. These ecosystems vary in size (spatial structure) and exist for many different periods of time (temporal structure). As shown in figure 1.9 ecosystems form part of biological hierarchy where the largest unit is the biome. There are a number of different interactions and processes that occur within all ecosystems including energy, flows, nutrient cycles and biological processes – reproduction and evolution, as well as changes to the abiotic elements – erosion, tectonic activity, atmospheric composition, weather and climatic variations. Structure Biotic elements within an ecosystem consist of plants, O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Ecosystem interactions and dynamics can be studied by looking at trophic level interactions. This includes the study of ecological succession, energy flows and biogeochemical process. These ecosystem dynamics help to explain the biodiversity of a natural ecosystem and its relationship with the abiotic environment. Ecological succession Biomes and the biological communities that occur within them undergo changes over time. These are the result of new organisms that enter the ecosystem, the gradual evolution of existing organisms and changes that occur within the abiotic environment. There are two different types of succession – primary and secondary. Primary succession occurs where a biological community establishes itself in what was essentially a lifeless location. These may include a lava field, surfaces recently exposed by a retreating glacier, a new island formed by a volcanic eruption or newly formed sand dunes. Secondary succession occurs in areas where a An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 15 The natural environment community that previously existed was removed by some event. Such an event does not completely eliminate all life and nutrients from the environment. Wildfires, land-clearing, flooding and tsunamis all have the capacity to remove most of the organisms in an ecosystem. Food chains and food webs pass nutrients and energy from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem - see figure 1.10. The plants or autotrophs have the ability to take energy directly from sunlight in a process known as photosynthesis and combine it with nutrients to produce food for growth. Less than one per cent of all solar energy reaching the surface of the earth is used in this way. Most is held in the atmosphere to produce global weather systems. As energy passes through an ecosystem it is consumed at each level. With the consumers, most of the energy is used to grow, maintain body-heat, provide energy to muscles and replace organism cells. Some is lost through respiration and excretion of body wastes as well as decomposition, when organisms die. Only a small amount of the energy is available for the higher level consumers. As much as 95 per cent of transferred energy is lost at each trophic level through respiration, excretion and decomposition. This factor explains why there are far fewer secondary and tertiary consumers in an ecosystem. The availability of nutrients and energy at each trophic level is a natural population control mechanism. S A M O P N L LY E Both primary and secondary succession is the way in which plants and animals establish themselves in a new environment. As these biological communities become established they continually change with some species maturing while other pioneering species may disappear to be replaced by new arrivals. At every stage of an ecosystem’s development certain types of plants and animals have characteristics that allow them to flourish in the current conditions. Newer species are more successful as the environment is further modified and these invaders then replace some of the earlier plants and animals. In time an ecosystem may develop to a point where some degree of balance or equilibrium is established. This is described as a climax community. This is thought to result when the web of biotic interactions becomes so intricate that no other species can be admitted. In other environments, continual small-scale disturbances produce communities that are a diverse mix of species, and any species may become dominant at one time or another. make up the primary secondary and tertiary level consumers in a trophic pyramid. These form progressively smaller numbers at higher trophic levels and are subsequently the smallest part of an ecosystem biomass. Energy flows Animals and plants in an ecosystem occupy different levels. Together they form a trophic pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid or the first trophic level is made up of the autotrophs. These are the plants and they are the largest part of an ecosystem biomass. The animals Figure 1.10 Example of a food chain Page 16 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Biogeochemical processes Biogeochemical processes involve the cycling and transfer of substances through the biotic and the abiotic components of an ecosystem. This includes the cycling of nutrients, such as water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and phosphorous. Unlike energy flows, nutrients can be continually recycled within a natural ecosystem. This is important when understanding the dynamics of natural, undisturbed environments compared to anthropogenic biomes where biomass, biodiversity, energy flows and nutrient cycles are changed by intentional and unintentional human actions. Water plays an essential role within an ecosystem by regulating temperature, sustaining life and transporting nutrients. On average it makes up about 70 per cent of the body weight of an organism. Along with carbon dioxide it is essential in plant photosynthesis. Transpiration or the evaporation of water from plants is an important temperature control mechanism, while ground water helps transport organic and inorganic nutrients through roots, stems and leaves. Over time water will weather and erode rocks to release minerals and produce the inorganic component of soils as well as combining with heat to support decomposition of O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment dead organisms. Some specialised consumers in different ecosystems gain all their water needs via food chains and webs, while others rely on regular water supplies for drinking and for habitat. Variations in water availability and its different states – ice, liquid and vapour, have a major influence on the different types of biomes and ecosystems found on the Earth. This can be seen in the variations between aquatic and terrestrial biomes, between forest and desert biomes as well as between tropical and Arctic biomes. 1. Explain the difference between the terms structure and dynamics when applied to ecosystems 2. Identify and describe two ecosystem structural characteristics. 3. Identify and describe two ecosystem dynamics processes. 4. Using library or internet sources find a trophic pyramid diagram and explain the different levels and the variations in biomass found at each level. 5. Working in pairs, discuss and identify different ways in which human activity and land use may affect the structure and dynamics of ecosystems. Produce a dot point summary of your discussions. CLIMATE – GLOBAL PATTERNS AND WEATHER SYSTEMS S A M O P N L LY E Atmospheric carbon dioxide enters the nutrient cycle through the process of plant photosynthesis. It combines with water to form carbohydrates. While some returns to the atmosphere during respiration most is absorbed by plants to form woody cells. It remains in this form during the life of the plant and is either returned to the atmosphere during decomposition or is retained in the soil. Some deposits of plant organic matter may, in time, become fossil coal and peat deposits. In a similar manner carbon from the shells of aquatic animals or from coral can be deposited to form limestone. Carbon is an essential component of all living things and it is continually recycled within the trophic pyramid, and between the land and the atmosphere. Activities Atmospheric nitrogen cannot be used by plants until it is converted in nitrates by soil bacteria or lightning. Nitrogen found within dead organisms or excreta is also processed by bacteria to produce nitrates. Nitrates are high soluble and their cycling is closely associated with the operation of the water cycle within an ecosystem. Where soils are particularly poor in nitrates and other nutrients, some plants have developed special features that allow them to trap insects and absorb their bodies. In this way they gain the minerals and other nutrients that they need for survival. Phosphorous is an essential nutrient for both plants and animals - the consumers, within the trophic pyramid. It is important in the development of bones and teeth in humans and animals. There are several sources of phosphates in an ecosystem including decomposing organisms, rock phosphate and excreta such as guano. Unlike the other types of nutrient cycles mentioned previously, the phosphorous cycle does not involve atmospheric exchanges. Phosphates that are not taken up again in the nutrient cycle within an ecosystem will be eroded and deposited in soils, lakes and oceans, where over many years it will eventually be changed into sedimentary rock. It may take millions of years before the rocks are once again eroded to release the phosphate. In this way the phosphorous cycle is the slowest of all the biogeochemical cycles. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Up until the last 200 years or so the world’s climatic patterns and weather systems had been largely the result of natural systems and interactions. The interaction between the energy or heat budget, the water cycle, atmospheric circulation, land-masses and landforms, the carbon cycle and the world’s biomes have resulted in distinctive weather patterns and regional climate zones. Land cover change, biodiversity loss and the development of anthropogenic biomes have all had an impact on the natural climate system and global climatic patterns. There is a close relationship between global climatic patterns and world biomes. Biomes have largely been shaped by variations in temperature and precipitation. Like the biomes, climates vary from tropical through to temperate and Arctic types as well as having maritime to continental variations. These variations illustrate the way temperature differences produce distinctive climatic regions. In addition regional differences in the amounts and distribution patterns of precipitation also produce distinctive climatic regions. Some regions mainly receive summer or winter precipitation, while other areas have relatively uniform levels throughout the year. In addition there are significant variations in the total amounts, ranging from more than 2,000 millimetres in tropical regions and some mountainous areas to less than 250 millimetres in arid climates. Finally each climatic region has distinctive weather An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 17 The natural environment patterns and events associated with certain atmospheric features, such as air pressure, winds, humidity, cloud cover, temperature, precipitation and sunlight. Climate change S A M O P N L LY E Throughout the earth’s long geologic history the global climate patterns have changed. These changes include changes in overall patterns of temperature and precipitation. There are a number of drivers of natural changes in climate. They include changes in the earth’s axis, distance from the sun and solar intensity, volcanic events, changes in atmospheric composition and gradual changes in land-masses and ocean basins. Long term changes are illustrated by periods of low temperatures and extensive glaciations and interglacial or greenhouse climate periods. World population growth and large scale industrialisation the last 200 years has seen human environmental impacts reach a point where there is strong evidence of anthropogenic climate change. Evidence of this more recent climate change can be seen in rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and changes in the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased from around 280 parts per million (ppm), prior to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (1750 onwards), to some 400 ppm in 2015. In addition, the very great increase in farm Figure 1.11 -Changing sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean affects the global energy budget animals such as cattle and sheep, along atmospheric air pressure and wind systems produce with widespread clearing of forests and woodlands has new patterns and regional impacts; and changes in produced much higher levels of methane gas. Both atmospheric composition in terms of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases. including water vapour produce regional differences. Industrial development and the much higher rates of fossil fuel use have also added another greenhouse gas Global temperatures since 1850, when instrument data - sulphur dioxide – to the atmosphere. These land cover became reasonably reliable, show a gradual increase. changes to the biosphere by human activities are Compared to the average for the period from 1901 to significant anthropogenic caused drivers of climate 2000 nine of the ten warmest years have been in the change. period 2000 to 2014. The warmest year to date was 2014 when global temperature was 0.7o C above the 20th century global average of 13.9o C. Regionally the greatest variation was in the Arctic regions of the Climate change is not uniformly affecting all areas of the Northern Hemisphere, where the differences are up to world. There are significant regional differences. 2.0o C. The dramatic reduction in the area of ice cover in Changes in snow/ice accumulation and melt varies from this region, illustrated by the changes shown in figure place to place; changes in ocean and atmospheric 1.11, allows more sunlight to be absorbed by the oceans temperatures and currents are not uniform; changes in Regional climate change Page 18 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment causing air temperatures to rise. They are projected to rise by some 9o C by the end of the 21st century. Global ocean temperatures are not uniform. There are warm and cool ocean currents circulating within the earth’s major ocean basins. In addition there are regional ocean temperature anomalies. In the oceans surrounding Australia the south-eastern and southwestern coastal regions are experiencing above average ocean temperatures. In turn this affects marine ecosystems as well as weather patterns in areas such as south-western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. The clearing of forests in particular can change the amount of evaporation and transpiration. There is some evidence that rainfall declines these regions when large areas of forest are cleared due to reduced transpiration rates. Urban heat islands The replacement of natural ecosystems with their complex plant and animal communities, by large urban areas has, in a number of instances, produced localised weather changes. Humans have tended to settle in areas of good water supplies - rivers and precipitation. These areas often had forest or woodland ecosystems. When forests are replaced by urban structures such as roads, buildings and open parklands there is a significant change in evapotranspiration, albedo and wind patterns. The result may be a marked increase in day and night-time temperatures. Densely built, urban areas where the moderating influences of trees and other forms of vegetation is absent, become hotter than the surrounding rural/forest/woodland environments see figure 1.12. These urban areas are classified as heat islands. Urban heat islands illustrate the impact that land cover change has on localised weather and climate S A M O P N L LY E The loss of ice in both the Arctic and the Antarctic is reducing the percentage of sunlight reflection or albedo, thus accelerating global warming as well as producing a gradual rise in world sea levels. The ocean today is warmer and the sea levels are higher than at any time since accurate instrument measurement began. This is beginning to affect some islands and lowland regions. A combination of rising sea levels, storm surges and flooding from periods of heavy rainfall will produce greater environmental impacts linked to climate change in these low lying regions. effect is the amount of infiltration and runoff associated with land clearing. Clearing of slopes can result in greater amounts of surface runoff after rainfall. This may then lead to accelerated soil erosion and in some instances landslides. Increased flooding of lower areas can be also a consequence as more water arrives in a shorter period of time. In regions such as Australia and Africa, rising atmospheric temperatures are projected to produce more intense heatwave conditions, shorter but more intense rainfall periods, longer droughts and greater impacts of climate induced bushfire periods. Water cycle change As the lower atmosphere becomes warmer, evaporation rates are increasing. This is resulting in an increase in the amount of moisture circulating throughout the troposphere (lower atmosphere). One consequence of higher water vapour concentrations is the increased frequency of intense precipitation events, mainly over land areas. Warmer atmospheric temperatures are resulting in more moisture falling as rain rather than snow. More recently increases in water vapour in the upper part of the troposphere have been noted. The effect of this is to increase the heat holding capacity of the atmosphere – the greenhouse effect. Unlike glacial climatic periods a greenhouse world is one where global precipitation rates are higher overall. Changes to the surface of the land as a result of human activities can affect the natural operation of the water cycle. One significant O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Figure 1.12 Thermal imaging detected by satellite shows the heat generated by the City of London buildings compared to the parkland areas and water bodies shown in green and blue An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 19 The natural environment patterns. With more than 50 per cent of the world’s population living in urban environments the urban heat island effect impacts on many of the world’s people. Activities 1. Define the term climate change and briefly describe the difference between natural climate change and anthropogenic climate change. 2. Identify and describe two ways in which climate change may be caused by land cover change. 3. Identify and explain two ways in which land cover change causes changes to the water cycle. 4. With reference to figure 1.12 as well as library or internet sources explain why urban land cover can produce local variations in atmospheric temperatures – the heat island effect. Chernozem soils are common in the grassland regions of North America. They are rich in organic material and have good retention characteristics. These soils support extensive wheat and maize farming on the plains of the USA and Canada. Land use and land cover change are greatly altering soils in most of the world’s agriculture regions. Urban settlement also affects soils both at the actual settlement site and in the surrounding countryside. Local and regional soil erosion and degradation is one consequence of land cover change. S A M O P N L LY E SOILS – FORMATION, STRUCTURE AND IMPACTS vegetation, topography and time. Characteristics such as fertility, texture, depth, profile and moisture content are all shaped by the five soil forming factors. Most soils are described as being zonal as they have developed in zones with specific combinations of the soil forming factors. Soils have played a significant role in the way that human rural settlement has developed. Deep, fertile soils such as those found in mid-latitude forest and grassland regions have supported the development of a variety of agricultural types. While there are a wide variety of soils around the world they are the product of five main factors. These are parent material, climate, living organisms – especially Types of soil degradation Soil degradation is the decline in the ecological quality of soil caused by chemical, physical and biological factors and processes. Changes to soil quality due to ecosystem degradation and land cover changes produces soils which cannot maintain healthy plants, animals and soil organisms. Chemical degradation Figure 1.13 Potential impacts of soil salinity in Australia Page 20 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Many soils contain soluble salts. In an undisturbed ecosystem they are kept in check by a balance between weather patterns and vegetation. Some salts still accumulate naturally on the surface in the form of salt/gypsum pans and lakes. Land cover change and changes to the water cycle can result in soil salts being brought to the surface. The loss of natural deep rooted vegetation and its replacement with shallow rooted crops reduces transpiration and causes the water table to rise. This water-logs the surface soil and transports salt upwards. Evaporation then removes the water, leaving the salt behind to create salt scalds and soil degradation. Soil salinity is a major problem in some areas of the Australian wheat-belt where the original woodland biome has been largely removed - see figure 1.13. In some regions, O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e The natural environment such as the Mediterranean areas of Europe the use of brackish water for irrigation adds to the problem of soil salinisation. As most cropping systems remove nutrients from the soil farm fertilisers are needed to maintain their agricultural productivity. The removal of calcium is one such nutrient loss. This results in a gradual acidification of the soil. In Australia many of the different soil types are very old and already are slightly acidic. The replacement of acid tolerant vegetation with crops and pastures adds to this problem. In other regions, such as North America and Europe the issue of acid rainfall associated with airborne industrial pollutants has had an effect on soil acidity levels. Lime must be added to reduce soil acidity. Biological degradation Plants, insects and micro-organisms play an important role in maintaining soil quality. The use of insecticides and herbicides to control pest plants and insects in modern commercial farming is widespread. Over time these chemicals have been improved to reduce their negative environmental impacts. However, they still have the capacity to affect beneficial organisms. In Australia and other industrial commercial farming countries the use of antibiotics to treat animal diseases and to prevent infection has been a common practice. These antibiotics can be excreted by farm animals and then affect important soil bacteria. In this way there is biological degradation of farm soils. Currently some 700 tonnes of antibiotics are imported into Australia. Over half of this is added to stockfeed, while about 30 per cent is for human use. Antibiotics are even used in orchards, where it is sprayed on fruit to kill bacteria that can damage the crop. S A M O P N L LY E Important soil nutrients such as phosphate and potassium are recycled in an undisturbed ecosystem as plants and animals die and decompose. The planting of crops and plantation forests removes large amounts of nutrients that can only be replaced by the use of organic and artificial fertilisers. Eucalyptus and pine tree plantations harvested for woodchips and construction timber remove between 60 and 80 per cent of the soils important nutrients. While the remaining root systems and smaller branches eventually breakdown to recycle the remaining nutrients the impact of plantation forestry on soil fertility is significant. resists water infiltration. In Australia the introduction of hard hoofed animals including cattle and sheep has had a significant impact on many soil types. Their movements have produced a fine powdery dust which is then very susceptible to wind and water erosion. Physical degradation Agricultural practices including ploughing, harvesting and the impacts from grazing animals all have the capacity to physically degrade the soil. Compaction is one consequence. As farm machinery is driven over farmland the soil is gradually compacted until the necessary air spaces are removed. This affects soil permeability – the infiltration or surface movement of water. It also affects the ability of plant roots to penetrate and has a negative effect on beneficial soil microbes and soil biological activity. The use of larger and larger farm and forestry machinery has increased the effects of soil compaction in many industrialised commercial farming regions. In Australia the application of ‘no till’ farming methods is an attempt to overcome the problem of soil compaction. The loss of soil structure and disruption to the soil profile is another type of physical degradation. Traditional ploughing methods and irrigation when used on certain soil types including shallow sandy and clay soils has the effect of breaking down the soil horizons and the texture. It can result in the surface soil being reduced to a fine dust or minerals being concentrated on the surface forming a crust which then O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Overall, farming reduces soil biodiversity and soil organic content. Different land use activities in urban and industrial areas also have the capacity to dramatically affect soil quality. This is evident in localised sites where pollution from different types of chemicals, such as oil, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and acids associated with industrial activity has resulted in the need for expensive and careful soil cleaning, removal and rehabilitation. Domestic chemicals and garden fertilisers associated with urban residential areas also adds to the impacts on soil biodiversity and quality in towns and cities around the world. Figure 1.14 Farming soils carried away in massive dust-storms An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 21 The natural environment Soil loss S A M O P N L LY E The two major processes that cause soil loss are soil erosion and landslides. Water and wind are the most common agents of soil erosion. Where land cover changes result in temporary or long term absence of vegetation then this exposes soils to accelerated erosion. Crop farming may involve a cycle of preparation, planting, growth and harvesting. If any of these stages includes widespread exposure of the soil then these temporary periods increase the potential for soil loss. Across Australia’s agricultural regions the rate of natureal soil replacement is very low and in many areas it is greatly Figure 1.15 Gully erosion on cleared farming land in Victoria exceeded by the rate of loss through erosion. Wind cultivation of the land, road construction and clearing erosion results in the removal of large quantities of for fences, buildings, power lines and other fertile topsoil containing organic matter, thus reducing infrastructure. the productive value of affected lands. Significant quantities of this dust are deposited off-shore, and on Activities many occasions over the past century dust originating in Australia has been deposited as far away as New 1. Construct a cause and effect chart showing Zealand. Dust-storms are a clear indication of soil types of soil degradation. The causes will be land erosion - see figure 1.14. In the past the frequency and cover change resulting from land use activities extent of major dust-storms in Australia has been and the effects will be the different types of soil significant. In recent times climate change and an degradation. Summarise the main causes and increase in rainfall in the arid and semi-arid regions of effects using an appropriate chart or model. the continent has resulted in an increase in vegetation Examples of these charts can be found by cover, and a reduction in major dust-storms, though searching internet sources. extended hot, dry, drought conditions in areas like 2. Identify and describe different methods that can Queensland may offset this decrease. be used to mitigate the negative impacts of land cover change on soil. Water erosion includes both sheet and gully erosion. 3. Study figure 1.13 and describe the spatial Sheet erosion is the uniform removal of soil from slopes. pattern of soil salinity in Australia. With reference It can occur during intensive rainfall following recent to a land use map name the types of rural land cultivation of soil. Gully erosion is one of the most visible uses found in areas of high and low risk. Explain and severe forms of water erosion as indicated by figure why rural land use in Australia may be a factor in 1.15. Gullies are steep-sided watercourses which accounting for the variations in salinity risk experience flows during heavy or extended rainfall. levels. Suggest other factors that may account Gullies generally extend down to the underlying rock for the variation. and depending on the soil depth may be anywhere 4. Identify and describe two ways in which climate from two to 15 metres in depth. The formation of change might affect soil degradation and erosion gullies can be triggered by various human erosion levels. activities. These include overgrazing by farm animals, Page 22 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Topic two Changing the Land Land cover change also known as land-use and land cover change (LULCC) is a general term for the human modification of the Earth’s land surface. In some instances the study of land cover change has been expanded to include anthropogenic impacts on aquatic environments. Humans have been modifying land to obtain food and other resources for thousands of years. Current rates of land cover change are greater than at any time in history. World population growth, urbanisation, industrialisation and rising living standards are all driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional and global scales. Climate change and biodiversity loss are two major consequences of land cover change. Transformations to land cover have changed global climate and biodiversity through anthropogenic interactions with atmospheric and ecological systems. These interactions are in turn producing further changes to land cover change. The study of land cover change is the study of processes, interactions, impacts and responses between humans and the natural environment. S A M O P N L LY E LAND COVER CHANGE PROCESSES Land cover change is the change in the biophysical and built environment primarily brought about by human activity. Some of these activities are directly linked to human actions while other may be natural processes triggered by these actions. Explaining land cover change therefore involves the study of land use and analysing its impact on natural ecosystems. The types of land cover changes that can be readily observed include deforestation, ecosystem fragmentation, altered drainage systems, modification of coastlines, urban and industrial expansion or contraction, mining and changing forms of agriculture. The invention of machinery such as those shown in figure 1.16 with the capacity to change the environment has been a recent development in human history. The agrarian or farming revolution which commenced in Europe in the 18th century marked the start of mechanised farming. No longer were people’s capacities to change their environment limited to animal and human energy. Farm machines allowed farmers to modify and expand their farming activities beyond the limits of their own physical labour. Food production increased and commercial farming became widespread throughout large areas of the world. Farm labour needs declined and workers migrated from the rural areas to the newly developing industrial cities. In 20th century Australia the ongoing rural-urban migration produced a significant decline in rural population and country towns. In 1911 about 43 per cent of all Australians lived in rural areas. By 2014 this had declined to 10 per cent, with the majority of Australians now living in the state O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Figure 1.16 Farm tractors from the start to the end of the 20th century capital cities. As farm machinery became larger and more sophisticated, farms amalgamated with larger properties being able to be managed by fewer workers. Farm mechanisation is an important factor contributing to the ongoing changes of agricultural land cover. Demands for natural biotic and abiotic resources such as timber and minerals are also producing significant An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 23 Changing the land global land cover changes. Forestry includes the loss of primary or undisturbed forest and its replacement with secondary forests, scrublands and farmland. In some instances it is also replaced by plantation forests, which are managed and harvested as a crop. While the actual site of a mine may be relatively small when compared to the total land area of a region, the effects of the mining activity may have a wider impact. The construction of transport, power and water systems, the processing of ore and the stockpiling of processed rock as well as the development of mining settlements, extends the mining impacts well beyond the actual site. Modern large scale mining such as the Kalgoorlie super pit shown in figure 1.17 illustrates the dramatic land cover change at a mine site. Social values including attitudes towards sustainable development and environmental conservation are important in influencing the nature of land cover change. These values may be described as driving forces and mitigating forces. Values that seek to change the land are driving forces while those actions that seek to prevent the negative effects of human actions are the mitigating forces. Economic development is a driving force. It often involves changes in land use, which in turn may lead to social challenges and ecosystem degradation. The competition for farm land surrounding large urban centres is linked to the process of urban sprawl. Farming activities are disrupted as urban areas expand and land use changes. Urban development has been linked to many environmental problems, including air pollution, water pollution, and loss of wildlife habitat. Urban water runoff often contains nutrients, sediment and toxic contaminants, these can not only cause water pollution but also large variations in stream flows and temperatures. Habitat destruction, S A M O P N L LY E Remnant natural ecosystems are often a consequence of urban, industrial and rural land use. These areas of relatively natural environments are sometimes protected as parks and reserves. This is illustrated by figure 1.18, which shows part of Kings Park in Perth surrounded by urban land uses. While they have some ecological benefit the fragmented nature of these sites affects the viability of all species, particularly the tertiary consumers. In addition the fringes of these remnant systems are vulnerable to the impacts of the surrounding anthropogenic ecosystems. Figure 1.17 Kalgoorlie Super Pit, Western Australia. A major gold producing mine site Page 24 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e S A M O P N L LY E Changing the land Figure 1.18 Part of the western end of Kings Park with the Swan River in the bottom left hand corner fragmentation, and alteration associated with urban development have been identified as a significant cause of biodiversity decline and species extinction. Mitigating forces are commonly related to actions to conserve natural ecosystems or prevent the replacement of low impact sustainable land uses with high impact types. This may involve the use of environmental laws which restrict uncontrolled development or require certain environmental objectives to be met by land use developers. Mitigation also aims to promote the beneficial impacts of land cover change. Reforestation of hill-slopes to prevent soil erosion and promote greater biodiversity is one example of a beneficial impact. Environmental compensation measures are a further type of mitigation. This involves offsetting the changes in one area with beneficial actions in another. Mining approvals in Australia can include the requirement to replace the changed environment with an equal amount of rehabilitation or preservation in another area. In summary the processes of land cover change are O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e driven by human factors including population growth, resource demands and exploitation, political systems, social and cultural values and technological capacity. Natural processes also change land cover as a result of interactions between climate, ecosystems and geomorphology, though the focus of this unit is on the human impact. Activities 1. Identify and explain at least two reasons why land cover changes over time. 2. Identify two ways in which land cover change has occurred in Australia and the reasons for these changes. 3. Explain the impact of fragmentation or the loss of land on natural ecosystems. 4. Identify and discuss two ways in which land cover change has the potential to result in conflict between different land use activities. 5. Describe how governments may influence land cover change. An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 25 Changing the land TERRESTRIAL ANTHROPOGENIC BIOMES – HUMAN ANTHROMES Remote forests include forests such as the taiga and boreal forests of Northern Canada and the Russian Federation. The core of the Amazon in South America also qualifies as a remote forest. While these forests are far from large population centres and largely untouched, they are affected by human activity. Due to their high biodiversity and resource potential they are explored and exploited. Some limited areas of the northern boreal forests have been clear-cut as the timber from this biome is removed for human use. S A M O P N L LY E Human impacts on terrestrial biomes can range from slight environmental modifications where the biodiversity remains largely intact through to complete land cover change. Some indicators of the level of impact include percentage of vegetation clearing, levels of genetic and species diversity, degree of ecological fragmentation, as well as soil and water condition and quality. Some of these impacts discussed in this section refer to the state of the Australian environment in terms of forests/woodlands, rural and urban land cover change as well as other global examples. Figure 1.19 illustrates a range of anthropogenic changes associated with a rural landscape. This example is from the Canterbury Plains on the South Island of New Zealand. and urban settlements. While they generally have a high degree of biodiversity, being in close proximity to human populations has an impact. These forests may include parks and reserves where structures such as roads, picnic areas and tourist accommodation are found. They may also have evidence of past and ongoing logging. In addition there are often introduced animals and plants, which affect and modify the natural ecosystems. Population density in these forests is low with a global average slightly less than three persons per square kilometre (km2). Forests and woodland anthromes Anthropogenic forest and woodland biomes include populated forests, remote forests and wild forests. The populated forests are located near agricultural lands Wild Forests are characterised by vast tree cover and a total lack of any civilization and human interaction. The land in these regions is rarely used in any way and there are no permanent dwellings. The climate varies greatly because this anthrome represents both equatorial forests and the boreal forests of the far north. Figure 1.19 Rural land cover change Page 26 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Changing the land Prior to European settlement, largely undisturbed native vegetation covered most of Australia. While most ecosystems had been modified to some degree during the 40,000 years or so of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settlement, the most dramatic changes have occurred since European colonisation of the continent. Currently about 85 per cent of Australia is vegetated by native species, mainly in the arid and semi arid regions. Most of the land cover change has been associated with the clearing of forests and woodlands. These biomes originally covered some 55 per cent of the continent and this has been reduced to 42 per cent. Their location corresponds to the most intensively used rural and urban land use zones. While some further clearing and modification is expected, large areas of the remaining forests and woodlands are now protected as national, state and local parks and reserves. Throughout Asia one of the most significant cropping anthromes is the village based, intensive irrigated and rain-fed farming systems. The villages are densely populated and the surrounding land is intensively cropped often producing several crops ( usually rice) per year from the land. The main focus of food production is for local consumption. In this way there is some degree of nutrient recycling within the farming location. Warm temperatures and moderate to high rainfall occurs in the village anthromes which also correspond to tropical temperate forest regions. The village farming system is typical of India, South East Asia and China, where it is home to very large rural populations. Moderately intensive irrigated and rain-fed mosaic farming is a cropping anthrome typical of the agriculture found near large population centres in Europe, North America and Australia. In Australia intensive dairying, beef cattle and sheep for meat is carried on improved pastures combined with the production of fodder crops such as hay, oats and lucernes. These types of mosaic farming can be often found near the major state capital cities. Market gardening, vineyards and orchards are another type of intensive cropping found relatively close to the major population centres in Australia. S A M O P N L LY E The overall extent of woody vegetation is an important indicator of the condition of land cover. This includes trees and shrubs which are mainly permanent types of vegetation. They are important in maintaining deeper and more stable soils, preventing water-logging and salinity, and protecting the quality of surface water sources – rivers and lakes. Their shade and structure provide a micro-climate and habitat that is more suitable for other plants and animals. The nutrient cycles and energy flows that they help support are also important in the continuing maintenance of vegetative land cover. Croplands Agricultural anthromes Land cover associated with agriculture represents the most extensive form of land use in Australia and is therefore a significant type of anthropogenic biome. Agriculture can be either intensive or extensive. In general, the more intensive the activity, the greater the changes there are to the natural environment. Different types of structures, crops and farm animals produce distinctive types of farming landscapes. In this way agricultural land cover changes produce a variety of rural landscapes. Agricultural anthropogenic biomes can be broadly divided into two main types – cropland and rangelands. Within each of these there are other distinctive land cover landscapes. Croplands may include irrigated and rain-fed farming systems as well as intensive populated and remote extensive cropping systems. Rangelands may be divided into populated and remote rangeland systems. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Further away from Australia’s main centres more extensive broad-acre cropping occurs. This is the mixed farming mosaic of the wheat-sheep belts located in the southern regions of Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. Figure 1.20 shows the wheat-sheep belt landscape during late summer on the western plains of New South Wales. Figure 1.20 Mixed farming mosaic of the wheat-sheep belt of NSW An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 27 Changing the land Rangelands Rangelands mainly rely on natural pastures to support herds of domesticated grazing animals including cattle, sheep, goats and camels. People such as the Maasai and Zulu in Africa are found in a village rangeland anthrome. These rangelands generally have a population density around ten persons per km2. Other types of rangelands include populated and remote rangelands. The populated rangelands contain very low population densities of less than ten persons per km2, while the remote rangelands are generally wild with little evidence of human activity. URBAN ANTHROMES Urban regions include major cities, regional towns and urban villages. While there are wide variations in the population density of these anthropogenic regions they are the densest of all the different types of anthromes. Human structures and built land cover dominates the landscape with little or no agricultural activity. Worldwide about half of the world’s population lives in urban settlements. They cover some seven per cent of the Earth’s total ice-free land area. S A M O P N L LY E Populated rangelands such as that shown in figure 1.21 occur across much of the semi-arid regions of Australia where it includes the grazing of sheep for wool and cattle for meat on very large pastoral properties. Biodiversity in this anthrome depends on the area of the world and ranges on which it is found but it is typically low in most areas. Careful management of stocking rates (number of animals per square kilometre) in Australia has allowed for the retention of a reasonable level of biodiversity on pastoral properties. In Western Australia a number of properties previously leased for sheep have proved uneconomic and have been left to return a modified natural state. They have a variety of introduced and native plant and animal species giving them some degree of biodiversity. Figure 1.21 Populated rangeland in Northern Australia Activities 1. Using the information in the textbook and that found at the website www.ecotope.org (select anthromes and education in drop down menu) compare and contrast land cover change in populated and remote forests 2. Compare the environmental impacts of agricultural croplands and rangelands. Produce a dot point summary of the main effects and the differences between the two agricultural anthromes. 3. Using Google Earth write a detailed description of the rural land use in the area around Wattleup along Wattleup Road by referring to settlement density, environmental changes and farming features and characteristics. Using the same set of factors compare this type of agriculture to that found around the settlement of Beverly in the wheat-belt. Discuss how these examples demonstrate the differences in land cover associated with the intensification of agriculture. Page 28 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change While the location of urban settlements is less influenced by the natural environment than other types of anthromes, globally they have been concentrated in the temperate broadleaf forest biome. This is due to the historical influence of industrialisation that occurred in Europe and North America. The North American megalopolis of Bosnywash (also called Bos-Wash) contains around 50 million people. It runs down the northeast coast of the USA as a continuous urban strip and is made up of the cities of Boston, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington along with many more, smaller cities and suburban areas. Figure 1.22 shows a small part of New York City, surrounding its famous Central Park on Manhattan Island. Bosnywash corresponds to the broadleaf forests of North America. Figure 1.22 Central Park, Manhattan Island New York O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Changing the land While this illustrates an association between urban settlement and this biome it is not a necessary requirement. There are a variety of reasons for the location of an urban settlement and they can be found in many different climatic regions and biomes. Resources, accessibility, religion, defence, government and cultural values all influence the location of this land use type. One of the most dramatic land cover changes associated with freshwater anthromes is the disappearance of the Aral Sea. In the 1960s the Soviet Union embarked on a major agricultural project to grow crops including rice and cotton in the desert surrounding the Aral Sea. Two of the major rivers that fed this huge inland lake were dammed to provide irrigation water for this ambitious project. Most of the sea’s water was diverted and it started to shrink. The water level dropped by some 20 centimetres per year during the 1960s and by the 1980s the rate had increased to some 90 centimetres per year. By 2010 the sea was only a small fraction of its original size as shown by figure 1.23 (a), (b). The ecosystems and the river deltas feeding into the Aral Sea have nearly been destroyed. S A M O P N L LY E Australia’s pattern of urban settlement reflects the history of European occupation of the continent. Sea travel and exploration of the coastline resulted in the largest cities occupying coastal locations. Inland exploration and settlement spread outwards from these coastal cities producing a radiating pattern of settlement focussed on the colonial (later state) capitals. The colonial capitals were built in areas of forest and woodland, and on coastal areas that provided some form of natural harbour. They were also areas with suitable building materials – timber and stone, and reliable sources of water. lakes, seasonal flows and movement of sediments as well as altering natural river ecosystems. The residents and industries of the urban built environment consume natural resources, including water, energy and land. The waste generated by urban/industrial activities within the urban environment also has an impact on the natural environment. Australia’s built environment is diverse with a variety of land cover characteristics associated with the different urban land uses. In addition there are different types of plants and animals found within urban areas that interact with people and the various landuses to create distinctive anthromes. The plants found in residential gardens, parks and street-scapes often have been introduced from many other places around the world. Animals that thrive in urban environments may be native species that adapt well to the new habitat or they may be types that are pest or pet species. There are significant pressures on the urban environment driven by population and economic growth, and climate change. An increasing need for space and buildings (our urban footprint), increasing traffic congestion and increasing consumption can affect the liveability and environmental efficiency of the built environment. Freshwater anthromes Biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems – rivers, lakes and wetlands – is undergoing rapid global decline. Major drivers are land use change, eutrophication, hydrological disturbance, climate change, overexploitation and invasive species. By 2010 there were around 50,000 dams affecting some 70 per cent of the world’s rivers. Water diverted for irrigation affects inland O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Figure 1.23 (a) - Extent of the Aral Sea in 1980 An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 29 Changing the land government areas. Each has their own concerns and requirements. Getting an agreement that achieves a sustainable social, economic and environmental outcome has been tried on many occasions but has failed to date. Marine anthromes S A M O P N L LY E With over 50 per cent of the world’s population living within 100 kilometres of oceanic coastlines the impact of land based activities and the use of marine resources have both had an impact on marine ecosystems. The oceans have long been used as a source of food, as a method of transport, for waste disposal and for recreation. Human impacts have increased along with rapid population growth, substantial developments in technology and significant changes in land use. Overfishing, pollution and introduced species into different marine ecosystems are affecting life in the sea. With developments in large scale fishing technologies, commercial fish species found on the continental shelves around the world are either fully or overexploited. Some fishing techniques such as dredging and trawling can cause widespread damage to marine habitats and organisms living on the sea floor. These techniques also often capture non-target species (known as by-catch) that are then discarded. Fiure. 1.23 (b) - Extent of the Aral Sea in 2010 Accelerated evaporation and reduced water flow has increased salinity in the remaining water in the Aral sea, while the falling water level has left huge plains covered with salt and toxic chemicals. Some of these chemicals were the result of weapons testing, industrial projects and agricultural fertilisers and pesticides. The dry land is now being eroded and the chemicals are picked up by the wind and carried away as toxic dust-storms. Apart from affecting natural ecosystems the spreading of these chemicals is also affecting the health of the people who live in the surrounding regions. In Australia the issue of freshwater use and biodiversity loss is seen in the Murray-Darling river system in Eastern Australia. Development of large scale irrigation and climate change are combining to put stress on the river and its ecosystems. Attempts to solve the problem and provide sufficient water for the natural environment – environmental flows – is in conflict with the demand for water for urban and rural uses. The Murray-Darling system runs through four states and many local Page 30 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change In addition to fishing the use of oceans for the disposal of waste – including sewage and industrial chemicals – has the potential to harm marine species and damage habitats. In this way marine ecosystems are increasingly being modified by human actions and in most cases there is a loss of biodiversity. Eutrophication is caused by the release of excess nutrients. This is generally due to agricultural fertilisers being carried in rivers to the ocean. These excess nutrients can encourage the rapid growth of algae and phytoplankton producing blooms. When these die they cover parts of the ocean floor, reducing oxygen levels during decomposition and damaging seafloor habitats. The main features of this type of marine degradation are illustrated in figure 1.24.Eutrophication is also a problem in freshwater anthromes. Finally the large scale movement of ocean transport has spread marine plants and animals to new environments where, in some instances they have thrived and now pose a serious pest problem to the ecosystem. Without natural controls some species have grown unchecked and have killed or severely affected native species with an overall loss of biodiversity. It is estimated that some 250 introduced plant and animal species have been brought to Australia by commercial ships and private yachts since European settlement. Japanese starfish, O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Changing the land Asian swimming crab and the New Zealand sea-star are just a few examples of these introduced animal species. Over time excess nutrients enter the aquatic ecosystem encouraging plant growth and d algae blooms. Water oxygen levels are depleted by excessive growth and the decomposition of dead pla ants. A point is reached where fish and other organism ms die. Eutrophication results in the death of an ecosystem. sunlig igh gh ht sup pp p ts por phot otosyn y the thesis e 1. Nutrient load 5 De-oxygenation and death 5. 3. Phytoplankton and algal growth 2. Accelerated plant growth How different communities and cultures around the world view the natural environment and its resources varies greatly. Cultural beliefs and values including religious beliefs are important in formation of these views. In addition, how economic systems operate in different places as well as technological levels and scientific understandings also influence these views and responses. Finally the consideration of the future by addressing the question of sustainable development is important in understanding variations in the human environmental impact. S A M O P N L LY E 4. Dec D omposition by bacteria ECONOMICS, CULTURE, VALUES AND SUSTAINABILITY – VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN IMPACT Figure 1.24 - Process of eutrophication in an aquatic environment Economic systems and affluence Activities 1. Outline the land cover changes associated with Australia’s urban growth. 2. Discuss the significance of urban development as a global driver of land cover change 3. Identify and describe three ways in which freshwater ecosystems are altered by human land use activities. 4. Draw maps of the Aral Sea in 1980 and in 2010. Estimate the percentage decrease in the water surface between 1980 and 2010 by placing a grid over both maps. Explain why these changes have occurred and the environmental consequences. 5. Investigate the Murray-Darling river system using the website www.mdba.gov.au. • Draw a map showing and labelling the major rivers and streams found within the MurrayDarling basin. • Briefly describe the environmental features of the river basin • Outline the issues affecting the environmental sustainability of the river basin. • Identify and describe the different human impacts and uses of the river basin. • Describe the process of land cover change associated with irrigation districts found along the Murray-Darling river system. • Outline evidence of biodiversity loss associated with land cover change in the basin O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Economic systems and organisational structures exist at the local, national and global scales. From a geographical point of view the way economic activity influences land use and therefore land cover change is important. The use of natural resources such as land, minerals, plants and animals to meet needs and wants illustrates the relationship between economic activity, world biomes and land cover change. Economic systems may be classified in a number of ways. Whether a local or national economy is predominantly commercial or subsistence is one way, while the degree of government involvement, especially at the national level is another. Commercial economies aim at producing surplus products and specialised services which can be bought and sold. Continuous economic growth is important in these economies in order to produce more goods and services and to increase wealth. While this system uses large amounts of resources it also has the wealth to be able to carry out conservation and restoration of selected ecosystems. Improved farm efficiency, methods and land management in commercial economies may allow greater amounts of farming products to be produced from smaller areas of land, thus increasing productivity. The use of greenhouses, for example, to grow food in a controlled environment generates far more produce than in open fields. In figure 1.25 a greenhouse constructed on the roof area of a high rise building in Montreal, Canada produces large quantities of An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 31 Changing the land and economically developed economy. Similar patterns can be observed in other European countries including Germany and France. Overall, forest density and extent has increased in high income countries and generally declined in low income countries. Increases in population and rising affluence do not have to be at the expense of the natural environment. In many instances there will be sustainable solutions to meeting community needs and wants. Figure 1.25 Urban rooftop greenhouse vegetables for much of the year. It also illustrates how food production and urban development can occur together. S A M O P N L LY E Tree cover in the United Kingdom declined as land was cleared for farming, from 15 per cent in 1050 to about five per cent in 1900. However by 2000 it had increased to ten per cent even though the country’s population has grown substantially. This change in land cover illustrates the capacity to maintain food production while increasing areas of forest biomes in a commercial Subsistence economies tend to have low living standards and little personal wealth. Most of the population are involved in farming in order to feed themselves. In these economies there is limited infrastructure and localised forms of commercial activity in the form of irregular market places, mainly selling seasonal crops. Traditional farming methods in some situations may only be suitable for low population densities. When a population increases and demand for food rises then growing demands alter land use and land cover change. Moving from subsistence to a commercial economic system also brings many changes. Over the past half century, countries of South and Southeast Asia have witnessed a major shift from predominantly subsistence agriculture to industrialised Increasing cost of farm land per hectare - land rent 1. Extensive rural land use - e.g. grazing 2. Moderately extensive land use - e.g. wheat growing 3. Intensive land use - e.g. market gardening is greater than 1 and 2 These points mark the boundary between one land use and the next. Here the value of production per hectare between one land use and the next is equal. is greater than 1 and 3 is greater than 2 and 3 1 2 3 Market point Increasing distance and decreasing value of land Figure 1.26 The economic rent model for rural land use Page 32 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Changing the land economies. These changes have been accompanied by expanding urban populations and the growth of huge megacities around the region, often at the expense of prime farmland. Commercialisation of agriculture has also led to the expansion of cash crops, including several tree-based crops such as oil-palm, rubber, coffee, cashew, and fast-growing trees species for pulp and paper. In many areas, these have replaced food-crops as well as encouraging large scale clearing of rainforest biomes. This economic development has significantly changed land cover across much of Asia. Technology While technology increases the capacity of humans to change the environment it also allows them to develop more sustainable practices. The capacity to implement farming techniques that reduce water requirements (irrigation systems), mitigate soil degradation, minimise the negative effects of farm chemicals and reduce the clearing of natural ecosystems are some ways in which technology and agricultural science can promote sustainability. S A M O P N L LY E International trade and the growth of a globally linked or world economy has had a dramatic effect on regional land use and land cover. The open cut mining of iron ore in the Pilbara or bauxite in the Darling Ranges southeast of Perth would not have occurred without the demand for these resources in countries such as China, Japan, the USA and Germany. Increased trade and the process of globalisation will continue to produce different land use patterns and changes as each country develops resources, products or skills that can be sold in world markets. Globalisation need not always result in landscape degradation. Factors such as eco-labelling, wider and more rapid spread of technologies, better media coverage putting international pressure on states that degrade their resources, and the movement of people across borders to gain better educational and employment opportunities can all be seen as benefits of globalisation, which in turn can protect landscapes. distance from a market point such as a town or city influenced the type of land use and land cover due to the cost of transport. In turn the difference in transport costs associated with moving agricultural products to the market affected the value of the land. Land close to the market-place had a high value and was more intensively used to produce higher value products. Land in more remote locations was cheaper and contained more extensive types of land use with lower production values per hectare. As transport costs and technologies change however, so too does the land use types and the corresponding land cover associated with the economic rent mechanism. Over time there will be ongoing changes in the types of land uses found around market points due to changing markets, costs and technologies. Changes in transport technology can make regions more accessible and therefore more able to provide One important geographical concept within regional or resources to a wider market. High value products can local areas in terms of economic impacts on land cover be moved quickly to any part of the world by air change is von Thunen’s economic rent mechanism. This transport, while bulk goods can be carried overseas by is illustrated by figure 1.26. Von Thunen proposed that increasingly larger and larger ships as illustrated by the bulk wheat carrier shown in figure 1.27. Well developed transport systems and infrastructure are critical to the success of a range of land uses. Greater accessibility brought about by the development of transport can also have negative environmental impacts. The extension of transport into areas previously isolated can bring biodiversity loss as land is cleared for roads and as roads provide access to these untouched areas by new settlers. Road building was a catalyst for land cover change in the Amazon rainforest. As they were constructed, the Brazilian government encouraged settlement near these roads. These schemes provided virtually free land to those who settled and cleared the land to develop farms. Prior to the 1970s land clearing in the Brazilian Figure 1.27 Russian bulk wheat carrier being loaded with grain from the Rostov region Amazon was relatively small scale. By the O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 33 Changing the land 1980s it was conservatively estimated that deforestation was over half a per cent per year or an area of some 50,000 square kilometres annually. In conclusion it can be stated that, land cover changes will often reflect the variations in technological capacity and science in different regions of the world. Culture While the technology of Indigenous Australians was limited to wood, bone and stone tools they did make changes to the land through the practice of fire-stick farming or land management. Aboriginal people used fire as a sophisticated tool to continually manage and modify the landscape. At certain times of the year, they set fire to the bush to encourage new growth or ‘green pick’, which then provided productive feeding grounds where grazing animals would gather to exploit the fresh shoots. This higher concentration of animals made them convenient targets for Aboriginal people to hunt and kill. A secondary benefit to firing is that it also increases the productivity of certain varieties of bush tucker such as fungi and tubers. In some areas of Australia the forests and coastal heath-lands have developed a greater amount of undergrowth where European settlers discouraged this practice. This resulted in fewer fires but ones which were much more intense. Land cover in these areas was once again changed. Aboriginal fires were small-scale ‘cool’ fires, unlike the wide spread, catastrophic fires caused by Europeans. The fires frequently set by Aboriginal people over time formed a ‘mosaic’ effect of differently burnt landscapes of varying ages. This allowed Aboriginal people to create a series of diverse environments, broadening the variety of plants and animals available to them. S A M O P N L LY E The motivations, collective memories, personal histories, attitudes, values, beliefs, and individual perceptions of land managers can have a significant influence on land-use decisions. The intended and unintended ecological consequences of land-use decisions all depend on the knowledge, information, and management skills available to land managers. The cultural values of the wider community also affect the nature and types of land use and land cover change. These values include conservation or environmental values as well as development values. Re-forestation and rehabilitation of degraded environments illustrates these value based decisions. In Western Australia, landcare groups are examples of this desire to repair and protect natural ecosystems. These groups operate in both rural and urban environments. They are motivated by a desire to protect the aesthetic and biological features of natural environments and to repair degraded environments. Large scale tree planting by land-care groups in the Western Australian wheat-belt to reduce salinity and prevent soil erosion is one example of the application of these values. sources. At other times they would come together to socialise and perform sacred ceremonies. The seasons played a part in this movement and it was also a way of maintaining sustainable environments and food sources. Indigenous land management practices Sustainability Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples practised a variety of land uses that produced distinctive anthromes and land cover patterns. Indigenous Australians had lived on the continent for some 50,000 years before the arrival of European settlers. Population numbers and densities were low, with the people living in some 700 language or tribal groups. Most lived a semi-nomadic way of life adapted to the natural environment in which they found themselves. Indigenous people lived as hunters and gatherers. The men hunted the large animals such as kangaroos, emus and turtles and the women and children hunted smaller animals and collected fruits, berries and other plants. On the coast people caught fish and collected many types of shellfish including mussels and oysters. A recent report by the United Nations estimates that humans have affected about 85 per cent of the world’s terrestrial environments with some 60 per cent of natural biomes being degraded in the past 50 years. The UN considers that land cover change and the development of anthropogenic biomes are posing a serious threat to the world’s biodiversity. It is estimated that the loss of biodiversity has already exceeded the upper limits of rehabilitation with the current rate of extinction being 100-1,000 times higher than the preindustrial age level. Additionally, freshwater resources are also overwhelmed by the increasing world population and climate change. These factors have increased the variability of water resources and have reduced their supply in dry areas. The numbers of people in a group varied, with some breaking up into smaller family groups at different times of the year to move across the country to seek new food The solution to biodiversity loss lies in the development of sustainable practices. These include achieving a level of food security through methods that increase yields Page 34 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Changing the land Figure 1.28 A portion of Perth’s rural-urban interface WORLD POPULATION GROWTH AND LAND COVER CHANGE – URBAN AND RURAL LANDSCAPES S A M O P N L LY E while minimising environmental impacts and reducing consumption and reducing waste of non-renewable resources including fresh water. Sustainable development is an objective where all land use decisions are based on the need to prevent biodiversity loss and manage resources to consider the needs of future generations. land in the world. Policy efforts to avoid this loss of productive land are being put in place, but their effectiveness in the face of economic demand is often limited. Another threat to biodiversity is the widespread adoption of automobile transportation in some developed nations. This has transformed large areas of agricultural land and natural ecosystems into relatively low density residential uses around cities and along highways (urban sprawl). This invasion of rural areas by urban expansion is illustrated by the urban sprawl on Perth’s northern fringes shown in figure 1.28. ‘Smart growth’ including compact cities strategies and other urban programs have been developed in many cities to encourage more efficient urban land use and protect agricultural land. Protection of productive agricultural land has become a major priority in many regions of the world. Land degradation by overgrazing and intensive agriculture on marginal lands is a major driver of land loss; a number of national and international programs have responded with land reforms and incentive programs to avoid this outcome. In rapidly industrialising nations with dense populations such as China, and in the past, Korea, Japan and Western European nations, demand for land for industry and residential use is driving out of production some of the most productive agricultural Logarithmic scale The growth in population, its spread or distribution and the increase in population density are important drivers of land cover change. Population growth, distribution and density can be observed in both urban and rural landscapes. For most of human history world population grew very slowly. Ten thousand years ago the estimated world population was five million. Nearly all people lived as nomadic hunters and gatherers. Artificial fertilisers 7,000 million Oil and gas power The development of agriculture in World population growth Electricity 12 000 BP to present areas such as Mesopotamia in 2,000 million Steam present day Iraq ensured a degree of engines 1,000 million food security and gave rise to the Coal power first cities. The beginning of Expansion of farming Globalisation agriculture was also the beginning Development of iron tools and farm equipment of population growth and 100 million The first cities permanent settlement. It was not Development of agricultural irrigation until the 1800s, however, that the Kiln fired pottery Copper and bronze tools Independent first billion was achieved. Since that 10 million nations time there has been an acceleration Beginnings of agriculture or explosion of world population. Rise of Rise of the Mainly nomadic hunting From 1800 it took 130 years to 1930 empires 1 million and gathering city-states to reach the second billion, then 30 12000 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 years and 15 years to get to the third billion and fourth billion. By 2015 it Figure 1.29 Growth in world population and socio-political systems O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 35 Changing the land had grown to 7.28 billion and it is estimated to increase further to 11 billion by the end of the 21st century. Figure 1.29 shows the main features of world population growth. A global trend towards urbanization also is taking place. Global factors including the development of world trade and world environmental standards have had an impact on countries such as Australia and the decision making of governments. This includes issues of foreign land ownership, bio-security with regards to the import and export of agricultural products and meeting the regulations of international environmental agreements. The establishment of world heritage areas like Shark Bay in Western Australia or Kakadu in the Northern Territory are examples of how international environmental agreements affect land cover. S A M O P N L LY E The world’s urban population is growing by 60 million a year, about three times the increase in the rural population. The movement of people towards cities has accelerated in the past 40 years, particularly in the less-developed regions, and the share of the global population living in urban areas has increased from one third in 1960 to 50 per cent (3.5 billion people) in 2014. Overall urban growth results about equally from births in urban areas and from the continued movement of people from rural regions. By 2030, it is expected that nearly 5 billion or 61 per cent of the world’s 8.1 billion people will live in cities. Globally, the number of cities with 10 million or more inhabitants is increasing rapidly, and most of these new “megacities” are in the lessdeveloped nations. change. One example is the rural land use policy of the Western Australian government. The state Department of agriculture and Food works to ensure that sufficient land and water resources are available to meet future needs of the state. The department also assists agricultural businesses develop rural production. The overall objective of rural land use planning is to have sufficient suitable land and water resources to support the production needs of agriculture and food in Western Australia. GOVERNMENTS AND POLICY – REGULATION, LAND OWNERSHIP AND POLITICS Governments affect land use and land cover change through the establishment of laws, regulations and policies. Land ownership laws and land use planning regulations are two aspects of government influence. In Australia, land ownership includes freehold title, leasehold and traditional land rights. Each of these provides certain rights, restrictions and obligations. Ownership of minerals found beneath the land surface are also regulated, with state governments approving mineral leases within their territorial limits, while the federal government has authority over some commonwealth lands and certain offshore undersea areas. Leasehold rights over crown lands in areas away from the main settled areas mainly relate to pastoral or rangeland properties. This gives the lessee water and grazing rights with certain environmental conditions. Leaseholds are also restricted to a set number of years before application needs to be made for renewal. Freehold title provides ownership for all time. Planning and environmental regulations however can restrict how the land is used. Freehold farming properties have regulations that deal with the clearing of vegetation and the use of water. Government controls therefore influence land use, land cover patterns and land cover Page 36 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Activities 1. Define affluence and outline the association between growing affluence and economic systems. 2. Outline how growing affluence may affect land cover change. 3. Explain how economic competition for land influences land cover and land cover change. 4. Explain the impact of economic globalisation on land cover change. 5. Describe three ways in which advances in technology influence the nature and rate of land cover change. 6. Describe two cultural values or viewpoints that influence the process of land cover change. 7. Summarise the main features of traditional indigenous land management practices in Australia. 8. Use the examples found at the following internet site to identify and evaluate the characteristics of indigenous peoples’ land management practices found in different global regions. www.ourworld.unu.edu/en/land-use-climatechange-adaptation-and-indigenous-peoples 9. Write a detailed explanation of the way that land cover change has been affected by world population growth. 10. Describe three ways in which government policy, regulation and land ownership laws have influenced Australia’s land cover change processes. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Topic three Spatial technology and science Spatial technologies are any type of technology that refers to place, space or location. They include technologies that collect and organise data from specific points on the earth’s surface. Some 80 per cent of all information collected today has a spatial element to it. This means that it is tied to a place. Consider the nature of nightly news reports. Events and people nearly all have a locational reference. Globalisation is about places and their interconnections, and in a world where these interconnections are expanding more and more, both in the virtual world of the internet and in the physical world of land, air and sea transport, spatial technology is an essential field of research. S A M O P N L LY E The use of spatial technologies forms the basis of many geographers’ work practices. The Global Positioning System (GPS), Google Earth, geographic information systems (GIS) and the use of satellite images are the most commonly used spatial technologies to visualise, manipulate, analyse, display and record spatial data. The use of spatial technologies is also essential to the inquiry and skills process. Spatial technology application links geographic locations to information about them so you can: find information about places across the globe or locally, analyse relationships between locations, make decisions on the location of facilities, map the demographics of different population and integrate maps with information from a variety of sources. Spatial technology relies on direct measurement and observations which are carried out in the field as well as remote sensing. Both approaches are discussed in this topic. FIELDWORK – DIRECT MEASUREMENT AND OBSERVATION Fieldwork is research carried out onsite using different recording tools, observations and measurements. Mapping, sampling, tallying, interviewing, photographing and the use of recording and testing equipment are all ways in which data can be collected from a fieldwork site. The main objective of fieldwork that looks at land cover change is to investigate the nature and extent of changes to biodiversity as well as changes to anthropogenic biomes. Change over time is an important element in the study of land cover. Being able to record these changes is important. They can include short term changes such as with the seasons and longer term changes as with human generations intergenerational changes. Looking at the changes from summer to winter in a landscape to see seasonal patterns is one example of fieldwork observation. Comparing current land cover to information provided by historical data is a way that changes can be compared from one generation to the next. Topographic maps provide a range of natural and built data and these can be used along with fieldwork observations of the same site to identify the type and nature of land cover change. O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Interviews conducted with people of different age groups provides useful information on the perceptions of land cover change. While recollections of how things used to be are not always accurate they do give an insight into the types of changes that people think are important. These memories may include the types of animals, plants, settlement characteristics and rates of change in the past. Perspectives on current patterns of land cover will also reveal attitudes, beliefs and values that people have with regards to their immediate environment. Random, checkerboard, quadrant, select point and transect sampling are ways to gain valid fieldwork data without conducting a complete survey. Sample data can be extrapolated to provide information on population numbers, density, diversity and spatial variations for the total study area. Where a study area contains obvious examples of certain types of land cover, stratified sampling can be used. A small area in each sector may be selected as typical of that zone and then fieldwork data observations can be made. This method is useful where distinctive ecosystems exist. For example a river system may have riverbank, floodplain, sand-spit, wetland and valley slope environments that can be individually sampled. In an urban environment random city blocks can be used as quadrants to sample urban land use and land cover. Ground level and ground based oblique photography An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 37 Spatial technology and science Observe, identify and classify Sample, record and measure Sketch, map and photograph a S A M O P N L LY E Discusss, debate and evaluate Consider and apply geog graphical concepts Figure 1.30 Direct observation fieldwork tasks is an important fieldwork data collection method. Photographs taken from the same point over time by the geographer will illustrate land cover change. They also provide visual information on the variations and diversity of land cover elements. Seasonal variations in the landscape are clearly illustrated by photographs taken at different times of the year. These can also be compared from one year to the next to illustrate factors such as climate variability and climate change. The retreat of valley glaciers around the world has been accurately documented using ground photographs taken over a number of years. information about the earth’s surface, without being in contact with it as illustrated in figure 1.31. It usually refers to the technology of acquiring information about the earth’s surface (land and ocean) and atmosphere using instruments onboard airborne (aircraft, balloons) or space-borne (satellites, space shuttles) platforms. In addition the use of sonar on board ships to map the ocean floor is a type of marine remote sensing. Remote sensors or instruments include optical, microwave, radar and laser technologies. Types o Ty off satellit e lite remotte sensing se si g Field sketching and mapping using measuring tapes, compasses, inclinometers and GPS equipment are important spatial and visual forms of data. The use of a base map to collect information on different natural and built features also allows geographers to analyse and evaluate interrelationships, distributions, frequencies and density patterns. Figure 1.30 illustrates a range of fieldwork processess. REMOTE SENSING Passive reflected - photographic Remote sensing is the science of obtaining Page 38 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Passive em mitted - infrared, electromaagnetic radiation Active transmisssion - radarr, laser radio and microwave Figure 1.31 Passive and active remote sensing O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Spatial technology and science The types of information collected include aerial and satellite photographs, infra-red images, and specific wavelength colour images based on electromagnetic radiation. This information is sometimes called passive sensing as it requires energy being given off by features on the earth or in the atmosphere. Active remote sensing occurs where an energy pulse is transmitted from the instrument. This energy can include sound, radio and microwave transmissions as well as light and laser beams. Active sensors both detect features and measure distance or range. Changes in ocean levels and topography can be measured very accurately using laser altimeters and LIDAR (light detection and ranging). LIDAR can also identify and measure aerosols, clouds and other constituents in the atmosphere. Applications of remote sensing Because of its varied applications and ability to allow users to collect, interpret, and manipulate data over large often not easily accessible and sometimes dangerous areas, remote sensing has become a useful tool for all geographers and earth scientists. The following is a brief summary of remote sensing applications. Coastal applications: Monitor shoreline changes, track sediment transport, and map coastal features. Data can be used for coastal mapping and erosion prevention. Ocean applications: Monitor ocean circulation and current systems, measure ocean temperature and wave heights, and track sea ice. Data can be used to better understand the oceans and how to best manage ocean resources. S A M O P N L LY E The processing and interpretation of remote sensing images has specific uses within various fields of study. In geology, for example, remote sensing can be applied to analyse and map large, remote areas. Remote sensing interpretation makes it easy for geologists to identify an area’s rock types, geomorphology, and changes from natural events such as a flood or landslide. polygons, which are later put into shape-files to create maps. Remote sensing is helpful in studying vegetation types. Interpretation of remote sensing images allows geographers, ecologists, those studying agriculture and foresters to easily detect what type of vegetation is present in certain areas. Over time any changes to the vegetation cover can also be detected. Hazard assessment: Track hurricanes, earthquakes, erosion, and flooding. Data can be used to assess the impacts of a natural disaster and create preparedness strategies to be used before and after a hazardous event. Natural resource management: Monitor land use, map wetlands, and chart wildlife habitats. Data can be used to measure and minimize the damage that urban growth has on the environment and help decide how to best protect natural resources. The study of urban, industrial, infrastructure and rural land uses are also improved with the use of remote sensing. It allows planners, geographers and policy makers to easily identify which land uses are present in an area. This can then be used as data in city planning applications, biodiversity evaluation and the study of species habitats. Finally, remote sensing plays a significant role in GIS. Images are used as the input data for the raster-based digital elevation models (abbreviated as DEMs) - a common type of data used in GIS. Figure 1.32 is an example of a DEM developed using remote sensing. The air photos taken during remote sensing applications are also converted by GIS digitizing to create O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Figure 1.32 DEM of portion of Zion National Park USA using a USGS elevation dataset An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 39 Spatial technology and science Remote sensing products Figure 1.33a True colour image of the world. S A M O P N L LY E There are many different products including photographic, map and digital data information. They are illustrated by the examples provided in this and other sections of the textbook. The first is a true colour image of the world using a variety of devices and methods. The information contained in this image was gained using spectrometers, radiometers, high resolution cameras and thermal imaging equipment. It was combined with additional elevation data based on information collected from ground surveys. Information needed to be collected over a number of days and then combined to provide the best possible composite image. See figure 1.33a. A second example of a product is the use of active remote sensing instruments to produce various topographic images. The image of Death Valley in the United States shown in figure 1.33b, has been taken from the Space Shuttle using Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR). It is a form of radar which is used to create images of an object, such as a landscape – these images can be 2D or 3D representations of the object. As the shuttle passes over the target object a series of pulses are sent out from the radar at different angles. This builds up data from the various positions in order to create the image. Changes in vegetation cover can be accurately monitored and illustrated using remote sensing data. Thermal imaging combined with satellite photography and imaging using different parts of the colour spectrum can produce accurate maps of changes in vegetation cover for large areas of the world. These illustrate rates of deforestation, changes in the types of vegetation cover and changes in plant biodiversity. Maps of vegetation change can be produced from the data and used to provide evidence of human activity along with the changes and extent of anthropogenic biomes. Rapidly changing events such as weather patterns, bush-fires and floods can all be monitored from space by satellite or from the air by planes. The use of GIS and the data produced by remote sensing aids agencies including the fire services, police, the armed forces, search and rescue, and emergency workers in providing Page 40 Chapter 1 ­ An overview of environmental change Figure 1.33b Death Valley USA. A form of active remote sensing using radar a more effective service. Several remote sensing data sources were used to determine the extent of the 2009 O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Spatial technology and science black Saturday bushfires in Victoria including Landsat and the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. This information helped the emergency services plan and respond to the bushfire. Models are used to study land cover change. Urban development, forestry, agriculture, mining, and other land uses can substantially alter the Earth’s surface. Land use and the resultant change in land cover have important effects on ecological systems and processes. Developing models that project/predict future landcover change allows for the mitigation of the potential consequences of land cover change on numerous ecosystem elements such as biodiversity, water quality, and climate. It also allows for greater accuracy in determining the optimum level of sustainable development within a region. Data on biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity, landforms, soils, hydrology, weather and climate variability are used in land cover change modelling, in order to develop these sustainable solutions. S A M O P N L LY E Aerial photography includes air oblique and ‘bird’s eye’ or vertical photographs. Fixed wing aircraft with mounted cameras are traditionally used to capture images along a set path. Where these overlap then three dimensional views can be obtained by studying a set of two photographs through a stereoscope. By flying a set route at a set height it is possible to calculate a scale for these vertical photographs and to measure distances and areas. The value of aerial photography was seen as soon as the first cameras were invented, with one of the first photographs being taken from a hot air balloon in 1858 over Paris. Fixed wing powered aircraft were also used in the First World War to take photographs of enemy positions. understanding of the climate system and climate change. Projected changes in temperature and precipitation patterns at the regional and the global levels have been developed using these models. Maps illustrating future climate patterns are only possible given the power of computers to process large amounts of data and apply complex spatial modelling. Aerial photographs have been a valuable historical source of land change information for use with the more recent GIS software. They are analysed and then digitised to allow for comparisons with modern satellite and aircraft data. SPATIAL MODELS – PREDICTING AND PROJECTING CHANGE Spatial models are used to explain geographical processes such as flows, inputs throughputs and outputs, connections, associations and interrelationships. The ways in which different geographical features are connected to each other, their density, distribution, shape and change over time are all important in understanding the earth and in particular, land cover change. Spatial models help to predict outcomes. Where they explain changes associated with time and distance, they are a valuable planning and decision making tool. Spatial models such as Von thunen’s economic rent model, Christaller’s central place theory, Weber’s least cost location model and the gravity model of trade are all useful tools in accounting for land use patterns and the prediction of future patterns. GIS software has allowed spatial scientists to develop multi-variable models using complex algorithms, to explain and predict large scale earth systems. The use of these models has become central to the O u r G l o b a l F u t u r e Diagrams can be used to illustrate the main elements in a model. These show the logic or reasoning behind climate, ecology or land change models. Diagram models are often used by geographers to help explain how different elements are linked together and how they interact. They are a useful visual planning tool when developing software to process data on spatial phenomena. A number of diagrammatic models have been used throughout this textbook to help explain geographical patterns and processes. Activities 1. Compare and contrast the methods and usefulness of direct observation and remote sensing. 2. Describe three types of remote sensing and comment on the value of each method. 3. With reference to the following website http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/gallery/ select change over time and find examples that show changes in agricultural, mining and urban land cover. Using one example of each type of land cover draw sketch maps to show the change and briefly describe the change illustrated in each example. 4. Explain the concept of geographical modelling and give examples of spatial modelling that projects changes in land cover. An overview of environmental change ­ Chapter 1 Page 41